Topic: Arizona Appeals Ruling on Immigration Law
no photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:17 PM

okay, so tell me how you "suspect" a person of being an illegal alien on sight" as the law allows without being prejudice and discriminatory.

Discrimination and prejudice is illegal.

yes discrimination and predjudice are illegal. Is it not discriminatory to ignore the misdeeds of a segment of the mexican population in this country at the expense of legal nationals? In which case I am being discriminated against. That's illegal.

Checking for citizenship is not illegal or prejudicial or discriminatory - the population of illegal immgirants demographics defines who shall be questioned - that is not discriminatory. It is statistics.

If they are here legally, then there is nothing to fear.

Being here illegally is a crime, and one we know is committed willfully, As badly as I feel about the circumstances of many illegals, I feel more strongly that they need to learn our US law deserves respect. And we welcome them here, legally only.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:21 PM
Doesn't make it right either way.

And okay, so tell me how you "suspect" a person of being an illegal alien on sight as the law allows without being prejudice and discriminatory.

Discrimination and prejudice is illegal

no photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:22 PM

Wishful thinking.

Noone on the federal level is going to let a racial profiling law rest on the books. It will be struck down.

You need to read the bill, SB specifically prohibits racial profiling.

and chances are there will be no profiling as many or the landlords and business owners who profit at the expense of illegals are white. As the police search their employment documents are they going to say it's racist because they are white? No. Only people involved in breaking the law will be affected - whatever their race may be

Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:25 PM
okay, so tell me how you "suspect" a person of being an illegal alien on sight as the law allows without being prejudice and discriminatory.

Discrimination and prejudice is illegal

Making the law illegal to act upon or prosecute using.

no photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:26 PM

Doesn't make it right either way.

And okay, so tell me how you "suspect" a person of being an illegal alien on sight as the law allows without being prejudice and discriminatory.

Discrimination and prejudice is illegal

Discrimination laws are for LEGAL citizens

hohetheless, it is not predjudice. You are wrong

Method of determination? that is a question to ask the authorities. But it is right to do so, and you are wrong

there is no racism there

but there are many lawbreakers

and I believe that your persistence in flying this flag of racism violates forum rules FYI

because it is inflammatory

no photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:26 PM

Doesn't make it right either way.

And okay, so tell me how you "suspect" a person of being an illegal alien on sight as the law allows without being prejudice and discriminatory.

Discrimination and prejudice is illegal

Discrimination laws are for LEGAL citizens

hohetheless, it is not predjudice. You are wrong

Method of determination? that is a question to ask the authorities. But it is right to do so, and you are wrong

there is no racism there

but there are many lawbreakers

and I believe that your persistence in flying this flag of racism violates forum rules FYI

because it is inflammatory

Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:28 PM

Doesn't make it right either way.

And okay, so tell me how you "suspect" a person of being an illegal alien on sight as the law allows without being prejudice and discriminatory.

Discrimination and prejudice is illegal

Discrimination laws are for LEGAL citizens

hohetheless, it is not predjudice. You are wrong

Method of determination? that is a question to ask the authorities. But it is right to do so, and you are wrong

there is no racism there

but there are many lawbreakers

and I believe that your persistence in flying this flag of racism violates forum rules FYI

because it is inflammatory

It is the truth regardless to if people don't like it.

Until someone can tell me how you can suspect an alien on sight without being discriminatory or prejudice I am right.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:29 PM

okay, so tell me how you "suspect" a person of being an illegal alien on sight as the law allows without being prejudice and discriminatory.

Discrimination and prejudice is illegal

Making the law illegal to act upon or prosecute using.

This is explained in the bill itself-which you would know if you had actually read it. :wink:

Seakolony's photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:29 PM
by making everyong breaking the law provide citizenship papers and by making people carry citizenship papers in their vehicle like insurance and driver license thats how you do it with out discrimination white black mexican and so forth...every citizen be required to show and validate there right o be in thee Us and that my dear is with out prejudice.....

Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:33 PM

okay, so tell me how you "suspect" a person of being an illegal alien on sight as the law allows without being prejudice and discriminatory.

Discrimination and prejudice is illegal

Making the law illegal to act upon or prosecute using.

This is explained in the bill itself-which you would know if you had actually read it. :wink:

No it isn't.

Tell me how you can identify an illegal alien without being discriminatory or prejudice?

Because it says, suspect a person of being an alien, on sight.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:35 PM

by making everyong breaking the law provide citizenship papers and by making people carry citizenship papers in their vehicle like insurance and driver license thats how you do it with out discrimination white black mexican and so forth...every citizen be required to show and validate there right o be in thee Us and that my dear is with out prejudice.....

But it doesn't say that.

It says if the officer "suspects them of being an alien" then he requires papers.

Discriminatory and prejudice unless you can identify an alien on sight without being such.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:47 PM
Some people simply dont get it, they are grabbing at straws and chasing their own tails.
Meanwhile, the majority of Americans know what the law is and is'nt, and they know the facts.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:51 PM
You are right and I am trying to help them out.

Tell me how you suspect a person of being an alien on sight without being prejudice or discriminatory.

That is all I want to know.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:53 PM
You are helping out criminals and law breakers.

Your record is skipping.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:56 PM
I am helping to keep illegal activities from becoming legal ie racial profiling.

I still get no legitimate answer on how to identify an illegal on sight without being prejudice or discriminatory.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Thu 07/29/10 04:57 PM
I've already answered your question. Its YOUR problem that you dont believe or accept the law as written.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/29/10 05:04 PM
You did not answer the question of how to identify an alien on sight without being prejudice or discriminatory.

Seakolony's photo
Thu 07/29/10 05:16 PM
I realize that but rewirte maybe necessary no matter how illegal immigration gets defeated its worth it.....and if we already must provide license why not citizenship everytime ur stopped too?

no photo
Thu 07/29/10 05:17 PM

okay, so tell me how you "suspect" a person of being an illegal alien on sight as the law allows without being prejudice and discriminatory.

Discrimination and prejudice is illegal

Making the law illegal to act upon or prosecute using.

This is explained in the bill itself-which you would know if you had actually read it. :wink:

no photo
Thu 07/29/10 05:21 PM
if they are mexican - there - how's that? and since most illegals in AZ are mexiccan = u got probable cause

or if ur white and u own a construction company - probable cause

it doesn't matter - where the law is willfully violated discrimination & prejudice is a non issue