Topic: Disgusting Commemorative coin for seal team 6 | |
It would have suited your Bond villain polititions to have Bin Laden alive. Then he would be seen as some ever present danger. Now that he is dead your Bond villains will have to find themselves a new boogeyman, right?
The fact is Bin Laden was more than just simple simple international criminal, he was a symbol to the Islamist extremist cause. By putting him on trial he would appear as a martyr and would inspire other angry young men to take up arms and join various violent terrrist groups. Better to have him killed while he was hiding in a hole like a rat. Yes that sounds harsh and cruel, but he was a harsh and cruel man who had no qualms about preaching and encouraging violence against the civilians of the world. Now you may believe that he was simply a victim of western lies and conspiracy. But if that is the case then such evil must sit at the very core of the west thus all western values will be a sham and compromised themselves, and have always been so. The values that you seem to stick to are simply a product of evil Bond villain polititions who seek to decieve the world for ... for what? Money? |
It would have suited your Bond villain polititions to have Bin Laden alive. Then he would be seen as some ever present danger. Now that he is dead your Bond villains will have to find themselves a new boogeyman, right? The fact is Bin Laden was more than just simple simple international criminal, he was a symbol to the Islamist extremist cause. By putting him on trial he would appear as a martyr and would inspire other angry young men to take up arms and join various violent terrrist groups. Better to have him killed while he was hiding in a hole like a rat. Yes that sounds harsh and cruel, but he was a harsh and cruel man who had no qualms about preaching and encouraging violence against the civilians of the world. Now you may believe that he was simply a victim of western lies and conspiracy. But if that is the case then such evil must sit at the very core of the west thus all western values will be a sham and compromised themselves, and have always been so. The values that you seem to stick to are simply a product of evil Bond villain polititions who seek to decieve the world for ... for what? Money? Money, power, globalization, world domination. We (America) has already taken the job of "world police." |
It would have suited your Bond villain polititions to have Bin Laden alive. Then he would be seen as some ever present danger. Now that he is dead your Bond villains will have to find themselves a new boogeyman, right? The fact is Bin Laden was more than just simple simple international criminal, he was a symbol to the Islamist extremist cause. By putting him on trial he would appear as a martyr and would inspire other angry young men to take up arms and join various violent terrrist groups. Better to have him killed while he was hiding in a hole like a rat. Yes that sounds harsh and cruel, but he was a harsh and cruel man who had no qualms about preaching and encouraging violence against the civilians of the world. Now you may believe that he was simply a victim of western lies and conspiracy. But if that is the case then such evil must sit at the very core of the west thus all western values will be a sham and compromised themselves, and have always been so. The values that you seem to stick to are simply a product of evil Bond villain polititions who seek to decieve the world for ... for what? Money? Money, power, globalization, world domination. We (America) has already taken the job of "world police." Where's James Bond when we need him? |
It would have suited your Bond villain polititions to have Bin Laden alive. Then he would be seen as some ever present danger. Now that he is dead your Bond villains will have to find themselves a new boogeyman, right? The fact is Bin Laden was more than just simple simple international criminal, he was a symbol to the Islamist extremist cause. By putting him on trial he would appear as a martyr and would inspire other angry young men to take up arms and join various violent terrrist groups. Better to have him killed while he was hiding in a hole like a rat. Yes that sounds harsh and cruel, but he was a harsh and cruel man who had no qualms about preaching and encouraging violence against the civilians of the world. Now you may believe that he was simply a victim of western lies and conspiracy. But if that is the case then such evil must sit at the very core of the west thus all western values will be a sham and compromised themselves, and have always been so. The values that you seem to stick to are simply a product of evil Bond villain polititions who seek to decieve the world for ... for what? Money? Money, power, globalization, world domination. We (America) has already taken the job of "world police." Where's James Bond when we need him? James Bond and people like him are licensed to kill. They are nothing more than assassins working for the crown. And "the crown" really are "the bad guys." Have been for years. |
Edited by
Sun 07/24/11 08:53 AM
The people in power are above the law. They truly believe that the ends justify the means. They truly feel they have the authority to just kill anyone who gets in their way for any political reason they have.
Who is going to stop them? Nobody. But I don't think I will pat them on the back or make heroes out of them. And I like a good James Bond movie just as much as the next guy. Even movies these days have the heroes shooting people for revenge. Maybe the days of good guys is over. Maybe everyone is "Breaking Bad." (Good series by the way..) |
The people in power are above the law. They truly believe that the ends justify the means. They truly feel they have the authority to just kill anyone who gets in their way for any political reason they have. Not in the US. The law applies to everyone in our society. Presidents and Dog Catchers alike. The only people who can take the attitude of "kill anyone who gets in the way" are the criminals and terrorists like Bin Laden. The rich are not above the law. Look at the many wealthy people who have been successfully prosecuted. Nixon, Martha Stewart, L. Dennis Kozlowski, Bernie Madoff, Leona Helmsley, Al Capone... Eventually they were brought to justice. By US officers of the law - people just like the Seals. ![]() |
Why not just arrest him and put him on trial like any other suspect? Because the Geneva Convention doesn't cover war criminals, they are typically killed on the spot. War criminal? What war? Have we declared war? OH that's right..... the bogus "War on terror." ![]() No. Osama Bin Laden believed himself in a war against the USA. He attacked civilians using planes loaded with civilians with weapons. Regardless of what you think of the "war on terror", his act of aggression accounts to a war crime. Here are so quotes from Osama to make his war against us clear. I'm fighting so I can die a martyr and go to heaven to meet God. Our fight now is against the Americans. We have repeatedly issued warnings, over a number of years. Following these warnings and these calls, anti-American explosions took place in a number of Islamic countries. In today's wars, there are no morals. We believe the worst thieves in the world today and the worst terrorists are the Americans. We do not have to differentiate between military or civilian. As far as we are concerned, they are all targets. The pieces of the bodies of infidels were flying like dust particles. If you would have seen it with your own eyes, you would have been very pleased, and your heart would have been filled with joy. Can you comprehend that you weren't a human to him, you were a target. So was everyone else in this country. He was a coward and a zealot who was responsible for planning and funding attacks against the USA. |
Edited by
Sun 07/24/11 11:57 AM
No. Osama Bin Laden believed himself in a war against the USA.
Yes he did. But one man's grudge against the U.S.A does not a war make. He attacked civilians using planes loaded with civilians with weapons. Regardless of what you think of the "war on terror", his act of aggression accounts to a war crime. Osama Bin Laden was not on any of those planes. There is not enough proof that he had anything personally to do with planning that event. That event could not have been pulled off without inside help. Our fighter jets were sent on some wild goose chase during that event, otherwise they would have been there to protect us. Israeli Mossad agents were filming the event to "document" it. They said so themselves. They were released. ********************************** Silverstein's Apparent Admission that Building 7 was Demolished Larry Silverstein, the controller of Building 7, the third skyscraper to totally collapse on 9/11/01, gave an interview, portions of which were reproduced in a PBS documentary aired on September 10, 2002, entitled America Rebuilds. The story that Silverstein assented to the demolition of WTC 7, based on an excerpt from the interview, has been widely circulated on websites, books, and videos. This page first recounts that story, in much the same form as it appeared on earlier versions of this page, and then proceeds to examine the issue in greater depth. 'Pull it' as Demolition Admission Silverstein apparently admitted that the building was deliberately demolished by the New York City Fire Department late in the afternoon. Silverstein's alleded admission consists of his following on-camera statements shown in America Rebuilds. I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse. 1 What does Silverstein mean by "the decision to pull" Building 7? Many observers have suggested that a later passage in the same documentary indicates that, in this context, "pull" means to destroy a building through controlled demolition. In preparation for the controlled demolition of irreparably damaged Building 6, a Ground Zero worker says ... we're getting ready to pull the Building Six. Read this full story plus the official explanation, and the problems with that: *********************** Advantages of 9-11 for people. Who had something to gain? Larry Silverstein, made BILLIONS on insurance. Our Big Brother government in progress shoved through the patriot act without letting people even read it after 9-11. That Patriot Act had been created months before 9-11. George Bush convinced people that Osama Bin Laden had something to do with Saddam and Iraq... and invaded Iraq looking for "those crazy terrorists..." News flash: Saddam was trained by us to overthrow the dictator of Iraq and he had been killing people for a long time before we pretended to get mad about it. It was only when he stopped cooperating with the U.S. that we decided to invade and get rid of him. |
I've a wee question: If the popular reports of 9/11, verified by many proffesionials, are all simply evil lies and propaganda, (which has then fooled the vast majority of the world including Bin Laden himself) then how are you so sure that the link you provided can be trusted? What if the link you provided is a lie or propaganda itself?
I'm just curious |
I've a wee question: If the popular reports of 9/11, verified by many proffesionials, are all simply evil lies and propaganda, (which has then fooled the vast majority of the world including Bin Laden himself) then how are you so sure that the link you provided can be trusted? What if the link you provided is a lie or propaganda itself? I'm just curious There are certain FACTS that can be proven. I've seen the video and heard Larry Silverstein say that they decided to "pull" the building. It is a fact he made money on 9-11. It is a fact that Israeli Mossad agents were filming the event. These facts and more can be found in countless places on the Internet. They can be verified. I heard and read official government reports that George Bush said (twice) that he watched the first plane hit the tower on "television." It was never on public television. It was, however, filmed by 'someone' from a specific building that could see the whole path of the plane across the sky and see it hit the building. I have seen that video. I know it exists. It's out there on the Internet for all to see. You just have to connect the dots. You have to decide for yourself what to believe. The official reports, in my view, only fool the morons who want to believe them. |
Kinda like this? ;) |
Edited by
Sun 07/24/11 12:48 PM
| Kinda like this? ;) That is so funny!! You should read that guy's book. The other guy all dressed up like an Islam terrorist acting mad that 'they' aren't getting the 'credit' for 9-11? That is so hilarious!!! The evidence that guys in a cave learned to fly a plane and then flew it into the buildings is ridiculous and laughable. For one, Osama Bin Laden did not hide out in a cave. He was a rich Saudi Prince. He lived in a palace with a swimming pool most of the time. OMG that guy was laughable. Probably an actor. Who was he supposed to be? A terrorist? Why didn't they arrest him if that is true.? So funny!! Thanks for the laugh. Read the guys' book. I think that whole thing was a joke. |
lol, it was a joke. Theonion make spoof videos
lol, it was a joke. Theonion make spoof videos A really great one too. ![]() ![]() |
lol, it was a joke. Theonion make spoof videos In fact, the 'real' media is so ridiculous itself, I could hardly tell the difference in this joke and the real media. ![]() ![]() Seriously, that's why I feel like I live in a world of lunatics. I can't tell the clowns from the people who are running this asylum. ![]() |
Seriously, that's why I feel like I live in a world of lunatics. I can't tell the clowns from the people who are running this asylum. Yeah, we're getting that |
OJ did it.
![]() |
George Bush was the biggest clown of them all. You could tell at the end of his presidency that he didn't give a damn about anything. He was playing along with a huge joke. I actually liked watching him because he was so funny.
The people in power are above the law. They truly believe that the ends justify the means. They truly feel they have the authority to just kill anyone who gets in their way for any political reason they have. Not in the US. The law applies to everyone in our society. Presidents and Dog Catchers alike. The only people who can take the attitude of "kill anyone who gets in the way" are the criminals and terrorists like Bin Laden. The rich are not above the law. Look at the many wealthy people who have been successfully prosecuted. Nixon, Martha Stewart, L. Dennis Kozlowski, Bernie Madoff, Leona Helmsley, Al Capone... Eventually they were brought to justice. By US officers of the law - people just like the Seals. ![]() If you really believe there is true justice for those in power you need your head examined. If there was true justice Bush Jr. would have been arrested for war crimes a long time ago. And that's just one example of many where justice was NOT served. |
Edited by
Sun 07/24/11 04:09 PM
The real world is an uncomfortable place, whether one faces up to reality or takes comfort in conspiracy theories Ironically you describe yourself here, because it is you who cannot face the reality that we have been lied to for years. It would be too much for you to handle, so you cling to all the lies you've been told even as they begin to be unraveled. It's not us that has to face the real world, it's you. |