Topic: Tell us about your city.
Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Mon 01/24/11 12:33 PM
Well its Boston for me is my City an its darn right cold here almost below 0 again an still got snow on the ground

no photo
Mon 01/24/11 12:53 PM

Lincoln City is an Oregon coastal town.
It is considered a 'destination' resort kind of place.
Big casino, Outlet Mall, Golf courses, and small town charm.
You come, we take your $$, everyone is happy.
Then you go home.
Which used to be the motto promoted by the Governor,
"Come and visit beautiful Oregon, then go home."

It is not just the fascinating Pacific Ocean here.
There is abundant wildlife, ever-present, like a zoo
in your backyard. The Siletz Bay is a natural habitat
wildlife refuge. You can crab at will, clam, shrimp,
and ocean/bay fish.

Eagles soar overhead, whales caravan by.
Seals pup on the Spit, and big round eyes follow you
as you stroll along the beach.
Windsurfing rocks, and surfing trials are here.
Many used bookstores and antique shops line the villages.

If we had a TacoBell, we would be set.
sounds like a great place to live...even without the taco bell...

royalblue599's photo
Mon 01/24/11 12:55 PM
you drive into my city, blink and then your leaving. turn all cell phones off cuz they wont work

no photo
Mon 01/24/11 01:01 PM
Longview, Tx is a city of about 75,000 people in the east Texas pinywoods. I love living here even tho there's no much to do cept hunt and ride 4wheelers. we're about 60 miles west of Shreveport, La. which has several casinos if you like to gamble and about 125 miles east of Dallas if you like the big city, which I don't...

no photo
Mon 01/24/11 01:04 PM
Sandy, Oregon- it's close to Mt Hood(visit Timberline Lodge where the exteriors of The Shining '80 was filmed).

But Portland has Powell's Books(one of the largest book stores in the world)

The Pearl District(art galleries, restaurants)

Pittock Mansion(local historical landmark, built in the early 1900's)

OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)

Japanese Garden

mssilverfox's photo
Mon 01/24/11 01:11 PM
Edited by mssilverfox on Mon 01/24/11 01:12 PM
I live between two small communities named Bolivar and Zoar in east central Ohio... Bolivar is home of Fort Laurens, Ohios only Revoluntionary War fort. It was built in Nov. 1778. There is a small museum there.
Zoar was settled in 1817 by german separatists and was a communal town. It has been restored and has some Civil war history..Both communities are right off I-77 so if you like history and passing this way, be sure to stop..
I am 12 miles south of the Pro Football Hall of Fame, 10 miles north of the Mooney Warther Museum.. Mr Mooney is known for carving the Lincoln Funeral train and many other famous trains, all with completely movable parts..It is really something to see!
I am also 100 miles from Pittsburg, Cleveland and Columbus with lots to do there and in between...
We do have a very nice hotel here, 2 golf courses, lots of places to eat and 15 miles from Atwood lake..

soufiehere's photo
Mon 01/24/11 01:14 PM

sounds like a great place to live...even without the taco bell...

It is pretty cool, always something to do.
Except order an enchirito at Taco Bell.

I have flown to Dallas/Ft.Worth on the way to Shreveport.
I remember walking off the plane into a WALL of humidity.
Now, 100% humidity is very common here, but at 50*-60*
you do not notice it.
Apparently, in Texas, it arrives like a tsunami in your face.
I kept changing clothes, only to have them soak through again.
Plus they have that funny runway/taxi lane that overpasses a roadway, very surreal.

no photo
Mon 01/24/11 01:16 PM

What about your city/town do you like? What do you think would interest others and make them want to visit? Let us know what's great about where you live.
Its a differnt one everyday,,,,and the roads are black,some are grey. You can join me for a ride, every rule I do abide.
So come on out here, and take that drive, its a great way to feel ALIVE!!!!!!flowerforyou :wink: :smile:

no photo
Mon 01/24/11 01:20 PM

sounds like a great place to live...even without the taco bell...

It is pretty cool, always something to do.
Except order an enchirito at Taco Bell.

I have flown to Dallas/Ft.Worth on the way to Shreveport.
I remember walking off the plane into a WALL of humidity.
Now, 100% humidity is very common here, but at 50*-60*
you do not notice it.
Apparently, in Texas, it arrives like a tsunami in your face.
I kept changing clothes, only to have them soak through again.
Plus they have that funny runway/taxi lane that overpasses a roadway, very surreal.
the humidity takes some getting used to laugh
I grew up in el paso (west tx desert), the navy sent me to corpus chriti, tx on the gulf coast. the first year I was there was terrible. every time I went outside I wanted to turn around and go back and take a shower laugh

no photo
Mon 01/24/11 01:29 PM
this town has some blacktop roads,some brick ones and some that are still dirt. running water to most houses and most have electric.
theres not much to do in the summer time you can go downtown and watch the grass grow in the sidewalk cracks. but at nite they roll the sidewalks up. most of the downtown area is empty bulidings.
they went out after the chinamart came to town. theres not much work in the area,so most people work in other citys. yep just another small town that is dyeing a slow death. yep nice place to get gas and go on your way.oh ya you can get a taco bell order as you leave town.

no photo
Mon 01/24/11 01:46 PM
eugene, or.
nuff said.

no photo
Mon 01/24/11 02:00 PM

eugene, or.
nuff said.

You need to say more.

no photo
Mon 01/24/11 02:06 PM

eugene, or.
nuff said.

You need to say more.
a womanOfewwords :tongue:

no photo
Mon 01/24/11 02:10 PM
i think you guys get it.

seamac's photo
Mon 01/24/11 03:30 PM

Lincoln Nebr. is terrible!! Neked women running all over day and night!! And they give GUYS money to give them lap dances!! Thats why I am moving out of here in the next 50 years!!noway drool :banana:

Hey that's not what you told me!!!!

Sorry forgot this isn't an email!

no photo
Mon 01/24/11 03:39 PM

How about telling us here in the thread about your city?

not much to tell. home to the alamo, seaworld, fiesta texas, riverwalk, spurs basketball (at&t center), rampage ice hockey, missions baseball, professional soccer team (contest to name the team in progress), witte art museum, san antonio zoo, tower of the americas, ripley's believe it or not museum, buckhorn museum and saloon, alamodome (football, and various events), golf courses, eigth in top 100 biggest cities in the u s of muthaeffin a, the grooves (local band), rudy's country store and bar-b-que, tommy lee jones (actor), tony parker (basketball) & eva longoria (actress), rebecca ramos (playmate of the month jan2003), cody carlson & priest homes (nfl football), josh beckett & jerry grote (mlb baseball), shawn micheals (wrestler), josh davis (swimmer), emilio navaira (singer), elmer doolin (founder frito lay)

You said there's not much to tell, yet listed a ton of stuff. From what I've heard from others, San Antonio is really nice. If I ever make it to Texas, that's about the only place other than Austin that I'd care to see.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 01/24/11 03:44 PM
Arlington, Tx.

I was here back when there were dirt roads and now it's gotten so big.

We have the Texas Rangers Stadium, the new Dallas Cowboy stadium (where they are going to have the Super Bowl...I think laugh ) and Six Flags.

This city is growing big time.

*edit to add*

I just double checked...yes Super Bowl 2011 will be here

seamac's photo
Mon 01/24/11 03:44 PM
Rockland Maine, where as you can see we get lots of snow and (not that you can see) ridiculously cold temps! Winter is long and the hours of daylight are very short in late Nov and early Dec (until solstice and then it's all up hill)

To love about here is seeing sea smoke, our town xmas tree is made of lobster traps decorated with lobster buoys and topped with a giant lobster, it is fun, fab and speaks to what our town is about.

One of our local restaurants won a "throw down" with Bobbie Flay, so although I haven't had one I guess you can get a great lobster roll here. Another restaurant won best burger as judged by Food Network, I have had that one and it is very, very tasty!!!

Sea glass, heart stones and Ladies Slippers. All good.

The people here are just, nice. That's a good thing.

Water. water everywhere which makes for the most amazing light, many famous artist moved her to paint in this light.

I am stopping now....I love it here and am so grateful to finally be here...if I only had a sung to "If I only had a heart"

seamac's photo
Mon 01/24/11 03:49 PM

Well its Boston for me is my City an its darn right cold here almost below 0 again an still got snow on the ground

Still got snow on the ground?? LOL. We have snow plow banks bigger that Hummers, most of our roads are now one lane, pull over and wait - no room for road rage here!! At 8am this morning it was minus 10 but felt like minus 32!!

I happen to also love Boston, what little time I spent there was in January! Boston has some of the greatest front doors I have ever photographed!!!

krupa's photo
Mon 01/24/11 03:56 PM
Abilene Texas

The home where the Krupalopes roam.

Cool place.....smallish town (137,000) + another 200,000 in surrounding areas.

Lots of rodeo at a world class Equine Pavillion just down the road. Really nice zoo just across the street from it.

Gorgeous and tough women.
Very friendly people.

Hotter than Hades with lots of rattle snakes and everything is thorny....

IT is the land I love man!