Topic: Statutory Rape | |
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Sun 06/12/11 03:34 PM
jesus christ just justified rape!
shall we all wear ****ing burka's so the..not quite human, animal horn dogs don't get a boner... if ya can't control yourself, carry a pocket ***** around and this is equal rights, how?!?! |
jesus christ just justified rape! shall we all wear ****ing burka's so the..not quite human, animal horn dogs don't get a boner... if ya can't control yourself, carry a pocket ***** around and this is equal rights, how?!?! NO I DIDN'T You are playing a double standard! Never dangle meat in front of a hungry dog and not expect it to snap at it! Women sometimes allow themselves to be put into a position to get raped! And then when attacked a lot of women fold like a hand of poker! Women need to learn to put up a fight, fight dirty, and fight to win! What I am saying is women need to think MORE ABOUT THEIR ENVIRONMENT RATHER THAN PUT OUT THE MESSAGE THEY ARE HORNEY THROUGH THEIR DRESS AND ACTIONS! I have no issue with a woman looking good but it is context not content! DON'T LET A DATE GET YOU ALONE! DON'T GET ALL TOUCHY FEELEY! DON'T LET A GUY IN YOUR BED/ BEDROOM! AND IF THE PRESSURE IS ON TELL HIM TO LEAVE OR LEAVE YOURSELF! If you are attacked then it IS RAPE and he does deserve to get his pee pee spanked. If he tries and you bite his nose of and proceed to drive your heel through his temple and kill him? Hey, He had it coming and I am completely behind you!!! Sorry but I am sick of the double standard. Women these days have the right to be complete sluts if they want to with no shame but that does reflect unfavorably on other women. So not you have equal rights, what do women do with it? Play the same old game as historically women are known to be good at. Am I being a chauvinist? No, I am telling the hard cold truth in a way that is not candy coated or PC. I know I am generalizing but ALL people act out of self interest and women more often than not use sex to control the men in their environment. This has been proven by hundreds of cultural studies! I am not just making this up. At least in this country you got rights and laws to protect you. In Mexico it is legal for a man to smack his beyatch up. Oh but here women can beat the hell out of their spouse and more often than not the guy goes to jail anyways even if he didn't lay a finger on her. Like I said, I am not condoning rape. I do however feel women play this sympathy card WAY too much! How about tall the times women have emotionally raped and castrated men over time? This site is full of those poor bastards! Is emotional castration any better? |
jesus christ just justified rape! shall we all wear ****ing burka's so the..not quite human, animal horn dogs don't get a boner... if ya can't control yourself, carry a pocket ***** around and this is equal rights, how?!?! NO I DIDN'T You are playing a double standard! Never dangle meat in front of a hungry dog and not expect it to snap at it! /quote] Didn't even read past this.... do be sure that while your teaching your daughters about rape prevention and not being a prick tease... that they understand they ARE just meat to the dogs.. |
Edited by
Mon 06/13/11 12:07 PM
Oh jeez! Give us guys some credit, please? I know guys that are like that, but most guys I know are not.
The problem is that too many young women want the good looking bad boy without realizing he's nothing but an a-hole. I am sickened by how many women I see chasing after the wrong man, then do nothing but complain once they land him. I once heard a bartender ask an attractive woman, "So, why are you hooking up with this @$$ hole?" Her response? "I like @$$ holes." When the women keep looking for the bad boy that mistreats them, that causes more men to act like a$$holes just to attract women. Talk about a double-standard! There are plenty of guys out there who aren't lechers, rapists, woman-beaters, or couch potatoes. Maybe if more women began looking for a good guy rather than waiting until they are 35 and several mistakes later, then we could avoid some of the problems between the sexes. Did you know when I was younger, in my teens, I was afraid to date? Men are dogs. They only think about sex. There are no nice guys. If a guy acts nice, something's wrong with him. Etc. It was all a bunch of bullsheet that made me afraid of upsetting anyone female, so I would go out of my way to either avoid them or to try to please them. When I did approach them, I usually only got laughed at or ridiculed. I was "whipped" by 16. And yet, when I was 8 or 9 years old, every girl in the neighborhood wanted to play doctor with me. How quickly everything turns around....Do you think maybe I was fed so much ******** just because the girls actually liked me? We both have to accept responsibility, but if you won't listen to what we have to say or just focus on poking holes in everything, then the two sexes will never find a middle ground. Now if you can't try understand that, then I can only assume you are only trying to stir up trouble. Has anyone noticed that I avoid making broad, sweeping generalizations about women? |
hey ya know guys can have the ****ing thread...tell each other all your stories about how your moms bash men and women deserve what they get...
the point of the thread WAS to see if the laws about statutory rape were unfair to the i believe they are have at it..I'm out! |
Rape is a strong word. Being accused of any sort of rape gives you a stigma, weather you are found guilty or not.
IMO it comes down to the judge of the case at hand. Laws are a platform of right and wrong and it's up to our judges to rule on weather your case requires punishment for wrong doing. This is where the problem exist. How many laws do you see as black and white? How many times have you heard of someone being arrested for a crime and automatically assumed they were guilty? It seems to me, lately, innocent until proven guilty has flown out the window. People seem to base their judgment on face value and not the true circumstances of the case at hand. |
Edited by
Mon 06/13/11 03:50 PM
Okay....getting back to topic...
Yes, we have become a very judgmental society as far as guilt and innocence. Then again, weren't we founded that way? Think of slavery, and the amerindian tribes, and western justice. The idea of Republican government rather than true Democracy was meant to avoid mob rule. That is why our legal system was designed the way it was. However, it has broken down to some extent because some people use public opinion to their advantage rather than sticking with principles. The freedom allowed by our young Republic allowed many of our forefathers to overlook the philosophical intent of the government's structure. Which brings me back to my post which began the firestorm above us. It's main focus was a breakdown in principles within society. I actually believe in Statutory Rape laws. I believe there is a place for them within our laws and our society. It would be nice to see a standardized version of the law which might provide a more equitable treatment of the individuals involved....perhaps more objectivity. However, such a law would be unconstitutional because that right is reserved for the States, not Federal government. This is why I pointed out the mixed signals which are being sent to young people by this breakdown of principles. However, that is not what was taken from my post. In fact, Msharmony seemed to be the only one to have read it in the proper context. Instead, others focused on just 4 lines out of maybe the 50 that I posted. So here is the real double-standard concerning Statutory Rape. We tend to be judgmental about others, but then we allow our children to learn their principles from those whose actions promote a lack of principles. We need to take responsibility for how we raise our children not just on a family level, but as a society as a whole. That doesn't mean we have to tell other people how to raise their children. It just means that we all need to act more responsible, be held more accountable for our actions, no matter what our place in society. Children learn their values from TV, movies, music, politics, school, etc. They absorb everything, and not always on a conscious level. Giving children a sense of self-dignity is the one of the best ways to avoid teen pregnancies and to reserve Statutory Rape convictions for those who truly deserve it. One more thing: if someone is forced into having sex, it should be treated as rape regardless of age. That means, whether a 16 year old or a 30 year old forces themselves upon another without consent, the offender should be tried under adult rape laws due to the nature of the crime. Statutory rape is for those instances where minors give consent due to overt manipulation or are so young as to not be able to provide properly for a resulting child. We should have no child molestation laws because that is a form of rape, and therefore should fall under rape laws rather than being treated separately. |
hey ya know guys can have the ****ing thread...tell each other all your stories about how your moms bash men and women deserve what they get... the point of the thread WAS to see if the laws about statutory rape were unfair to the i believe they are have at it..I'm out! Wow do you have me all backwards. My mom was the one that warned me about the BS and games women play. My father was the self evident example of how NOT to be. I have had two occasions wherer I was in bed with a naked woman who was all over me and then suddenly right as Io am about to hit home plate she says No and suddenly I am a bastard and a MF and a bunch of other things and I was only in it for sex. You have NO IDEA how painful or frustrating that is especially when the instigating BITCHE won't even rub one out for me. It all got dumped on my shoulders I was just being a Fuqued up horney pig. Sorry but I have NO sympathy for a woman that plays like this and winds up getting raped. SHE HAD IT COMING THEN! Those are women I call Bone Cutters And believe me, those were two times I actually thought about beating that woman down and forcing some rather rough sex on them just for pulling that on me but instead I just threw one out of my house and walked home from the other. I had a friend who was arrested for rape when he never even touched the woman and he served two years anyways when the evidence CLEARLY SHOWN HE WAS INNOCENT! Women throw the word around WAY too much. And let me be as clear on this as I can, WE ARE ALL DOGS! I intend to teach my daughters that they don't have to be meat to the men dogs. I also intend to make sure they are in Martial arts from age 5. What do you think the rolled up news paper is for? Sometimes you got to smack a dog to get it to pay attention. Sex is a messed up and screwed up game. They play field is not level and the rules are selective. Sadly women have not gotten it into their heads that you cannot wave a flag and NOT attract attention. Women don't think and that is what gets them into the most trouble. Sad but true. Just becasue we are civilized means nothing. We are still animals and driven by instinct and nothing anyone says or does can or will change that!!! |
hey ya know guys can have the ****ing thread...tell each other all your stories about how your moms bash men and women deserve what they get... the point of the thread WAS to see if the laws about statutory rape were unfair to the i believe they are have at it..I'm out! Wow do you have me all backwards. My mom was the one that warned me about the BS and games women play. My father was the self evident example of how NOT to be. I have had two occasions wherer I was in bed with a naked woman who was all over me and then suddenly right as Io am about to hit home plate she says No and suddenly I am a bastard and a MF and a bunch of other things and I was only in it for sex. You have NO IDEA how painful or frustrating that is especially when the instigating BITCHE won't even rub one out for me. It all got dumped on my shoulders I was just being a Fuqued up horney pig. Sorry but I have NO sympathy for a woman that plays like this and winds up getting raped. SHE HAD IT COMING THEN! Those are women I call Bone Cutters And believe me, those were two times I actually thought about beating that woman down and forcing some rather rough sex on them just for pulling that on me but instead I just threw one out of my house and walked home from the other. I had a friend who was arrested for rape when he never even touched the woman and he served two years anyways when the evidence CLEARLY SHOWN HE WAS INNOCENT! Women throw the word around WAY too much. And let me be as clear on this as I can, WE ARE ALL DOGS! I intend to teach my daughters that they don't have to be meat to the men dogs. I also intend to make sure they are in Martial arts from age 5. What do you think the rolled up news paper is for? Sometimes you got to smack a dog to get it to pay attention. Sex is a messed up and screwed up game. They play field is not level and the rules are selective. Sadly women have not gotten it into their heads that you cannot wave a flag and NOT attract attention. Women don't think and that is what gets them into the most trouble. Sad but true. Just becasue we are civilized means nothing. We are still animals and driven by instinct and nothing anyone says or does can or will change that!!! You said in another post that you were not justifying rape, yet here you are, doing just that. I don't care what a woman is wearing or doing or if you think she's asking for it, she does not deserve to be raped. |
You have NO IDEA how painful or frustrating that is especially when the instigating BITCHE won't even rub one out for me. ![]() ![]() ![]() rub it out yourself...or bang it against the window who gives a chit, it's your DIck and it's your problem going into pig and dog mode is your fault for not having any common sense once ya get horny... boo wha!! cry me a ****ing river!! |
Gotta love how he says all guys are like that. I guess to validate what he's talking about?
anyway, what actionlynx said.
hey ya know guys can have the ****ing thread...tell each other all your stories about how your moms bash men and women deserve what they get... the point of the thread WAS to see if the laws about statutory rape were unfair to the i believe they are have at it..I'm out! Wow do you have me all backwards. My mom was the one that warned me about the BS and games women play. My father was the self evident example of how NOT to be. I have had two occasions wherer I was in bed with a naked woman who was all over me and then suddenly right as Io am about to hit home plate she says No and suddenly I am a bastard and a MF and a bunch of other things and I was only in it for sex. You have NO IDEA how painful or frustrating that is especially when the instigating BITCHE won't even rub one out for me. It all got dumped on my shoulders I was just being a Fuqued up horney pig. Sorry but I have NO sympathy for a woman that plays like this and winds up getting raped. SHE HAD IT COMING THEN! Those are women I call Bone Cutters And believe me, those were two times I actually thought about beating that woman down and forcing some rather rough sex on them just for pulling that on me but instead I just threw one out of my house and walked home from the other. I had a friend who was arrested for rape when he never even touched the woman and he served two years anyways when the evidence CLEARLY SHOWN HE WAS INNOCENT! Women throw the word around WAY too much. And let me be as clear on this as I can, WE ARE ALL DOGS! I intend to teach my daughters that they don't have to be meat to the men dogs. I also intend to make sure they are in Martial arts from age 5. What do you think the rolled up news paper is for? Sometimes you got to smack a dog to get it to pay attention. Sex is a messed up and screwed up game. They play field is not level and the rules are selective. Sadly women have not gotten it into their heads that you cannot wave a flag and NOT attract attention. Women don't think and that is what gets them into the most trouble. Sad but true. Just becasue we are civilized means nothing. We are still animals and driven by instinct and nothing anyone says or does can or will change that!!! You said in another post that you were not justifying rape, yet here you are, doing just that. I don't care what a woman is wearing or doing or if you think she's asking for it, she does not deserve to be raped. OK, FINE! Dump blood in the Amazon and jump in and see if I care? I can see that you refuse to acknowledge that women can put themselves in a dangerous situation. How safe would you feel going into a detention facility full of rapists and hard core criminals unescorted? But then again knowing there is the potential what makes you seem to think going to a bar full of hungry dogs alone, and unescorted is any different? I may sound paranoid in this comparison but frankly life in itself is unsafe. There are implicit rules of conduct and some women seem to feel compelled to test that and wind up getting more than they bargained for. So it is perfectly fine to get into a bed with a stranger let alone ANY man and not expect some kind of fence testing? Now take away the fence of clothing. I can see that more than a hand full of women really are pretty self serving. Put it all off on men. Yep, that's real fair. All us men who don't buy your brand of Boo Hoo are pigs and all us men who are not exactly sympathetic to ALL rape cases are bestial knuckle draggers. Scuse' me but I need to wallow in a mud puddle for a while. |