amaraii's photo
Thu 07/28/11 07:28 AM
for upstaging the pole-dancers :banana: :banana: :banana:

TheCaptain's photo
Thu 07/28/11 09:03 AM
For hitting the previous guy in the head with your 8 inch heels for upstaging you.

Noella101's photo
Thu 07/28/11 10:45 AM
for eatting my box when i told him he couldn't

Thu 07/28/11 10:49 AM
for shooting Gumby in the head and Pokey in his butt!
Pokey, eyes bugging out, screamed: GUMBY, LOOK OUT!
and BAMMO! Gumby lay slain, nothing but a green slab of clay!

TheCaptain's photo
Thu 07/28/11 10:55 AM

for eatting my box when i told him he couldn't

For saying no, but meaning YES!!!!

rara777's photo
Thu 07/28/11 12:49 PM
For tying Dudley Do-Right to the train tracks.

no photo
Thu 07/28/11 04:41 PM
for renting all the lanes at a bowling alley...and not playing

amaraii's photo
Thu 07/28/11 04:51 PM
for being sweet on the outside, but sinfully wicked on the inside.

no photo
Thu 07/28/11 04:55 PM
for giving birth to Justin Bieber laugh

thewaterbearer's photo
Thu 07/28/11 05:59 PM
laugh laugh For pinching the mailmans butt.

Noella101's photo
Thu 07/28/11 07:19 PM
for video tapping the mailman gettin his *** pinched

no photo
Thu 07/28/11 07:48 PM
for always going ""oooooh''everytime she sees someone kissing

Noella101's photo
Thu 07/28/11 07:50 PM
for always "crying" when she see's someone kissing

no photo
Thu 07/28/11 07:57 PM
for riding piggyback

darkowl1's photo
Thu 07/28/11 08:00 PM
for spanking the town magistrate, thinking it was her submissive with a hood.

no photo
Thu 07/28/11 08:11 PM
for standing on his front lawn and pointing a hair dryer at passing cars

alookat101's photo
Thu 07/28/11 08:30 PM
For calling me out of my name

no photo
Thu 07/28/11 08:34 PM
for throwing popcorn in the air at a movie theater and yelling,"'s snowing"

alookat101's photo
Thu 07/28/11 08:40 PM
For throwing hard boil eggs at the state troopers

topherj37's photo
Thu 07/28/11 10:06 PM
For supplying the hard boiled eggs that Lilblackmagic threw at the State Troopers