Topic: What did you think about "Tiger's" comments
Lpdon's photo
Thu 02/25/10 08:25 PM
Honestly I have no use for that guy. I used to have a lot of respect for him, but not anymore. He is at the same level as pond scum IMHO. I lose all respect for cheaters and womanizers. It's not right. The guy humiliated and really hurt his wife and kids. I know from experience how bad it hurts to be played like that. I can only imagine how much worse it is for someone who is in the spotlight. They get constant reminders everytime they turn on the tv.

I will never watch a golf event that he is a part of again. I hope all the rest of his damn sponsors pull out on him. His apology was a planned media stunt. That is why he held it on a Friday, hoping it would go away or get blown over because of the weekends events. The guy is up doodoo creek and he knows it.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 02/25/10 08:27 PM
I agree with you on that. It kills me that some of the women are hiring attorneys and going after him. They ALL knew he was married and they all knew the crapstorm that would come of it if anyone found out.

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 08:27 PM
Edited by voileazur on Thu 02/25/10 08:37 PM

How does Tiger keep track of what hole he is playing?

By the tattoo on her back.

The Wayans brothers want to cast Tiger woods in their next movie but they can’t decide if the title should be White Chicks 11 or 12 ?

After his press conference admitting his indiscretions, Tiger Woods began apologizing to the women with whom he had affairs. Twelve hours later they say he has barely scratched the surface…

I bought a movie the other day called, “Tiger Woods 16 holes” and was pretty disappointed when I found out it was about golf!

Why does Tiger get a hole in one every time? Cause they are all beneath him…

Where do all of Tiger Woods’ girlfriends live?
They live in Idaho, because each one says, “Hi. Idaho of the day.”

Tiger Woods Christmas Song Lyrics:

He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year
He’s had many transgressions
But he’s not confessin’
To what we should hear
He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year

He’s the hor-horniest golfer of all
Saying, babe, take your presence
Off of your phone message
In case my wife calls
He’s the hor-horniest golfer of all

Well, there’s Jaimee, the waitress
Kalika in Vegas
And Rachel, but she says, not true
If I were his missus
And I was real pissed
I would total my Cadillac, too

He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year
And upholding his fame
Is the name of the game
When a hoochie is near
He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year

Real soon, Elin will dump him
Then, her lawyers will trump him
Like Furyk did in Chicago
There’ll be gossipy stories
Regarding some whore he
Stuck his five-iron in, long, long ago

He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year
Bottom dollar, I’m bettin’
That Tiger is frettin’
About his career
He’s the most unfaithful guy… Yes, the most unfaithful guy…
Oh, the most unfaithful guy… of the year!

I for one, will keep standing, and defending 'freedom of speech' for all,


When one has used up all 'HIS' words, one becomes 'wordy' and 'intellectually' bankrupt. Resorting to plagiarism is the only option left, and takes the form of 'back door' capitulation.

With respect to the topic and the calumnious charges some are unloading on 'Tiger', the moral dilemma IMHO, boils down to this:

One cannot claim 'all' personal freedom for ONESELF, from one corner of one's mouth, and cowardly attack someone else's freedom to a private life, from the other corner.

It is profoundly unAmerican, and it is not deserving of the individual rights and privileges this great nation guarantees to all its people.

If those freedoms are good for one, one MUST afford and defend them for all!!!

Think what we may of the moral question surrounding adultery, it is a personal issue we must all deal with in our personal lives.
It is an individual moral issue for sure, but neither the state nor the public as a say in the matter,

... unless you're 'willing' to sacrifice those personal freedoms to which you cling so strongly for yourself.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 02/25/10 08:32 PM
Actually Tiger has stated on numerous occasions that he is an Independant. He also supported Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Which shows he is a Independant that leans Liberal.

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 08:55 PM

..about all i can say is "way to go Tiger" man you was gettin' all the pu ne ne ,that is until you got caught,bogied that one eh old boy,gonna need more than a sand wedge to get you outta this sand trap,better hope no little cubs start showing up ..or they'll have all your golf monies..:laughing:

..but either way never mind cause it's really none of my business i just thought i'd crack on you a while ..cause this is america and i matter how stupid the comment..god i love this place...

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/25/10 10:22 PM
whenever we fall, ALL we can say is apologies. After that it is up to the offender to do something to improve their choices and not repeat the mistake.

I tend to believe everyone deserves the opportunity to improve themself, this does not mean that they can or they will or that the offended is required to trust them again. But mistakes cant be undone so the only choice for both people is to move forward, one way or the other.

I believe the young man was sincere and I wish the best for their family.

BL4766's photo
Thu 02/25/10 10:45 PM
people need to just MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS..........whoa
who really cares??????

i mean, its not like he's the ONLY man thats ever cheated!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!whoa slaphead

Lpdon's photo
Thu 02/25/10 10:49 PM
If it were a private figure then I would agree, but not when it's a public figure like a Musician, Athlete, Polititian, Actor etc. it's a different story. I don't want my daughter idolizing someone like that.

BL4766's photo
Thu 02/25/10 10:57 PM
he's STILL a great athlete, so why not still idolize him????

I personally dont judge someone, by their PERSONAL life!
public or private.....a persons "personal" life is THEIR business.
who are WE to judge them????????????
just saying.........

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:00 PM

he's STILL a great athlete, so why not still idolize him????

I personally dont judge someone, by their PERSONAL life!
public or private.....a persons "personal" life is THEIR business.
who are WE to judge them????????????
just saying.........

thats a good point, if children are looking up to public figures because of their talent,, than their moral personal decisions have little to do with it

if children are looking up to public figures because of their morals(which is usually a HUGE assumption that shouldnt be being made in the first place),,,then shame on the parents for not explaining the difference between a talented person and a person of esteemed character.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:03 PM
I don't care if the guy could turn water into wine. His personal conduct overshadows that.

Don't forget that in some states it is a crime to commit adultry.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:04 PM
Bull. In life, especially public life Perception is Reality. End of story.

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:07 PM

I don't care if the guy could turn water into wine. His personal conduct overshadows that.

Don't forget that in some states it is a crime to commit adultry.

I dont believe it is punishable except as cause for divorce. It was poor conduct, but it doesnt overshadow all the wonderful things he has done (at least for me). We can ignore 200 good deeds because of one mistake but I think thats a high standard to hold anyone to. I try to look at the balance and I still see him as someone who is mostly a decent guy.(not someone ready to commit however).

BL4766's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:13 PM

I don't care if the guy could turn water into wine. His personal conduct overshadows that.

Don't forget that in some states it is a crime to commit adultry.

I dont believe it is punishable except as cause for divorce. It was poor conduct, but it doesnt overshadow all the wonderful things he has done (at least for me). We can ignore 200 good deeds because of one mistake but I think thats a high standard to hold anyone to. I try to look at the balance and I still see him as someone who is mostly a decent guy.(not someone ready to commit however).

I soooooo agree........
200 good deeds get overlooked all the time....
but ONE mistake, they are condemned for life.......
It isnt right!
He's STILL a very talented athlete........his "mistake" didnt take THAT from him!

Lpdon's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:14 PM
Actually like I said it is a criminal offense, which is punishable in those states. I have heard of people geting jail time, probation, fines, community service etc. all for adultry.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:17 PM
More than likely he signed a morals clause to get endorsements. So, in effect, he signed his private life away. Most of his income comes from endorsements.

Not to mention that it was his choice to make a public apology

BL4766's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:18 PM

Actually like I said it is a criminal offense, which is punishable in those states. I have heard of people geting jail time, probation, fines, community service etc. all for adultry.

so be it.........then they get punished.......

but does that give US the right to judge them?????
does that "mistake" make them a no longer great person, despite the
fact????? NO!
Its not our business......ITS THEIRS!

Lpdon's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:19 PM
Ok, granted everyone makes a mistake. **** happens. Maybe, possibly I could see it being a mistake if it happenes one time with one girl..... But jumping up and down on 12 (that we know about) different women on a regular basis for the past few years, thats not a mistake that is a pattern.

Then on top of that once the storys about to blow trying to cover it up.

THEN on top of when he gets caught he drives recklessly putting peoples lives in danger............

C'mon people this isnt rocket science.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:19 PM
Then they should get out of public life.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:20 PM
the famous use the good publicity to help boost their careers, so why shouldn't the bad go along with it?