Topic: yes men are shallow | |
you got the wrong impression about Calleigh. she's not a playa at all, i've just seen her get sick of the sh|t that men have been dishing out to her. you can always read her posts, and that'll be proof enough. one should never judge by first, or any impressions, lest we put people in boxes, tucked away in your stereotype, and then they are not allowed to grow. we all grow, and although we may have patterns, we need to break out of those moulds and stretch ourselves out, and run on the highway to get the carbon out, so to speak, and refresh ourselves for we become different than we were five minutes ago, or morphed completely from a year from now..... always good to have a wide-open never know who will be trying to swim in it......good luck! ![]() ![]() Btw I'm pretty sure he just used the word wrong, because anyone who reads my posts knows I only obsess over one guy at a time.... |
Edited by
Fri 10/16/09 03:03 PM
I wonder if I say I want a guy with the brain of Einstein, the wit of a razor blade, a voice like a velvet swatch, and the face of a dirty dream, would that still make me shallow? ![]() According to data supplied by this web site... ... if you found that guy and he was a nice guy, you'd hate him or treat him like dirt (according to Migle threads, nobody likes nice guys...LOL)... or, he may not have a cabana-boy body (according to Mingle threads, people don't like large frame or big guys, mostly...), at which time you would not recognize him... |
I wonder if I say I want a guy with the brain of Einstein, the wit of a razor blade, a voice like a velvet swatch, and the face of a dirty dream, would that still make me shallow? ![]() According to data supplied by this web site... ... if you found that guy and he was a nice guy, you'd hate him or treat him like dirt (according to Migle threads, nobody likes nice guys...LOL)... or, he may not have a cabana-boy body, at which time you would not recognize him... Nah, I think he's fabulous, and I'm always nice to him, and I'm not much for the cabana boy look, I like 'em skinny and nerdy... ![]() |
I look at more than just pictures.
I check to see if they smoke, if they do,...ick. I check to see if they have a litter of kids still at home...YIKES, RUN LIKE HELLL !!! I check to see if they can spell, which to me (if they can't) they probably have a hard time reading, too... LOL. Or if they don't take the time to proof-read, I figure they are too busy for me. I check to see if a majority of their pictures shows them with beer or booze in their little mitts, or depicts them at bars. Ick, again. What are people thinking that post pictures of themselves with former boyfriends/girlfriends in them? Or, just pictures of similar-age opposite sex people. "Hi, I'm single, and looking for a new boyfriend, and by the way, here is a picture of my old boyfriend so I can compare you to him." Hahaha. |
does that mean I have a Hollow Weenie?
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I look at more than just pictures. I check to see if they smoke, if they do,...ick. I check to see if they have a litter of kids still at home...YIKES, RUN LIKE HELLL !!! I check to see if they can spell, which to me (if they can't) they probably have a hard time reading, too... LOL. Or if they don't take the time to proof-read, I figure they are too busy for me. I check to see if a majority of their pictures shows them with beer or booze in their little mitts, or depicts them at bars. Ick, again. What are people thinking that post pictures of themselves with former boyfriends/girlfriends in them? Or, just pictures of similar-age opposite sex people. "Hi, I'm single, and looking for a new boyfriend, and by the way, here is a picture of my old boyfriend so I can compare you to him." Hahaha. I shy away from the daddies, I make exceptions for the smokers, since every guy I like turns out to be a smoker, I don't mind the drinkers, since I dabble every so often, and spelling is also a huge pet peeve of mine. I find those amusing too- the ones with other women in them, it's like you couldn't either crop in photoshop or take another pic, minus the chick? ![]() |
does that mean I have a Hollow Weenie? ![]() ![]() If you do, I've heard that caulk works in a pinch? ![]() |
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I look at more than just pictures. Same here. I read the whole profile. It isn't hard, since most of them only contain about 7 words. I check to see if they smoke, if they do,...ick. Smoking, for whatever reason, has never bothered me. I check to see if they have a litter of kids still at home...YIKES, RUN LIKE HELLL !!! Kids, any kids at all, that's a no go. I check to see if they can spell, which to me (if they can't) they probably have a hard time reading, too... LOL. Or if they don't take the time to proof-read, I figure they are too busy for me. Yeah, I'm tired of being everyone's editor. If they can't spell, that's not my problem. I check to see if a majority of their pictures shows them with beer or booze in their little mitts, or depicts them at bars. Ick, again. Oh, definitely! Any indication of alcohol, and I'm done. If they list "partying" as an interest, that tells me all I need to know. I assume they're not at the Prime Minister's house for tea. What are people thinking that post pictures of themselves with former boyfriends/girlfriends in them? Or, just pictures of similar-age opposite sex people. "Hi, I'm single, and looking for a new boyfriend, and by the way, here is a picture of my old boyfriend so I can compare you to him." Hahaha. I like when they blank out the face of the other person. It's like a game. "Who is that? Is it Keith Olbermann? Is it Michael J. Fox? Take a guess!" |
you got the wrong impression about Calleigh. she's not a playa at all, i've just seen her get sick of the sh|t that men have been dishing out to her. you can always read her posts, and that'll be proof enough. one should never judge by first, or any impressions, lest we put people in boxes, tucked away in your stereotype, and then they are not allowed to grow. we all grow, and although we may have patterns, we need to break out of those moulds and stretch ourselves out, and run on the highway to get the carbon out, so to speak, and refresh ourselves for we become different than we were five minutes ago, or morphed completely from a year from now..... always good to have a wide-open never know who will be trying to swim in it......good luck! ![]() ![]() Wait.. Are we talkin' 'bout me here? If so... We need to start expandin' our horizons.. It's just a saying.. That black dude from WWE; he says it all the time. He always says, 'Holla holla holla!' before he starts spitting bs. Terry I think his name is? idk.. he was one of the GM's for either raw or smackdown at one point, idk who's who anymore.. But he said it like 5439 times a night when Austin n the Rock still wrestled. So, since that seems to have incited some, idk hostility.. Allow me to rephrase: Redneck: "Git her done!" Gangsta: "Das wha' I be talk'n bout (N-word) My Mom: "I totally agree, but must you use so much profanity?" Black Chick on my block: "Oh no you didn't? Oh yes you dids! I was gunna say dat!" Irish: "Aye, lass, I know vut'cha mean." French: "Oui, je dois avouer que je suis totalement d'accord." German: "Ja, muss ich sagen, ich insgesamt einverstanden bin." Greek: "Ναι, πρέπει να πω ΌΤΙ είμαι απόλυτα." Italian: "Sì, devo dire che sono in totale accordo." Russian: "Да, я должен сказать, я нахожусь в общее соглашение." Aussie: "Aye mate!" ..and last but not least; to my homies in Philly.. Spanish: "Sí, tengo que decir que estoy totalmente de acuerdo." So, there. I hope that clears things up. I was only agreeing with her, not calling her a playa. My apologies for you mistaking my words. ![]() |
I look at more than just pictures. Same here. I read the whole profile. It isn't hard, since most of them only contain about 7 words. I check to see if they smoke, if they do,...ick. Smoking, for whatever reason, has never bothered me. I check to see if they have a litter of kids still at home...YIKES, RUN LIKE HELLL !!! Kids, any kids at all, that's a no go. I check to see if they can spell, which to me (if they can't) they probably have a hard time reading, too... LOL. Or if they don't take the time to proof-read, I figure they are too busy for me. Yeah, I'm tired of being everyone's editor. If they can't spell, that's not my problem. I check to see if a majority of their pictures shows them with beer or booze in their little mitts, or depicts them at bars. Ick, again. Oh, definitely! Any indication of alcohol, and I'm done. If they list "partying" as an interest, that tells me all I need to know. I assume they're not at the Prime Minister's house for tea. What are people thinking that post pictures of themselves with former boyfriends/girlfriends in them? Or, just pictures of similar-age opposite sex people. "Hi, I'm single, and looking for a new boyfriend, and by the way, here is a picture of my old boyfriend so I can compare you to him." Hahaha. I like when they blank out the face of the other person. It's like a game. "Who is that? Is it Keith Olbermann? Is it Michael J. Fox? Take a guess!" It's kinda scary when it's them and a person with a circle for a face. Or an X, like in a horror movie!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 10/16/09 03:51 PM
pretty one... lets just wait and see if they respond to that...if they proves me really are a shallow species... We should be all exterminated. We are shallow. From now on, female species of the humans should mate with apes and various other creatures. Maybe they are not as shallow as the humans. ![]() there are plenty to choose from: ![]() |
ususally the ones who call others shallow
are the ones who keep getting passed over what is the common denominator? |
pretty one... lets just wait and see if they respond to that...if they proves me really are a shallow species... We should be all exterminated. We are shallow. From now on, female species of the humans should mate with apes and various other creatures. Maybe they are not as shallow as the humans. ![]() there are plenty to choose from: ![]() Is this why all women want to turn me into a goat? |
Is this why all women want to turn me into a goat? I don't know. It depends if the goats are shallow or not. |
I didn't see a doggy on a chain on that list.
Edited by
Fri 10/16/09 04:08 PM
pretty one... lets just wait and see if they respond to that...if they proves me really are a shallow species... We should be all exterminated. We are shallow. From now on, female species of the humans should mate with apes and various other creatures. Maybe they are not as shallow as the humans. ![]() there are plenty to choose from: ![]() Is this why all women want to turn me into a goat? Or say they like your cockiness and later turn it around so you look like an a$$? Oops! I don't think I have ever done that. Okay maybe once or twice. Sorry men out there! I am more mature now. Learned my lesson... maybe...hopefully. |
pretty one... lets just wait and see if they respond to that...if they proves me really are a shallow species... We should be all exterminated. We are shallow. From now on, female species of the humans should mate with apes and various other creatures. Maybe they are not as shallow as the humans. ![]() there are plenty to choose from: ![]() Is this why all women want to turn me into a goat? I thought about that when I first saw the post...could be, Lex, could be.... ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 10/16/09 04:18 PM
Or say they like your cockiness and later turn it around so you look like an a$$? Oops! I don't think I have ever done that. Okay maybe once or twice. Sorry men out there! I am more mature now. Learned my lesson... maybe...hopefully. ![]() Uh huh. I wonder how many women would be outraged if I would call them some sort of "species". Because that's what she did, look it up. To make it sound like that men are like zebras, giraffes or some other animals..."species". and then comes the female human who despise this male "species". Get it? I know, paying attention is also another virtue. |
Or say they like your cockiness and later turn it around so you look like an a$$? Exactly! It's amazing! How does it get from "I love everything about you" to "I have to CHANGE everything about you" in 3 months? Oops! I don't think I have ever done that. Okay maybe once or twice. Sorry men out there! I am more mature now. Learned my lesson... maybe...hopefully. Well, I can guarantee you that I haven't learned a thing. Too busy hiding from the goatificationists....! |