Topic: Common Sense Health Care Reforms and Affordability Act | |
"The people have spoken: they do not want a trillion-dollar government plan to replace their health care." Um what health care? I am one of those folks that have none. You know, along with the millions of other americans in the same boat. And this is my problem how? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"The people have spoken: they do not want a trillion-dollar government plan to replace their health care." Um what health care? I am one of those folks that have none. You know, along with the millions of other americans in the same boat. ![]() ![]() |
"The people have spoken: they do not want a trillion-dollar government plan to replace their health care." Um what health care? I am one of those folks that have none. You know, along with the millions of other americans in the same boat. And this is my problem how? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() everyone has access already. It's not my fault you cannot afford it. |
Edited by
Fri 11/06/09 09:16 PM
"The people have spoken: they do not want a trillion-dollar government plan to replace their health care." Um what health care? I am one of those folks that have none. You know, along with the millions of other americans in the same boat. And this is my problem how? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() everyone has access already. It's not my fault you cannot afford it. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"The people have spoken: they do not want a trillion-dollar government plan to replace their health care." Um what health care? I am one of those folks that have none. You know, along with the millions of other americans in the same boat. And this is my problem how? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() everyone has access already. It's not my fault you cannot afford it. You can act that selfish now, but there may be a time in your life when you may need help. You never know what your future holds young man! : ) |
Wow, and YOU are a "libertarian"? Could have fooled me! ![]() and that has what to do with the conversation at hand? let me get this straight, you deserve health care, at my and many others' expense, because you don't have any? I'm sorry, but healthcare is not a need to exist. Humans require three things (as a generality): air, food, and water. We can survive with nothing else. Even then, you do not deserve anything because you exist. You are already paying for illegal immigrants to have babies, and women on welfare to keep popping babies out. Really, whats the difference? This time, maybe it would make you feel better in knowing you helped a child with cancer, or a young man with MS? What's wrong with helping someone that really needs it? I am fine without, as I have free healthcare thanks to local doctors who donate their time to help those of us who can't afford it. : ) I generously donate to the health clinic when I can! um, two wrongs =! a right. sorry. and no, it does not make me feel any better when I have to pay more taxes to help some kid with cancer or some old man with MS. I don't like paying for the illegals either but that is the biggest joke of an argument I've ever heard in support of nationalized healthcare. The problem with helping someone who needs it is the inefficiency. I donate to St. Jude's and the LA children's hospital. That to me is a noble cause and the efficiency is far more than any government operation. I'd donate a hell of a lot more if the government wasn't taking 40% of my earnings. and again, i ask, what the hell did the libertarian comment have to do with anything? Because your selfish, and that isn't what the libertarian party is all about. I do feel sorry for you. Your arrogant and think we owe you something. Like I said earlier, you are not the only taxpayer in the country, so get off your high horse and gallop away. |
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mirror, everyone will have it. I don't mind helping my fellow human being out and I'm sure there are tons that feel the same way as I do. I am done with this topic, because I have said my peace and gonna go drink cheap beer. I am for the people, not the politics!! |
Edited by
Fri 11/06/09 09:46 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() once again, my primate friend, you've got it all backwards, oversimplified the situation and are thinking in utopian terms.. it's not a cause-effect relationship. And it's not your health they're looking after anyways.. it's control.. "healthcare" doesn't lead to dictatorship and nowhere did I make that assertion.. control, central control, over access to healthcare is a tool of dictatorship, of tyrrany. even though I know you jest, suppose we did tax everyone at 100% and dole out the wealth evenly amoung all.. who would work? you? me? no. nobody would work.. why would you? you don't get to spend whatever earnings you made the way you wanted to because big brother takes care of everything.. The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of someone else's money.. what gov't social program hasn't gone broke or isn't running a massive deficit and will eventuall go broke if it's not continually propped up? name one.. I dare you.. |
This country has gone to hell in a matter of decades. It's not turning out how it was suppose to turn out. Greed and money dictates how this country is. The fed needs to be stopped and big government needs to take a step back. The way things are leading with the two major parties, I only see it getting worse.
Something needs to give, people need to stop all the hate and stop fighting against each other and start fighting against big government. Things could be good if the hate went away. |
Wow, and YOU are a "libertarian"? Could have fooled me! ![]() and that has what to do with the conversation at hand? let me get this straight, you deserve health care, at my and many others' expense, because you don't have any? I'm sorry, but healthcare is not a need to exist. Humans require three things (as a generality): air, food, and water. We can survive with nothing else. Even then, you do not deserve anything because you exist. You are already paying for illegal immigrants to have babies, and women on welfare to keep popping babies out. Really, whats the difference? This time, maybe it would make you feel better in knowing you helped a child with cancer, or a young man with MS? What's wrong with helping someone that really needs it? I am fine without, as I have free healthcare thanks to local doctors who donate their time to help those of us who can't afford it. : ) I generously donate to the health clinic when I can! um, two wrongs =! a right. sorry. and no, it does not make me feel any better when I have to pay more taxes to help some kid with cancer or some old man with MS. I don't like paying for the illegals either but that is the biggest joke of an argument I've ever heard in support of nationalized healthcare. The problem with helping someone who needs it is the inefficiency. I donate to St. Jude's and the LA children's hospital. That to me is a noble cause and the efficiency is far more than any government operation. I'd donate a hell of a lot more if the government wasn't taking 40% of my earnings. and again, i ask, what the hell did the libertarian comment have to do with anything? Because your selfish, and that isn't what the libertarian party is all about. I do feel sorry for you. Your arrogant and think we owe you something. Like I said earlier, you are not the only taxpayer in the country, so get off your high horse and gallop away. Actually, that is exactly what libertarianism is about in a sense. it's not that i don't want to help others so much that i don't want to be forced to help others. I am a very caring and compassionate person if you talk to just about anyone that knows me, but I do not like others telling me what i can and cannot do. It's about hands-off. and if i'm ever in a situation that i require help and cannot get it, it's my own damn fault for not being ready for it or it's some other jackass's fault for doing it to me. I didn't make anyone sick or hurt anyone; why should I be liable to pay for their care? |
Edited by
Fri 11/06/09 09:46 PM
This country has gone to hell in a matter of decades. It's not turning out how it was suppose to turn out. Greed and money dictates how this country is. The fed needs to be stopped and big government needs to take a step back. The way things are leading with the two major parties, I only see it getting worse. Something needs to give, people need to stop all the hate and stop fighting against each other and start fighting against big government. Things could be good if the hate went away. I'm confused.. this statement is completely counter to the rest of your contributions to this thread.. you argue for reduction in the size of government yet you argue for a massive expansion of it in the form a hugely burdensome healthcare mandate/entitlement.. is someone else writing under your name.. because I actually agree whole heartedly with what you just wrote! |
"healthcare" doesn't lead to dictatorship and nowhere did I make that assertion.. control, central control, over access to healthcare is a tool of dictatorship, of tyrrany"
![]() ![]() "what gov't social program hasn't gone broke? " ![]() ![]() |
This country has gone to hell in a matter of decades. It's not turning out how it was suppose to turn out. Greed and money dictates how this country is. The fed needs to be stopped and big government needs to take a step back. The way things are leading with the two major parties, I only see it getting worse. Something needs to give, people need to stop all the hate and stop fighting against each other and start fighting against big government. Things could be good if the hate went away. "This country has gone to hell in a matter of decades. It's not turning out how it was suppose to turn out. Greed and money dictates how this country is." ![]() ![]() |
This country has gone to hell in a matter of decades. It's not turning out how it was suppose to turn out. Greed and money dictates how this country is. The fed needs to be stopped and big government needs to take a step back. The way things are leading with the two major parties, I only see it getting worse. Something needs to give, people need to stop all the hate and stop fighting against each other and start fighting against big government. Things could be good if the hate went away. this statement is completely counter to the rest of you contributiuons.. you argue for reduction in the size of government yet you argue for a massive expansion of it in the form a hugely burdensome healthcare mandate/entitlement.. is someone else writing under your name.. because I actually agree whole heartedly with what you just wrote! haha I do not argue FOR the healthcare in question. I argue for human rights. That is all. : ) I have been drinking too, so I tend to get a little more passionate about my cause. ![]() ![]() I'm not a hippy by any means, but it would be nice if people could take a step back take a look at the person next to them and care about one another. We only have one life to live and we are all fighting to survive! ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 11/06/09 09:52 PM
This country has gone to hell in a matter of decades. It's not turning out how it was suppose to turn out. Greed and money dictates how this country is. The fed needs to be stopped and big government needs to take a step back. The way things are leading with the two major parties, I only see it getting worse. Something needs to give, people need to stop all the hate and stop fighting against each other and start fighting against big government. Things could be good if the hate went away. I'm confused.. this statement is completely counter to the rest of your contributions to this thread.. you argue for reduction in the size of government yet you argue for a massive expansion of it in the form a hugely burdensome healthcare mandate/entitlement.. is someone else writing under your name.. because I actually agree whole heartedly with what you just wrote! ![]() ![]() |
Wow, and YOU are a "libertarian"? Could have fooled me! ![]() and that has what to do with the conversation at hand? let me get this straight, you deserve health care, at my and many others' expense, because you don't have any? I'm sorry, but healthcare is not a need to exist. Humans require three things (as a generality): air, food, and water. We can survive with nothing else. Even then, you do not deserve anything because you exist. You are already paying for illegal immigrants to have babies, and women on welfare to keep popping babies out. Really, whats the difference? This time, maybe it would make you feel better in knowing you helped a child with cancer, or a young man with MS? What's wrong with helping someone that really needs it? I am fine without, as I have free healthcare thanks to local doctors who donate their time to help those of us who can't afford it. : ) I generously donate to the health clinic when I can! um, two wrongs =! a right. sorry. and no, it does not make me feel any better when I have to pay more taxes to help some kid with cancer or some old man with MS. I don't like paying for the illegals either but that is the biggest joke of an argument I've ever heard in support of nationalized healthcare. The problem with helping someone who needs it is the inefficiency. I donate to St. Jude's and the LA children's hospital. That to me is a noble cause and the efficiency is far more than any government operation. I'd donate a hell of a lot more if the government wasn't taking 40% of my earnings. and again, i ask, what the hell did the libertarian comment have to do with anything? Because your selfish, and that isn't what the libertarian party is all about. I do feel sorry for you. Your arrogant and think we owe you something. Like I said earlier, you are not the only taxpayer in the country, so get off your high horse and gallop away. Actually, that is exactly what libertarianism is about in a sense. it's not that i don't want to help others so much that i don't want to be forced to help others. I am a very caring and compassionate person if you talk to just about anyone that knows me, but I do not like others telling me what i can and cannot do. It's about hands-off. and if i'm ever in a situation that i require help and cannot get it, it's my own damn fault for not being ready for it or it's some other jackass's fault for doing it to me. I didn't make anyone sick or hurt anyone; why should I be liable to pay for their care? One day when you have a child, you will know that life isn't about YOU at all. I used to think like you, but when I had a child that all went out the window. : ) I do understand what you are saying, and you will understand what I am saying one day. Until then, I wish you good luck with your cause! ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 11/06/09 10:02 PM
This country has gone to hell in a matter of decades. It's not turning out how it was suppose to turn out. Greed and money dictates how this country is. The fed needs to be stopped and big government needs to take a step back. The way things are leading with the two major parties, I only see it getting worse. Something needs to give, people need to stop all the hate and stop fighting against each other and start fighting against big government. Things could be good if the hate went away. "This country has gone to hell in a matter of decades. It's not turning out how it was suppose to turn out. Greed and money dictates how this country is." ![]() ![]() you must live on the other side of the looking glass.. because none of what you think or write on these boards has any basis in reality. either that or you just enjoy playing a buffoon. you live in a fanstasy land if you think a) that capitalism is unregulated or b) that pure capitalism is what crashed the market.. GO and LOOK at what happened to the trends in housing prices after the Clinton signed into law his Affirmative Action Affordable Housing program.. let's see if this works... ![]() if not then look here you're on the wrong side of the arguement.. |
Edited by
Fri 11/06/09 10:01 PM
This country has gone to hell in a matter of decades. It's not turning out how it was suppose to turn out. Greed and money dictates how this country is. The fed needs to be stopped and big government needs to take a step back. The way things are leading with the two major parties, I only see it getting worse. Something needs to give, people need to stop all the hate and stop fighting against each other and start fighting against big government. Things could be good if the hate went away. "This country has gone to hell in a matter of decades. It's not turning out how it was suppose to turn out. Greed and money dictates how this country is." ![]() ![]() you must live on the other side of the looking glass.. because none of what you think or write on these boards has any basis in reality. either that or you just enjoy playing a buffoon. you live in a fanstasy land if you think a) that capitalism is unregulated or b) that pure capitalism is what crashed the market.. GO and LOOK at what happened to the trends in housing prices after the Clinton signed into law his Affirmative Action Affordable Housing program.. let's see if this works... ![]() if not then look here ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
This country has gone to hell in a matter of decades. It's not turning out how it was suppose to turn out. Greed and money dictates how this country is. The fed needs to be stopped and big government needs to take a step back. The way things are leading with the two major parties, I only see it getting worse. Something needs to give, people need to stop all the hate and stop fighting against each other and start fighting against big government. Things could be good if the hate went away. "This country has gone to hell in a matter of decades. It's not turning out how it was suppose to turn out. Greed and money dictates how this country is." ![]() ![]() you must live on the other side of the looking glass.. because none of what you think or write on these boards has any basis in reality. either that or you just enjoy playing a buffoon. you live in a fanstasy land if you think a) that capitalism is unregulated or b) that pure capitalism is what crashed the market.. GO and LOOK at what happened to the trends in housing prices after the Clinton signed into law his Affirmative Action Affordable Housing program.. let's see if this works... ![]() if not then look here ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() second graph... lookit.. housing prices follow inflation.. nice little trend.. then The Clinton signs the Affordable Housing Bill in 1996 and boom... housing prices jump and outpace inflation like a boss.. untill when?? until all those subprime mortgages began to default.. too many sellers, not enough buyers.. anyone? anyone know what happens when supply far exceeds demand? anyone? that's right.. prices fall.. it becomes a buyers market.. prices keep falling and suddenly buyer stop buying because they;re afriad of losing out on the deal.. get it straight man.. you're on the wrong side of the arguement.. |