Topic: Today is the last day
no photo
Wed 10/07/09 03:19 PM
ohwell devil

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 10/07/09 03:23 PM
I'd also go see "Gone With the Wind"

For the last time

no photo
Wed 10/07/09 03:24 PM
I stay locked, loaded and ready to make new tracks ... shades

My concerns are ALWAYS for the survivors, in my case my dear, very young daughter ... :heart: flowerforyou

I feel that qualifies me for a very long layover at this particular depot, thanks kindly ... :thumbsup:

Winx's photo
Wed 10/07/09 03:46 PM

of your life. Do you have unfinished business? Or if your ticket was punched would you be satisfied?

I wouldn't be satisfied. I would want more time with my child.

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 10/07/09 04:07 PM
Get a penis reduction, I'm damn sick & tired of lugging this thing around!

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 10/07/09 04:11 PM
sooo much left to do ...

sooo much less to worry about ...

sooo much left to express ...

sooo much still to see ...

sooo many still to meet ...

sooo much more to love ...


prisoner's photo
Wed 10/07/09 04:14 PM

Get a penis reduction, I'm damn sick & tired of lugging this thing around!
rofl That's priceless. be seeing you

no photo
Wed 10/07/09 04:15 PM
...I still really, REALLY wanna learn to tie a cherry stem with my, nope! I'm not finished yet! and get marryed to a great lady that loves me for what i am .

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 10/07/09 04:36 PM
que sera sera

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 10/07/09 04:56 PM
Punch my ticket, I love to travel.

no photo
Wed 10/07/09 04:59 PM

Get a penis reduction, I'm damn sick & tired of lugging this thing around!


krupa's photo
Wed 10/07/09 06:06 PM
My last day.....

I will **** every last one of you.

If it turns out to be a false alarm...I will have some apologies to make.

But, seriously....on my last day....even the crack of dawn won't be safe.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 10/07/09 06:23 PM

of your life. Do you have unfinished business? Or if your ticket was punched would you be satisfied?

I would make a bargain with either God or Satan (wherever I end up) that there are a couple of million things I could do if you give me more time. :smile:

TxsSun's photo
Wed 10/07/09 06:25 PM
Too many people cannot and want to learn to tie the cherry stem with their tongue. I can do it, and will give lessons bigsmile

no photo
Wed 10/07/09 06:36 PM

Too many people cannot and want to learn to tie the cherry stem with their tongue. I can do it, and will give lessons bigsmile

Good! And I will teach you how to put your leg around your neck...bigsmile

sahil_231090's photo
Wed 10/07/09 06:52 PM
i would stop talking bulls**t from my college professors for a day!!

bikerbabe63's photo
Wed 10/07/09 06:58 PM
oh yea now when I found someone and I am happy my life is ending....Heck no I'm not finishedtongue2 drinker :banana: :heart: glasses

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 10/07/09 07:04 PM

Too many people cannot and want to learn to tie the cherry stem with their tongue. I can do it, and will give lessons bigsmile

Good! And I will teach you how to put your leg around your neck...bigsmile

If I could get my leg around my neck I wouldn't have time to be on here.

no photo
Wed 10/07/09 07:30 PM

of your life. Do you have unfinished business? Or if your ticket was punched would you be satisfied?

I have had a very full life thus far. No unfinished business for me, I have been truly blessed.

catseyes1's photo
Wed 10/07/09 08:07 PM
I'm pretty much satisfied.