Topic: boo to Obama.......... what my friend thinks about him.
markumX's photo
Fri 02/26/10 03:08 PM
Willing..time and time again i've asked for your evidence that Obama is a muslim yet you seem to dodge it. what's wrong can't find any? If only this were true :( get used to us because we're taking over.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 02/26/10 03:24 PM

for any republican:tongue:

I bet you don't know who invented the talking point...........


Lpdon's photo
Fri 02/26/10 03:26 PM

Real nice to poke fun at someone for having a heart condition. I have lost MANY people to heart disease.

It's people like you who are the reason I left the Democratic Party and the reason that the Democrats are labeled The Looney Left.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 02/26/10 04:08 PM

Real nice to poke fun at someone for having a heart condition. I have lost MANY people to heart disease.

It's people like you who are the reason I left the Democratic Party and the reason that the Democrats are labeled The Looney Left.

There was no poking fun at a heart condition at all on that poster, so no reason for you to leave the democratic party or refer to anyone as a looney left.

bedlum1's photo
Fri 02/26/10 04:09 PM

Real nice to poke fun at someone for having a heart condition. I have lost MANY people to heart disease.

It's people like you who are the reason I left the Democratic Party and the reason that the Democrats are labeled The Looney Left.
no not people like not democratic...and if being educated and having an open mind make me looney so be it..and yes cheney deserves what he gets as well as any other politition that railroads must have missed the point on that one...its about the quality of health care....the regular joe would be in debt or dead

bedlum1's photo
Fri 02/26/10 04:12 PM
Edited by bedlum1 on Fri 02/26/10 04:15 PM

for any republican:tongue:

I bet you don't know who invented the talking point...........

i highly doubt that polititions have had talking points since big corps srarted lining their pockets try again...but this time maybe read a book...we have the best government $$$$$$$$$ can buy

willing2's photo
Fri 02/26/10 05:07 PM
June 3, 2009
According to recent comments by the Obama administration, America has good reason to doubt the validity of the President’s claims to be Christian. The strongest of his comments is this, “Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim majority country. I know, because I am one of them.” One may say that he’s talking about having a Muslim in his family, (His father is Muslim) but that’s not what I gather from the comment, personally. A different statement came from his deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, Denis McDonough. He said, “the President himself experienced Islam on three continents before he was able to — or before he’s been able to visit, really, the heart of the Islamic world — you know, growing up in Indonesia, having a Muslim father — obviously Muslim Americans (are) a key part of Illinois and Chicago.” Obama himself recently called the United States, “One of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”

bedlum1's photo
Fri 02/26/10 05:16 PM

do you blindly hate all muslims because they dont believe as you do?
whats wrong with muslim,or christian,or wiccan, or catholic, or baptist, or buddist...etc etc....everyone has a right to their own spiritual belief as long as they dont push it on medrinker

markumX's photo
Fri 02/26/10 06:04 PM

June 3, 2009
According to recent comments by the Obama administration, America has good reason to doubt the validity of the President’s claims to be Christian. The strongest of his comments is this, “Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim majority country. I know, because I am one of them.” One may say that he’s talking about having a Muslim in his family, (His father is Muslim) but that’s not what I gather from the comment, personally. A different statement came from his deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, Denis McDonough. He said, “the President himself experienced Islam on three continents before he was able to — or before he’s been able to visit, really, the heart of the Islamic world — you know, growing up in Indonesia, having a Muslim father — obviously Muslim Americans (are) a key part of Illinois and Chicago.” Obama himself recently called the United States, “One of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”

This is your evidence? Fail

markumX's photo
Fri 02/26/10 06:07 PM

Real nice to poke fun at someone for having a heart condition. I have lost MANY people to heart disease.

It's people like you who are the reason I left the Democratic Party and the reason that the Democrats are labeled The Looney Left.

Apparantly you've never frequented Conservative blogs or Sean Hannity's forum. They had a party when Ted Kennedy died and make plenty of racist remarks towards both Obama and middle easterners so quit preaching as if conservatives are righteous.

cashu's photo
Fri 02/26/10 06:49 PM

Real nice to poke fun at someone for having a heart condition. I have lost MANY people to heart disease.

It's people like you who are the reason I left the Democratic Party and the reason that the Democrats are labeled The Looney Left.
no not people like not democratic...and if being educated and having an open mind make me looney so be it..and yes cheney deserves what he gets as well as any other politition that railroads must have missed the point on that one...its about the quality of health care....the regular joe would be in debt or dead


bedlum1's photo
Fri 02/26/10 07:55 PM

Real nice to poke fun at someone for having a heart condition. I have lost MANY people to heart disease.

It's people like you who are the reason I left the Democratic Party and the reason that the Democrats are labeled The Looney Left.

Apparantly you've never frequented Conservative blogs or Sean Hannity's forum. They had a party when Ted Kennedy died and make plenty of racist remarks towards both Obama and middle easterners so quit preaching as if conservatives are righteous.
im not religious but amen

markumX's photo
Fri 02/26/10 08:56 PM
i was reading Rush Lumpbaugh's rant how healthcare doesn't need reform because it's so awesome after his heart failure..which he had in Hawaii. For those that have never been to Hawaii , they have socialized healthcare and have had it for over 30 years and it works great for them...apparently, the idiot Rush is doesn't know this.

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Fri 02/26/10 09:23 PM

For those that have never been to Hawaii , they have socialized healthcare and have had it for over 30 years and it works great for them...

Really?!?!?! Guess I'm in the dark about that one

Dragoness's photo
Fri 02/26/10 09:24 PM

June 3, 2009
According to recent comments by the Obama administration, America has good reason to doubt the validity of the President’s claims to be Christian. The strongest of his comments is this, “Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim majority country. I know, because I am one of them.” One may say that he’s talking about having a Muslim in his family, (His father is Muslim) but that’s not what I gather from the comment, personally. A different statement came from his deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, Denis McDonough. He said, “the President himself experienced Islam on three continents before he was able to — or before he’s been able to visit, really, the heart of the Islamic world — you know, growing up in Indonesia, having a Muslim father — obviously Muslim Americans (are) a key part of Illinois and Chicago.” Obama himself recently called the United States, “One of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”


Considering the picture doesn't even look right, so a photo shop it is.

Shows someone is the world wants to spread a lie so badly they have forged a picture.

And sadly you are spreading their lie as truth.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 02/26/10 09:25 PM

June 3, 2009
According to recent comments by the Obama administration, America has good reason to doubt the validity of the President’s claims to be Christian. The strongest of his comments is this, “Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim majority country. I know, because I am one of them.” One may say that he’s talking about having a Muslim in his family, (His father is Muslim) but that’s not what I gather from the comment, personally. A different statement came from his deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, Denis McDonough. He said, “the President himself experienced Islam on three continents before he was able to — or before he’s been able to visit, really, the heart of the Islamic world — you know, growing up in Indonesia, having a Muslim father — obviously Muslim Americans (are) a key part of Illinois and Chicago.” Obama himself recently called the United States, “One of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”

This is your evidence? Fail

No kidding!!

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Fri 02/26/10 09:28 PM

For those that have never been to Hawaii , they have socialized healthcare and have had it for over 30 years and it works great for them...

Really?!?!?! Guess I'm in the dark about that one

From what I understand, Hawaii requires employers to provide insurance to their employees if they work a certain amount of hours per week. Is that what you mean by socialized healthcare?!?!? Apples and oranges if you ask me

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 02/26/10 09:41 PM

For those that have never been to Hawaii , they have socialized healthcare and have had it for over 30 years and it works great for them...

Really?!?!?! Guess I'm in the dark about that one

you mean you are unaware of this??? :tongue:

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Fri 02/26/10 09:49 PM

For those that have never been to Hawaii , they have socialized healthcare and have had it for over 30 years and it works great for them...

Really?!?!?! Guess I'm in the dark about that one

you mean you are unaware of this??? :tongue:

The only ones here that the state requires to have insurance (at the expense of the employer) are those who work 20+ hours a week (I believe). This does not include those who don't work, work part time, spouses, or children.

I'm not all that political & haven't followed the health care reform much. Isn't socialized healthcare supposed to be something like, free healthcare for all provided by the government, paid by the taxpayers? From what I know of Hawaii's healthcare system, it doesn't meet the criteria at all. Correct me if I'm wrong.

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/26/10 10:00 PM

For those that have never been to Hawaii , they have socialized healthcare and have had it for over 30 years and it works great for them...

Really?!?!?! Guess I'm in the dark about that one

you mean you are unaware of this??? :tongue:

The only ones here that the state requires to have insurance (at the expense of the employer) are those who work 20+ hours a week (I believe). This does not include those who don't work, work part time, spouses, or children.

I'm not all that political & haven't followed the health care reform much. Isn't socialized healthcare supposed to be something like, free healthcare for all provided by the government, paid by the taxpayers? From what I know of Hawaii's healthcare system, it doesn't meet the criteria at all. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Yes, socialized healthcare is healthcare paid by taxes. however our reform is not socialized, it is only an ADDITION to what is already there that requires everyone to have some insurance whether through the government or the companies already in existence. I think people are scared that the government will mismanage healthcare funds or create a monopoly by out rating the companies that are competing with them. I say BRING ON THE COMPETITION. Healthcare for everyone at competitive and affordable rates...