Topic: Disgusting Commemorative coin for seal team 6 | |
Edited by
Fri 07/29/11 12:00 PM
I know a person who was in the marines and was given the opportunity to become a member of a secret group whose purpose was simply to assassinate "bad" people. So I am well aware that this stuff goes on all the time. (I advised him against it.)
1)He's a Marine. 2) He was never invited. As a sister to a Marine and a former girlfriend of a Marine, I know that Marines DON'T TALK to ANYONE about secrets within the military or government that they are privy to. That is why Marines are highly trusted and considered a special force without having special forces (like Navy SEALS or Army Rangers, etc...) 3) He's A Marine. 4) If he WAS invited, by telling you he became an "at-risk". You "advising him against it" had nothing to do about him not doing it. His telling you, (if he DID tell you) got him out of it because if he blabbed about a secret society so quickly to a civilian, then he was a security risk for bigger secrets. 5) He's a MARINE. 6) He didn't tell you diddly. What he did tell you was probably a lie to keep you at bay from what he was REALLY doing. 7) HE'S AN EFFIN' MARINE. You don't know a darn thing about it. He may not have been 'officially' invited but they(someone) was feeling him out on how he felt about it. You are deluded to think that they (marines) don't talk to anyone about secret stuff. You are wrong, plain and simple. There is no way anyone knew he told me anything, and you have NO IDEA why he decided not to do it. I don't even know if he did or did not do it. I never spoke to him about it after that. He didn't tell me anything to "keep me at bay" from anything he was 'really doing' because I had no idea nor did I care what he was really doing. He was a cousin of mine and we were close. We trusted each other. It was clear he was trying to make a decision. I just told him what I thought about it. It was never brought up again. |
So much for freedom of speech huh? how does any of this affect your freedom of speech? |
My "attitude" is that they did not have enough evidence that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9-11. his claiming credit for 911 is not enough evidence for you??? |
My "attitude" is that they did not have enough evidence that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9-11. his claiming credit for 911 is not enough evidence for you??? No. And I don't believe he made that claim. Even if he did, that does not mean anything. Idiots make claims all the time. I don't believe he made any such claim. |
My "offensive" views? Really? That I speak out and say that I do not agree with or condone assassinations is an offensive view? Please! I really am living in a world of lunatics. that others think your views offensive hardly means you're living in a world of lunatics. do you ever make your point without the personal innuendo jeannie??? How boring would that be? ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 07/30/11 08:27 AM
My "attitude" is that they did not have enough evidence that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9-11. his claiming credit for 911 is not enough evidence for you??? the wacko that said he kiled JonBenét Ramsey should still be in prison right? Bin Laden was a cia agent so shouldnt they have known ahead of this? i found out the secret the secret is everybodys retarded |
So what are you implying? That Bin Laden was innocent? Do you believe 9/11 was an inside job? There are hundreds if not thousands of victims outside the west who would claim that islamic terrorism is a very real and present danger. Of course we are very unlikely to see an attack as devestating as 9/11 again, we have beefed up security to prevent it (or at least minimise the chances of a repeat atack) The real world is an uncomfortable place, whether one faces up to reality or takes comfort in conspiracy theories The world is not run by some insane collection of James Bond villains, governments are simply to incompetent to implement some grand secret scheme -And another thing: if Bin Laden was unfairly propped up to be some new boogeyman then why kill him? Surely, if he was simply some poor wee pawn in a greater conspiracy plot it would make more sense to leave him alive as some elusive, invisible boogeyman who could strike anywhere at any time? By killing him we have robbed (or at least reduced) his and his followers' ability to invoke terror (at least to an extent. The threats posed by the terrorists did not die with Bin Laden) Oh crap, please dont get them started on the 9/11 was an inside job BS again. Please don't, that crap is giving me a migraine. |
No. Osama Bin Laden believed himself in a war against the USA.
Yes he did. But one man's grudge against the U.S.A does not a war make. He attacked civilians using planes loaded with civilians with weapons. Regardless of what you think of the "war on terror", his act of aggression accounts to a war crime. Osama Bin Laden was not on any of those planes. There is not enough proof that he had anything personally to do with planning that event. That event could not have been pulled off without inside help. Our fighter jets were sent on some wild goose chase during that event, otherwise they would have been there to protect us. Israeli Mossad agents were filming the event to "document" it. They said so themselves. They were released. ********************************** Silverstein's Apparent Admission that Building 7 was Demolished Larry Silverstein, the controller of Building 7, the third skyscraper to totally collapse on 9/11/01, gave an interview, portions of which were reproduced in a PBS documentary aired on September 10, 2002, entitled America Rebuilds. The story that Silverstein assented to the demolition of WTC 7, based on an excerpt from the interview, has been widely circulated on websites, books, and videos. This page first recounts that story, in much the same form as it appeared on earlier versions of this page, and then proceeds to examine the issue in greater depth. 'Pull it' as Demolition Admission Silverstein apparently admitted that the building was deliberately demolished by the New York City Fire Department late in the afternoon. Silverstein's alleded admission consists of his following on-camera statements shown in America Rebuilds. I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse. 1 What does Silverstein mean by "the decision to pull" Building 7? Many observers have suggested that a later passage in the same documentary indicates that, in this context, "pull" means to destroy a building through controlled demolition. In preparation for the controlled demolition of irreparably damaged Building 6, a Ground Zero worker says ... we're getting ready to pull the Building Six. Read this full story plus the official explanation, and the problems with that: *********************** Advantages of 9-11 for people. Who had something to gain? Larry Silverstein, made BILLIONS on insurance. Our Big Brother government in progress shoved through the patriot act without letting people even read it after 9-11. That Patriot Act had been created months before 9-11. George Bush convinced people that Osama Bin Laden had something to do with Saddam and Iraq... and invaded Iraq looking for "those crazy terrorists..." News flash: Saddam was trained by us to overthrow the dictator of Iraq and he had been killing people for a long time before we pretended to get mad about it. It was only when he stopped cooperating with the U.S. that we decided to invade and get rid of him. Ummmmmm, He and AQ declaired war on us time and time again. Embassies, World Trade Center the first time, USS Cole, innocent civilians etc.... All of those are considered an act of war. We did nothing until President Bush had the courage to rid the world of that cockroach. |
I've a wee question: If the popular reports of 9/11, verified by many proffesionials, are all simply evil lies and propaganda, (which has then fooled the vast majority of the world including Bin Laden himself) then how are you so sure that the link you provided can be trusted? What if the link you provided is a lie or propaganda itself? I'm just curious There are certain FACTS that can be proven. I've seen the video and heard Larry Silverstein say that they decided to "pull" the building. It is a fact he made money on 9-11. It is a fact that Israeli Mossad agents were filming the event. These facts and more can be found in countless places on the Internet. They can be verified. I heard and read official government reports that George Bush said (twice) that he watched the first plane hit the tower on "television." It was never on public television. It was, however, filmed by 'someone' from a specific building that could see the whole path of the plane across the sky and see it hit the building. I have seen that video. I know it exists. It's out there on the Internet for all to see. You just have to connect the dots. You have to decide for yourself what to believe. The official reports, in my view, only fool the morons who want to believe them. Yea, there are a lot of facts that can be proven. Millions of people on the ground witnesses all 4 plane crashes in different cities and states. We have video and eye witness evidence of ALL the terrorists entereing the airport and boarding the planes. We have the audio recording of the cockpit recorders and the cell phone calls of the people abord the planes. We have the live video from over 100 different news sources showing the planes hit the buildings and the CCTC systems from the Pentagon and near by businesses showing the plane hit the Pentagon. You have to either be clinically insane or just stupid to think it was anything more then a terrorist attack on us soil conducted by the group that BOTH admitted to the actions and who we, NATO, THE UN and foreign governments both allies and enemy's of the US Government proved to be guilty. |
The evidence that guys in a cave learned to fly a plane and then flew it into the buildings is ridiculous and laughable. For one, Osama Bin Laden did not hide out in a cave.
Bin Laden knew how to fly planes. His father Mohammed raised his 54 children with a love for aviation. When Mohammed died, his eldest son, Salem, carried on that love and made sure that his brothers and sisters knew how to fly. They privately owned enough planes to then open the first Saudi airport. So yes, those "cave men" knew how to fly. And had access to airplanes. He was a rich Saudi Prince. He lived in a palace with a swimming pool most of the time.
No, he didn't and no, he wasn't. His family only had a strong connection with the Saudi royal family through their construction contracts to build Saudi highways and to rebuild Makkah and Jeddah. Nothing else. They were never royalty themselves. They were poor Yemenis that migrated to Saudia Arabia to escape a debt their father and uncle created. Yes, they owned several homes in several countries (that they built themselves) but none of them were palaces. Just luxurious homes like the ones our celebrities reside in and then bankrupt on.... Did you know that after the first bombing in 1994, the Bin Laden family disowned Osama and the Saudi government revoked his citizenship? And anyone, whether family or friend, who came into contact with Osama would be tried for treason? And did you know that millions of Muslims worldwide cheered when Osama was found dead because he had given such a bad name to Islam? Actually the Saudi's revoked him before the bombings during the Gulf War when he insulted the Saudi Royal family after they denied letting him and his fighters handle Saddam and instead chose the US and our allies to handle business. Other then that your 100% correct. His family owns the largest construction company in the world, that is their claim to fame. There is no royalty in his family and they disowned and completely cut off contact with Osama in the very early 90's. |
The evidence that guys in a cave learned to fly a plane and then flew it into the buildings is ridiculous and laughable. For one, Osama Bin Laden did not hide out in a cave.
Bin Laden knew how to fly planes. His father Mohammed raised his 54 children with a love for aviation. When Mohammed died, his eldest son, Salem, carried on that love and made sure that his brothers and sisters knew how to fly. They privately owned enough planes to then open the first Saudi airport. So yes, those "cave men" knew how to fly. And had access to airplanes. He was a rich Saudi Prince. He lived in a palace with a swimming pool most of the time.
No, he didn't and no, he wasn't. His family only had a strong connection with the Saudi royal family through their construction contracts to build Saudi highways and to rebuild Makkah and Jeddah. Nothing else. They were never royalty themselves. They were poor Yemenis that migrated to Saudia Arabia to escape a debt their father and uncle created. Yes, they owned several homes in several countries (that they built themselves) but none of them were palaces. Just luxurious homes like the ones our celebrities reside in and then bankrupt on.... Did you know that after the first bombing in 1994, the Bin Laden family disowned Osama and the Saudi government revoked his citizenship? And anyone, whether family or friend, who came into contact with Osama would be tried for treason? And did you know that millions of Muslims worldwide cheered when Osama was found dead because he had given such a bad name to Islam? That's nice that Osama could fly a plane, but he did not fly the planes that crashed into the twin towers. Yes I know that Osama's family disowned him. He was a rebel. I'm sure many people cheered when he died. I'm not so sure he was not related to the royal family though. Those people screw around an awful lot. ![]() He did not live in a cave though. He lived quite well and he was not poor. No he didn't, he gave the order and finnced it. Osama was to much of a coward to do the job himself. |
Oh I'm sure their methods work against them all the time. Some people live by the sword, and they will die by the sword. I know a person who was in the marines and was given the opportunity to become a member of a secret group whose purpose was simply to assassinate "bad" people. So I am well aware that this stuff goes on all the time. (I advised him against it.) The problem I have with it is if the government becomes "the bad guys" then what? Do they just start killing anyone who gets in their way? Another problem I have with it is if you are going to do it, it is really bad taste to brag about it to the entire world. That secret group isn't so secret, it's called Force Recon and they don't just assassinate terrorists. |
You don't know a darn thing about it. He may not have been 'officially' invited but they(someone) was feeling him out on how he felt about it. You are deluded to think that they (marines) don't talk to anyone about secret stuff. You are wrong, plain and simple. There is no way anyone knew he told me anything, and you have NO IDEA why he decided not to do it. I don't even know if he did or did not do it. I never spoke to him about it after that. He didn't tell me anything to "keep me at bay" from anything he was 'really doing' because I had no idea nor did I care what he was really doing. He was a cousin of mine and we were close. We trusted each other. It was clear he was trying to make a decision. I just told him what I thought about it. It was never brought up again. They DON'T talk about classified or Top Secret workings. If they do(which rarely happens) not only do they get tossed out of the Corps, but they get put in prison. NCIS is very good a catching the security risks. |
Oh I'm sure their methods work against them all the time. Some people live by the sword, and they will die by the sword. I know a person who was in the marines and was given the opportunity to become a member of a secret group whose purpose was simply to assassinate "bad" people. So I am well aware that this stuff goes on all the time. (I advised him against it.) The problem I have with it is if the government becomes "the bad guys" then what? Do they just start killing anyone who gets in their way? Another problem I have with it is if you are going to do it, it is really bad taste to brag about it to the entire world. That secret group isn't so secret, it's called Force Recon and they don't just assassinate terrorists. I know. I did not claim that they only assassinated terrorists. I said they assassinate anyone who is deemed to be a "bad guy." With that kind of 'above the law' power, if a government becomes completely corrupt (which has been known to happen) then these assassination teams will simply kill anyone who becomes a problem for the people in power. In the overthrow of governments, this is done all the time. |
My "attitude" is that they did not have enough evidence that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9-11. his claiming credit for 911 is not enough evidence for you??? the wacko that said he kiled JonBenét Ramsey should still be in prison right? Bin Laden was a cia agent so shouldnt they have known ahead of this? i found out the secret the secret is everybodys retarded If the cops had the massive amounts of evidence on him that we and other Governments have on Bin Laden and AQ, hell yes he should be. |
Edited by
Sat 07/30/11 05:35 PM
They DON'T talk about classified or Top Secret workings. If they do(which rarely happens) not only do they get tossed out of the Corps, but they get put in prison. NCIS is very good a catching the security risks. This guy was my cousin. He did briefly talk about this to me in passing. It was not as if he revealed anything top secret. He spoke hypothetically. He did not get 'tossed out of the Corps' or 'put in prison' because there was no way anyone knew about our conversation. Period. He died from cancer as a result of exposure to agent orange while serving his country. He was younger than me and left a wife and son. |
Edited by
Sat 07/30/11 05:40 PM
So what are you implying? That Bin Laden was innocent? Do you believe 9/11 was an inside job? There are hundreds if not thousands of victims outside the west who would claim that islamic terrorism is a very real and present danger. Of course we are very unlikely to see an attack as devestating as 9/11 again, we have beefed up security to prevent it (or at least minimise the chances of a repeat atack) The real world is an uncomfortable place, whether one faces up to reality or takes comfort in conspiracy theories The world is not run by some insane collection of James Bond villains, governments are simply to incompetent to implement some grand secret scheme -And another thing: if Bin Laden was unfairly propped up to be some new boogeyman then why kill him? Surely, if he was simply some poor wee pawn in a greater conspiracy plot it would make more sense to leave him alive as some elusive, invisible boogeyman who could strike anywhere at any time? By killing him we have robbed (or at least reduced) his and his followers' ability to invoke terror (at least to an extent. The threats posed by the terrorists did not die with Bin Laden) Oh crap, please dont get them started on the 9/11 was an inside job BS again. Please don't, that crap is giving me a migraine. Then prove us wrong, unless you have DEFINITIVE proof that there was no government involvement, this will not stop. I won't hold my breath. |
No. Osama Bin Laden believed himself in a war against the USA.
Yes he did. But one man's grudge against the U.S.A does not a war make. He attacked civilians using planes loaded with civilians with weapons. Regardless of what you think of the "war on terror", his act of aggression accounts to a war crime. Osama Bin Laden was not on any of those planes. There is not enough proof that he had anything personally to do with planning that event. That event could not have been pulled off without inside help. Our fighter jets were sent on some wild goose chase during that event, otherwise they would have been there to protect us. Israeli Mossad agents were filming the event to "document" it. They said so themselves. They were released. ********************************** Silverstein's Apparent Admission that Building 7 was Demolished Larry Silverstein, the controller of Building 7, the third skyscraper to totally collapse on 9/11/01, gave an interview, portions of which were reproduced in a PBS documentary aired on September 10, 2002, entitled America Rebuilds. The story that Silverstein assented to the demolition of WTC 7, based on an excerpt from the interview, has been widely circulated on websites, books, and videos. This page first recounts that story, in much the same form as it appeared on earlier versions of this page, and then proceeds to examine the issue in greater depth. 'Pull it' as Demolition Admission Silverstein apparently admitted that the building was deliberately demolished by the New York City Fire Department late in the afternoon. Silverstein's alleded admission consists of his following on-camera statements shown in America Rebuilds. I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse. 1 What does Silverstein mean by "the decision to pull" Building 7? Many observers have suggested that a later passage in the same documentary indicates that, in this context, "pull" means to destroy a building through controlled demolition. In preparation for the controlled demolition of irreparably damaged Building 6, a Ground Zero worker says ... we're getting ready to pull the Building Six. Read this full story plus the official explanation, and the problems with that: *********************** Advantages of 9-11 for people. Who had something to gain? Larry Silverstein, made BILLIONS on insurance. Our Big Brother government in progress shoved through the patriot act without letting people even read it after 9-11. That Patriot Act had been created months before 9-11. George Bush convinced people that Osama Bin Laden had something to do with Saddam and Iraq... and invaded Iraq looking for "those crazy terrorists..." News flash: Saddam was trained by us to overthrow the dictator of Iraq and he had been killing people for a long time before we pretended to get mad about it. It was only when he stopped cooperating with the U.S. that we decided to invade and get rid of him. Ummmmmm, He and AQ declaired war on us time and time again. Embassies, World Trade Center the first time, USS Cole, innocent civilians etc.... All of those are considered an act of war. We did nothing until President Bush had the courage to rid the world of that cockroach. Bush was in it too.......nothing is what it seems. Why do you think Bush refused to go on trial publicly for the 9-11 commission, insisting on doing it behind closed doors and WITH Cheney? Here's a hint, "national security" had nothing to do with it. |
Edited by
Sat 07/30/11 05:44 PM
I've a wee question: If the popular reports of 9/11, verified by many proffesionials, are all simply evil lies and propaganda, (which has then fooled the vast majority of the world including Bin Laden himself) then how are you so sure that the link you provided can be trusted? What if the link you provided is a lie or propaganda itself? I'm just curious There are certain FACTS that can be proven. I've seen the video and heard Larry Silverstein say that they decided to "pull" the building. It is a fact he made money on 9-11. It is a fact that Israeli Mossad agents were filming the event. These facts and more can be found in countless places on the Internet. They can be verified. I heard and read official government reports that George Bush said (twice) that he watched the first plane hit the tower on "television." It was never on public television. It was, however, filmed by 'someone' from a specific building that could see the whole path of the plane across the sky and see it hit the building. I have seen that video. I know it exists. It's out there on the Internet for all to see. You just have to connect the dots. You have to decide for yourself what to believe. The official reports, in my view, only fool the morons who want to believe them. Yea, there are a lot of facts that can be proven. Millions of people on the ground witnesses all 4 plane crashes in different cities and states. We have video and eye witness evidence of ALL the terrorists entereing the airport and boarding the planes. We have the audio recording of the cockpit recorders and the cell phone calls of the people abord the planes. We have the live video from over 100 different news sources showing the planes hit the buildings and the CCTC systems from the Pentagon and near by businesses showing the plane hit the Pentagon. You have to either be clinically insane or just stupid to think it was anything more then a terrorist attack on us soil conducted by the group that BOTH admitted to the actions and who we, NATO, THE UN and foreign governments both allies and enemy's of the US Government proved to be guilty. The only people stupid are those who don't question their government. Oh and no plane hit the Pentagon either, there's hardly any video of it, and what video we DO have shows no evidence it was a plane, so you fail. |
So what are you implying? That Bin Laden was innocent? Do you believe 9/11 was an inside job? There are hundreds if not thousands of victims outside the west who would claim that islamic terrorism is a very real and present danger. Of course we are very unlikely to see an attack as devestating as 9/11 again, we have beefed up security to prevent it (or at least minimise the chances of a repeat atack) The real world is an uncomfortable place, whether one faces up to reality or takes comfort in conspiracy theories The world is not run by some insane collection of James Bond villains, governments are simply to incompetent to implement some grand secret scheme -And another thing: if Bin Laden was unfairly propped up to be some new boogeyman then why kill him? Surely, if he was simply some poor wee pawn in a greater conspiracy plot it would make more sense to leave him alive as some elusive, invisible boogeyman who could strike anywhere at any time? By killing him we have robbed (or at least reduced) his and his followers' ability to invoke terror (at least to an extent. The threats posed by the terrorists did not die with Bin Laden) Oh crap, please dont get them started on the 9/11 was an inside job BS again. Please don't, that crap is giving me a migraine. Then prove us wrong, unless you have DEFINITIVE proof that there was no government involvement, this will not stop. I won't hold my breath. I honestly don't care what you and less then 1% of the population believe with your dillusional conspiracy thery's think. |