This is ME
I would say that i am quite average in all fields, I am a cold hard calculator I plan everything and will kill myself to execute it to perfection. I want to be successful in life with loads of money and power and am prepared to work my of for it. I like to be informative in all fields so that I am not often left out of a conversation. I like to talk to smart people.
what kind of person i am ??
well first of all I'll tell you things that people don't really like about me, feel free to agree or disagree :-
1)I don't believe in god
2)I like to argue my point maybe not in anger and violence ( I hate violence think it is only for the inferior mind or self defense)
3)I am a bit of a nerd (study comes first) but i doesn't mean that i cant party
4)I have to be doing something all the time can't bear being idle (the only reason i am on this site)
and the biggest one:-
5)I am not patriot at all and believe in judging a person only on his/her merits nothing else
Okay those were the bad points if you disagree with them then i would like to hear why, i wouldn't just tell you to get lost.
Okay now to the good points
1)I am have a decent IQ (yippee ..:P)
2)I have super cooled temper, proof:- haven't gotten into a fight since 3rd grade despite heated arguments with religious fanatics.
3)ability to judge a person by studying physiology
4)always keen to learn more. Have learnt everything in small amount like politics,history, geography etc just so that i don't get left out of conversations easily ...
5)always tell the truth, it might i twisted but ultimately true, and finally
6)I'm fully transparent !! go ahead ask me anything you want...
Profession: Student