Topic: Firefighters Let Family's House Burn Down Because Owner Didn | |
wth?? seriously?? a house, pets, a lifetime of memories, gone over an unpaid bill? i thought that's what collection agency's, lawyers and courts were for? what happened to 'let the punishment fit the crime'? this seems way extreme to me. i can't imagine anyone would pretend to think this is justice for a persons oversight or even negligent irresponsibility for a $75 bill. shame on the fire department, those who gave 'orders', and those who think this is fair, not a humbling story, sad, sad.
Edited by
Thu 10/07/10 12:07 PM
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect.. It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys. I am about BS. Whether THERE (BTW) are keys or not it's still stealing...egads already, "merely knowingly exercised control or possession of someone else's vehicle without consent, then it's a Class 5 felony" |
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect.. It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys. a couple of oddities here if they are your keys, just like its your car, how is that evidence a THIEF had permission to have them? and how could you possibly write a note unless you KNEW the person who had that truck? sounds like a reasonable defense some scum would use to say you gave them permission(assuming you know them) I din't make the laws so I don't have to explain them to you. And yes you are right, we have the sweet right to shoot you if you try to take something off our property. |
not long ago, over here, a woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk in front of a bakery in the downtown area..anyone who lives here, can tell you that the sidewalks are troublesome because the tree roots have lifted all the concrete... within minutes an ambulance showed up, tended to her injuries, took her to the hospital... the cost to her...0 what did she have to show to get the service and not pay for it..? nothing..its a service provided by the city... is the bakery going to get sued for the slip and fall? of course not, the woman admitted to not looking where she was going and took personal responsibility for her actions... meanwhile, over there in the more "advanced" country, peoples homes are allowed to burn down because they fail to pay a 75 dollar annual fee and are blamed for not being "responsible".... ![]() Where do you live that you don't have to pay for an ambulance ride? Seriously! |
Edited by
Thu 10/07/10 03:18 PM
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect.. It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys. a couple of oddities here if they are your keys, just like its your car, how is that evidence a THIEF had permission to have them? and how could you possibly write a note unless you KNEW the person who had that truck? sounds like a reasonable defense some scum would use to say you gave them permission(assuming you know them) I din't make the laws so I don't have to explain them to you. And yes you are right, we have the sweet right to shoot you if you try to take something off our property. Excuse me madam, it was claimed and insisted on that stealing a car (because the crook found the keys) was not illegal, not grand theft auto, and furthermore it was claimed that a police officer was to post here and confirm that. I have seen nothing and have to assume one is FOS. Also I find it comical that since one "din't (sic) make the laws" then they must not |
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect.. It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys. I am about BS. Whether THERE (BTW) are keys or not it's still stealing...egads already, "merely knowingly exercised control or possession of someone else's vehicle without consent, then it's a Class 5 felony" Ok this is where I was wrong. You see I had my vehicle stolen by a man I rented out a room to. (I am a landlord) When I went to make the report they wouldn't allow me to file it as stolen due to him living on the property, I had to give him 10 days to return it. I misinterpreted this as being due to the fact he stole the keys. However after I just spent 30 minutes on the phone with APD, what I found was that I was wrong. The only reason they didn't file it was because he lived in the house and that made it different. Not the keys being involved. My mistake ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 10/07/10 03:46 PM
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect.. It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys. a couple of oddities here if they are your keys, just like its your car, how is that evidence a THIEF had permission to have them? and how could you possibly write a note unless you KNEW the person who had that truck? sounds like a reasonable defense some scum would use to say you gave them permission(assuming you know them) I din't make the laws so I don't have to explain them to you. And yes you are right, we have the sweet right to shoot you if you try to take something off our property. Excuse me madam, it was claimed and insisted on that stealing a car (because the crook found the keys) was not illegal, not grand theft auto, and furthermore it was claimed that a police officer was to post here and confirm that. I have seen nothing and have to assume one is FOS. Also I find it comical that since one "din't (sic) make the laws" then they must not Cute how old are you again? I made a mistake as you can read from my post it was based off of a legitimate experience. I don't have a problem admitting my faults or when I am wrong. Unlike most people commenting in these threads. Oh and I was wrong it's not this forum my cop friend is on it's on an auto forum. Also my mistake. Feel free to laugh it up I don't mess up on debates often so get a good laugh full. |
Ayn Rand Conservatism at Work -- Firefighters Let Family's House Burn Down Because Owner Didn't Pay $75 Fee Talk of limited government is appealing until you see what it actually means in practice: a society in which it's every man for himself. October 4, 2010 | Thanks to 30 years of right-wing demagoguery about the evils of “collectivism” and the perfidy of “big government” -- and a bruising recession that’s devastated state and local budgets -- we’re getting a peek at a dystopian nightmare that may be in our not-too-distant future. It’s a picture of a society in which “rugged individualism” run amok means every man for himself. Call it Ayn Rand’s stark, anti-governmental dream come true, a vision that last week turned into a nightmare for Gene Cranick, a rurual homeowner in Obion County, Tennessee. Cranick hadn’t forked over $75 for the subscription fire protection service offered to the county’s rural residents, so when firefighters came out to the scene, they just stood there, with their equipment on the trucks, while Cranick’s house burned to the ground. According to the local NBC TV affiliate, Cranick “said he offered to pay whatever it would take for firefighters to put out the flames, but was told it was too late. They wouldn't do anything to stop his house from burning.” The fire chief could have made an exception on the spot, but refused to do so. Pressed by the local NBC news team for an explanation, Mayor David Crocker said, “if homeowners don't pay, they're out of luck.” Ironically, Obion County describes itself as a “progressive community.” In a recent report (PDF), town officials wrote: We continue to recruit new industry .... We’re building new roads and new schools and making improvements in health care, law enforcement and tourism. The implementation of a Regional Airport, the construction of the I-69 corridor through Obion County and improvements to our local infrastructure reflect the commitment of our county commissioner and municipal officials. But last December, a county commission on which every member is a Republican voted to rescind a resolution passed years earlier that would have established a countywide fire department. Their rationale was, of course, the need to keep taxes low, but according to the county commission report, that decision was penny wise but pound foolish. “Because there is no operational county fire department,” the officials noted, “Obion County has missed the opportunity to actively pursue receipt of FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) and Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), which could amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars of funding.” Firefighting is perhaps the most frequently cited example of a good that the private sector simply isn’t suited to provide. We now deem the task of putting out fires a “public good” -- something individuals can’t decide to forgo without the potential of hurting others. But as I note in my new book, The Fifteen Biggest Lies About the Economy, it wasn’t always so. In the early years of our Republic, in cities like Boston and New York, small, privately operated fire brigades vied for property-owners’ business. You’d pay a small fee, and they’d give you a placard to hang on your door identifying you as a client. If a fire did break out, the company would—in theory, anyway—come and douse the flames.$75_fee/ ![]() I think they should be sued for neglect. In Missouri where I lived in the country u could pay 300 a year for fire protection. If you did not they still responed to any fire and did the same job. Difference being they had an Hourly rate for everything involved to fight the fire and u were sent a bill. Then the county collector put a lien on yopur property untill paid..If not paid in 3 years it worked just like property taxes they could sell your house or property on the courthouse steps.. Noone that i knew of had a problem with it. We are still citizens and pay taxes we should get services in one way or another |
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect.. It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys. a couple of oddities here if they are your keys, just like its your car, how is that evidence a THIEF had permission to have them? and how could you possibly write a note unless you KNEW the person who had that truck? sounds like a reasonable defense some scum would use to say you gave them permission(assuming you know them) I din't make the laws so I don't have to explain them to you. And yes you are right, we have the sweet right to shoot you if you try to take something off our property. Excuse me madam, it was claimed and insisted on that stealing a car (because the crook found the keys) was not illegal, not grand theft auto, and furthermore it was claimed that a police officer was to post here and confirm that. I have seen nothing and have to assume one is FOS. Also I find it comical that since one "din't (sic) make the laws" then they must not Cute how old are you again? I made a mistake as you can read from my post it was based off of a legitimate experience. I don't have a problem admitting my faults or when I am wrong. Unlike most people commenting in these threads. Oh and I was wrong it's not this forum my cop friend is on it's on an auto forum. Also my mistake. Feel free to laugh it up I don't mess up on debates often so get a good laugh full. Sometimes the most important thing we can learn from our personal experiences is that a single personal experience does not make us experts on the experiences of others. |
Ayn Rand Conservatism at Work -- Firefighters Let Family's House Burn Down Because Owner Didn't Pay $75 Fee Talk of limited government is appealing until you see what it actually means in practice: a society in which it's every man for himself. October 4, 2010 | Thanks to 30 years of right-wing demagoguery about the evils of “collectivism” and the perfidy of “big government” -- and a bruising recession that’s devastated state and local budgets -- we’re getting a peek at a dystopian nightmare that may be in our not-too-distant future. It’s a picture of a society in which “rugged individualism” run amok means every man for himself. Call it Ayn Rand’s stark, anti-governmental dream come true, a vision that last week turned into a nightmare for Gene Cranick, a rurual homeowner in Obion County, Tennessee. Cranick hadn’t forked over $75 for the subscription fire protection service offered to the county’s rural residents, so when firefighters came out to the scene, they just stood there, with their equipment on the trucks, while Cranick’s house burned to the ground. According to the local NBC TV affiliate, Cranick “said he offered to pay whatever it would take for firefighters to put out the flames, but was told it was too late. They wouldn't do anything to stop his house from burning.” The fire chief could have made an exception on the spot, but refused to do so. Pressed by the local NBC news team for an explanation, Mayor David Crocker said, “if homeowners don't pay, they're out of luck.” Ironically, Obion County describes itself as a “progressive community.” In a recent report (PDF), town officials wrote: We continue to recruit new industry .... We’re building new roads and new schools and making improvements in health care, law enforcement and tourism. The implementation of a Regional Airport, the construction of the I-69 corridor through Obion County and improvements to our local infrastructure reflect the commitment of our county commissioner and municipal officials. But last December, a county commission on which every member is a Republican voted to rescind a resolution passed years earlier that would have established a countywide fire department. Their rationale was, of course, the need to keep taxes low, but according to the county commission report, that decision was penny wise but pound foolish. “Because there is no operational county fire department,” the officials noted, “Obion County has missed the opportunity to actively pursue receipt of FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) and Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), which could amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars of funding.” Firefighting is perhaps the most frequently cited example of a good that the private sector simply isn’t suited to provide. We now deem the task of putting out fires a “public good” -- something individuals can’t decide to forgo without the potential of hurting others. But as I note in my new book, The Fifteen Biggest Lies About the Economy, it wasn’t always so. In the early years of our Republic, in cities like Boston and New York, small, privately operated fire brigades vied for property-owners’ business. You’d pay a small fee, and they’d give you a placard to hang on your door identifying you as a client. If a fire did break out, the company would—in theory, anyway—come and douse the flames.$75_fee/ ![]() [/quote I think they should be sued for neglect. In Missouri where I lived in the country u could pay 300 a year for fire protection. If you did not they still responed to any fire and did the same job. Difference being they had an Hourly rate for everything involved to fight the fire and u were sent a bill. Then the county collector put a lien on yopur property untill paid..If not paid in 3 years it worked just like property taxes they could sell your house or property on the courthouse steps.. Noone that i knew of had a problem with it. We are still citizens and pay taxes we should get services in one way or another Very interesting, and a very good solution - you should send this to the proper (town, city, whatever) authorities in which the fire took place. It would be really easy if they have a website, so many do today and you could be helping a lot of people there. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 10/07/10 05:19 PM
not long ago, over here, a woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk in front of a bakery in the downtown area..anyone who lives here, can tell you that the sidewalks are troublesome because the tree roots have lifted all the concrete... within minutes an ambulance showed up, tended to her injuries, took her to the hospital... the cost to her...0 what did she have to show to get the service and not pay for it..? nothing..its a service provided by the city... is the bakery going to get sued for the slip and fall? of course not, the woman admitted to not looking where she was going and took personal responsibility for her actions... meanwhile, over there in the more "advanced" country, peoples homes are allowed to burn down because they fail to pay a 75 dollar annual fee and are blamed for not being "responsible".... ![]() Where do you live that you don't have to pay for an ambulance ride? Seriously! ![]() |
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect.. It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys. a couple of oddities here if they are your keys, just like its your car, how is that evidence a THIEF had permission to have them? and how could you possibly write a note unless you KNEW the person who had that truck? sounds like a reasonable defense some scum would use to say you gave them permission(assuming you know them) I din't make the laws so I don't have to explain them to you. And yes you are right, we have the sweet right to shoot you if you try to take something off our property. Excuse me madam, it was claimed and insisted on that stealing a car (because the crook found the keys) was not illegal, not grand theft auto, and furthermore it was claimed that a police officer was to post here and confirm that. I have seen nothing and have to assume one is FOS. Also I find it comical that since one "din't (sic) make the laws" then they must not Cute how old are you again? I made a mistake as you can read from my post it was based off of a legitimate experience. I don't have a problem admitting my faults or when I am wrong. Unlike most people commenting in these threads. Oh and I was wrong it's not this forum my cop friend is on it's on an auto forum. Also my mistake. Feel free to laugh it up I don't mess up on debates often so get a good laugh full. Sometimes the most important thing we can learn from our personal experiences is that a single personal experience does not make us experts on the experiences of others. I got a law wrong. My opinions are not based solely on my experiences they are backed by facts. Like the one's I posted to support my ideas and opinions. |
Edited by
Thu 10/07/10 06:10 PM
not long ago, over here, a woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk in front of a bakery in the downtown area..anyone who lives here, can tell you that the sidewalks are troublesome because the tree roots have lifted all the concrete... within minutes an ambulance showed up, tended to her injuries, took her to the hospital... the cost to her...0 what did she have to show to get the service and not pay for it..? nothing..its a service provided by the city... is the bakery going to get sued for the slip and fall? of course not, the woman admitted to not looking where she was going and took personal responsibility for her actions... meanwhile, over there in the more "advanced" country, peoples homes are allowed to burn down because they fail to pay a 75 dollar annual fee and are blamed for not being "responsible".... ![]() Where do you live that you don't have to pay for an ambulance ride? Seriously! ![]() Ah, the Argentine dogo, I always wanted one of those dogs. So Argentina, then. Saw this one at the park here. Made my dog look small and my dog is 110lbs LOL. |
Dogos were originally bred to hunt razorback, yeah..they tend to be on the big side...
![]() |
Edited by
Thu 10/07/10 07:19 PM
not long ago, over here, a woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk in front of a bakery in the downtown area..anyone who lives here, can tell you that the sidewalks are troublesome because the tree roots have lifted all the concrete... within minutes an ambulance showed up, tended to her injuries, took her to the hospital... the cost to her...0 what did she have to show to get the service and not pay for it..? nothing..its a service provided by the city... is the bakery going to get sued for the slip and fall? of course not, the woman admitted to not looking where she was going and took personal responsibility for her actions... meanwhile, over there in the more "advanced" country, peoples homes are allowed to burn down because they fail to pay a 75 dollar annual fee and are blamed for not being "responsible".... ![]() Where do you live that you don't have to pay for an ambulance ride? Seriously! ![]() Since this site is more saturated by right-wing republican minded people, I expect to be attacked and others possibly find some sinister conspiracy theory lying beneath what I'm about to say, or just simply call me a liar, since I know for sure, most people in USA who has never visited any other countries have absolutely no idea. Most developed (and undeveloped) countries you don't pay for ambulance rides, neither pay for doctors' visit (ok there is a small visitor fee, equalent of 5 dollars) and neither pay for firefighters, so just guessing, most people viewing this anywhere else but USA are more amazed than usual. Granted, you pay more taxes though, but you get almost totally free medicare and you are not neck-deep in debt. (same with the colleges too, most of them cost a fraction of what it costs in USA, or doesn't cost anything beside some fees.) Pregnant women receive money and doesn't have to go to work, up to 4 years, and then they reduce it to another amount and lasts until the kid is 7 and becomes a first grader. I still go back to my dentist to Hungary, a root canal costs me about 40 dollars, an cleaning is about $5.00. And yes, I doubt USA ever have anything even close to that. Not anymore. |
not long ago, over here, a woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk in front of a bakery in the downtown area..anyone who lives here, can tell you that the sidewalks are troublesome because the tree roots have lifted all the concrete... within minutes an ambulance showed up, tended to her injuries, took her to the hospital... the cost to her...0 what did she have to show to get the service and not pay for it..? nothing..its a service provided by the city... is the bakery going to get sued for the slip and fall? of course not, the woman admitted to not looking where she was going and took personal responsibility for her actions... meanwhile, over there in the more "advanced" country, peoples homes are allowed to burn down because they fail to pay a 75 dollar annual fee and are blamed for not being "responsible".... ![]() Where do you live that you don't have to pay for an ambulance ride? Seriously! ![]() Since this site is more saturated by right-wing republican minded people, I expect to be attacked and others possibly find some sinister conspiracy theory lying beneath what I'm about to say, or just simply call me a liar, since I know for sure, most people in USA who has never visited any other countries have absolutely no idea. Most developed (and undeveloped) countries you don't pay for ambulance rides, neither pay for doctors' visit (ok there is a small visitor fee, equalent of 5 dollars) and neither pay for firefighters, so just guessing, most people viewing this anywhere else but USA are more amazed than usual. Granted, you pay more taxes though, but you get almost totally free medicare and you are not neck-deep in debt. (same with the colleges too, most of them cost a fraction of what it costs in USA, or doesn't cost anything beside some fees.) Pregnant women receive money and doesn't have to go to work, up to 4 years, and then they reduce it to another amount and lasts until the kid is 7 and becomes a first grader. I still go back to my dentist to Hungary, a root canal costs me about 40 dollars, an cleaning is about $5.00. And yes, I doubt USA ever have anything even close to that. Not anymore. |
Dogos were originally bred to hunt razorback, yeah..they tend to be on the big side... ![]() Yea My dogs were also bred for hunting wild boar ![]() |
not long ago, over here, a woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk in front of a bakery in the downtown area..anyone who lives here, can tell you that the sidewalks are troublesome because the tree roots have lifted all the concrete... within minutes an ambulance showed up, tended to her injuries, took her to the hospital... the cost to her...0 what did she have to show to get the service and not pay for it..? nothing..its a service provided by the city... is the bakery going to get sued for the slip and fall? of course not, the woman admitted to not looking where she was going and took personal responsibility for her actions... meanwhile, over there in the more "advanced" country, peoples homes are allowed to burn down because they fail to pay a 75 dollar annual fee and are blamed for not being "responsible".... ![]() Where do you live that you don't have to pay for an ambulance ride? Seriously! ![]() Since this site is more saturated by right-wing republican minded people, I expect to be attacked and others possibly find some sinister conspiracy theory lying beneath what I'm about to say, or just simply call me a liar, since I know for sure, most people in USA who has never visited any other countries have absolutely no idea. Most developed (and undeveloped) countries you don't pay for ambulance rides, neither pay for doctors' visit (ok there is a small visitor fee, equalent of 5 dollars) and neither pay for firefighters, so just guessing, most people viewing this anywhere else but USA are more amazed than usual. Granted, you pay more taxes though, but you get almost totally free medicare and you are not neck-deep in debt. (same with the colleges too, most of them cost a fraction of what it costs in USA, or doesn't cost anything beside some fees.) Pregnant women receive money and doesn't have to go to work, up to 4 years, and then they reduce it to another amount and lasts until the kid is 7 and becomes a first grader. I still go back to my dentist to Hungary, a root canal costs me about 40 dollars, an cleaning is about $5.00. And yes, I doubt USA ever have anything even close to that. Not anymore. Ok then my question is why are you here? I am not trying to be rude but if it's so much better why choose to live here? |
not long ago, over here, a woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk in front of a bakery in the downtown area..anyone who lives here, can tell you that the sidewalks are troublesome because the tree roots have lifted all the concrete... within minutes an ambulance showed up, tended to her injuries, took her to the hospital... the cost to her...0 what did she have to show to get the service and not pay for it..? nothing..its a service provided by the city... is the bakery going to get sued for the slip and fall? of course not, the woman admitted to not looking where she was going and took personal responsibility for her actions... meanwhile, over there in the more "advanced" country, peoples homes are allowed to burn down because they fail to pay a 75 dollar annual fee and are blamed for not being "responsible".... ![]() Where do you live that you don't have to pay for an ambulance ride? Seriously! ![]() Since this site is more saturated by right-wing republican minded people, I expect to be attacked and others possibly find some sinister conspiracy theory lying beneath what I'm about to say, or just simply call me a liar, since I know for sure, most people in USA who has never visited any other countries have absolutely no idea. Most developed (and undeveloped) countries you don't pay for ambulance rides, neither pay for doctors' visit (ok there is a small visitor fee, equalent of 5 dollars) and neither pay for firefighters, so just guessing, most people viewing this anywhere else but USA are more amazed than usual. Granted, you pay more taxes though, but you get almost totally free medicare and you are not neck-deep in debt. (same with the colleges too, most of them cost a fraction of what it costs in USA, or doesn't cost anything beside some fees.) Pregnant women receive money and doesn't have to go to work, up to 4 years, and then they reduce it to another amount and lasts until the kid is 7 and becomes a first grader. I still go back to my dentist to Hungary, a root canal costs me about 40 dollars, an cleaning is about $5.00. And yes, I doubt USA ever have anything even close to that. Not anymore. I have traveled back and forth to the UK, and I have seen that to be true,,,,,IM sure the rational behind the difference will have something to do with the size of the country,,, I think we could do it here too if we really wanted to, but I think we have too much of a classist system for that |
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect.. It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys. I am about BS. Whether THERE (BTW) are keys or not it's still stealing...egads already, "merely knowingly exercised control or possession of someone else's vehicle without consent, then it's a Class 5 felony" Ok this is where I was wrong. You see I had my vehicle stolen by a man I rented out a room to. (I am a landlord) When I went to make the report they wouldn't allow me to file it as stolen due to him living on the property, I had to give him 10 days to return it. I misinterpreted this as being due to the fact he stole the keys. However after I just spent 30 minutes on the phone with APD, what I found was that I was wrong. The only reason they didn't file it was because he lived in the house and that made it different. Not the keys being involved. My mistake ![]() That must be APD then, because here in Ennis, a father had his son arrested for taking his truck, despite the fact that the young man was living at home and on the family insurance. So, what happens to you, seems to be only what happens to you rather then a state as a whole. |