Topic: Where in the Genesis is Jesus | |
Oh please don't pull that on me too. I have free will. And i wish you could see what you think you are spreading. my free will is saying jesus is lord and that will never change.
It's all cool on here, Carold....
![]() ![]() ![]() Funches is gonna be a great preacherman one day ..... ![]() he just doesn't know it yet... or... maybe he does.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Oh please don't pull that on me too. I have free will. need to get paranoid, no one is trying to pull anything over you that the bible hasn't already done...but anyway you said that God was in control, but if you have "Free Will" that would mean that you are the one in control not God ... And i wish you could see what you think you are spreading.
I corrected one of your fellows Christians that God didn't place all the human babies on noah's Ark......I notice you didn't step in to correct this false only complain about it being corrected my free will is saying jesus is lord and that will never change. cool...can you use your "Free Will" to say that Darth Vader is Lord? ...but the actual question is, can Darth Vader Jesus or some other guy that wish to call themselves God be found in Genesis |
Ever do something......regretting later you had done that something? And had you known the consequences, you would never have done that something in the first place? But you are all the wiser now? But what if you had never done that something at would still be none the wiser,and would still be wanting to do that something, because you would not be aware of the consequences yet . Well...the same goes with man's disobedience in the garden. If man had never disobeyed, he would be none the wiser..and would still be in the garden.......but now that man has disobeyed, and has now experienced the consequences, it is safe to say that if he had a choice, he would never have disobeyed in the first place. . ![]() ![]() ![]() yep if Man didn't disobey God we could have still been in the garden, we would have had it easy, all that we would have to do all day long is till the soil, there was no need to learn anything, there were no reason to dream or strive or become wise, there was no need to discuss the future, there were no need to send the children to school ....all the knowledge they would require is how to till the soil and not eat from the don't need school to teach that...all it take is placing the fear of God in those little heathens but there is still hope for man to return back to the ambiance of the Garden, let's first get rid of all the computers and all technology that wasn't in the Garden, let's burn all the books, let's take all the children out of the schools, let's strip and burn all the clothes off of everyone and that will place us back on the road to the garden of Eden but of course if anyone feel that man should be able to have knowledge beyond only tilling the soil ...then it's a good thing that serpent showed up and Adam and Eve disobeyed God You're funny. They didn't have to till the ground in the Garden of Eden. Having to till the ground was a punishment put on us. Genesis 3 23Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. In the garden of Eden we would have had the time to focus our attention to the greatest things in life instead of worrying about money, food, ect. We would have had the time to just love each and everybody. Doing things with one another. Could range from your favourite hobby now to whatever you could possibly think of ever doing. We would have had no worries, money wouldn't even be in existence. We could have just enjoyed life all the time rather then the hassle with life eg., work, sickness, ect. Cowboy...God placed Adam in the garden before Adam gave birth to Eve with his rib and before Adam and Eve took for the fruit and before the fall from the garden as indicated in the passage below POSTED BY GOD Genesis 2:5: And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. having to till the ground forever would seem like Hell but according to the passage that was not the can you explain what punishment you are referring to? Cowboy...God placed Adam in the garden before Adam gave birth to Eve with his rib and before Adam and Eve took for the fruit and before the fall from the garden as indicated in the passage below Adam didn't give birth to Eve. Adam had no part in the creation of Eve other then the fact that God took one of his ribs to make her. having to till the ground forever would seem like Hell but according to the passage that was not the can you explain what punishment you are referring to? Being kicked out of the Garden we are to till the ground to grow our own food. It doesn't grow naturally everywhere to just grab anywhere we wish. We have to cultivate it now. That's the punishment. We have to work for it now rather then just have it handed to us more or less like it was in the paradise of Eden. |
Already admitted I have messed up in the past, what is your point here? To show that I can admit to my faults and mistakes and learn from them? point is simple.... when you were "KNOWINGLY" spreading that false gospel ....was you carrying out the commands of God or carrying out the commands of Satan I wasn't "KNOWINGLY" spreading false gospel. What I was saying I thought to be true until I was shown different. I didn't continue on with my false teaching(s). I learned something. Cowboy...did you have such blind faith that you became a Christian before you read the bible,... or perhaps before you made it to the story about Noah's Ark? ... you claim that no babies drown in The Great Flood because God placed them all on Noah's Ark if you wish to claim that you didn't "KNOWNINGLY" spread this false gospel to the forum....then explain where you got this story from or which of those Satan websites you "google cut and paste " it from Was just not thinking when I posted that. Do you always live in yesterday? We have been through this a million times. I made one mistake and you keep holding it over my head. I have admitted to my error, we have clarified the truth. What is your point in continuing it even after it has been corrected? |
Oh please don't pull that on me too. I have free will. need to get paranoid, no one is trying to pull anything over you that the bible hasn't already done...but anyway you said that God was in control, but if you have "Free Will" that would mean that you are the one in control not God ... And i wish you could see what you think you are spreading.
I corrected one of your fellows Christians that God didn't place all the human babies on noah's Ark......I notice you didn't step in to correct this false only complain about it being corrected my free will is saying jesus is lord and that will never change. cool...can you use your "Free Will" to say that Darth Vader is Lord? ...but the actual question is, can Darth Vader Jesus or some other guy that wish to call themselves God be found in Genesis need to get paranoid, no one is trying to pull anything over you that the bible hasn't already done...but anyway you said that God was in control, but if you have "Free Will" that would mean that you are the one in control not God Not true, if she is willing to be humble and give her life to the Lord obeying his commands, God would then be in control. All free will is, is the ability to choose. Doesn't make every action right, doesn't make every action wrong. Just merely the fact that we can choose to obey God or not. |
It's all cool on here, Carold.... ![]() ![]() ![]() Funches is gonna be a great preacherman one day ..... ![]() he just doesn't know it yet... or... maybe he does.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() you said that I'm going to be a great preacherman? mean like Jimmy Swagger? in that case I've better start practicing how to cry while saying "Forgive me God for I have sinned" while asking for donations I'll use this video to practice with |
Adam didn't give birth to Eve. Adam had no part in the creation of Eve other then the fact that God took one of his ribs to make her. if someone takes a woman's egg out of her and fertilize it and the end result is a baby..I guess you believe that the woman didn't play any part in the creation of the baby ....Adam's rib was the egg Being kicked out of the Garden we are to till the ground to grow our own food. It doesn't grow naturally everywhere to just grab anywhere we wish. We have to cultivate it now. That's the punishment. We have to work for it now rather then just have it handed to us more or less like it was in the paradise of Eden. Cowboy...Adam was place in the Garden to "till the ground" long before God kicked their keysters out of the Garden....please read the passage below and comment on how the passage is wrong and you are right POSTED BY GOD Genesis 2:5: And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. |
Already admitted I have messed up in the past, what is your point here? To show that I can admit to my faults and mistakes and learn from them? point is simple.... when you were "KNOWINGLY" spreading that false gospel ....was you carrying out the commands of God or carrying out the commands of Satan I wasn't "KNOWINGLY" spreading false gospel. What I was saying I thought to be true until I was shown different. I didn't continue on with my false teaching(s). I learned something. Cowboy...did you have such blind faith that you became a Christian before you read the bible,... or perhaps before you made it to the story about Noah's Ark? ... you claim that no babies drown in The Great Flood because God placed them all on Noah's Ark if you wish to claim that you didn't "KNOWNINGLY" spread this false gospel to the forum....then explain where you got this story from or which of those Satan websites you "google cut and paste " it from Was just not thinking when I posted that. Do you always live in yesterday? We have been through this a million times. I made one mistake and you keep holding it over my head. I have admitted to my error, we have clarified the truth. What is your point in continuing it even after it has been corrected? all I've asked is how did you as a Christian make such a monumental mistake ....the only way to explain it is that you had to be posessed by Satan when you said/typed it |
Oh please don't pull that on me too. I have free will. need to get paranoid, no one is trying to pull anything over you that the bible hasn't already done...but anyway you said that God was in control, but if you have "Free Will" that would mean that you are the one in control not God ... And i wish you could see what you think you are spreading.
I corrected one of your fellows Christians that God didn't place all the human babies on noah's Ark......I notice you didn't step in to correct this false only complain about it being corrected my free will is saying jesus is lord and that will never change. cool...can you use your "Free Will" to say that Darth Vader is Lord? ...but the actual question is, can Darth Vader Jesus or some other guy that wish to call themselves God be found in Genesis need to get paranoid, no one is trying to pull anything over you that the bible hasn't already done...but anyway you said that God was in control, but if you have "Free Will" that would mean that you are the one in control not God Not true, if she is willing to be humble and give her life to the Lord obeying his commands, God would then be in control. All free will is, is the ability to choose. Doesn't make every action right, doesn't make every action wrong. Just merely the fact that we can choose to obey God or not. giving your life to someone that you only read about in a book is not being's being foolish |
Cowboy posted...
"Being kicked out of the Garden we are to till the ground to grow our own food. It doesn't grow naturally everywhere to just grab anywhere we wish. We have to cultivate it now. That's the punishment. We have to work for it now rather then just have it handed to us more or less like it was in the paradise of Eden. " False premise based upon reading what a primitive human thought of a 'situation'. More likely story based upon the REALITY of the Earth. God actually removed man as 'adam' from the garden cause a major earthquake was comming... Man (being at that time 'uneducated') misinturpreted this to be a punishment (and so wrote it in the book). False premise (of Eden)based upon muddled thinking that Eden is the same as Heaven. Adam was placed in the garden to 'tend' it. 'Tending' requires work so nothing was 'handed' to us in paradise of Eden either(it just had better weather). |
Adam didn't give birth to Eve. Adam had no part in the creation of Eve other then the fact that God took one of his ribs to make her. if someone takes a woman's egg out of her and fertilize it and the end result is a baby..I guess you believe that the woman didn't play any part in the creation of the baby ....Adam's rib was the egg Being kicked out of the Garden we are to till the ground to grow our own food. It doesn't grow naturally everywhere to just grab anywhere we wish. We have to cultivate it now. That's the punishment. We have to work for it now rather then just have it handed to us more or less like it was in the paradise of Eden. Cowboy...Adam was place in the Garden to "till the ground" long before God kicked their keysters out of the Garden....please read the passage below and comment on how the passage is wrong and you are right POSTED BY GOD Genesis 2:5: And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. if someone takes a woman's egg out of her and fertilize it and the end result is a baby..I guess you believe that the woman didn't play any part in the creation of the baby ....Adam's rib was the egg If she didn't have it taken out herself, then no she had no part in the creation of the baby. Cowboy...Adam was place in the Garden to "till the ground" long before God kicked their keysters out of the Garden....please read the passage below and comment on how the passage is wrong and you are right Well that's information I did not know. Please to enlighten us with the verse(s) that say they were in the garden to till it please. |
Oh please don't pull that on me too. I have free will. need to get paranoid, no one is trying to pull anything over you that the bible hasn't already done...but anyway you said that God was in control, but if you have "Free Will" that would mean that you are the one in control not God ... And i wish you could see what you think you are spreading.
I corrected one of your fellows Christians that God didn't place all the human babies on noah's Ark......I notice you didn't step in to correct this false only complain about it being corrected my free will is saying jesus is lord and that will never change. cool...can you use your "Free Will" to say that Darth Vader is Lord? ...but the actual question is, can Darth Vader Jesus or some other guy that wish to call themselves God be found in Genesis need to get paranoid, no one is trying to pull anything over you that the bible hasn't already done...but anyway you said that God was in control, but if you have "Free Will" that would mean that you are the one in control not God Not true, if she is willing to be humble and give her life to the Lord obeying his commands, God would then be in control. All free will is, is the ability to choose. Doesn't make every action right, doesn't make every action wrong. Just merely the fact that we can choose to obey God or not. giving your life to someone that you only read about in a book is not being's being foolish That book is merely part of the start. I have a personal walk with God thank you very much. |
Cowboy posted... "Being kicked out of the Garden we are to till the ground to grow our own food. It doesn't grow naturally everywhere to just grab anywhere we wish. We have to cultivate it now. That's the punishment. We have to work for it now rather then just have it handed to us more or less like it was in the paradise of Eden. " False premise based upon reading what a primitive human thought of a 'situation'. More likely story based upon the REALITY of the Earth. God actually removed man as 'adam' from the garden cause a major earthquake was comming... Man (being at that time 'uneducated') misinturpreted this to be a punishment (and so wrote it in the book). False premise (of Eden)based upon muddled thinking that Eden is the same as Heaven. Adam was placed in the garden to 'tend' it. 'Tending' requires work so nothing was 'handed' to us in paradise of Eden either(it just had better weather). No, God is not in the bible, you can not find God there. The knowledge of God is the only thing the scriptures possess. You find God by searching for him, by looking for him. The bible is merely part of the starting of the relationship. |
Adam didn't give birth to Eve. Adam had no part in the creation of Eve other then the fact that God took one of his ribs to make her. if someone takes a woman's egg out of her and fertilize it and the end result is a baby..I guess you believe that the woman didn't play any part in the creation of the baby ....Adam's rib was the egg Being kicked out of the Garden we are to till the ground to grow our own food. It doesn't grow naturally everywhere to just grab anywhere we wish. We have to cultivate it now. That's the punishment. We have to work for it now rather then just have it handed to us more or less like it was in the paradise of Eden. Cowboy...Adam was place in the Garden to "till the ground" long before God kicked their keysters out of the Garden....please read the passage below and comment on how the passage is wrong and you are right POSTED BY GOD Genesis 2:5: And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. That verse is not in reference to the Garden of Eden. If you read further God makes the Garden of Eden for the man. This could not be what was being referenced in the 2:5 verse, for this was created AFTER the verse 2:5 8And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. |
Cowboy posted... "Being kicked out of the Garden we are to till the ground to grow our own food. It doesn't grow naturally everywhere to just grab anywhere we wish. We have to cultivate it now. That's the punishment. We have to work for it now rather then just have it handed to us more or less like it was in the paradise of Eden. " False premise based upon reading what a primitive human thought of a 'situation'. More likely story based upon the REALITY of the Earth. God actually removed man as 'adam' from the garden cause a major earthquake was comming... Man (being at that time 'uneducated') misinturpreted this to be a punishment (and so wrote it in the book). False premise (of Eden)based upon muddled thinking that Eden is the same as Heaven. Adam was placed in the garden to 'tend' it. 'Tending' requires work so nothing was 'handed' to us in paradise of Eden either(it just had better weather). No, God is not in the bible, you can not find God there. The knowledge of God is the only thing the scriptures possess. You find God by searching for him, by looking for him. The bible is merely part of the starting of the relationship. God is indeed in the bible. Every time you read it (god stands with your as he does with me), God reads it with you. Like the very air you breath, He is in all things. |
Cowboy posted... "Being kicked out of the Garden we are to till the ground to grow our own food. It doesn't grow naturally everywhere to just grab anywhere we wish. We have to cultivate it now. That's the punishment. We have to work for it now rather then just have it handed to us more or less like it was in the paradise of Eden. " False premise based upon reading what a primitive human thought of a 'situation'. More likely story based upon the REALITY of the Earth. God actually removed man as 'adam' from the garden cause a major earthquake was comming... Man (being at that time 'uneducated') misinturpreted this to be a punishment (and so wrote it in the book). False premise (of Eden)based upon muddled thinking that Eden is the same as Heaven. Adam was placed in the garden to 'tend' it. 'Tending' requires work so nothing was 'handed' to us in paradise of Eden either(it just had better weather). No, God is not in the bible, you can not find God there. The knowledge of God is the only thing the scriptures possess. You find God by searching for him, by looking for him. The bible is merely part of the starting of the relationship. God is indeed in the bible. Every time you read it (god stands with your as he does with me), God reads it with you. Like the very air you breath, He is in all things. Yes, indeed in that sense he is. Point was, God can not be found in the bible, as in if one wishes to make a relationship with God. It is not purely through reading the bible, it is a personal walk throughout the day. |
Cowboy posted... "Being kicked out of the Garden we are to till the ground to grow our own food. It doesn't grow naturally everywhere to just grab anywhere we wish. We have to cultivate it now. That's the punishment. We have to work for it now rather then just have it handed to us more or less like it was in the paradise of Eden. " False premise based upon reading what a primitive human thought of a 'situation'. More likely story based upon the REALITY of the Earth. God actually removed man as 'adam' from the garden cause a major earthquake was comming... Man (being at that time 'uneducated') misinturpreted this to be a punishment (and so wrote it in the book). False premise (of Eden)based upon muddled thinking that Eden is the same as Heaven. Adam was placed in the garden to 'tend' it. 'Tending' requires work so nothing was 'handed' to us in paradise of Eden either(it just had better weather). No, God is not in the bible, you can not find God there. The knowledge of God is the only thing the scriptures possess. You find God by searching for him, by looking for him. The bible is merely part of the starting of the relationship. God is indeed in the bible. Every time you read it (god stands with your as he does with me), God reads it with you. Like the very air you breath, He is in all things. Yes, indeed in that sense he is. Point was, God can not be found in the bible, as in if one wishes to make a relationship with God. It is not purely through reading the bible, it is a personal walk throughout the day. Scoop a handfull of water from a nearby stream (and God is in the cup of your hands). Sift a bit of dust through your fingers and you can see God floating in the sun beam it passes through as it trickles to the ground. Pick up a rock and you hold God. As God can be found even under a rock... So also can he be found in a book. It is not what one does with the finding that counts... It is what one does with the knowledge found as one moves foward in life. |
Cowboy posted... "Being kicked out of the Garden we are to till the ground to grow our own food. It doesn't grow naturally everywhere to just grab anywhere we wish. We have to cultivate it now. That's the punishment. We have to work for it now rather then just have it handed to us more or less like it was in the paradise of Eden. " False premise based upon reading what a primitive human thought of a 'situation'. More likely story based upon the REALITY of the Earth. God actually removed man as 'adam' from the garden cause a major earthquake was comming... Man (being at that time 'uneducated') misinturpreted this to be a punishment (and so wrote it in the book). False premise (of Eden)based upon muddled thinking that Eden is the same as Heaven. Adam was placed in the garden to 'tend' it. 'Tending' requires work so nothing was 'handed' to us in paradise of Eden either(it just had better weather). No, God is not in the bible, you can not find God there. The knowledge of God is the only thing the scriptures possess. You find God by searching for him, by looking for him. The bible is merely part of the starting of the relationship. God is indeed in the bible. Every time you read it (god stands with your as he does with me), God reads it with you. Like the very air you breath, He is in all things. Yes, indeed in that sense he is. Point was, God can not be found in the bible, as in if one wishes to make a relationship with God. It is not purely through reading the bible, it is a personal walk throughout the day. Scoop a handfull of water from a nearby stream (and God is in the cup of your hands). Sift a bit of dust through your fingers and you can see God floating in the sun beam it passes through as it trickles to the ground. Pick up a rock and you hold God. As God can be found even under a rock... So also can he be found in a book. It is not what one does with the finding that counts... It is what one does with the knowledge found as one moves foward in life. Yes "God" can be found in anything and everything. Wasn't specifically meaning God himself in that exact sense. You can not gain a relationship with God, by just reading the bible or anything else of such. Gaining a relationship with God comes from walking in the steps he has set out before us to take to reach him. Man turned away from God as a whole, maybe YOU didn't, but MAN in general has. If one wishes to have a relationship with God, they must turn towards our father to gain a relationship. |
False premise...
"You can not gain a relationship with God, by just reading the bible or anything else of such" I humbly beg to differ with you. God walks with each and every human on this planet. Each person has a 'relationship' with God from the moment they are born. yet even for one who lives 'blind' to that truth... God can bring about a 'moment' of realization at any time He wishes. From a book, from a stumble, from even a quick breath can He form within a person realization and understanding. Even when they are not looking for him. |