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Dragoness's photo
Fri 11/20/09 01:08 PM

I am not a liberal so what are you proving here?.....laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

your actions speak louder then words...your defense of Barry...says otherwise...:smile:

I am still not a liberal so what now???spock

Yer busted. Inconsistancy.

In one forum you defend Illegals and their ability to get away with fraud and theft.

In another, you proudly state how when you worked for the Gov., you knew you'd bust 'em all one day or other.

Why is it you condemn one and not the other?

What are you talking about?

I have never defended anyone's right to get away with fraud and theft so you have the wrong person.

no photo
Fri 11/20/09 03:40 PM
Boy! without question-you are so right!!!!!

no photo
Fri 11/20/09 03:43 PM
hey!- ease up dude
Why do someone have to be a liberal if not in agreement with committing vigilante felonies to deport illegals back to Mexico/ Remember you are a immigrate as well.

no photo
Fri 11/20/09 03:51 PM
what are you getting for free or have gotten for free all your life?
have you ever heard of the song " papa got a brand new bag"

tohyup's photo
Fri 11/20/09 03:58 PM
There is a real difference between refugees and spies . Those countries with very strict rules about the border crossing are concerned about espionage and sabotage . we all know that the CIA has a reputation of both .

Thomas3474's photo
Fri 11/20/09 05:38 PM
South korea has the best border security in the world I think.We need this for sure!

South Korea's Machine Gun Sentry Robot


willing2's photo
Fri 11/20/09 05:42 PM

what are you getting for free or have gotten for free all your life?
have you ever heard of the song " papa got a brand new bag"

The song refers to Papa getting a new wife.:wink: laugh

Mexico's Immigration Law is very mature and simple. We could learn a lot from them about how to deal with Illegals.

And I agree with The plan Thomas mentioned.

willing2's photo
Fri 11/20/09 06:07 PM
Edited by willing2 on Fri 11/20/09 06:11 PM

hey!- ease up dude
Why do someone have to be a liberal if not in agreement with committing vigilante felonies to deport illegals back to Mexico/ Remember you are a immigrate as well.

Back off with the racial profiling. You have no idea what my background is. You are the migrant, not me.laugh

msharmony's photo
Sat 11/21/09 01:47 AM
SO far,,,,healthcare-obamas fault, immigration-obamas fault, respecting others traditions-obamas weakness, Weak economy- obamas fault,,,,,,,Can we take a poll of how many topics in this post start off as one thing and end up another bash the pres thread?

Back to topic,,

Illegal immigrants are given loans for homes, you can research this by just googling bank programs and there will be several that work with immigrants without documentation..I know, I was shocked, I found it while looking for information about obtaining a loan for my husband.

I think the issue was pushed by Hilary to give illegal immigrants drivers licenses too,,the same old argument about them doing work americans wont and needing to get around,,,,

As to the other issues, I am not sure but I suspect in the current climate that they are not far off.

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:15 AM

Well I wish people would post facts supporting their claims of garbage. Just blindly saying this is bunk is just as bad as posting fiction. Let's see you're facts, what isn't true?

I second that, since I have seen them do every single thing on this list.

Prove that, because I know it is not true.

I think that in order for you to accept it as proof, you would have to come and see it for yourself. When shall I expect you?

Even if I came there, how can you prove to me they are recieving foodstamps?

People don't have a certain look when they get foodstamps.slaphead

Walk next door and ask her to show you her EBT card and tell you what it is for. They don't even make a secret of it. Would THAT be enough for ya'? Why is it I am thinking it probably wouldn't? LOL

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:19 AM

Like International Law requires, we are to be in line with our neighbors in regard to Immigration. Our so-called leaders believe they are above the law.

the US is not compelled to comply with international law. no soveriegn country is. within US jurisdiction the constitution rules other than regards foreign treaty. and treaties can simply be abolshed.

LOL I was referring to obama NOT COMPLYING WITH US LAW.

I just WISH we could enforce the immigration laws of each country against those from it that come here illegally.

it was not your post that i replied to. but as you jumped in, how would it be correct for us to enforce the immigration laws of other countries while it is wrong for our president not to enforce the laws of our own country? not following your logic here. i agree that the president has the duty to enforce our laws. other than his duties as cic that's about the entire job we elected him to do. so now we should violate the rights of a foreign sovereign nation by enforcing their laws because we think our president is not doing his duty? would such not be an act of war?

Ok, I will reword. If a mexican comes here illegally, we should use the same rules to deal with him that mexico would someone illegally entering their country. If a canadian illegally enters, same punishments he would get from Canada, and so on. Our country pretty much has nothing to deter people from illegally entering, but other countries have much stricter enforcement and harsher punishments. I am all for whatever puts an end to it.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:32 AM

And don't forget, our dollar is sinking fast to the Euro!!

thst doesnt really have much to do with it

either you can compete and win

or you cant and lose

their is no entitlement to America being prosperous in the world market

they are out competing us and winning

question is, what do you do about it? sit and complain? or work to be faster, stronger, smarter richer?

You're a wise fella, quietman. glasses drinker

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:34 AM

hey!- ease up dude
Why do someone have to be a liberal if not in agreement with committing vigilante felonies to deport illegals back to Mexico/ Remember you are a immigrate as well.

Strawman. The argument is about crossing the border illegally and related consequences, not immigration.

no photo
Sun 11/22/09 05:57 AM

hey!- ease up dude
Why do someone have to be a liberal if not in agreement with committing vigilante felonies to deport illegals back to Mexico/ Remember you are a immigrate as well.

Strawman. The argument is about crossing the border illegally and related consequences, not immigration.

How about those who didn't immigrate? Are we allowed to give them the boot, since that seems to be your defense for them. And you might want to remember, self defense is not a crime, and is what they call an affirmative defense against any charges.

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