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Topic: Racial Profiling In Arizona?
mightymoe's photo
Wed 07/14/10 03:23 PM
if your an honest, law abiding citizen, whats the problem? I get pulled over all the time, and they either write me a ticket or let me go... because i'm law abiding. if they want to check me out, which they always do, i don't mind. they don't have to ask if i'm a citzen, the fact that i have a drivers license proves it. if they pull someone over and they don't have a drivers license, weather they are driving or not, shouldn't that be a flag? racial profiling is just an excuse people use to not get bothered by police, and only people that don't want to get bothered by the police are criminals.

no photo
Wed 07/14/10 03:34 PM

Not sure how it is in other states, but if I am pulled over here for a traffic violation or whatever, I have to produce an ID (driver's license)

I would be held until they confirm who I am (I could have warrants or be a wanted fugitive, for all they know)

This should be expected.

KayaksJuliet, I THINK it was only Los Angeles that wanted the ban. Not the whole state, but then again, they do have Pelosi laugh

I checked on the California ban. This is the most recent I found. And it has alot of interesting points as well in the entirity.


no photo
Wed 07/14/10 03:36 PM

Thank you but the link you sent me to has been deleted.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 07/14/10 03:38 PM
looks like that article was just deleted. I think it said 96% in favor and 4% against.

no photo
Wed 07/14/10 03:38 PM
Edited by KayaksJuliet on Wed 07/14/10 03:41 PM

That's a huge portion saying they agree with AZ looks like Americans support the law

I wish I could have seen the poll. I have heard that is the consesus. Yet the Government that works for the people disagrees? How is this right?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 07/14/10 03:41 PM

I wish I could have seen the poll. I have heard that is the consesus. Yet the Government that works for the people are disagrees? How is this right?

IMO it more over who is in charge. The AZ law is based on the federal one, except AZ makes it clear that racial profiling isn't allowed (the fed one isn't that clear)

But if the feds won't enforce the law, then the states should have the right to.

no photo
Wed 07/14/10 03:46 PM

I wish I could have seen the poll. I have heard that is the consesus. Yet the Government that works for the people are disagrees? How is this right?

IMO it more over who is in charge. The AZ law is based on the federal one, except AZ makes it clear that racial profiling isn't allowed (the fed one isn't that clear)

But if the feds won't enforce the law, then the states should have the right to.

Absolutely! The states facing the border are the ones directly affected with very little Federal help!

The people of the US need a more effective way of legally telling the Government what we want/need via polls, voting, bills, legislation, whatever it takes. Because the "majority" of the legal citizens wants and needs are not being properly represented...in my opinion.

adj4u's photo
Wed 07/14/10 04:03 PM
the federal government is over stepping its authority again

maybe the fed should learn the constitution

if it is not written in the constitution that the federal govt has the power to do something it does not have any power to do it


Section 10 - Powers prohibited of States

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress.

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.


those are the things the state can not do per the constitution


Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


the fed is and has passed many laws it has no power to pass

maybe the states should start suing the feds

galendgirl's photo
Wed 07/14/10 04:09 PM

That's a huge portion saying they agree with AZ looks like Americans support the law

I wish I could have seen the poll. I have heard that is the consesus. Yet the Government that works for the people disagrees? How is this right?

At the time I posted it there were well over 3.5M votes with a resounding 96% in support of Arizona.

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/14/10 05:15 PM

Not sure how it is in other states, but if I am pulled over here for a traffic violation or whatever, I have to produce an ID (driver's license)

I would be held until they confirm who I am (I could have warrants or be a wanted fugitive, for all they know)

This should be expected.

KayaksJuliet, I THINK it was only Los Angeles that wanted the ban. Not the whole state, but then again, they do have Pelosi laugh

I think the concern was about PASSENGERS ,who are not generally asked for drivers license when the driver is pulled over. The vagueness of the law seemed to imply that an officer was OBLIGATED to inquire about citizenship anyone with whom they had legal contact with(which would include passengers in the car)

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 07/14/10 05:16 PM

Not sure how it is in other states, but if I am pulled over here for a traffic violation or whatever, I have to produce an ID (driver's license)

I would be held until they confirm who I am (I could have warrants or be a wanted fugitive, for all they know)

This should be expected.

KayaksJuliet, I THINK it was only Los Angeles that wanted the ban. Not the whole state, but then again, they do have Pelosi laugh

I think the concern was about PASSENGERS ,who are not generally asked for drivers license when the driver is pulled over. The vagueness of the law seemed to imply that an officer was OBLIGATED to inquire about citizenship anyone with whom they had legal contact with(which would include passengers in the car)

passengers here get asked for ID too. Never know who is wanted.

My brother in law was pulled over for no seat belt with my niece (19 at the time) and nephew (15 at the time)

They were all asked for IDs

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/14/10 05:23 PM

Our President has decided to sue the state of Arizona for, in a nutshell...racial profiling in the SB1070 Immigration Law. I believe this is a huge waste of taxpayers money considering there is NO reference to any particular race. Check it out yourself, straight from the Governor of Arizona site..

Type in the "find" box any race (black, white, hispanic) it will return with "no matches found"


I believe we should protest this bold over reaction and waste of our money in some way. Either...
-Find a way for the Legal American People to vote on this issue (Obama's decision or the Immigration Law)all across the United States.
-Or maybe we should sue the President for gross misuse of our Funds/Investments.

What are your thoughts? Suggestions?

I think this is similar to the suits which were going to be filed against the HR Reform bill. Mainly, people cant agree about who has the authority to do what. Does government have authority to mandate what people purchase? Does state government have authority to pre-empt the federals authority to police the border?

I personally think that the answer in both cases will be yes. The commerce clause will be used to stay the authority of government to mandate health insurance. And the argument that Arizona should be able to police Arizonas border will be used to stay the authority of the state government.

There isnt and wont be a charge of racial profiling unless and until such data is collected as proof that it is happening,,,

no photo
Wed 07/14/10 05:27 PM
There sure is a lot of volitional 'misunderstanding' about what the AZ law is ... and ISN'T. The law in AZ is MODELED on the FEDERAL LAW ... how is that so hard to understand? The AZ law PROHIBITS 'profiling'. Why is THAT so difficult to comprehend? The AZ ENFORCES the SAME thing the FEDERAL law was written to enforce but that the FEDERAL 'government' has decided isn't worth enforcing - leaving it up to AZ (and the other states) to enforce on its (and their) own ... This is way too simple to be so ostensibly difficult to understand. 'Misunderstanding' is by choice.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 07/14/10 05:31 PM

Not sure how it is in other states, but if I am pulled over here for a traffic violation or whatever, I have to produce an ID (driver's license)

I would be held until they confirm who I am (I could have warrants or be a wanted fugitive, for all they know)

This should be expected.

KayaksJuliet, I THINK it was only Los Angeles that wanted the ban. Not the whole state, but then again, they do have Pelosi laugh

I think the concern was about PASSENGERS ,who are not generally asked for drivers license when the driver is pulled over. The vagueness of the law seemed to imply that an officer was OBLIGATED to inquire about citizenship anyone with whom they had legal contact with(which would include passengers in the car)

in texas, they ask everyone - have for years now.

no photo
Wed 07/14/10 09:17 PM
Thank you everyone for your input thus far. Part of my orginal point was how can we start effectively protesting the ludicris nature of some things that are going on in our Government legally. Obviously having representatives for us is not working. Any ideas other than the ones below in bold I have listed?

Our President has decided to sue the state of Arizona for, in a nutshell...racial profiling in the SB1070 Immigration Law. I believe this is a huge waste of taxpayers money considering there is NO reference to any particular race. Check it out yourself, straight from the Governor of Arizona site..

Type in the "find" box any race (black, white, hispanic) it will return with "no matches found"


I believe we should protest this bold over reaction and waste of our money in some way. Either...
-Find a way for the Legal American People to vote on this issue (Obama's decision or the Immigration Law)all across the United States.
-Or maybe we should sue the President for gross misuse of our Funds/Investments.

What are your thoughts? Suggestions?

Thomas3474's photo
Wed 07/14/10 09:33 PM
Arizona has a great answer to the illegal immigration problem.If your illegal your arrested and deported.The police would find this out by asking for ID for a issue relating to breaking the law.Nice and clean.The police are not wasting time doing raids they are simply doing their job and getting two crimes for the price of one.

I have thought about this issue for some time and come up with my own ideas about this problem.If I was the President....

1.)I would deport all illegal's in jail or prison.

2.)Any illegal's caught committing a crime would be deported.

3.)Any illegal's that have been here longer than 5 years,has no criminal history,and has been working the majority of that time would become a legal citizen.

4.)Any illegal's crossing the border illegally would be deported.Everyone would have to come here legally from now on.

5.)Illegal's caught living 5 years or less with no criminal record and working could stay but would still be considered illegal and would be deported if they were caught committing a crime before their 5 year grace period.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 07/15/10 09:30 AM

Arizona has a great answer to the illegal immigration problem.If your illegal your arrested and deported.The police would find this out by asking for ID for a issue relating to breaking the law.Nice and clean.The police are not wasting time doing raids they are simply doing their job and getting two crimes for the price of one.

I have thought about this issue for some time and come up with my own ideas about this problem.If I was the President....

1.)I would deport all illegal's in jail or prison.

2.)Any illegal's caught committing a crime would be deported.

3.)Any illegal's that have been here longer than 5 years,has no criminal history,and has been working the majority of that time would become a legal citizen.

4.)Any illegal's crossing the border illegally would be deported.Everyone would have to come here legally from now on.

5.)Illegal's caught living 5 years or less with no criminal record and working could stay but would still be considered illegal and would be deported if they were caught committing a crime before their 5 year grace period.

i like all of it cept the prison part we don't need to pay for them to be in prison here... other countries send their unwanted and thugs to our country to get them out of their (country)... let their home country put them in prison.

no photo
Fri 07/16/10 01:21 PM

Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/16/10 02:55 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Fri 07/16/10 03:01 PM

if your an honest, law abiding citizen, whats the problem? I get pulled over all the time, and they either write me a ticket or let me go... because i'm law abiding. if they want to check me out, which they always do, i don't mind. they don't have to ask if i'm a citzen, the fact that i have a drivers license proves it. if they pull someone over and they don't have a drivers license, weather they are driving or not, shouldn't that be a flag? racial profiling is just an excuse people use to not get bothered by police, and only people that don't want to get bothered by the police are criminals.

Your white so you have no clue what it is like for the non whites.

I have seen racial profiling and it exists and its unfair.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/16/10 02:57 PM

That's a huge portion saying they agree with AZ looks like Americans support the law

I wish I could have seen the poll. I have heard that is the consesus. Yet the Government that works for the people disagrees? How is this right?

There are lots of those like me out there who do not agree and do not get polled.

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