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Topic: What Movies Have You Recently Seen?
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Wed 03/24/10 01:31 PM
Always drinker

RowBaby's photo
Wed 03/24/10 01:50 PM

just watched Princess and the Frog for the 1000th time and loved it as much as the first
I just saw this the other day and I agree it was done very well. .. LOL laugh

Spoiler Alert! I haven't seen it yet

Sorry Angel - I was teasing. I didn't mean for you to erase your comment :wink:

coco56's photo
Wed 03/24/10 02:02 PM
i saw precious it was a very disappointing movie whoa

no photo
Wed 03/24/10 03:31 PM

Sorry Angel - I was teasing. I didn't mean for you to erase your comment :wink:
DOH!!! slaphead LOL :laughing: Well ya got me there :wink:

Coco56, why do you feel that Precious was a disappointing movie?

Wed 03/24/10 04:44 PM
I watched "Ninja Assasin" I really liked it..... A bit graphic but great story.

no photo
Wed 03/24/10 09:32 PM
The Year of the Dragon with Mickey Rourke 8/10

EquusDancer's photo
Wed 03/24/10 09:59 PM
Yes Man.

I'm so loving Netflix! LOL!

Though my brother ordered the two Robot Chicken movies and they're due in tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. LOL

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/25/10 12:23 AM

I watched "Ninja Assasin" I really liked it..... A bit graphic but great story.

amazing fight choreography,, but then if you have seen any of the music videos from the lead actor RAIN..you would not be surprised,,,,a regular (korean?) michael jackson,, I really like him

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/25/10 12:24 AM

"The Crazies" is creepy and scary. Not the greatest movie in my opinion. Don't watch it alone!! scared scared

that sheriff is so cute though,,,lol

just watched Princess and the Frog for the 1000th time and loved it as much as the first (hearing my daughter sing the songs helps alot too...lol)

The sheriff was hot. That is so cute-your daughter sounds adorable. I like watching kids movies sometimes. Have you seen Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs? waving

oh,, I hadnt seen that one yet (forgot about it till you mentioned it,,.lol) is it good?

no photo
Thu 03/25/10 07:31 AM
It's Alive '08 - Didn't like it, lacked Larry Cohen's(who did the original) quirky sense of humor.

no photo
Thu 03/25/10 09:28 PM
euro trip

funniest movie in a weird corny type of way
but overall very funny

scotty doesn't know......................

bastet126's photo
Fri 03/26/10 12:16 PM
new moon

it was worse than i even thought it was gonna be.

no photo
Fri 04/02/10 05:10 PM

love ... Life IS a CABARET ... old chum, and I love a CABARET!!!

Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome ... Happy to see you ... to Cabaret ...:banana: :banana:


Haven't seen this in yonks!!!

drinker ... Superb ... I could not recommend this more highly!

What a classic of stellar merit! ... flowerforyou



no photo
Fri 04/02/10 05:20 PM
I've seen SO many films in the last 2 weeks!

Crazy Heart ... Saw this last night in the Cinema ... So good, big thumbs up!

Think I'll go make its own thread ... drinker

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 04/04/10 09:50 PM
The Men Who Stare At Goats. Frigging hilarious!!!

Queene123's photo
Sun 04/04/10 09:55 PM
i bought the movie the blind side.. that was very good

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/04/10 11:09 PM
why did i get married too,,,,,

touching, funny, thought provoking,,,,,as usual with t perry

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 04/05/10 12:34 AM
Over the last two days I have watched..

Public Enemies - pretty good flick. Depp does a good job of portraying Dillinger.

Whiteout - Not bad. Not great. But Kate Beckinsale is in it.drool drool love

Star Trek - I was surprise by how much I actually liked it. Wasn't expecting to.

kissablekiss's photo
Mon 04/05/10 12:41 AM
slum dog millionaire

no photo
Mon 04/05/10 08:02 AM

The Men Who Stare At Goats. Frigging hilarious!!!

Really? I wanted it to be and felt it just missed the mark ...

... All the most incredible ingredients were there, but it fell flat for me!

I found the specials better, perhaps if I'd watched those first and known the full history debrief?

Think it would have better grabbed me in the Cinema, as well ...

laugh ... The scene where they put acid in the entire platoon's acid did get me to laugh out loud, I must admit ... Esp the Kevin Spacey bit ...laugh

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