Topic: for or against the Death Penalty...? | |
The kind of killing that works for me is one where your own life is in danger...
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Sat 10/24/09 05:44 PM
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why is there a scale, meaning BALANCE, called the scale's of justice, if there be NO BALANCE??? THERE HAS TO BE A BAR, AS IF IT BE FLOATING, WITH NO DEFINED "CENTER", THEN THERE BE NO ?????????? common sense??? ALL LOGIC IS FOUNDED IN "EQUAL", OR JUST WHAT BE THE "MUST", JUST TO MAINTAIN HUMAN CIVILIZATION??? nature has balance, as it provide night, and to balance, the day, and winter to balance the summer, HOT TO BALANCE THE COLD??? there IS NO BALANCE OF ACTION, SO THEN BALANCE OF REASON, WHICH BE THE ONLY SANITY, IF THE "JUSTICE" DOES NOT EQUAL THE "INJUSTICE"??? if you kill, you will be killed, period!!! if one kill, there life is ENDED!!! if one kill for the sake of protecting a loved one, then this one loved it's own, and each one that was saved down the road, by removing such as these, whom have no repsect for human life as sacred and soverign, and do not recognize that such is to each endowed by being born, less one forfiet such, but stealing another's life??? to even begin to stare at ONE thing, called a "death penalty", hide the greater essence of what be most important IN A CIVILIZED SOCIETY, which can only ever be protecting those whom "DO NOT WANT" TO MAIME, RAPE, PILLAGE, ABUSE, CUT, SHOOT, DISMEMBER, BEAT, EAT, RAVAGE, TORTURE, FROM THOSE WHO DO... those who do laugh at the law, and show there is no regard even for any civilized system, and as such, do not then subscribe themself to the merit of any system, and so as such, should not expect such system to protect it, or fight for any priviledge of the person whom willfully and with all intent, abuse the human life of another... |
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Sat 10/24/09 06:12 PM
Wux, You make many good points regarding 'confessions'; we posted simultaneously. Yeah, I was surprised to see your post, too, after having left mine. I guess it just shows that medium minds with a large coke and fries think alike. |
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Sat 10/24/09 06:17 PM
I am doing a pros/cons paper on Capital Punishment for one of my college classes. It's not difficult to find information regarding either side - for or against it... Just thought I'd take a survey on here - find out the opinions of anyone who wishes to share them. Thanks for any/all feedback given. Dawn, this has been a highly successful topic -- lots of involvement from people. I explain it this way: When we talk about the death penalty, we play gods. Not only do we play gods, but we play an Uber-God, who decides what morality the actual god and final judge should be guided by. This is one thing. Secondly, any post, stupid or smart, thought-provoking or silly, is popular if put down by a good-looking person, woman or male. So this has been a double-whammy. Nine pages in two or three days. If you'd been able to connect it with org'sms and abortion, then you'd have created the holy grail of forum topics. |
does the US government make money out of killing people?
Other topics some of my classmates chose were: Abortion Stem-cell research Euthanasia Medical Marijuana -many political subjects -many on the War with iraq and how suspected terrorists are questioned. We've had some very interesting discussions in class the past few weeks. |
hey Dawnie, out of curiousity, what other political issues do you discuss? I'm passionate about politics myself so feel free to PM me about them and I can send some interesting links if you like
hey Dawnie, out of curiousity, what other political issues do you discuss? I'm passionate about politics myself so feel free to PM me about them and I can send some interesting links if you like Actually, I will participate in political discussions at times - but not much these days. The bickering by both sides is beyond annoying to me. Also, I do not PM at all, but thanks for the invite. Dawn |
you're welcome, to me, there's not really two sides of politics, whether it's Liberal/Labor (Australia) or Democrats/Republicans (US) what you're voting for is not that much different, poor people will still be poor, as greedy fat cats live off the backs of the hard working.
that's horrible that you've done jail time for something you didn't do!! whoever responsible for the false accusation should have their internal organs splattered about the country side while they slowly bleed to death... not that i support the death penalty or anything. Yeah, I wait to see what life deals him... hes got a bad gig. |
who would lock a pretty woman like you behind bars? to me it would make more sense to be nice to you, throwing women into prison isn't anyway to get in bed with them
If you truly believe this, you should also be calling for the death of most people in the federal government for their murdering of innocent Iraqis, Afghanis, etc.
THE REMEDY OF JUSTICE, MUST EQUAL THE INJUSTICE, OR THERE BE NO MEASURE TO JUSTICE, WHICH MEANS THERE NO LONGER BE ANY SUCH THING CALLED JUSTICE... why is there a scale, meaning BALANCE, called the scale's of justice, if there be NO BALANCE??? THERE HAS TO BE A BAR, AS IF IT BE FLOATING, WITH NO DEFINED "CENTER", THEN THERE BE NO ?????????? common sense??? ALL LOGIC IS FOUNDED IN "EQUAL", OR JUST WHAT BE THE "MUST", JUST TO MAINTAIN HUMAN CIVILIZATION??? nature has balance, as it provide night, and to balance, the day, and winter to balance the summer, HOT TO BALANCE THE COLD??? there IS NO BALANCE OF ACTION, SO THEN BALANCE OF REASON, WHICH BE THE ONLY SANITY, IF THE "JUSTICE" DOES NOT EQUAL THE "INJUSTICE"??? if you kill, you will be killed, period!!! if one kill, there life is ENDED!!! if one kill for the sake of protecting a loved one, then this one loved it's own, and each one that was saved down the road, by removing such as these, whom have no repsect for human life as sacred and soverign, and do not recognize that such is to each endowed by being born, less one forfiet such, but stealing another's life??? to even begin to stare at ONE thing, called a "death penalty", hide the greater essence of what be most important IN A CIVILIZED SOCIETY, which can only ever be protecting those whom "DO NOT WANT" TO MAIME, RAPE, PILLAGE, ABUSE, CUT, SHOOT, DISMEMBER, BEAT, EAT, RAVAGE, TORTURE, FROM THOSE WHO DO... those who do laugh at the law, and show there is no regard even for any civilized system, and as such, do not then subscribe themself to the merit of any system, and so as such, should not expect such system to protect it, or fight for any priviledge of the person whom willfully and with all intent, abuse the human life of another... |
well that's a different issue together, to me modern soldiers are more like mercenaries anyway, if the government had said that you have to go off to war and kill someone or we'll throw you in jail then yes blame the government, but to me, the casualties in those wars are punishment enough
who would lock a pretty woman like you behind bars? to me it would make more sense to be nice to you, throwing women into prison isn't anyway to get in bed with them ![]() |
oh unless of course the whole idea was to keep the girl restrained so she wouldn't run off before having his way with her...then it would make SOME sense, but the problem is most women you do that with don't come back for a second round.
Please be careful with the words you choose to use... |
oh sorry Dawnie just trying to ligthen the mood as this is such a depressing topic!! capital punishment is always going to happen in the USA. unless some sort of hero stops by. but what are the odds of that? one in a million?
oh unless of course the whole idea was to keep the girl restrained so she wouldn't run off before having his way with her...then it would make SOME sense, but the problem is most women you do that with don't come back for a second round. You seem young, Stephen, but it appears to me that you may have already had a varied and very interesting life. |
well the last woman i had tied up for fun enjoyed it at the time but later went off at me about it for taking advantage of her desire, but that's not relevant to this thread or this issue at all.