leifygreens's photo
Wed 07/27/11 07:56 PM

because he owes me five bucks laugh

All charges dropped!!! Na Na Na Na Na!!!!!:tongue:

no photo
Wed 07/27/11 07:58 PM
for saying NA NA NA NA NA

no photo
Wed 07/27/11 07:58 PM
Edited by Funluvinguy1173 on Wed 07/27/11 07:59 PM
ill arrest my self for saying it too

leifygreens's photo
Wed 07/27/11 08:00 PM
For Mocking Me


Noella101's photo
Wed 07/27/11 10:36 PM
for lookin at my special box noway

leifygreens's photo
Wed 07/27/11 10:38 PM
for showing me her special box!!!

no photo
Wed 07/27/11 10:39 PM
for talking about special boxes

Noella101's photo
Wed 07/27/11 10:40 PM

for showing me her special box!!!

nu uh ur the one who went under the table n had to drop something right near me noway noway

leifygreens's photo
Wed 07/27/11 10:41 PM
Impersonating a special box Inspector

Noella101's photo
Wed 07/27/11 10:41 PM

for talking about special boxes

lol for getting involved n planning it out with leifygreen

Noella101's photo
Wed 07/27/11 10:42 PM

Impersonating a special box Inspector

for droping the wine glass

leifygreens's photo
Wed 07/27/11 10:43 PM

for showing me her special box!!!

nu uh ur the one who went under the table n had to drop something right near me noway noway

Framing someone by making him look at special boxes

Noella101's photo
Wed 07/27/11 10:45 PM

for showing me her special box!!!

nu uh ur the one who went under the table n had to drop something right near me noway noway

Framing someone by making him look at special boxes

for makin funluvinguy stop me at the front desk when i was leaving when i smacked u cuz u looked at the special box

leifygreens's photo
Wed 07/27/11 10:52 PM

for showing me her special box!!!

nu uh ur the one who went under the table n had to drop something right near me noway noway

Framing someone by making him look at special boxes

for makin funluvinguy stop me at the front desk when i was leaving when i smacked u cuz u looked at the special box

For having a special box in the first place.

Noella101's photo
Wed 07/27/11 10:57 PM

for showing me her special box!!!

nu uh ur the one who went under the table n had to drop something right near me noway noway

Framing someone by making him look at special boxes

for makin funluvinguy stop me at the front desk when i was leaving when i smacked u cuz u looked at the special box

For having a special box in the first place.

i cant change that god gave me a special box he just didn't give you one like mine so dar tongue2

thewaterbearer's photo
Wed 07/27/11 10:57 PM
For impersonating spinach, thence usernamelaugh

chrisbuckles72's photo
Thu 07/28/11 12:37 AM
For knowing it all, except for when NOT to change the subject.drinker

jasmine3922's photo
Thu 07/28/11 02:16 AM
for pole dancing in the firehouse

amaraii's photo
Thu 07/28/11 06:30 AM
for not being good at it (pole dancing) :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

rara777's photo
Thu 07/28/11 06:33 AM
For checking ID`s at a pole dancing club.:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: