Topic: more on why there is no such thing as a right to healthcare( | |
Actually, you are mistaken. I HAVE been in a life or death situation. (I've even been very, very close to death on an operating table) Alrighty then, if you weren't carrying insurance, then who paid your bill? If not your insurance or yourself, aren't you excluding yourself when you say healthcare is NOT a right, and should only be available to those who can? In which case, if you're all the free market devotee you're having us believe you are, then you wouldn't be here to make these arguments: You also seem to misunderstand how Constitutional government works. The president has a very minimal and specific role, according to the constitution. If he alone could do it all, he would be a dictator. The framers of the constitution, according to the document itself and the writings of the founders, intended for things like healthcare to be handled at the local and individual level. There weren't even national regulations of "hard" drugs and alcohol. Of course there are other options, which have been laid out by free market advocates such as Ron Paul. When you say something like "You now have the perfect oportunity to either get a bill that isn't worth the paper it's written on or a bill that still leaves out millions of people makes this administration look inept.", you are using dialectical thinking, and misleading both yourself and your audience. There still plenty of things people can do all by themselves (such as negotiate cheaper prices with their doctors, homeopathy, etc). You also have great difficulty adequately answering opponents. You should do more opposition research. For your education, here are the Federalist Papers- and the Anti-Federalist papers- and the original debates about the Constitution in New York- And I reiterate, if you didn't pay your bill but got the services, how is that demonstrating your reliance on the free market to do all the wonderful things you claim it's capable of. You can quote all the research you want, but until you can show that you're willing to face the consequences of your actions and the very theories you're touting, how can you begin to tell someone else they have no right to the same thing you've obviously taken for granted? -Kerry O. |
My relatives on my mother's side are all from Canada, and 'they' don't come here for medical services. Yes socialized medicine has it's problem just like any other institution. That's not a good enough reason to ignore it. Sorry I am not going over the other side on this, so you would be wasting your efforts on me. I'm so not impressed by how the free market has handled things up to now. I have to agree. The newest option seems just that , AN OPTION. Those who wish to continue paying ridiculous prices for insurance and questionable health care can continue to. My husband and his family all lived their whole lives in the UK and they have not once had to worry about being in debt because they become ill. I think there is something to be learned from the system instead of just outright ignoring the good that comes from it or how it is implemented. As I see it so far: You have people that don't understand that they are being screwed right now and have been for quite some time. Then you have those that already feel quite secure have what they want and don't care. Then you have those that hate this administration so bad they would knowingly side with the Opposition and the corporations just to screw this President, even if they ultimately only screw themselves and give the already wealthy insurers more opportunity to take them for their very last dime and give them even less in return. A win win for the opposition that never had any real intention to reform anything but Obama. Then you have folks that honestly think their economics model is the only model that's the right one, so there for this administration must be run by 2 year olds that have no advanced education at all and couldn't possibly be right. Then you have a segment of racists, that People like Steele the Rnc chairman, want you to believe has no part of the clammer out there, just because he himself is black so it just couldn't be true, right? Wrong, and he knows it. That's is a cute little slight of hand though, and they now pretend they are with Obama, whom they know full well can't address racism with out detracting from Health care. Republicans can't very well admit their supporters might be racist as well as have a problem with Obama's policies, or are racists and resist anything this president might want to do. Get the picture? Lies are one thing that seems to be working FOR the opposition on the Right, because ultimately the know the public well, they know they are so divided their lies won't affect their supporters because their supporters will never hear evidence against them becauese they only watch the news that tells them what the republicans want them to know... denial as well works in their favor too. Of course People opposed to Obama can be made up of many different reasons and combination of reasons, but one huge advantage for the Republicans is that these groups are all out 'together', making for very large crowds that they can swear are ALL on their side even if the groups themselves can't stand eachother. Republicans never intended to let Obama govern, only to limit his ability to govern until they could figure out how to regain the majoity and the white house. You now have the perfect oportunity to either get a bill that isn't worth the paper it's written on or a bill that still leaves out millions of people makes this administration look inept. This is the Divided States of America. Welcome.. Crazy? I'm not alone in this observation, but I might be as helpless to turn around what the Right has manage to manipulate so well, by luck or by design. Actually, you are mistaken. I HAVE been in a life or death situation. (I've even been very, very close to death on an operating table) You also seem to misunderstand how Constitutional government works. The president has a very minimal and specific role, according to the constitution. If he alone could do it all, he would be a dictator. The framers of the constitution, according to the document itself and the writings of the founders, intended for things like healthcare to be handled at the local and individual level. There weren't even national regulations of "hard" drugs and alcohol. Of course there are other options, which have been laid out by free market advocates such as Ron Paul. When you say something like "You now have the perfect oportunity to either get a bill that isn't worth the paper it's written on or a bill that still leaves out millions of people makes this administration look inept.", you are using dialectical thinking, and misleading both yourself and your audience. There still plenty of things people can do all by themselves (such as negotiate cheaper prices with their doctors, homeopathy, etc). You also have great difficulty adequately answering opponents. You should do more opposition research. For your education, here are the Federalist Papers- and the Anti-Federalist papers- and the original debates about the Constitution in New York- I am too tired for another long post. It's clear I didn't adequately answer you, but I never had any expectation of accomplishing that. |
Actually, you are mistaken. I HAVE been in a life or death situation. (I've even been very, very close to death on an operating table) Alrighty then, if you weren't carrying insurance, then who paid your bill? If not your insurance or yourself, aren't you excluding yourself when you say healthcare is NOT a right, and should only be available to those who can? In which case, if you're all the free market devotee you're having us believe you are, then you wouldn't be here to make these arguments: ~my parents would have, considering my age at the time-I was very young. All parents should take this kind of responsibility and teach their children to be responsible for themselves. If we had a truly free market, the prices would be kept low via market forces, like hamburgers and so on are.~ You also seem to misunderstand how Constitutional government works. The president has a very minimal and specific role, according to the constitution. If he alone could do it all, he would be a dictator. The framers of the constitution, according to the document itself and the writings of the founders, intended for things like healthcare to be handled at the local and individual level. There weren't even national regulations of "hard" drugs and alcohol. Of course there are other options, which have been laid out by free market advocates such as Ron Paul. When you say something like "You now have the perfect oportunity to either get a bill that isn't worth the paper it's written on or a bill that still leaves out millions of people makes this administration look inept.", you are using dialectical thinking, and misleading both yourself and your audience. There still plenty of things people can do all by themselves (such as negotiate cheaper prices with their doctors, homeopathy, etc). You also have great difficulty adequately answering opponents. You should do more opposition research. For your education, here are the Federalist Papers- and the Anti-Federalist papers- and the original debates about the Constitution in New York- And I reiterate, if you didn't pay your bill but got the services, how is that demonstrating your reliance on the free market to do all the wonderful things you claim it's capable of. You can quote all the research you want, but until you can show that you're willing to face the consequences of your actions and the very theories you're touting, how can you begin to tell someone else they have no right to the same thing you've obviously taken for granted? -Kerry O. ~it demonstrates my reliance of the free market in that prices were kept low enough that my insurance could pay for my treatment. In government controlled systems, prices always skyrocket unless the government is allowed to start killing people who are sick or they hyperinflate the currency and impoverish the populous, ala Moussolini's Italy. Since you are the one making a positive claim and cannot prove it despite all historical and cultural precedent against you, you are the one who has no logical place in telling others what is/isn't correct.~ |
There has been a constant progressive evolution of what this country has deemed to be rights. This list has been expanding since our country was founded and will continue far into the future. Think about it, women didn't have the right to vote until what, 1920?
My relatives on my mother's side are all from Canada, and 'they' don't come here for medical services. Yes socialized medicine has it's problem just like any other institution. That's not a good enough reason to ignore it. Sorry I am not going over the other side on this, so you would be wasting your efforts on me. I'm so not impressed by how the free market has handled things up to now. The free market hasn't been allowed to handle it for many years now. If you read up on American history pre-1800, you'll find that the market handled health care just fine. I'm not sure what makes you think that we've been under free market conditions for the last 100 years or so, but we haven't. By definition, a free market is unregulated, and we have had regulations up the wazoo for generations. (the FED, the FDA, the AMA, etc.) Pre-1800's?! Life expectancy was 39 years. They performed blood letting to cure people and gave mercury for an anti-inflammatory. Hand washing before surgery wasn't even invented yet. They didn't have cures for TB and most things. They didn't have basic penicillin. |
My relatives on my mother's side are all from Canada, and 'they' don't come here for medical services. Yes socialized medicine has it's problem just like any other institution. That's not a good enough reason to ignore it. Sorry I am not going over the other side on this, so you would be wasting your efforts on me. I'm so not impressed by how the free market has handled things up to now. I have to agree. The newest option seems just that , AN OPTION. Those who wish to continue paying ridiculous prices for insurance and questionable health care can continue to. My husband and his family all lived their whole lives in the UK and they have not once had to worry about being in debt because they become ill. I think there is something to be learned from the system instead of just outright ignoring the good that comes from it or how it is implemented. Like I said before. If the middle class and rich don't mind gettin' the bill and paying for us po' folks and Illegals to have insurance, tell 'em to spare no cost. We want the best. It'd be kinda' nice to see them bent over instead of us for a change. Bent over rich folks is a Change I can Believe in. Ride 'em hard and put 'em up wet! Wassa' matta'? Nobody likey my idea??^^^^ |
My relatives on my mother's side are all from Canada, and 'they' don't come here for medical services. Yes socialized medicine has it's problem just like any other institution. That's not a good enough reason to ignore it. Sorry I am not going over the other side on this, so you would be wasting your efforts on me. I'm so not impressed by how the free market has handled things up to now. The free market hasn't been allowed to handle it for many years now. If you read up on American history pre-1800, you'll find that the market handled health care just fine. I'm not sure what makes you think that we've been under free market conditions for the last 100 years or so, but we haven't. By definition, a free market is unregulated, and we have had regulations up the wazoo for generations. (the FED, the FDA, the AMA, etc.) Pre-1800's?! Life expectancy was 39 years. They performed blood letting to cure people and gave mercury for an anti-inflammatory. Hand washing before surgery wasn't even invented yet. They didn't have cures for TB and most things. They didn't have basic penicillin. I'm sure we have a number of folks that would love to go back to the 1800's. Too bad we don't have a time machine for real. We could solve quite a few problems by sending folks back to the time of their choice. |
Actually, you are mistaken. I HAVE been in a life or death situation. (I've even been very, very close to death on an operating table) Alrighty then, if you weren't carrying insurance, then who paid your bill? If not your insurance or yourself, aren't you excluding yourself when you say healthcare is NOT a right, and should only be available to those who can? In which case, if you're all the free market devotee you're having us believe you are, then you wouldn't be here to make these arguments: ~my parents would have, considering my age at the time-I was very young. All parents should take this kind of responsibility and teach their children to be responsible for themselves. If we had a truly free market, the prices would be kept low via market forces, like hamburgers and so on are.~ You also seem to misunderstand how Constitutional government works. The president has a very minimal and specific role, according to the constitution. If he alone could do it all, he would be a dictator. The framers of the constitution, according to the document itself and the writings of the founders, intended for things like healthcare to be handled at the local and individual level. There weren't even national regulations of "hard" drugs and alcohol. Of course there are other options, which have been laid out by free market advocates such as Ron Paul. When you say something like "You now have the perfect oportunity to either get a bill that isn't worth the paper it's written on or a bill that still leaves out millions of people makes this administration look inept.", you are using dialectical thinking, and misleading both yourself and your audience. There still plenty of things people can do all by themselves (such as negotiate cheaper prices with their doctors, homeopathy, etc). You also have great difficulty adequately answering opponents. You should do more opposition research. For your education, here are the Federalist Papers- and the Anti-Federalist papers- and the original debates about the Constitution in New York- And I reiterate, if you didn't pay your bill but got the services, how is that demonstrating your reliance on the free market to do all the wonderful things you claim it's capable of. You can quote all the research you want, but until you can show that you're willing to face the consequences of your actions and the very theories you're touting, how can you begin to tell someone else they have no right to the same thing you've obviously taken for granted? -Kerry O. ~it demonstrates my reliance of the free market in that prices were kept low enough that my insurance could pay for my treatment. In government controlled systems, prices always skyrocket unless the government is allowed to start killing people who are sick or they hyperinflate the currency and impoverish the populous, ala Moussolini's Italy. Since you are the one making a positive claim and cannot prove it despite all historical and cultural precedent against you, you are the one who has no logical place in telling others what is/isn't correct.~ Free market, eh? The same one about which Warren Buffett said "You can always tell who's been swimming naked when the tide goes out?" The 'free market' can only make expensive things go down in price so much. Trees never grow into heaven, and unless you chop them down, they don't grow back into seeds, either. Frankly, I suspect that most of the people making this argument are, like I suspect you, 'swimming naked' with no insurance and no ability to pay. Were healthcare a truly laissez faire, Law-of-the-jungle, free market proposition, you'd be on the short end of the stick if you had to have another of those life-threatening surgeries. And I think you know it, too. You're just in denial and would rather blame the government and side with the extremists who make a living at poo-pooing it. A lot of the time people who do that are doing it because it makes them feel more clued-in then the poor schmucks who go to work every day and work more than one job so they can afford insurance. Insurance which, btw, that's been hyper-inflated not because of the government being in it, but because of all the people who think they are too smart to have insurance until a wall falls on them and then skip out without paying the check. Be careful what you ask for- the Prisoner's Dilemma teaches us that after a few iterations, the suckers who play the cooperation card and follow the rules get fed up and often turn the table on the cardsharps. Obama knew this and played his hand into it. -Kerry O. |
Edited by
Sun 09/20/09 06:40 PM
Free market, eh? The same one about which Warren Buffett said "You can always tell who's been swimming naked when the tide goes out?" The 'free market' can only make expensive things go down in price so much. Trees never grow into heaven, and unless you chop them down, they don't grow back into seeds, either. Frankly, I suspect that most of the people making this argument are, like I suspect you, 'swimming naked' with no insurance and no ability to pay. Were healthcare a truly laissez faire, Law-of-the-jungle, free market proposition, you'd be on the short end of the stick if you had to have another of those life-threatening surgeries. And I think you know it, too. You're just in denial and would rather blame the government and side with the extremists who make a living at poo-pooing it. A lot of the time people who do that are doing it because it makes them feel more clued-in then the poor schmucks who go to work every day and work more than one job so they can afford insurance. Insurance which, btw, that's been hyper-inflated not because of the government being in it, but because of all the people who think they are too smart to have insurance until a wall falls on them and then skip out without paying the check. Be careful what you ask for- the Prisoner's Dilemma teaches us that after a few iterations, the suckers who play the cooperation card and follow the rules get fed up and often turn the table on the cardsharps. Obama knew this and played his hand into it. -Kerry O. You are mistaken. I am not in denial. I simply demand proof and results-things that supporters of Obamacare cannot and will not provide, but free market supporters can. You are also wrong about your rationale for hyperinflation of insurance prices. Dr. Ron Paul explains: As a medical doctor, I’ve seen first-hand how bureaucratic red tape interferes with the doctor-patient relationship and drives costs higher. The current system of third-party payers takes decision-making away from doctors, leaving patients feeling rushed and worsening the quality of care. Yet health insurance premiums and drug costs keep rising. Clearly a new approach is needed. Congress needs to craft innovative legislation that makes health care more affordable without raising taxes or increasing the deficit. It also needs to repeal bad laws that keep health care costs higher than necessary. We should remember that HMOs did not arise because of free-market demand, but rather because of government mandates. The HMO Act of 1973 requires all but the smallest employers to offer their employees HMO coverage, and the tax code allows businesses – but not individuals – to deduct the cost of health insurance premiums. The result is the illogical coupling of employment and health insurance, which often leaves the unemployed without needed catastrophic coverage. While many in Congress are happy to criticize HMOs today, the public never hears how the present system was imposed upon the American people by federal law. As usual, government intervention in the private market failed to deliver the promised benefits and caused unintended consequences, but Congress never blames itself for the problems created by bad laws. Instead, we are told more government – in the form of “universal coverage” – is the answer. But government already is involved in roughly two-thirds of all health care spending, through Medicare, Medicaid, and other programs. For decades, the U.S. healthcare system was the envy of the entire world. Not coincidentally, there was far less government involvement in medicine during this time. America had the finest doctors and hospitals, patients enjoyed high-quality, affordable medical care, and thousands of private charities provided health services for the poor. Doctors focused on treating patients, without the red tape and threat of lawsuits that plague the profession today. Most Americans paid cash for basic services, and had insurance only for major illnesses and accidents. This meant both doctors and patients had an incentive to keep costs down, as the patient was directly responsible for payment, rather than an HMO or government program. The lesson is clear: when government and other third parties get involved, health care costs spiral. The answer is not a system of outright socialized medicine, but rather a system that encourages everyone – doctors, hospitals, patients, and drug companies – to keep costs down. As long as “somebody else” is paying the bill, the bill will be too high. P.S. even if Obamacare WAS workable, it would make more sense to try it at the State level first before forcing it on everyone. Thus far, all similar systems that have been tried at State/local levels have failed to my knowledge. |
Ron Paul interview on NPR-
He explains further the folly of Obamacare in the first segment. He also discusses the FED, why it should be ended, and how government intervention brought on the current recession, and the superiority of the free market. |
A friend of mine who is experienced in formal logic did the following analysis:
Assume: Health care is a right. 1. All rights confer a duty on others not to violate that right. 2. To deny a patient health care is to violate that patient's right. 3. Government is instituted to protect the rights of everyone. 4. Government itself must respect the rights of everyone. 5. Thus, Government must enforce a patient's right to receive health care. 6. Government must discourage all care providers from refusing to treat patients through the use of penalties or fines. 7. Every person owns their own body. 8. Owning your own body means you own your voluntary efforts (a.k.a. your labor). 9. Everyone has the right to sell their efforts for a wage (i.e., compensation). 10. Compelling people to expend their labor against their will and under threat of punishment (i.e., forced labor) is slavery. 11. Slavery is illegal. No person is to be subjected to slavery, and neither the government nor anyone else may engage in slavery. 12. Some care providers will not work without compensation. 13. Some patients cannot provide compensation to their care provider. 14. Thus, some care providers will not provide care to some patients, and as a consequence will violate the rights of those patients. 15. Penalties and fines either deprive people of freedom or property. 16. Thus, some care providers must--under the threat of fines and penalties, and against their will--provide health care to patients who cannot compensate them. 17. Thus, government must have compelled some people to expend their labor against their will and under threat of punishment. 18. Thus, the government must have engaged in slavery. 19. Thus, the government must have not respected the rights of everyone. 20. Reductio ad absurdum: If health care is a right, then slavery is illegal, and the government must engage in slavery; or, the government must respect the rights of everyone but must not respect the rights of everyone. Thus, health care is not a right; quod erat demonstandum. [If P, then (Q & not Q).] = [Not P.] As I have just shown, in one casting of the net, saying health care is a right results in not just one absurdity, but two. And to think all I needed was just one absurdity to prove health care can't possibly be a right. There's an alternate pathway to the 2nd absurdity, so just for fun... Let's say government respects the rights of care providers and doesn't resort to penalties or fines: then, [C] they must respect the rights of everyone, and at the same time [Not C] they must not respect the rights of the everyone (i.e., the patients get the shaft). ---End Quote--- It was posted on this forum. EDIT:Also, a right doesn't need any POSITIVE government activity. It just needs to be defended when it is encroached by others. The government is NEGATIVE in defending rights. It is POSITIVE when it has to create a privilege and steal from some and give to others. Why aren't food, housing, BMWs, having sex in the Oval Office rights too if we go by this logic? |
This is the most absurd logic I have ever seen! Oh c'mon! It is a very sick and twisted view....equating health care to slavery? What a joke.
I also find it interesting how you will not respond to the question about your own health insurance coverage. |
Edited by
Mon 09/21/09 11:09 AM
This is the most absurd logic I have ever seen! Oh c'mon! It is a very sick and twisted view....equating health care to slavery? What a joke. I also find it interesting how you will not respond to the question about your own health insurance coverage. Nationalized health care can be equated to slavery in that the user is at the whim of the government because the government is in control of the service and the money. If I didn't answer the question, I accidentally overlooked it. I mostly received help from family and friends (like responsible people should), and I am working on finding a way to get off of what little assistance I've needed. I'm a sort of "victim of bad luck", but I choose to work for independence rather than whine (I won't get into the specifics, as that is irrelevant to the argument). I noticed that you did not actually refute the argument, but used an ad hominem. Perhaps if you could reason for yourself likewise, your position would seem more logical. Due to your lack of logic, I choose to dismiss your comments as irrational and irrelevant. |
There has been a constant progressive evolution of what this country has deemed to be rights. This list has been expanding since our country was founded and will continue far into the future. Think about it, women didn't have the right to vote until what, 1920? The constitution was designed as a base document, it was not meant to be the end all to all ends. As we grow as humans we learn better how to be more humane. So more and more rights will become legal rights as should be. |
Edited by
Mon 09/21/09 11:28 AM
This is the most absurd logic I have ever seen! Oh c'mon! It is a very sick and twisted view....equating health care to slavery? What a joke. I also find it interesting how you will not respond to the question about your own health insurance coverage. Nationalized health care can be equated to slavery in that the user is at the whim of the government because the government is in control of the service and the money. If I didn't answer the question, I accidentally overlooked it. I mostly received help from family and friends (like responsible people should), and I am working on finding a way to get off of what little assistance I've needed. I'm a sort of "victim of bad luck", but I choose to work for independence rather than whine (I won't get into the specifics, as that is irrelevant to the argument). I noticed that you did not actually refute the argument, but used an ad hominem. Perhaps if you could reason for yourself likewise, your position would seem more logical. Due to your lack of logic, I choose to dismiss your comments as irrational and irrelevant. Responsibility is not receiving help from family and friends, responsibility is taking care of it on your own, to hear the republican/conservatives tell it. Of course not one of the conservative/republicans that I know got where they are without help from someone. They got grants for school, help from family, help from the government for housing or whatever, etc... Not one of those fiscally conservatives did it alone like they claim everyone else should do. Hypocrits. |
There has been a constant progressive evolution of what this country has deemed to be rights. This list has been expanding since our country was founded and will continue far into the future. Think about it, women didn't have the right to vote until what, 1920? The constitution was designed as a base document, it was not meant to be the end all to all ends. As we grow as humans we learn better how to be more humane. So more and more rights will become legal rights as should be. It was designed to be an end to all ends (of government action). Thomas Jefferson himself said that to go beyond the 10th Amendment was to "open the door to tyranny" (and he was right). Being humane does not come from state action. The State cannot produce anything of value. It can only use force to coerce producers to produce (thereby increasing prices, harming the poor and middle class). As Gandhi said "you must be the change you want to see in the world". The amendment process was designed to allow citizens to keep limits on the government via their representatives (see the Anti-Federalist papers and other actual writings by the founders). There is no need to add government protection to non-existent "rights", as anything that is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution is covered by the 10th Amendment. Further, we know that the government cannot take care of people simply by the fact that social security, medicare, and every other program designed to "help" people are now bankrupt. Since the government has no track record of successfully solving social problems (they have always been solved from the grassroots by people like Malcom X), it is illogical to expect the Sate to solve medicine. You can argue the "humanitarian" position all you want, but State action is proven to harm the poor by raising costs (see the spiraling costs of every government run endeavor from war to welfare, for example). |
The problem is the competing rights here, by claiming the right to health care in this manner you claim a right to the labor and property of another. I agree we all have a right to healthcare and it should be exercized in the same way our right to food is. The harder you work, the better quality of food you can enjoy.
Before I wax philosophical, let me point out the government created the HMO and all the denial of care, cost, and frustration it has brought us. We need to maintain a free society so that we can make choices to live how we want. Rich people give to charity, poor ones dont. If half the country wants to insure 30 million citizens and 16 million illegals, start a foundation and broker a policy for them, some insurance carrier gets a giant market share or they all grow, the cost is cheap, and nobody was forced at gunpoint to pay for it. Extortion even for a good cause is still wrong. TIf you think I exaggerate about taking money at gunpoint, ignore the IRS a couple years, they will be there...armed. Should you resist, they will kill you. The american left has the same problem all other ones did. When you create massive powerful government, people end up dying. The more egalitarian and progressive the political movement, the more terrible the result. Stalin made a sweet *** workers killing 50 million people...more for the rest of us! yeaahhh! You cannot really think politicians are now trustworthy and they would never try to harm us do you? The root cause is not uninsured people, but the fact insurance exists in the first place. Insurance is not something for routine expenses. It should be for catastrophic expenses. If your doctor had to look you in the face and quote a price to you it wouldnt be hundreds of dollars for 1 shot or someone would find another way. Most people can afford the occasional doctor visit, 70-100, and some doctors could have spartan offices on cheap land and some could be like dr dayspa and charge alot, thats the free market. Imagine what homeowners insurance would be if it covered every lightbulb, pipe leak, water heater element, paint job, etc. Insurance came into existence when the government froze wages during ww2, it was a way to attract employees and skirt the law. it was born of government regulation and festered because of government regulation. More government is not the solution, but the problem. |
I noticed that you did not actually refute the argument, but used an ad hominem. Perhaps if you could reason for yourself likewise, your position would seem more logical. Due to your lack of logic, I choose to dismiss your comments as irrational and irrelevant. If you're so schooled in logic, than you know as well as I do that an ad hominem move that demonstrates an opponent's inconsistency is starkly valid. By showing you have relied and continue to rely on the same thing you're poor mouthing, I've got major tone on the six of your argument. I'll admit your arguments are creative, and this being the Internet, where Anyone can say Anything, you're certainly entitled to make them, but I don't think you're changing any minds with your neo-anarchist evangelizing. Those of us with a few years on you saw all this during the 60s. We too thought it was cool to say "Who is John Galt?" and got a real ideological buzz off reading Ayn Rand. Then we had to go out into the Real World (tm)... -Kerry O. |
Edited by
Mon 09/21/09 05:20 PM
The problem is the competing rights here, by claiming the right to health care in this manner you claim a right to the labor and property of another. I agree we all have a right to healthcare and it should be exercized in the same way our right to food is. The harder you work, the better quality of food you can enjoy. Ok, I see you're an Electrician. Have you sent in your regular payments to the estates of such people of Tesla, Westinghouse and Edison? You're standing on the shoulders of giants to make your Harley payments, why shouldn't their heirs get a cut? Before I wax philosophical, let me point out the government created the HMO and all the denial of care, cost, and frustration it has brought us. And you know this how? Any personal experience in this regard? We need to maintain a free society so that we can make choices to live how we want. Rich people give to charity, poor ones dont. If half the country wants to insure 30 million citizens and 16 million illegals, start a foundation and broker a policy for them, some insurance carrier gets a giant market share or they all grow, the cost is cheap, and nobody was forced at gunpoint to pay for it. There's the Big Lie(tm) again about the Obama plan and the Illegals again... Extortion even for a good cause is still wrong. TIf you think I exaggerate about taking money at gunpoint, ignore the IRS a couple years, they will be there...armed. Should you resist, they will kill you. Actually, it was the BATF at Ruby Ridge, and I fully expect you can't name EVEN ONE person the IRS 'killed'. And even Bush Sr. thought it was over-the-top enough to give up his lifelong membership in the National Rifle Association when they called the BATF 'jackbooted thugs'. The american left has the same problem all other ones did. When you create massive powerful government, people end up dying. The more egalitarian and progressive the political movement, the more terrible the result. Stalin made a sweet *** workers killing 50 million people...more for the rest of us! yeaahhh! You cannot really think politicians are now trustworthy and they would never try to harm us do you? Last I saw, Canada was quietly making a killing being our number one supplier of petroleum, with not one funny-moustachioed dictator practicing genocide in sight? Might wanna rethink that one. The root cause is not uninsured people, but the fact insurance exists in the first place. This one, too. Insurance is nothing more than a rational pooling of risk against one of the prime laws of the Universe: "**** Happens." -Kerry O. |
I noticed that you did not actually refute the argument, but used an ad hominem. Perhaps if you could reason for yourself likewise, your position would seem more logical. Due to your lack of logic, I choose to dismiss your comments as irrational and irrelevant. If you're so schooled in logic, than you know as well as I do that an ad hominem move that demonstrates an opponent's inconsistency is starkly valid. By showing you have relied and continue to rely on the same thing you're poor mouthing, I've got major tone on the six of your argument. I'll admit your arguments are creative, and this being the Internet, where Anyone can say Anything, you're certainly entitled to make them, but I don't think you're changing any minds with your neo-anarchist evangelizing. Those of us with a few years on you saw all this during the 60s. We too thought it was cool to say "Who is John Galt?" and got a real ideological buzz off reading Ayn Rand. Then we had to go out into the Real World (tm)... -Kerry O. In the real world people do not work hard without a profit motive and that one simple statement sums up the failure of every combination of democracy and marxism ever to exist. Thats funny, I know alot of libertarians who used to be in SDS and were all left wing in the sixties, now heres someone reading ayn rand in the sixties and now swings the other way. Both say the same thing, then they got out in the real world. Who was it, churchill I think, said if you arent a socialist in your 20s you have no heart but if you are still one when you are 40 you have no brain...ha! |