Topic: Nothing Ever As It Seems? | |
Would you agree that nothing is ever as it seems? Same goes for people no body is ever as they seem?
We should all have our life story and everything about us posted on our foreheads it would make life a lot easier. instead of going through the wrong ones we could just get to the right ones. But where's the fun in that? What's your opinion? |
There always is facts you don't see at first. All people wear some kind of "mask" in life. Look at how many closet homos are out there!
There always is facts you don't see at first. All people wear some kind of "mask" in life. Look at how many closet homos are out there! ![]() I don't know, many are there? But, yeah, there always the facts you don't see at first. Sometimes the facts that come to light are good and sometimes they are bad. We all have layers. Like an onion. Or so says Shrek. |
As long as people feel the need to make a positive initial impression, there are going to be things that remain hidden or undisclosed.
In my experience, though, I have found some who were very much like who they presented themselves to be, although this is rare. Others (the arsonist, for example) were nothing at all like their on-line personae. In a way, I can understand this. If I see a profile and it says "I am an arsonist and I like to set hotel rooms on fire," there is very little chance of my having even a fleeting initial interest! But I agree with what I take to be the main focus of your post -- it would be nice if people were a little more up-front about who they really are and what they're really looking for. It's not going to happen, though. |
Edited by
Fri 08/20/10 11:17 AM
Would you agree that nothing is ever as it seems? Same goes for people no body is ever as they seem? We should all have our life story and everything about us posted on our foreheads it would make life a lot easier. instead of going through the wrong ones we could just get to the right ones. But where's the fun in that? What's your opinion? The operative word is "seems". Which IMO would be one's perception of another........sort of like "judging a book by its cover." I agree that it would be no fun if we knew "the right" ones ahead of the game. I enjoy the getting to know each other stage and all that it encompasses. Regardless if they are "the right one" or "the wrong one". Nothing ventured nothing gained......... |
Would you agree that nothing is ever as it seems? Same goes for people no body is ever as they seem? We should all have our life story and everything about us posted on our foreheads it would make life a lot easier. instead of going through the wrong ones we could just get to the right ones. But where's the fun in that? What's your opinion? Nothing in life is ever how you imagine it in your head. I think that's what makes life exciting, it also makes it suck at times, but for the most part I wouldn't change it. |
You have to be very careful these days who you should trust or not. Personally I have failed on a few occasions to have put my trust in others who came off at first as admirable but in the end they were not.
It is so difficult to distinguish who is genuine and who isn't. How can one want to fall in love with someone but at the same time guard their heart? I don't know if I will ever find the solution to that dilemma... |
You have to be very careful these days who you should trust or not. Personally I have failed on a few occasions to have put my trust in others who came off at first as admirable but in the end they were not. It is so difficult to distinguish who is genuine and who isn't. How can one want to fall in love with someone but at the same time guard their heart? I don't know if I will ever find the solution to that dilemma... I understand where you're coming from. However, you can't guard your heart 100% if you truly want to feel love for another. I don't think there's a solution per se. Just make a mental note of things that have NOT worked in the past/don't repeat them, be selective about who you allow in your world, AND do not allow your past experiences to make you jaded! |
You have to be very careful these days who you should trust or not. Personally I have failed on a few occasions to have put my trust in others who came off at first as admirable but in the end they were not. It is so difficult to distinguish who is genuine and who isn't. How can one want to fall in love with someone but at the same time guard their heart? I don't know if I will ever find the solution to that dilemma... I understand where you're coming from. However, you can't guard your heart 100% if you truly want to feel love for another. I don't think there's a solution per se. Just make a mental note of things that have NOT worked in the past/don't repeat them, be selective about who you allow in your world, AND do not allow your past experiences to make you jaded! I could not have said it better myself. |
There always is facts you don't see at first. All people wear some kind of "mask" in life. Look at how many closet homos are out there! ![]() I don't know, many are there? But, yeah, there always the facts you don't see at first. Sometimes the facts that come to light are good and sometimes they are bad. We all have layers. Like an onion. Or so says Shrek. Why not ask all those women who were married and found out their husbands were cheating on them with another man... On top of that how many men in the past were assumed to be Hetero when that was not true. Rock Hudson? John Homes (the porn star)? And there are a couple of men I knew as friends who suddenly went through this "change" and suddenly their closet door swung wide open! Face it, people are messed up sexually and personally! Some people act like being Heterosexual is a crime. Guess I never caught gay rabies. It is sort of unsettling being hit on by another guy. Whatever floats their boat! |
There always is facts you don't see at first. All people wear some kind of "mask" in life. Look at how many closet homos are out there! ![]() I don't know, many are there? But, yeah, there always the facts you don't see at first. Sometimes the facts that come to light are good and sometimes they are bad. We all have layers. Like an onion. Or so says Shrek. Why not ask all those women who were married and found out their husbands were cheating on them with another man... On top of that how many men in the past were assumed to be Hetero when that was not true. Rock Hudson? John Homes (the porn star)? And there are a couple of men I knew as friends who suddenly went through this "change" and suddenly their closet door swung wide open! Face it, people are messed up sexually and personally! Some people act like being Heterosexual is a crime. Guess I never caught gay rabies. It is sort of unsettling being hit on by another guy. Whatever floats their boat! I knew I should have put--> ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There always is facts you don't see at first. All people wear some kind of "mask" in life. Look at how many closet homos are out there! ![]() ![]() |
Once you get to know me, I'm a real JERK!
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Edited by
Fri 08/20/10 12:14 PM
Your OWN expectations create the illusion of nothing appearing as it seems...the more creative the internal dialogue...the higher the expectation.
Things, people, places, just 'are''s we who do the embellishments. |
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Fri 08/20/10 12:54 PM
![]() Yes!!!....did a huuuuge 26 hour (no sleep) round trip of the southern end of queensland on Wednesday/Thursday morning...slept on and off all day thursday...sooked with this stooopid head cold Friday....cut all my nutso dreaded hair off last night, and am finishing work here ..(now) Saturday morning... I feel about 20 kgs lighter!...doing a heap of runs to the recycle place with cast offs today...and moving furniture into my monday is MOVING IN day!!! ![]() |
Hey now...I dont want everyone knowing about my midget tossing fetish. So no...I dont think your life story should be posted on your forehead.
A haircut, the sniffles, a "utilitarian" roadtrip....and still a chipper migrant.......nothing is ever as it seems it would be....When you have a spectacular attitude!!!
![]() I CAN'T WAIT to see the Asylum!!! ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 08/20/10 01:06 PM
....have had almost a year of speculating, formulating, enervating....three months of renovating....and FINALLY here it is...
...and yes the expectation level was a bit wacked as far as being realistic...however....whoohooo!!! she's ready and awaiting...October the OFFICIAL housewarming party date...(I know, can't ignore the irony!) ![]() ![]() Attitude does equal altitude...reaction to the action is the ONLY control of expectation we can have... ![]() |
Attitude GET'S ME HIGH!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!......Contemplating costumes. ![]() ![]() |