Topic: Disgusting Commemorative coin for seal team 6 | |
I'm sure he had very little to say about it. Presidents are pretty much just puppets installed by the money brokers. ![]() ![]() You are right about that. HE HAD TO sign off on it. Emphasis on HE HAD TO. They insisted he do it. They are the puppet masters. Presidents sometimes find themselves with very little choice in the matter. I saw the look on his face. It was ashen. He did not like it at all. He had little choice. That operation, that plan, had been in the works for a long time. Hell yeah he HAD to. We had the chance to caputre or kill the most wated criminal and murderer in the world. One of the evilest men in the history of our world. He had to sign off on it or he would have had hell to pay with the voters. |
No, the hell he would have had to pay would not have been with the voters.
The puppet has a master. The master owns him, owns the world, puts presidents and dictators in office, starts wars etc. If you want to know who runs the world, follow the money dear.... |
Edited by
Mon 07/25/11 04:15 PM
![]() 99.9% of the world's population is fine with Osama Bin Laden being eliminated as the world's worst terrorist. ![]() OBL RIP. |
No, the hell he would have had to pay would not have been with the voters. The puppet has a master. The master owns him, owns the world, puts presidents and dictators in office, starts wars etc. If you want to know who runs the world, follow the money dear.... And to where would that money trail lead? Names? A guy with a monocle and white cat on his lap? Inquiring minds want to know... -Kerry O. |
No, the hell he would have had to pay would not have been with the voters. The puppet has a master. The master owns him, owns the world, puts presidents and dictators in office, starts wars etc. If you want to know who runs the world, follow the money dear.... And to where would that money trail lead? Names? A guy with a monocle and white cat on his lap? Inquiring minds want to know... -Kerry O. There is a list of the wealthiest people in the world. They all have names.... There is also a lot of wealth, gold and money that has disappeared off the face of any records.... there are non entity entities. Like "The Crown." There are people who are literally above the law. They make the law, they start the wars. Do your research if you are interested. |
Michael Moore on Bin Laden: "We've lost something of our soul here in this country" by "executing" Osama bin Laden without a trial. Moore is disappointed that the unarmed bin Laden was not taken alive, because he still believes in due process and crap like the Magna Carta. Moore contends the Al Qaeda leader was intentionally executed, and he thinks the right to a trial is "something that separates us from other parts, other countries where we say everybody has their day in court no matter how bad of a person, no matter what piece of scum they are, they have a right to a trial...after World War II, we just didn't go in and put a bullet to the head of all the top Nazis. We put them on trial." ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The alleged "war on terror" is propaganda. Before that it was "The war on drugs." Also propaganda. Did the "war on drugs" give us the license to invade the homes of suspected drug dealers and kill them? Nope. actually, yes,,lol several americans have lost their lives in their homes to armed police officers there to 'bring in' a suspect,,, Ummmmm, not to mention Bill Clinton ok'd the assasination and the use of the military in the assasination of major drug cartel kingpins and members. Really? Do you have any more information on that? Was it done in America or in Old Mexico? Yes I do. Look up Pablo Escobar. Seal Team 6(the same team that killed Osama Bin Laden) both trained the foreign military and also took part in several raids killing many cartel members including Escobar. THey were sent in by Bill Clinton for that specific job. He wanted Escobar dead because when he was arrested he was given special treatment by that Government including being put in prison in a luxury complex and was able to run his criminal empire including committing murders there under the eyes of the Government's Guards. |
Edited by
Mon 07/25/11 06:43 PM
The alleged "war on terror" is propaganda. Before that it was "The war on drugs." Also propaganda. Did the "war on drugs" give us the license to invade the homes of suspected drug dealers and kill them? Nope. actually, yes,,lol several americans have lost their lives in their homes to armed police officers there to 'bring in' a suspect,,, Ummmmm, not to mention Bill Clinton ok'd the assasination and the use of the military in the assasination of major drug cartel kingpins and members. Really? Do you have any more information on that? Was it done in America or in Old Mexico? Yes I do. Look up Pablo Escobar. Seal Team 6(the same team that killed Osama Bin Laden) both trained the foreign military and also took part in several raids killing many cartel members including Escobar. THey were sent in by Bill Clinton for that specific job. He wanted Escobar dead because when he was arrested he was given special treatment by that Government including being put in prison in a luxury complex and was able to run his criminal empire including committing murders there under the eyes of the Government's Guards. So that was done in Mexico, not America. It looks like Clinton is just taking sides in a drug war. It also paints seal team six as a group of assassins. They are not 'heroes' in my eyes. |
He's faith believed in killin all Americans
obvioulsy support obl more than u do our own troops
our soliders took an oath to protect the constituion and this land forein and domestic |
You really should move to Iran, Cuba or North Korea and let us know how it works out for ya..............
What does that have to do with our own assassination teams? Nothing. Are you saying that because I have a conscience and I tell it like it really is, that you think I should move to another country? Are you saying that in order to be a "good American" I ought to support a government policy of sanctioned assassination? I have just as much a right to be here as you do, and I am saying that I don't feel comfortable or right supporting such a policy. So don't tell me what I 'should' do. If it is wrong, it is wrong. I have gone over the scene in my mind many times... and it still comes out .... wrong. People suggest that you try living in a place where you do not have the freedom to express your offensive views because in the US your offensive views are protected by the very Seals and Govt whose efforts (on behalf of your freedom) you denigrate. They feel that you take your freedom for granted. They have a point. You want your freedom of speech. You like being able to vote for your leaders and have a court system which gives you a chance for just resolution of grievances. You appreciate not having bombs go off due to terrorist attacks at your grocery store and office bldgs you visit. But you do not seem to appreciate that protection of these rights and privileges requires that we root out terrorist cells which are trying to attack us and who have declared war on us and who have succeeded already at killing thousands of your innocent fellow citizens. Your failure to appreciate this and your attack on the policies which ensure your own freedoms strike many here as masochistic. So it is natural that they suggest that you consider moving to different countries where they do not have the policies to protect you which we have in the US. Go to those places where you do not have the protections which you apparently don't want or need and rid the US Govt and the Seals from the responsibility of protecting someone who does not appreciate their policies and efforts. That is what is meant by these comments suggesting you move. ![]() |
You want your freedom of speech. You like being able to vote for
your leaders and have a court system which gives you a chance for just resolution of grievances. You appreciate not having bombs go off due to terrorist attacks at your grocery store and office bldgs you visit. But you do not seem to appreciate that protection of these rights and privileges requires that we root out terrorist cells which are trying to attack us and who have declared war on us and who have succeeded already at killing thousands of your innocent fellow citizens. Of course I want freedom of speech. That would be defeating the whole purpose of anyone fighting and dying to preserve it.... it would be very disrespectful to the troops. Freedom of speech does not mean the freedom to speak out as long as you say what everyone thinks you should say or as long as you don't criticize the government. When it gets to the point that we can't criticize the government, then our freedom is gone. |
The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.
Albert Einstein S.E.A.L. Teams and other Special Mission Units are the ones that do something about it. |
No, the hell he would have had to pay would not have been with the voters. The puppet has a master. The master owns him, owns the world, puts presidents and dictators in office, starts wars etc. If you want to know who runs the world, follow the money dear.... And to where would that money trail lead? Names? A guy with a monocle and white cat on his lap? Inquiring minds want to know... -Kerry O. There is a list of the wealthiest people in the world. They all have names.... There is also a lot of wealth, gold and money that has disappeared off the face of any records.... there are non entity entities. Like "The Crown." There are people who are literally above the law. They make the law, they start the wars. Do your research if you are interested. Yeah, I'm aware of the legality of the 'corporation sole' entity. Big deal. If you were to think your dread of people who exist 'above the law' through to its logical conclusion, you'd see that IF they are as the evil James Bond villains you claim them to be, then ONLY the James Bond "Licence to Kill" methods you so abhor would work against them. That's the trouble with your brand of elephant hunting-- you have to carry the decoys. -Kerry O. |
Edited by
Tue 07/26/11 01:38 PM
Oh I'm sure their methods work against them all the time.
Some people live by the sword, and they will die by the sword. I know a person who was in the marines and was given the opportunity to become a member of a secret group whose purpose was simply to assassinate "bad" people. So I am well aware that this stuff goes on all the time. (I advised him against it.) The problem I have with it is if the government becomes "the bad guys" then what? Do they just start killing anyone who gets in their way? Another problem I have with it is if you are going to do it, it is really bad taste to brag about it to the entire world. |
Quote: We have repeatedly issued warnings, over a number of years. Following these warnings and these calls, anti-American explosions took place in a number of Islamic countries. QUOTE: In today's wars, there are no morals. We believe the worst thieves in the world today and the worst terrorists are the Americans. We do not have to differentiate between military or civilian. As far as we are concerned, they are all targets. Ossama Bin Laden Quotes? ![]() (i question everything coming from the spider ![]() -It all started because of USA blind support of Israel -Fact -The ultimate goal of Osama Bin Laden was to bankrupt America -Fact -America was warned repeatedly years before 911 -Fact It irks me to think, that SOB might win even though he's dead? ![]() ![]() |
Oh I'm sure their methods work against them all the time. Some people live by the sword, and they will die by the sword. I know a person who was in the marines and was given the opportunity to become a member of a secret group whose purpose was simply to assassinate "bad" people. So I am well aware that this stuff goes on all the time. (I advised him against it.) The problem I have with it is if the government becomes "the bad guys" then what? Do they just start killing anyone who gets in their way? Another problem I have with it is if you are going to do it, it is really bad taste to brag about it to the entire world. Okay, time for the long pants. Let's say you're the President and you have multiple intelligence reports that cross-confirm each other that an Osama-bin-laden-like character is very close to finishing a nuke made from plutonium they stole/bought. Do you: a) alert Interpol that a really bad man in the no-man's land of Afghanistan is about to do something really terrible b) have the United Nations vote to sanction him and his organization c) wait until he nukes an American city and attempt to have him tried for war crimes, or d) decapitate the snake by sending in Seal Team 6 to terminate them with extreme prejudice? -Kerry O. |
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Tue 07/26/11 04:02 PM
they did not have enough evidence that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9-11. This they have admitted. Osama was 'convicted' in the press and with propaganda.
I personally don't know if he had anything to do with it, or who he was working for. I don't believe Al-Qaeda was or is a very sophisticated organization and I don't believe they could have pulled it off without inside help seeing as how our fighter pilots were suspiciously diverted elsewhere and could not prevent it. sample: I am really not responsible for other people getting offended by my attitude or by my objections to the public assassination. I was informed in another thread that seal team 6 has done other assassinations of drug cartel leaders in old Mexico. It looks like that is what they do. Also, I am not alone in the opinion that 9-11 may have been an inside job. I am not responsible for people who 'find it ludicrous that I don't agree with them. WHAT IF Osama was NOT responsible for 9-11? Wouldn't people want to know who was? It looks like to me they just want to think they got the right guy so they can feel good about everything. Whatever helps them sleep at night. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 07/28/11 05:19 PM
Oh I'm sure their methods work against them all the time. Some people live by the sword, and they will die by the sword. I know a person who was in the marines and was given the opportunity to become a member of a secret group whose purpose was simply to assassinate "bad" people. So I am well aware that this stuff goes on all the time. (I advised him against it.) The problem I have with it is if the government becomes "the bad guys" then what? Do they just start killing anyone who gets in their way? Another problem I have with it is if you are going to do it, it is really bad taste to brag about it to the entire world. i want that job and i get to pick too. it says in the bible to kill people who worship do you think that will hold up in court? when can i start? and anyone that doesnt like whats going on today can move with me.i want to start a GOD run atlantis. it will be like a vacation spot to get away from the fools when you need it. i watched pbs about 12 years ago the was a guy who almost took out Noriega. our gov. told him to come back and dont do anything. they went in 2 years later and killed Noriega.the drugs never stopped flowing. because it took them 2 years to set up another kingpin before they could take out Noriega.did anyone else see this or have it? are our troops getting hooked on drugs like they did in vietnam? did any hear about our troops (over 100)getting electrocuted while taking showers over there? and the soldiers water supply being contaminated over there and they bring it home to there family? it seems our gov might be working with the terrorists? lol |
I know a person who was in the marines and was given the opportunity to become a member of a secret group whose purpose was simply to assassinate "bad" people. So I am well aware that this stuff goes on all the time. (I advised him against it.)
1)He's a Marine. 2) He was never invited. As a sister to a Marine and a former girlfriend of a Marine, I know that Marines DON'T TALK to ANYONE about secrets within the military or government that they are privy to. That is why Marines are highly trusted and considered a special force without having special forces (like Navy SEALS or Army Rangers, etc...) 3) He's A Marine. 4) If he WAS invited, by telling you he became an "at-risk". You "advising him against it" had nothing to do about him not doing it. His telling you, (if he DID tell you) got him out of it because if he blabbed about a secret society so quickly to a civilian, then he was a security risk for bigger secrets. 5) He's a MARINE. 6) He didn't tell you diddly. What he did tell you was probably a lie to keep you at bay from what he was REALLY doing. 7) HE'S AN EFFIN' MARINE. |