This whole health care fiasco is nothing but a huge new tax.Why does a person who has tens of millions or even a million dollars need to pay thousands of dollars a month into a health care plan when he can pay the entire hospital bill on the spot for what ever they go there for?What we have is Obama's Socialist plan for spreading the wealth around.Anyone making over 88,000 a year are just getting a massive tax increase to pay for something they can afford anyways. SAY IT AINT SO....CRY ME A RIVER... HAVE YOUR HEAD BEEN IN THE SAND FROM THE BEGINNING OF THIS DEBATE???? PLEASE CATCH UP! OBAMA ROCKS!!!!! |
Sorry, Government, when reporting numbers, has lost all credibility. They were caught lying about the number of jobs created or saved. Seems they can publish exactly what they choose and call it the truth. Attacking my truth won't make the posted topic true. the object to your post is that it is indeed your opinion- and the truth will not make your voice any louder! Talk to the American's that were able to keep their employment. Instead of nit picking- pee or get off the pot!!!! |
Darn.. I thought this was a good discussion....Go Figure!
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I got kicked in the ...
Be easy and!
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When Someone Dies!
Love yah!!!!
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Today people can call anything derogatory, offensive, rude or down right ignorant. As adults, we should hear without all the dressings and flowers. It can be very good for us and sobering in a world where truth is only reserved for the babes. As we build relationships-our initial conversations should change.
Never take it personal! ![]() |
Fox has the highest ratings in the nation for news far exceeding CNN and MSNBC.The reason for this is simple.They ask the hard questions that most stations don't have the guts to.Fox also in not afraid of Political correctness,taking risks,or offending the general public.This is the way news should be.I think Fox news represents the type of news people want to read about.News that is Pro Military,Pro American,and and gives hope instead of the bleak,boring,America sucks outlook that CNN and MSNBC produces on a endless basis. Yes they have the highest ratings. More American watch Fox than any other news station. That speaks volumes and it's because of the people that Fox has the highest ratings. Yes they have the highest rating for the most viewed- so does desperate housewives, the hill, and other reality shows. As for World news reporting-bogus! |
Here's a stimulus success story: In Arizona's 15th congressional district, 30 jobs have been saved or created with just $761,420 in federal stimulus spending. At least that's what the Web site set up by the Obama administration to track the $787 billion stimulus says. There's one problem, though: There is no 15th congressional district in Arizona; the state has only eight districts. And ABC News has found many more entries for projects like this in places that are incorrectly identified. Late Monday, officials with the Recovery Board created to track the stimulus spending, said the mistakes in crediting nonexistent congressional districts were caused by human error. "We report what the recipients submit to us," said Ed Pound, Communications Director for the Board. Pound told ABC News the board receives declarations from the recipients - state governments, federal agencies and universities - of stimulus money about what program is being funded. "Some recipients clearly don't know what congressional district they live in, so they appear to be just throwing in any number. We expected all along that recipients would make mistakes on their congressional districts, on jobs numbers, on award amounts, and so on. Human beings make mistakes," Pound said. The issue has raised hackles on Capitol Hill. Rep. David Obey, D-Wisc, who chairs the powerful House appropriations Committee, issued a paper statement demanding that the Web site be updated. "The inaccuracies on that have come to light are outrageous and the Administration owes itself, the Congress, and every American a commitment to work night and day to correct the ludicrous mistakes." It's like watching children run the nation. They report what the recipients tell them. This leaves it wide open for fraud and abuse. This makes all the data tainted and useless. This White House wants to take over the census in order to politicize it for their own sneaky purposes. If they can't get this right, how screwed up could they make the census data? Obama has no doubt the best administration this country has seen in a long time. he came into office with the country being a the verge of collapse- not 1 year in- all the nays line up daily to throw rocks- To all the "I love America"- and freedom fighter- where was your fight under Bush 0ne-two- where were the rocks? well, sorry your veiled attempts today to persuade your infinite love for this country sounds- SUSPECT - Get off the fence and actually do something to pull this country in a good direction- or just shhhhhhh-up |
Edited by
Fri 11/20/09 04:11 PM
I don't know if any of you still remember what America suppose to be really like. We're modifying our allegiance in school, taking out the words that was put there over 2 century ago, end up wanting security by giving up our freedom...and the people fear the government when the government suppose to fear the people. I don't know if some of you may still think that this country exist...but in no longer does. Only those who still carry it within their hearts and mind, thats where America still exist. Whenever I take down our National Flag from the poles, I never allow it to touch the ground but state flags I could careless. This country suppose to be indivisible but in reality, its dividing itself. Other states has started to make their own currencies and everything else. I was watching the news a couple of months ago, the interviewer asked this retired Army Major who is a Counter Terrorist Specialist if we should give up our freedom for our security, and his answer was "YES". Knowing that Andrew Jackson or Thomas Jefferson, I can't really remember who, stated that we should never give up our freedom for security, otherwise we don't deserve neither of it. Its really a shame... If you're referring to "under God", that isn't 2 centuries old-it's only about 60 years old. Did you know that the pledge was written by Francis Bellamy-an avowed socialist, and the original salute was exactly like the Nazi salute? I prefer the original American flag or the Gadsden flag to the modern one. The modern one represents a militaristic empire and has little to do with the spirit of 1776. That Ben Franklin quote you're thinking of goes "Those who would surrender essential liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security". You should realize that if you revere the national emblem more than the State ones, you are in direct opposition to the founding philosophy. (that is, essentially, all rights belong to the citizens naturally, and they only surrender a few of them to their State first, then the Federal government as they feel needed. The Federalist Papers make this very clear) If you seriously are as afraid as you seem OP, I suggest joining either the Campaign for Liberty, or a local 10th amendment advocacy group. I call this the best feedback I have read in a while!!!! good job- great facts |
Dammit! How many times do I have to tell you that you cannot post anything involving economics and actual logic around here!?! You know it just confuses the living daylights out of everyone lol. It's really very simple, actually, and exactly what is wrong with the plan. I just wish mire people had taken economics 101 so they could understand why. Great article ![]() are you guys serious! if you really want to spread fear at least get you sh..t right! If you do not understand the bill verbiage ask- please do not attempt to interpret. The plan will pass and we will see all of the nays in 2012- Talk is what the right seems to be good at- I like to demonstrate what I talk about- see you at the polls 2012- the tea baggers may have their 10, 000s, no- 5000- no 500 hundreds marching but we will vote in the millions!!! can you say repeat!!! |
what are you getting for free or have gotten for free all your life?
have you ever heard of the song " papa got a brand new bag" |
hey!- ease up dude
Why do someone have to be a liberal if not in agreement with committing vigilante felonies to deport illegals back to Mexico/ Remember you are a immigrate as well. |
Boy! without question-you are so right!!!!!
Beck is such a coward that relys on the majority to say "do not be so sensitive" Beck meant exactly what he said-coward! Weak men are such disappointments!
Obama's Bow Enrages Critics
Edited by
Tue 11/17/09 01:57 PM
For such an "intelligent", ![]() Bowing befor Egypt king, trying to make a presentation without his telepromptor, declaring he will change,"destroy", the greatest country in the world. I'm sure other Minglers can come up with more of his "intelligent" actions. Really are you serious? Bush almost destroyed this country in office for over eight years- where was the voices of -Save America!Bush did a lot of bowing- our deficit in ![]() |
Obama's Bow Enrages Critics
he looked like a submissive puppy. ![]() He did not look like a blundering idiot, Bush-please!- Idiot! |
Younger men are usually attracted to me. That is a good thing!I have gained some weight but the young men are still the first lookers. women my age- stop locking for a man with goals and this and that. If you must Look, look for a man that is funny, compassionate, sensual, and above all loves GOD first. The last relationship I was in- he loved to hold my hand, rub my feet, and let me lay on his chest. When the dust settle at the end of the day- I looked forward to these things. At the end, it did not work because we did not respect and love one another, -his mother did not approve of a Indian marrying a Black woman.
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44 and OK!
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Obama/Asia/ and Iran
No one is remotely implying that Iran is without merit a threat- The move Obama is making is building a global team in dealing with a foe- all that have a stake must show allegiance and unite in a team effort. Why should US be the one to sacrifice lives and resources.It is brilliant. I was the US that helped China to recover from Japan. A stain not soon forgotten by China.
Obama/Asia/ and Iran
I think your made some very well stated points and I commend you for your courage and ability to articulate factual information. The media thinks Obama is intimidated- he is a master politician-Kindness is the most powerful and evidence bases method in any negotiations. Edna
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