Topic: She Said We's Just Old | |
Keep writin' though... 'k?
Beggar Belief
Is it not love that begs our quest and peace that reaches the heights instinctively taking us in solitude filling the minds eye to joy in the firefly's dance of lights kissing the dark? Or the kiss that dries a tear? A garden that offers respite in blooms where memory will fill the heart, even if only a moment? If so, I am a beggar's delight. SadieLu 2011 |
Welcome Mat For a time, I was silent, then death opened a door. I heard what I hadn't seen and felt more, Oh so much more. Like the tears this has relinquished a rain will not ignore. Just a simple gesture death opened a closed door. SadieLu 2011 |
very nice additions Sadie...
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very nice additions Sadie... ![]() wonderful to see you, always |
very nice additions Sadie... ![]() wonderful to see you, always as it is you, hope all is well |
very nice additions Sadie... ![]() wonderful to see you, always as it is you, hope all is well life grows us... |
very nice additions Sadie... ![]() wonderful to see you, always as it is you, hope all is well life grows us... that it does my dear, that it does. |
Edited by
Thu 07/28/11 09:37 AM
She slipped her apron on over her top. It was the same one she had worn a few days, now. Earlier in the week, it smelled fresh, clean and encouraging to adorn. Tasks, always tasks, someone always in need. She turned the stove on, set the tea pot on the burner, measured three scoops of coffee into her French press. Quiet these mornings since everyone was away, now. Still and sunny, most would never know the drought had taken over though the remaining few patches of green were drying to brittle. Perhaps it is time to make a new top. No one else to dress, to take priority over herself. Funny how it has ended this way. Motivation is no longer a priority either. The tea kettle whistles. Silence whispers. Memories rustle unassumingly. Yes, always a need, someone. Maybe a new top, tomorrow. But for's ready. SadieLu/2011 |
Stolen Sweets
Vague renderings muse without relinquish. Painted upon an invisible canvas breathless from airless winds. Virtuous? A deliberate visage in repose behind undergrowth, verdant vines, infusions of grandiose hiding simplicity tucked beneath each seedling pushing upward drinking in the light bathing in tear drops falling, drenching. Honor? Cannot be clutched for, selfishly, I have tried. Eventually all that is, sifts through open fingers. dusted upon disappearing shores, washed out, swept, in a tidal pull. Grievous blind this perception, taking what was not mine, a sweet, dipped, benevolence. Innocent, even so. SadieLu 2011 |
Lazy She slipped her apron on over her top. It was the same one she had worn a few days, now. Earlier in the week, it smelled fresh, clean and encouraging to adorn. Tasks, always tasks, someone always in need. She turned the stove on, set the tea pot on the burner, measured three scoops of coffee into her French press. Quiet these mornings since everyone was away, now. Still and sunny, most would never know the drought had taken over though the remaining few patches of green were drying to brittle. Perhaps it is time to make a new top. No one else to dress, to take priority over herself. Funny how it has ended this way. Motivation is no longer a priority either. The tea kettle whistles. Silence whispers. Memories rustle unassumingly. Yes, always a need, someone. Maybe a new top, tomorrow. But for's ready. SadieLu/2011 This is simply Awesome!! ![]() |
Stolen Sweets Vague renderings muse without relinquish. Painted upon an invisible canvas breathless from airless winds. Virtuous? A deliberate visage in repose behind undergrowth, verdant vines, infusions of grandiose hiding simplicity tucked beneath each seedling pushing upward drinking in the light bathing in tear drops falling, drenching. Honor? Cannot be clutched for, selfishly, I have tried. Eventually all that is, sifts through open fingers. dusted upon disappearing shores, washed out, swept, in a tidal pull. Grievous blind this perception, taking what was not mine, a sweet, dipped, benevolence. Innocent, even so. SadieLu 2011 Hmm... rather complicated for me. "Lazy" is still in my head. I'll need to reread... Still, a beautiful write. "Grievous blind this perception, taking what was not mine, a sweet, dipped, benevolence. Innocent, even so." I loved this... |
Edited by
Thu 07/28/11 06:35 PM
The air veiled a coolness under the canopy of the old oak. My eyes rested from the glare of heat that disappeared into the gray clouds amassed in azure. Wild rose, peppery with heady scented vine filled the corners from a winding walkway weaving in and through lush. Coy played in and amongst the lily pads where tall reeds outlined a pond spilled from the waterfall flowing across the flat rocks. Hollyhocks, bluebells, tall white and deep purple Canterbury bells, voluptuous pale pink blossoms petaled and layered filling spaces. Tall armfuls of daisy's, white, waving in the gentle breeze, dill, chive. My favorite, buds of flame colored roses when they opened as big as the palm of my hand. Surprises of bright colored glass stones waiting to be found, scattered amongst the lava rocks spilled around the stepping stones. Hummingbirds flitting and sipping sweet nectar. Raspberries, plump,sweet, waiting to be plucked from the vine. Strawberries lying in wait, a delectable ground cover begging surprises of delight. And the pool...where else would a mermaid live? SadieLu/2011 |
Stolen Sweets Vague renderings muse without relinquish. Painted upon an invisible canvas breathless from airless winds. Virtuous? A deliberate visage in repose behind undergrowth, verdant vines, infusions of grandiose hiding simplicity tucked beneath each seedling pushing upward drinking in the light bathing in tear drops falling, drenching. Honor? Cannot be clutched for, selfishly, I have tried. Eventually all that is, sifts through open fingers. dusted upon disappearing shores, washed out, swept, in a tidal pull. Grievous blind this perception, taking what was not mine, a sweet, dipped, benevolence. Innocent, even so. SadieLu 2011 Hmm... rather complicated for me. "Lazy" is still in my head. I'll need to reread... Still, a beautiful write. "Grievous blind this perception, taking what was not mine, a sweet, dipped, benevolence. Innocent, even so." I loved this... Thanks t... |
Edited by
Fri 07/29/11 10:39 AM
She filled her arms heaped, spilling out, dragging, almost stepping on the dirty clothes as she walked to the laundry room. There was a time when the armfuls were baskets two and three loaded into the machine. Boy, how good it smelled when the water mixed with the powder. So much pride when the clean dry clothes were folded and taken to the children to put away. Secretly she would watch how they would walk with a straight fresh demeanor when they had clean clothes on. Pride, yes, she had hoped they learned that even though all she felt they could see was marking off the list of chores. Busy, always busy. It wasn't long when resistance edged its way into the scenario as they were required to do their own laundry, mark off their their chores. List, it doesn't seem necessary any longer. It's only an armful. She'd rather fill her arms with... them. Perhaps, that should be on the top of the list, now... never to be marked off. SadieLu2011 |
In the dark when shadows play hide and seek from the day, whispers carry tales of time washed on shores of love's sublime. Void of light a lover's tryst tangled veils where Autumn's mist hides her lace against the sky, muffles voices lain to sigh. There exposed where all will see bare concealing light's decree so amongst the tall reeds sway, hidden thoughts become what may. In the night where whispers fly, silence cries and kisses die. Peek a boo has come and gone blooms have closed awaiting dawn. SadieLu/2011 |
Sadie-you are absolutely right...there is a book in there waiting to be may be surprised in the end that it won't be by "self". Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself...loved it!
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Sadie-you are absolutely right...there is a book in there waiting to be may be surprised in the end that it won't be by "self". Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself...loved it! ![]() Hello Laura, Thank you for your kindness. I hope you are finding friends here. Sometimes it takes a bit of patience. The 50's threads have some wonderful people to know, well worth getting your feet wet. Mingle is a wonderful place, overall. |
Surely you know
Does she really need to be told about her beauty? How revealing her depth holds you closer than you have ever thought possible? She is reminded more than you know how different a man is to a woman. In the early light just to know you're there or when dark overrides? Yes, that is all good disclosing a constant. But in those moments unaware caught between a stolen look and her busy, Ah, yes, it is in those moments, blessing her longing with sweet intrusion to fill where a tender kiss is not possible, but certainly should be. Why? you ask, why is that kiss needed? That is where her beauty is felt. encapsulated with trust, worthy of all endeavors. There proves honesty. Is she worth his efforts? Her kiss...definitely will tell...him. SadieLu/2011 |
Tonight, I had to be where all I heard was me Shoreline crashed and pounded Talking back, the sea Was past the sunset hour Grays and blues turned pink Pearled in clouded colors Was there I had to think Darkness filled around Fading and alone My silhouette’s dark outline Of lonely, cried and moaned Distant clang, the light’s wink Mournful slowly, train Remembered how alone I felt In the night's refrain Thoughts create such memories Bleeding faded love Far and past horizon Remembers, could now... was SadieLu 2008 Golden Gardens, Seattle Washington. |