Topic: Firefighters Let Family's House Burn Down Because Owner Didn | |
What a pile of crap responses. First off it was a man whose house burned...killing 3 of his grandkid's pets. He and a neighbor offered to pay the $75 but the firemen refused. The fire did spread to his neighbors area but the firemen put that one out and drenched the property line...leaving his house to burn. At least 4 homes in Obion County have burned to the ground because they either could not afford the fee or had missed it in the mail. The man's son's house was on fire and they came even tho~ he had not paid the fee...they (he and his son) put the fire out before they arrived but the firemen were going to help. It seems selective who they help. What if there was a person trapped in the fire??? People who post w/o a clue are the same. Clueless. Having the gender wrong is not a sign of clueless. If this was an act of nature that destroyed the houses and the people had neglected (for whatever reason) to obtain home owners insurance, this would not even be an issue. No one would be mad at the insurance companies. It's only because the people allowed it to happen that you people are all upset. Well too bad!!!! No one cares! The houses still burnt down and they still lost they're stuff! Your pity doesn't help them! But guess what, they all learned a valuable lesson and that is helpful! The fact remains they should have taken the steps to take care of they're house and they didn't. But go ahead and try to place blame on the fire department! Of course it's they're fault! LOL WEAK SAUCE MY FRIEND WEAK! Okay yeah, let his house burn...and I am not the only one pizzed off about this out-sourcing of public safety services. "Fire Fighters Condemn South Fulton’s Decision to Let Home Burn" that's "their"...and I DO care about my neighbor's safety, even if they may be RW nutbags. This is about community not politics. If the RW Nutbaggery want "less gubberment" they need to think twice on this one. No it's about one stupid person. Not community. The gentleman who watched his house burn down is part of the community...he lives near South Fulton in Obion County, Tennessee, an American county...not a foreign country...not a third world country. I've been to Obion County, Tennessee and I assure you it is a community of Americans. Hello! Anybody in there? "Just nod if you can hear me." Stupid people? 4 houses in that county have burned far. ![]() Yep STUPID. So stupid in fact they lost everything for not being responsible adults. Sucks to be that dumb, hey maybe they can apply for government aid and get a mental check for being so dumb. |
I will post this in here too. Leave the personal attacks and insults OFF of the forums. Debate the topic/post in a civil manner.
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. |
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. |
Edited by
Wed 10/06/10 09:39 PM
I read this earlier and I think it is outrageous! What if a patient goes into a hospital that he owes money to and is dying? Do the doctors just stand back and let them die? I think not! These firefighters chose this profession so they should do their job no matter what! Well, the firefighters were there so if the flames had reached property owned by others who had paid their fee at least they were protected....! There are some things that just too costly for local governments and states have to step in, and there are some things that are just too big for states and the federal government has to step in. But either way we pay a price. In those cases when need serves 'the greater good' it may be a 'good' we only need on occasion but we are certaianly happy it is available. So it just seems reasonable that what we pay to have those needs met, as fairly, relatively speaking, distributed among the greater population. Of course there will always be those who think of all social entitlements as nothing more than wasteful bureaucratic social services. Until their house burns down, or they need to travel on a nice road to get to another state, or until they are unemployed and would claim unemployment benefits, or until a natural disaster leaves them without a home and they need TANIF. We pay for insurance in many ways, sometimes the form of insurance we pay is in taxes. |
I saw the video. The man was visibly shaken. I'm Sure he would have paid the money. The man said he simply forgot. This is what's wrong with this country. Money...greed, and an unwillingness to help thy neighbor. May the entire cost of the mans house, come back to those involved, ten fold. It is more than utterly ridiculous, to watch someones belongings burn to the ground, because of 75 dollars. |
Edited by
Wed 10/06/10 09:54 PM
what are the city taxes, property tax, and other household taxes for?
i know some are for schools, but isn't the taxes we pay go towards the 911 services? |
Edited by
Wed 10/06/10 10:08 PM
I saw the video. The man was visibly shaken. I'm Sure he would have paid the money. The man said he simply forgot. This is what's wrong with this country. Money...greed, and an unwillingness to help thy neighbor. May the entire cost of the mans house, come back to those involved, ten fold. It is more than utterly ridiculous, to watch someones belongings burn to the ground, because of 75 dollars. They are "things" and people were not harmed. On the hand, if friends and neighbors had attempted to save the animals or put out the fire they risked their own lives. When a tornado, hurrocane, flood, brush fire or other natural catrastrophy occurs, most poeple will leave their 'things' and are happy to have thier lives in exchange. Populations have ignored the warnings of geologists (environmentalists) and continue to build in so-called hundred-year flood planes, they forego insurance if they are not willing to pay the flood premium. Some people build huge and very expensive homes on cliff sides, very lovely, but uninsurable. People in tornado alley, continue to rebuild - several times even if uninsured or when the insurance is at a premium. Sometimes the means through which to escape loss or harm are only available because some people have chosen to pay for that availability, that doesn't make it available to those can afford to pay but refuse to. As I posted previously, there are some needs, even some commodities, that are important to the greater population and too great an expense to be easily accommodated by individual paying a personal use fee. Personally, I think fire departments fall into this category, but in the case being discussed, it did not. |
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. stealing is simply taking without permission, kind of like rape legally, even if a girl walks naked it gives noone a RIGHT to touch her similarly, even if I leave the keys in my car, noone has the RIGHT to take it without permission, or its theft,,, similarly, if I leave my door unlocked, noone has the right to enter and if they do its trespassing, and if they take something its a robbery,,(its just not breaking and entering) |
I saw the video. The man was visibly shaken. I'm Sure he would have paid the money. The man said he simply forgot. This is what's wrong with this country. Money...greed, and an unwillingness to help thy neighbor. May the entire cost of the mans house, come back to those involved, ten fold. It is more than utterly ridiculous, to watch someones belongings burn to the ground, because of 75 dollars. His neighbor stood there with his checkbook out ready to pay the fee but was refused. Also the homeowner lost 3 pets that belonged to his grandchildren. Those pets had to have suffered and the owner as well suffered the loss of all his personal effects, family pictures and other momentos from his life. To be fair, the firefighters wanted to help but were ordered not to...some of them went home in tears. The insurance company is going to pay 100% replacement costs but events like this will raise premiums for everyone in Obion County. |
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? |
I read this earlier and I think it is outrageous! What if a patient goes into a hospital that he owes money to and is dying? Do the doctors just stand back and let them die? I think not! These firefighters chose this profession so they should do their job no matter what! Well, the firefighters were there so if the flames had reached property owned by others who had paid their fee at least they were protected....! There are some things that just too costly for local governments and states have to step in, and there are some things that are just too big for states and the federal government has to step in. But either way we pay a price. In those cases when need serves 'the greater good' it may be a 'good' we only need on occasion but we are certaianly happy it is available. So it just seems reasonable that what we pay to have those needs met, as fairly, relatively speaking, distributed among the greater population. Of course there will always be those who think of all social entitlements as nothing more than wasteful bureaucratic social services. Until their house burns down, or they need to travel on a nice road to get to another state, or until they are unemployed and would claim unemployment benefits, or until a natural disaster leaves them without a home and they need TANIF. We pay for insurance in many ways, sometimes the form of insurance we pay is in taxes. +1 I agree! We pay for our trash, electricity,solid waste and gas. You even have to pay to get to the hospital in a ambulance and each thing they use to save you will be added to that bill. We ALL pay for these community yet highly necessary needs. "I just forgot" Is not a good enough answer. Of course he was shaken his house just burnt down. I do feel sorry for the guy but he is only a victim of his own irresponsibility. I could understand if the guy was a handicap by old age or natural causes but this is not the case. In this world we have to be responsible and make sure that we take care of our investments. You wouldn't get in your car and drive around with out auto insurance so why would you not pay the 75$ to ensure your homes safety? You say he forgot well all that tells me is that he was aware of the fact that he had to pay it at some point. That's where he messed up, as soon as he heard that IF he had been a responsible person he would have paid it immediate or make a note to himself to ensure he gets it done. Like I said yea it sucks, but the guy had the power to prevent this and he made a choice not to take the steps to do it. |
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. stealing is simply taking without permission, kind of like rape legally, even if a girl walks naked it gives noone a RIGHT to touch her similarly, even if I leave the keys in my car, noone has the RIGHT to take it without permission, or its theft,,, similarly, if I leave my door unlocked, noone has the right to enter and if they do its trespassing, and if they take something its a robbery,,(its just not breaking and entering) What I said was that the insurance company wont cover it. Due to the owners neglect to safeguard their own possessions the insurance company refuses to cover it. Look it up. |
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? I had apartment insurance and I was robbed and due to the fact that my door was open I was not able to make a claim. Thats MY PERSONAL experience. |
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect.. It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys. |
I saw the video. The man was visibly shaken. I'm Sure he would have paid the money. The man said he simply forgot. This is what's wrong with this country. Money...greed, and an unwillingness to help thy neighbor. May the entire cost of the mans house, come back to those involved, ten fold. It is more than utterly ridiculous, to watch someones belongings burn to the ground, because of 75 dollars. His neighbor stood there with his checkbook out ready to pay the fee but was refused. Also the homeowner lost 3 pets that belonged to his grandchildren. Those pets had to have suffered and the owner as well suffered the loss of all his personal effects, family pictures and other momentos from his life. To be fair, the firefighters wanted to help but were ordered not to...some of them went home in tears. The insurance company is going to pay 100% replacement costs but events like this will raise premiums for everyone in Obion County. yeah, the wife issued some type of statement saying she didnt fault the firefighters , they were following orders |
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect.. It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys. perhaps thats just in the great state of Texas..... where you can kill someone for theft,, |
Edited by
Thu 10/07/10 10:22 AM
and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars
$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down. One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home. My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff. Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really? You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect.. It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys. a couple of oddities here if they are your keys, just like its your car, how is that evidence a THIEF had permission to have them? and how could you possibly write a note unless you KNEW the person who had that truck? sounds like a reasonable defense some scum would use to say you gave them permission(assuming you know them) |
not long ago, over here, a woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk in front of a bakery in the downtown area..anyone who lives here, can tell you that the sidewalks are troublesome because the tree roots have lifted all the concrete... within minutes an ambulance showed up, tended to her injuries, took her to the hospital...
the cost to her...0 what did she have to show to get the service and not pay for it..? nothing..its a service provided by the city... is the bakery going to get sued for the slip and fall? of course not, the woman admitted to not looking where she was going and took personal responsibility for her actions... meanwhile, over there in the more "advanced" country, peoples homes are allowed to burn down because they fail to pay a 75 dollar annual fee and are blamed for not being "responsible".... ![]() |
not long ago, over here, a woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk in front of a bakery in the downtown area..anyone who lives here, can tell you that the sidewalks are troublesome because the tree roots have lifted all the concrete... within minutes an ambulance showed up, tended to her injuries, took her to the hospital... the cost to her...0 what did she have to show to get the service and not pay for it..? nothing..its a service provided by the city... is the bakery going to get sued for the slip and fall? of course not, the woman admitted to not looking where she was going and took personal responsibility for her actions... meanwhile, over there in the more "advanced" country, peoples homes are allowed to burn down because they fail to pay a 75 dollar annual fee and are blamed for not being "responsible".... ![]() sounds like integrity and humaneness are still important there,,,, where do you live? I wanna move ther,,,lol |