Topic: benchmark
oldhippie1952's photo
Wed 08/17/11 06:59 PM

I dont really even understand this thread...sick

your benchmark? How high you set the standard for who, or what, you like or do, I guess?? Or something like that.... or is there an actual bench, that you guys mark on? And its a number of inches,or feet, your looking for................what

Can someone please repeat the question?:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh no, wait......

i'll take whats behind door #3!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

For not understanding it you sure did sum it up just fine.

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:08 PM

I dont really even understand this thread...sick

your benchmark? How high you set the standard for who, or what, you like or do, I guess?? Or something like that.... or is there an actual bench, that you guys mark on? And its a number of inches,or feet, your looking for................what

Can someone please repeat the question?:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh no, wait......

i'll take whats behind door #3!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

For not understanding it you sure did sum it up just fine.
I know, I just had a feeling that #3 was the one to pick, and now I got a years supply of "Rice A Roni", the San Francisco treat!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:11 PM

I'm just a pig.

that flys

now that's one helluva benchmark

He don't fly.....I can see the strings! Now, flying off your rear view mirror after a crash into a loose platypus I can see......

DK that we get a lot of platypus in Columbus Ohio

What???noway wait....platypus? where'd that come from? really.

Sometimes, people are better off not knowing where exactly thoughts in my melon seep out......

I've had friends in/around Columbus for a LONG time (it's only a 3 hour drive from me) and oh-my, the creatures I've seen there. There was this ONE time in Amish country with an xzylophone and a '63? Dodge van/pickup while playing a gig with one band I was connected with...... You just don't wanna know the details....... *Disclaimer.....NO platypus were harmed in ANY way! FYI, yes, there used to be a platypus or two at the Columbus zoo.

ummmm in the summer I go to the TOP tippy top of hte mountain in Tuscarawas county (AMish Country ) and visit the museum that show some ofmy ancestors story.....and's pretty tame UJ.....sad2

but Columbus? ya I'd believe anything here:laughing:

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:13 PM

No, I don't rate, categorize or hold anyone
to MY standards.
I hold them to theirs.

do you accept their standards in them even if what they allow for themselves is behavior that you don't tolerate for yourself

that's a tough question

so like knowing "what I want" in a man - I also don;t always know my benchmarks until I see them

If somebody doesn't know their benchmarks ahead of time then they're open for anyone. I believe you should give everybody a chance to show 'who they are', but without your preplanned goals, that only leaves you open for mistake after mistake.

Oh Yes! Open for anyone! I like that as I like all kinds of different people.

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:17 PM

let's just say you are looking for art supplies. you go in to the store and you may ask the clerk for a particular brand of paint. the clerk might say we are out of stock on that brand, but we another brand in various colors. if you know about paints (i don't) you immediately know if the other brand is as good or better than the brand you requested. the brand you request is your benchmark. you judge other brands by the brand you know and trust

who judges paints?
but false.
i do buy different types of paints,
and i don't compare them.
i know which are for what.
some might be 'cheaper' than others
but that's why i use them for certain things.
they each have their purpose.
if you're going to evaluate a paint,
you start with a clean slate.
what are these damn benchmarks you speak of.

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:22 PM

I dont really even understand this thread...sick

your benchmark? How high you set the standard for who, or what, you like or do, I guess?? Or something like that.... or is there an actual bench, that you guys mark on? And its a number of inches,or feet, your looking for................what

Can someone please repeat the question?:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh no, wait......

i'll take whats behind door #3!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

when you make music, you look for a certain "sound". you know if something sounds right or not. like if you want to tune a "c" and it's coming out as a c#. it's not right. well the tuner that you use to find the "c" is the benchmark. if you hear something you measure it against what you know to be right

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:25 PM

let's just say you are looking for art supplies. you go in to the store and you may ask the clerk for a particular brand of paint. the clerk might say we are out of stock on that brand, but we another brand in various colors. if you know about paints (i don't) you immediately know if the other brand is as good or better than the brand you requested. the brand you request is your benchmark. you judge other brands by the brand you know and trust

who judges paints?
but false.
i do buy different types of paints,
and i don't compare them.
i know which are for what.
some might be 'cheaper' than others
but that's why i use them for certain things.
they each have their purpose.
if you're going to evaluate a paint,
you start with a clean slate.
what are these damn benchmarks you speak of.

the cheaper paints you buy (quality wise) are below what you use for a quality job. the paint you would use for the quality job is the benchmark. one of the reasons you don't use the cheaper paint is because you know that it is not as good as the quality (benchmark) paint

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:32 PM

the cheaper paints you buy (quality wise) are below what you use for a quality job. the paint you would use for the quality job is the benchmark. one of the reasons you don't use the cheaper paint is because you know that it is not as good as the quality (benchmark) paint

false again.
i would use whichever worked best for whatever technique.
the 'quality' paint might work best for one thing but not another.

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:47 PM

the cheaper paints you buy (quality wise) are below what you use for a quality job. the paint you would use for the quality job is the benchmark. one of the reasons you don't use the cheaper paint is because you know that it is not as good as the quality (benchmark) paint

false again.
i would use whichever worked best for whatever technique.
the 'quality' paint might work best for one thing but not another.

let's try it this way. you want an oil based paint. 1. M Graham Oil Paints, 2. Gamblin Oil Paints, 3. Winsor and Newton Oil Paints, 4. Sennelier Oil Paints, 5. Schmincke Mussini Oil Paints, 6. Michael Harding Oil Paints, 7. Bob Ross Oil Paints, are all choices. the brand you prefer should be your benchmark. if you have never used one of the brands and the brand you prefer is out of stock, you will compare the brand you buy to the brand you usually buy. the usual brand is your benchmark by with you decide of the brand you bought is "as good as" or better than your usual brand. (i know you, and if you chose to go to another store for your usual brand, that is still your benchmark)

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:51 PM

I dont really even understand this thread...sick

your benchmark? How high you set the standard for who, or what, you like or do, I guess?? Or something like that.... or is there an actual bench, that you guys mark on? And its a number of inches,or feet, your looking for................what

Can someone please repeat the question?:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh no, wait......

i'll take whats behind door #3!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

when you make music, you look for a certain "sound". you know if something sounds right or not. like if you want to tune a "c" and it's coming out as a c#. it's not right. well the tuner that you use to find the "c" is the benchmark. if you hear something you measure it against what you know to be right
Ok so what do you want to know my benchmark of, music, sex, food, S&M, peanuts...

or whats behind door #3?

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:52 PM
i hate oils.
so ha.
just quit.
you keep telling me what i'm going to do while i tell you what i actually do.
quit arguing.
you can't win.

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:52 PM

I dont really even understand this thread...sick

your benchmark? How high you set the standard for who, or what, you like or do, I guess?? Or something like that.... or is there an actual bench, that you guys mark on? And its a number of inches,or feet, your looking for................what

Can someone please repeat the question?:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh no, wait......

i'll take whats behind door #3!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

when you make music, you look for a certain "sound". you know if something sounds right or not. like if you want to tune a "c" and it's coming out as a c#. it's not right. well the tuner that you use to find the "c" is the benchmark. if you hear something you measure it against what you know to be right

yes music is a good example like Hendrix and EVH are the benchmark for electric guitarflowerforyou

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:56 PM

Ok so what do you want to know my benchmark of, music, sex, food, S&M, peanuts...

or whats behind door #3?

i was just thinking that the benchmark set by america seems to have been lowered. america used to be "the country" to live in. people set a benchmark and demanded a quality of life better than they were living. then people from all over came to america because america was the benchmark. now all i hear is america sucks because of (insert excuse here) but when did america loose it's place as "the country"

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:58 PM

i hate oils.
so ha.
just quit.
you keep telling me what i'm going to do while i tell you what i actually do.
quit arguing.
you can't win.

you are so right bster, you are always two steps ahead of me (so i can watch you walk smokin)

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 08:00 PM

I dont really even understand this thread...sick

your benchmark? How high you set the standard for who, or what, you like or do, I guess?? Or something like that.... or is there an actual bench, that you guys mark on? And its a number of inches,or feet, your looking for................what

Can someone please repeat the question?:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh no, wait......

i'll take whats behind door #3!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

when you make music, you look for a certain "sound". you know if something sounds right or not. like if you want to tune a "c" and it's coming out as a c#. it's not right. well the tuner that you use to find the "c" is the benchmark. if you hear something you measure it against what you know to be right

yes music is a good example like Hendrix and EVH are the benchmark for electric guitarflowerforyou

and here i am trying to jam on a fender frustrated

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 08:03 PM

you are so right bster, you are always two steps ahead of me (so i can watch you walk smokin)

shut up.

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 08/17/11 08:04 PM

Ok so what do you want to know my benchmark of, music, sex, food, S&M, peanuts...

or whats behind door #3?

i was just thinking that the benchmark set by america seems to have been lowered. america used to be "the country" to live in. people set a benchmark and demanded a quality of life better than they were living. then people from all over came to america because america was the benchmark. now all i hear is america sucks because of (insert excuse here) but when did america loose it's place as "the country"
Just because my post was totally stupid, doesnt mean you can just completely ignore whats behind door #3,offtopic and start talking about America, ya know.whoa

Whats the benchmark for door #3offtopic .shades


Gosh, I hope its not a goatofftopic !oops

txmomof2's photo
Wed 08/17/11 08:04 PM
i usually set my standards pretty low when it comes to people that way I will not be surprised upset mad etc when they do meet them....but I am completely amazed when they surpass them because not many do.

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 08:06 PM

I dont really even understand this thread...sick

your benchmark? How high you set the standard for who, or what, you like or do, I guess?? Or something like that.... or is there an actual bench, that you guys mark on? And its a number of inches,or feet, your looking for................what

Can someone please repeat the question?:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh no, wait......

i'll take whats behind door #3!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

when you make music, you look for a certain "sound". you know if something sounds right or not. like if you want to tune a "c" and it's coming out as a c#. it's not right. well the tuner that you use to find the "c" is the benchmark. if you hear something you measure it against what you know to be right

yes music is a good example like Hendrix and EVH are the benchmark for electric guitarflowerforyou

and here i am trying to jam on a fender frustrated
put the fender back on your bike, fool...slaphead

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 08:07 PM

Ok so what do you want to know my benchmark of, music, sex, food, S&M, peanuts...

or whats behind door #3?

i was just thinking that the benchmark set by america seems to have been lowered. america used to be "the country" to live in. people set a benchmark and demanded a quality of life better than they were living. then people from all over came to america because america was the benchmark. now all i hear is america sucks because of (insert excuse here) but when did america loose it's place as "the country"
Just because my post was totally stupid, doesnt mean you can just completely ignore whats behind door #3,offtopic and start talking about America, ya know.whoa

Whats the benchmark for door #3offtopic .shades


Gosh, I hope its not a goatofftopic !oops