Topic: What did you think about "Tiger's" comments
BL4766's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:25 PM
maybe it was just ONE??????
you know how storys GROW..........laugh
can you take their WORD that it WAS 12 woman???????
is that FACT? can they PROVE IT???????

stories like this turns into something worse than it usually IS!

and ONCE AGAIN.......who are WE to judge him?

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:43 PM
I, personally, could care less what the man does, but he chose the spotlight. He chose to make a public apology. The women (however many) brought it out to the public.

If he looses his endorsements, then the companies have the right to do so

no photo
Fri 02/26/10 05:05 AM

If it were a private figure then I would agree, but not when it's a public figure like a Musician, Athlete, Polititian, Actor etc. it's a different story. I don't want my daughter idolizing someone like that.

You be her role model then. You can't make others act a certain way just because some people look up to them.

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/26/10 06:48 AM
I dont agree that because people become famous for being extremely talented at something that they have CHOSEN to have their privacy invaded. I feel everyone deserves their privacy, regardless of how popular or unpopular they are or how much money they make.

BL4766's photo
Fri 02/26/10 06:57 AM
I so agree!!!!!
They deserve privacy just like the rest of us...........
therefore........what they do, is really none of our business!
their "personal" life shouldnt be announced to the world!As none of US would want that either!!!!! Their
"personal" life does NOT make them less great athletes!!!!!! And
they deserve to carry-on in their sport, without personal issues
brought to light,to tear them apart, or ridiculed.......or judged!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiger was there to PLAY GOLF........and great he is.....
we are NOT here to judge him, or stick our noses in HIS business!
None of us would like people doing that to no matter what
he does in HIS personal life, it shouldnt be none of our concern!

willing2's photo
Fri 02/26/10 09:29 AM
I really never paid him much attention til I found out he was getting laid more than me and I got jealous!

But then, his money gives him the advantage.

How many of you women would be proud to have him as a spouse or son-in-law?laugh

isaac_dede's photo
Fri 02/26/10 09:43 AM

I so agree!!!!!
They deserve privacy just like the rest of us...........
therefore........what they do, is really none of our business!
their "personal" life shouldnt be announced to the world!As none of US would want that either!!!!! Their
"personal" life does NOT make them less great athletes!!!!!! And
they deserve to carry-on in their sport, without personal issues
brought to light,to tear them apart, or ridiculed.......or judged!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiger was there to PLAY GOLF........and great he is.....
we are NOT here to judge him, or stick our noses in HIS business!
None of us would like people doing that to no matter what
he does in HIS personal life, it shouldnt be none of our concern!


It's sad that society as a whole has become so obsessed with other peoples lives, that they refuse to look at and live their own.

But i think the real reason is....da da da...jealousy. We see someone who we think is better than us, whether it's their athletic ability, amount of money they have, or their general life. We idolize them..see them as better than ourselves. Then they screw up...guess what! now WE can sit back and judge them....or we think we can. But it's stems from jealously or people not wanting to live their own life and would rather live it through others.

Now if ONE of the girls Tiger slept with was your wife/gf/so by all means judge away. It affected you personally. If not...get off your high horse, and live your own life

willing2's photo
Fri 02/26/10 09:50 AM

I so agree!!!!!
They deserve privacy just like the rest of us...........
therefore........what they do, is really none of our business!
their "personal" life shouldnt be announced to the world!As none of US would want that either!!!!! Their
"personal" life does NOT make them less great athletes!!!!!! And
they deserve to carry-on in their sport, without personal issues
brought to light,to tear them apart, or ridiculed.......or judged!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiger was there to PLAY GOLF........and great he is.....
we are NOT here to judge him, or stick our noses in HIS business!
None of us would like people doing that to no matter what
he does in HIS personal life, it shouldnt be none of our concern!


It's sad that society as a whole has become so obsessed with other peoples lives, that they refuse to look at and live their own.

But i think the real reason is....da da da...jealousy. We see someone who we think is better than us, whether it's their athletic ability, amount of money they have, or their general life. We idolize them..see them as better than ourselves. Then they screw up...guess what! now WE can sit back and judge them....or we think we can. But it's stems from jealously or people not wanting to live their own life and would rather live it through others.

Now if ONE of the girls Tiger slept with was your wife/gf/so by all means judge away. It affected you personally. If not...get off your high horse, and live your own life

10 to 1 most of us who comment on the Wood, have a life and are living it.

Just another freakin' soap opera. I don't spend all day watching them. I, like the stud Tiger, just cum and go!

Lpdon's photo
Fri 02/26/10 11:35 AM
C'mon now, the guy admitted to affairs with multiple women. I think the 12 that came out is only a small fraction of the number he really cheated with.

Then don't forget about the whole not using a condom thing. Now what kind of example does that set for our kids?

Duffy's photo
Fri 02/26/10 11:46 AM
TW has a lovely wife, beautiful children, and a career that has just gone to the toilet or down the procelain throne depending how u look at it.
He had a press conference because he wanted to set the record straight that he did do what they said, and it is unfortunate that a man with this enormous talent succeeded at burning himself at the stake.
His overactive driver, hit too many holes in one, and he got caught.

Now one of the lovelies got a playboy centerfold. I:banana: :banana: pitchfork sn't that what publicity is all about?

no photo
Fri 02/26/10 11:51 AM

C'mon now, the guy admitted to affairs with multiple women. I think the 12 that came out is only a small fraction of the number he really cheated with.

Then don't forget about the whole not using a condom thing. Now what kind of example does that set for our kids?

Again, YOU be the role model for your children. Teach them what you want them to learn. If you think a celebrity is not a good role model, perhaps explain why to your children.

no photo
Fri 02/26/10 12:06 PM

C'mon now, the guy admitted to affairs with multiple women. I think the 12 that came out is only a small fraction of the number he really cheated with.

Then don't forget about the whole not using a condom thing. Now what kind of example does that set for our kids?

... And on, and on, and on, goes the futile, senseless ramblin'.

Tell us 'Lpdon', is this gratuitous act of calumnious desecration, a form of personal therapeutic cleansing you must absolutely impose on the rest of us??? A bit of what 'isaac_dede' was pointing at perhaps?

We don't have to agree, nor condone Tiger's actions. But why should we obsessively slip into these gratuitous personal character attacks?

In the area of character and morality, it is not how one judges and desecrates others that shines through, but rather, how one fights for and defends others from desecration!!!

Duffy's photo
Fri 02/26/10 12:07 PM
so he boinked 12 women or more. does anyone really care anymore?

and so he did not use condoms? who told u that?

and his kids, for which he is not a good role model right now, are to young to understand.

so what is the next point.

this man did what lots of men and women do. he/they got caught. infidelity is a part of our culture. u either understand it, deal with it or criticize it.:wink:

willing2's photo
Fri 02/26/10 12:16 PM

C'mon now, the guy admitted to affairs with multiple women. I think the 12 that came out is only a small fraction of the number he really cheated with.

Then don't forget about the whole not using a condom thing. Now what kind of example does that set for our kids?

... And on, and on, and on, goes the futile, senseless ramblin'.

Tell us 'Lpdon', is this gratuitous act of calumnious desecration, a form of personal therapeutic cleansing you must absolutely impose on the rest of us??? A bit of what 'isaac_dede' was pointing at perhaps?

We don't have to agree, nor condone Tiger's actions. But why should we obsessively slip into these gratuitous personal character attacks?

In the area of character and morality, it is not how one judges and desecrates others that shines through, but rather, how one fights for and defends others from desecration!!!

If'n you don't care fer others obsessing over Tiger's Woods gettin' so much stroking, maybe you could set an example and quit yer own obsessing.

* The police asked Tiger's wife how many times she hit him. "I can't remember," Elin said, "just put me down for a 5."

* Ping has a new set of irons called Elins. They're clubs you can beat Tiger with.

* What does Tiger Woods have in common with a baby seal? They've both been clubbed by a Norwegian. (Of course, Elin is actually Swedish. But poetic license is allowed in jokes.)

# Tiger's other women aren't mistresses. They're provisionals.

* Tiger crashed into a fire hydrant and a tree. He couldn't decide between a wood and an iron.

* What's the difference between a car and a golf ball? Tiger can drive a golf ball 400 yards.

* Tiger Woods is so rich that he owns lots of expensive cars. Now he has a hole-in-one.

* Tiger has a new movie coming out. It's called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Hydrant.

# Did you hear Nike's new motto? Just do me.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 02/26/10 12:18 PM
the OP is about Tiger's comments...made publicly. That made it the public's business. The other women went to the media....making it the public's business.

no photo
Fri 02/26/10 02:29 PM
Edited by voileazur on Fri 02/26/10 02:33 PM

the OP is about Tiger's comments...made publicly. That made it the public's business. The other women went to the media....making it the public's business.

You posting on these threads 'yellowrose', makes it public business.

That doesn't make it OK to start desecrating your character for things you might have done or said, with which some might disagree.

Commenting on Tiger's comments is fair game.
What was his motive in participating in that press conference; what are his sponsors motives; what are the entire golf industry's motives; was he sincere; can he be rehabilitated; that's all fair game.

But to use the 'public' domain pretext, as a way of opening a modern day character assassination and racial 'witch hunt', where all low and senseless blows, and impertinent associations are allowed, as though he were guilty of the most horrendous crimes, that is no longer what this OP is about, nor is it 'public'.

That is the counter point being made to the proponents of the gratuitous 'witch hunt'.

And I'd like to add that the beauty about 'freedom of speech', is that it is a two way street.

No one has the final say. But all have 'their' say!!!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 02/26/10 02:31 PM

the OP is about Tiger's comments...made publicly. That made it the public's business. The other women went to the media....making it the public's business.

You, posting on these threads 'yellowrose', makes it public business.

That doesn't make it OK to start desecrating your character for things you might have done or said, with which some might disagree.

Commenting on Tiger's comments is fair game.
What was his motive in participating in that press conference; what are his sponsors motives; what are the entire golf industry's motive; was he sincere; can he be rehabilitated; that's all fair game.

But to use the 'public' domain pretext, as a way of opening a modern day character assassination and racial 'witch hunt', where all low and senseless blows, and impertinent associations are allowed, that is no longer what this OP is about, nor is it 'public'. That is the counter point made to the proponents of the 'witch hunt'.

The beauty about 'freedom of speech', is that it is a two way street. No one has the final say. But all have 'their' say!!!

my point was the other women brought it to the public and Tiger's apology was made public by him.

Just as if I brought my problems to the forums (such as why did he cheat on me, etc) then YES it would be open for all to discuss because I brought it to the forums.

papersmile's photo
Fri 02/26/10 02:35 PM
Edited by papersmile on Fri 02/26/10 02:39 PM
But to use the 'public' domain pretext, as a way of opening a modern day character assassination and racial 'witch hunt'

now THAT is the funniest thing i've heard today.

all i've ever seen on these threads is the character assassination of george bush and now barack obama (and affiliates).

if you can all diss your presidents, surely i can chop a down a mere golfer, no? bigsmile

no photo
Fri 02/26/10 02:36 PM

the OP is about Tiger's comments...made publicly. That made it the public's business. The other women went to the media....making it the public's business.

You, posting on these threads 'yellowrose', makes it public business.

That doesn't make it OK to start desecrating your character for things you might have done or said, with which some might disagree.

Commenting on Tiger's comments is fair game.
What was his motive in participating in that press conference; what are his sponsors motives; what are the entire golf industry's motive; was he sincere; can he be rehabilitated; that's all fair game.

But to use the 'public' domain pretext, as a way of opening a modern day character assassination and racial 'witch hunt', where all low and senseless blows, and impertinent associations are allowed, that is no longer what this OP is about, nor is it 'public'. That is the counter point made to the proponents of the 'witch hunt'.

The beauty about 'freedom of speech', is that it is a two way street. No one has the final say. But all have 'their' say!!!

my point was the other women brought it to the public and Tiger's apology was made public by him.

Just as if I brought my problems to the forums (such as why did he cheat on me, etc) then YES it would be open for all to discuss because I brought it to the forums.


Conducting your trial, where you would already be guilty and condemned, NO!!!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 02/26/10 02:41 PM


Conducting your trial, where you would already be guilty and condemned, NO!!!

MY trial??? If you look back I have said I don't care what he does. They made it public for people to see and have an opinion on.

I didn't even watch it until this thread came along. I only did so to see what was said for the topic.

Not to mention (as papersmiles said) poster do it all the time....whether it's politics, religion, whatever. People have their opinions and if they condemn him or the other women....that's their opinion.