Who was andy the german.
Where did a guy who sold books at gun shows get 10,000 to build a bomb? |
I was all on the algae bio fuel bandwagon till I did some research on it there is no production facilty capable of mass producing algae bio fuel for less than around $30 a gallon. Oil would have to be $800 a barrel for this to be economically viable the land area for algae bio fuels to replace even half of our gas consumption would require 10% of the land area in the United States maybe in 20 years or so they can advance it enough to be viable but it aint there yet http://snrecmitigation.wordpress.com/2009/03/24/bleak-future-for-mass-production-of-algae-biodiesel/ http://www.nanostring.net/Algae/CaseStudy.pdf exactly. it's fine in the sense of old cooking oil where a byproduct is used, but creating biodiesel is far too expensive. right now, petroleum is our most economically viable option. Forcing another onto the population will not help anything but special interests. Please quote the whole statistics: ---------------------------------- Algae biofuel startup Solix, for instance, can produce biofuel from algae right now, but it costs about $32.81 a gallon, said Bryan Wilson, a co-founder of the company and a professor at Colorado State University. The production cost is high because of the energy required to circulate gases and other materials inside the photo bioreactors where the algae grow. It also takes energy to dry out the biomass, and Solix uses far less water than other companies. By exploiting waste heat at adjacent utilities (one of our favorite forms of energy around here), the price can probably be brought down to $5.50 a gallon (see Will Waste Heat Be Bigger Than Solar?). By selling the proteins and other byproducts from the algae for pet food, the price can be brought to $3.50 a gallon in the near term. ------------------------------------- So by using heat from nearby facilities....as I suggested.....and selling the byproduct...that wont give them mad cow I might add...we can do it for 3.50 a gallon in the near term. It was almost 5 a gallon not long ago so theres at least a stable point right there. I alread said to retain and use the cheap domestic petroleum, thats my point. If we can do it at 3.50 a gallon in 140 years I am convinced we can breed a good algae strain and work the bugs out of the process. It would not require 10% of the land mass. It would require an area the size of delaware locaded ideally in uninhabited southwestern deserts. But could be supplemented by coal algae plants heated by the adjacent power plant. Many plants are already built with buffer zones so many have thousands of acres around them ready to go. Im telling you its a feasable goal in 140 years. Look where we were 140 years ago! |
although the internal combustion engine is wasteful and ineficient it still is the best we have. fuel cells and electric just havent developed the technology yet to be very practical. there is no electric/hybrid motor that can drive a semi truck Actually, there are hybrid semis. Electric motors have a great deal of torque, trains have been hybrids for many years. But I agree that the alternative propulsion methods aren't ready for the wider market. Another 10 years and we might be there. Diesel engines running on algae oil running generators for the electric train motors. I thought thats how some of then already did it except for the fuel. |
There are four different types of vehicles, in general. IC, hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric. There are two ways to store electricity, batteries and capacitors. IC, or internal combustion requires a LOT of excess horsepower capacity to climb hills, pass, accelerate up the freeway ramp, etc. However, having 250 hp available but needing only 15 hp to cruise down the highway results in an ineffecient engine. Also, turning all the momentum you have paid for in gas into heat in the brakes is a big waste of energy. Hybrids combine a small efficient IC engine with an electric motor/battery to cruise on the engine but accelerate on both engine and motor. As long as you don't use all your battery, the car has plenty of pep. The battery requirements are rather small since you only need it occasionally and you can use the motor as a brake which puts most of that energy of braking back into the battery. The big drawback is the battery which is expensive and doesn't last the life of the car. These will soon be replaced by ultra-capacitors which don't break, require no maintenance, and shouldn't cost much. This technology is available. Plug-in hybrids go one step farther by having a battery big enough to actually go somewhere (maybe not that far). When you get there or come back, you plug in a battery charger to recharge the battery so you aren't using fossil fuel. If you go too far, you have to use the IC engine. Once again, the batteries are the weak link. It will be a while (some years at least) before the capacitors are light enough to replace the batteries, but they will. Electric cars are just that ... electric motor with no engine... and a big problem with the batteries. However, when the capacitor technology catches up, you will be able to fill up the capacitor with electricity as fast as you can fill a vehicle with gas now, the capacitors will last forever and fossil fuel vehicles will begin to die out. We have very little oil left in the US. We have a lot of coal. We should be using the coal to make fuel as the Germans did in WWII in order to be energy self sufficient. We should also be using the coal exhaust from power plants to make cement (it gets rid of the pollution). We should be building nuclear power plants to power all the new electric cars ... and most everything else. Sheer nonsense about oil. The gull island pool in alaska alone has a century+ worth at the current rate of growth. We have enough shale to last that long again that could be processed for what were paying now. Furthermore, oil is a renewable resource, the earth is constantly making it. Wells that were caped due to low production in the 70's are now gushing in alot of areas. I think the strategy was to deplete the middle east and other places and save ours for last, then we would hold all the power...literally...Now with the instbility across the world is time to go to our own supply. In addition, a very minor midification can make any gas engine run on natural gas or propane. Natural gas burns clean, is abundant domestically, and does not have the corrosive aspects of ethanol. Even smarter would be to gravitate to an all diesel fleet. Diesels are less complicated, last 2 or 3 times the miles, and are on average 40% more efficient. In a relatively small area we can produce oil from algea that can run diesels with minimal processing. The same algae can also be pressed into pellets that are a direct replacement for bituminus coal except theres no mercury fallout. Lets pretend for a second that there actually was an oil shortage, they are going after it all wrong. Everyone can keep the machines we are driving. As the algae fuel supply grows and its cheaper than petrol, more people buy the diesels. This reduces gasoline demand and allows the poorer folks who will be the last to switch, a downward trend in fuel price and an abundance of good deals on used vehicles, instead of destroying them for scarp as the government did with the cash for clunkers cars. After a few decades all the gas cars will be phased out and collectors who want them for antiques can make their own ethanol to run them. Nuclear power costs 4 times that of coal and solar and wind are still totally impractical cost wise. What we o is ontinue to build simple, cheap coal plants. We build the algae farms next to the new plants and old ones where we can. This way the fuel is made on site, no energy in shipping involved. You recycle the heat from the power plant to warm the algae and increase the yield. Gradually you use less and less coal and its phased out. There it is, simple, doesnt drive prices sky high or force anything on anyone. 100% domestic energy with no commodity traders mucking up the works as the coal is grown on site of most plants. No more mercury in the water which is the main beef against coal. They know this in washington, they just are allowing the special interests o exploi the issue to accomplish their goal of knocking america out of the high seat. I looked it up. The Gull Island story is a hoax. Oil is a renewal resource? Sheer Nonsense? Geeze. OK, so Ill give you more mainstream links below. Theres plenty of non-controversial evidence on the subject. Besides that what do you think of the solution I proposed? On renewability of oil: http://www.oralchelation.com/faq/wsj4.htm http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=38645 http://www.priweb.org/ed/pgws/systems/energy_capture/capture.html At least 140 years of oil: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14814230 Oil shale resources in the Colorado, Wyoming and Utah Green River formation estimate 1.8 trillion barrels of oil are located beneath the surface. A RAND Corporation study estimates that while not all resources are recoverable, the upper limit is 1.1 trillion barrels with a lower limit of 500 trillion. The midpoint of this recovery, 800 trillion barrels of oil is 3 times LARGER than any known etimate of that of Saudi Arabia.. ------------------- THERE IS PLENTY OF OIL THROUGH OUR GRANDKIDS LIFETIMES!!!STOP THE INSANITY!!! |
I don't see it as a issue I'm welling to die for or kill for . There ya' go! Hit th' nail right on the head! It's sad to see it going on and if someone else did something about it, that'd be great. Just don't expect me to care enogh to actually do anything about it. Thank you, Mr.Cashu. As long as it ain't at my fornt door or it's not happening to me or mine then, it's just not worth me getting involved. The issues to "legally" kill or die for are; Land Money Oil Instilling our type of leadership Putting those in power who will do the will of the world leaders To force our beliefs on other countries, etc. When it comes to our leaders getting us into or keeping us involved in wars or conflicts, they tell us one thing and then, in time, it is revealed to be for completely different motives. I wonder just how long it will be before we see the type of violence the middle east folks have seen for thousands of years. It's a lesson in futality. We, who have lived the experiances of seeing history repeat itself a couple times will die off. Those who are coming up will see past history as something ancient and distant. History isn't just repeating, it's getting a colder, harder face. These days, life isn't worth more than a barrel of oil. I can totally agree with you about the need for people to feel concern for others. Where I disagree is that it is AMERICAS responsibility to arm up and take on every injustice anywhere in the world. I dont see anyone stepping in to help us with our issues and I feel that is what we need to be fighting for first and foremost,,Our Own Issues, before dictating to others how they should live,,let alone sending our kids in to die for that point. It is awful if someone is killed for any reason. IT is awful if it is another country because they are homosexual or right here at home because they are a 'bum'. But it is not LEGAL to kill homeless people here and because some maniacs still do it,, wouldnt give the right to another country to come in and dictate what our system 'should' be. Those countries need to sort those things out internally first, before always looking to americans to do it for them. If killing homosexuals were legally sanctioned or government policy, I could see intervening. But we cant go off halfcocked everywhere in the world that fantics choose to act fanatically. OK I agree with most of this except even if the government is sanctioning it its still not really our place. We should treat them like we would an individual that was a dirtbag, put them at arms length. Thats why im against all these stupid trade pacts and treaties. We should stop protecting everyone else with all these bases everywhere, they all hate us now anyways. We should reserve the right to refuse service for import or export. If you wanna have some tin po dictatorship go ahead, find someone else to buy your oil or whatever. Were the only country that has most everything to be self sufficient. We shouldnt put up with this crap. If we pulled the plug on china and told them we arent paying our debt until you quit bein commie ********, and no more imorts from you or exports to you. It works alot better than our current military strategy. Trade with the world on the fringes of the economy, but the core elements of energy, lumber, metal, manufacturing, agricultural, should remain entirely domestic for the national stability. Selective protectionism maybe youd call it. I just think if we invade every country thats jacked up well be invading someone every other year forever. |
Thank you minimum wage hike!
National debt clock
------Im not a fan of the flat tax or any other income tax. While the flat tax would eliminate the marxist component of our tax code...the "progressive" part, it is still an income tax. The fair tax is the way to go if we are going to change the tax system. www.fairtax.org -Kerry O. Well good luck with that. Because as long as you keep reacting instead of arguing the merits, as long as you keep accusing people whose ideas aren't as Far Right as your own of being nefarious quislings, and as long as you keep yelling "The Sky is Falling, the Sky is falling", you or your cadre of 'Fair Taxers', you won't be taken seriously by enough people get for your movement to first base. People dislike extremists. -Kerry O. Youre way off base. People love extremists and hate wishy washy centrists. Thats why the left loves obama, he is the most liberal in the bunch. Its why Mcain lost, hes a centrist. Reagan didnt win on the middle and the founders didnt get this place going by making reasonable compromise with the british. I think you are in for a big disappointment in 2010 when you find out how many people still believe in freedom. |
Dick Morris
good for you
It is impossible to ever pay the debt. Every dollar in circulation is borrowed at interest. Even if we gathered every one up and handed them back we would only cover the principal and would still owe all the interest. Thats why the federal reserve is such ********.
Economics in one lesson
Yeah, screw all that booklearnin'!
Dick Morris
"a fat GOP version..." you do realize that he was Bill Clinton's campaign manager? "Even though what hes saying is true alot, damn, what a horible messenger." oh never mind, you just don't like him personally See, here it is again. Guy reads the first line of the post, has a kneejerk reaction that causes him to pose an absolutely retarded question, then makes a statement about the obvious......of course I dont like him....so what? Here, to answer your question I cut and pasted from my original post: ------------------------ Plus, even though I regard the contents of my septic tank slightly more than klinton, a guy who betrays his former boss in that manner after facilitating his rise to powr isnt worthy of any level of manly respect, even if his wrist wasnt so limp...lol.... ---------------------------- retarded question? so you're social maladjusted and retarded (if you like that word) you're own self? its probably difficult for you but even so. Look man, you asked me if I knew he was clintons campaign chief. |
Thanks for sharing that, I'm sorry you were the victim of such violence ![]() Thanks for that, Ill refrain from discussions about illegal immigration outside of the politics forum;) |
Dick Morris
I've never heard Dick Morris tell the truth! When did you hear him do this? He's always been just another neocon schill in my experience. Like 5 minutes ago, he was making justified negative comments about obama on fox news. I turned it on just to piss everyone off. |
Dick Morris
"a fat GOP version..." you do realize that he was Bill Clinton's campaign manager? "Even though what hes saying is true alot, damn, what a horible messenger." oh never mind, you just don't like him personally See, here it is again. Guy reads the first line of the post, has a kneejerk reaction that causes him to pose an absolutely retarded question, then makes a statement about the obvious......of course I dont like him....so what? Here, to answer your question I cut and pasted from my original post: ------------------------ Plus, even though I regard the contents of my septic tank slightly more than klinton, a guy who betrays his former boss in that manner after facilitating his rise to powr isnt worthy of any level of manly respect, even if his wrist wasnt so limp...lol.... ---------------------------- |
There are four different types of vehicles, in general. IC, hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric. There are two ways to store electricity, batteries and capacitors. IC, or internal combustion requires a LOT of excess horsepower capacity to climb hills, pass, accelerate up the freeway ramp, etc. However, having 250 hp available but needing only 15 hp to cruise down the highway results in an ineffecient engine. Also, turning all the momentum you have paid for in gas into heat in the brakes is a big waste of energy. Hybrids combine a small efficient IC engine with an electric motor/battery to cruise on the engine but accelerate on both engine and motor. As long as you don't use all your battery, the car has plenty of pep. The battery requirements are rather small since you only need it occasionally and you can use the motor as a brake which puts most of that energy of braking back into the battery. The big drawback is the battery which is expensive and doesn't last the life of the car. These will soon be replaced by ultra-capacitors which don't break, require no maintenance, and shouldn't cost much. This technology is available. Plug-in hybrids go one step farther by having a battery big enough to actually go somewhere (maybe not that far). When you get there or come back, you plug in a battery charger to recharge the battery so you aren't using fossil fuel. If you go too far, you have to use the IC engine. Once again, the batteries are the weak link. It will be a while (some years at least) before the capacitors are light enough to replace the batteries, but they will. Electric cars are just that ... electric motor with no engine... and a big problem with the batteries. However, when the capacitor technology catches up, you will be able to fill up the capacitor with electricity as fast as you can fill a vehicle with gas now, the capacitors will last forever and fossil fuel vehicles will begin to die out. We have very little oil left in the US. We have a lot of coal. We should be using the coal to make fuel as the Germans did in WWII in order to be energy self sufficient. We should also be using the coal exhaust from power plants to make cement (it gets rid of the pollution). We should be building nuclear power plants to power all the new electric cars ... and most everything else. Sheer nonsense about oil. The gull island pool in alaska alone has a century+ worth at the current rate of growth. We have enough shale to last that long again that could be processed for what were paying now. Furthermore, oil is a renewable resource, the earth is constantly making it. Wells that were caped due to low production in the 70's are now gushing in alot of areas. I think the strategy was to deplete the middle east and other places and save ours for last, then we would hold all the power...literally...Now with the instbility across the world is time to go to our own supply. In addition, a very minor midification can make any gas engine run on natural gas or propane. Natural gas burns clean, is abundant domestically, and does not have the corrosive aspects of ethanol. Even smarter would be to gravitate to an all diesel fleet. Diesels are less complicated, last 2 or 3 times the miles, and are on average 40% more efficient. In a relatively small area we can produce oil from algea that can run diesels with minimal processing. The same algae can also be pressed into pellets that are a direct replacement for bituminus coal except theres no mercury fallout. Lets pretend for a second that there actually was an oil shortage, they are going after it all wrong. Everyone can keep the machines we are driving. As the algae fuel supply grows and its cheaper than petrol, more people buy the diesels. This reduces gasoline demand and allows the poorer folks who will be the last to switch, a downward trend in fuel price and an abundance of good deals on used vehicles, instead of destroying them for scarp as the government did with the cash for clunkers cars. After a few decades all the gas cars will be phased out and collectors who want them for antiques can make their own ethanol to run them. Nuclear power costs 4 times that of coal and solar and wind are still totally impractical cost wise. What we o is ontinue to build simple, cheap coal plants. We build the algae farms next to the new plants and old ones where we can. This way the fuel is made on site, no energy in shipping involved. You recycle the heat from the power plant to warm the algae and increase the yield. Gradually you use less and less coal and its phased out. There it is, simple, doesnt drive prices sky high or force anything on anyone. 100% domestic energy with no commodity traders mucking up the works as the coal is grown on site of most plants. No more mercury in the water which is the main beef against coal. They know this in washington, they just are allowing the special interests o exploi the issue to accomplish their goal of knocking america out of the high seat. |
The only way we are not going to be a danger to the environment is if we go back to horse and buggy. ![]() You are totally correct. Even things like solar energy, wind power, and water power have adverse affects on the ecosystem. The problem is that people are so wasteful these days. When you used to buy a tv or radio, you had repairmen to keep it going. Now you just throw it away and buy a new one. Waste is what we are accustomed to. I do have a theory though. According to current science, matter as we know it doesn't exist. All we see, feel, hear, touch, etc. is merely energy at different constant frequencies. There is a way to harness this energy, we just have to figure it out. Maybe we could turn this waste into energy we could use. Sounds like science fiction, but i don't see it as being anymore impossible than flying through the solar system on spaceships. I am also thinking we could lessen our impact on the environment by using a balance of these different forms of energy and resources. You are on to something here. I saw a Tesla demonstration where they were running a model car on wireless transmitted power, uses no batteries. His ideas go back 100 years and he was a genius. People on this thread seem to be saying "But why?" I say, "Why not?" Use the Force Luke! ![]() The "why not" stems from the fact many of us are highly mobile, my weekends could be in NC, south florida, Georgia, or Alabama. When we artificially raise the cost of transportation to reduce driving and force new technology into the market, you have destroyed my way of life. My weekend trips that used to cost 30 get canceled or certainly reduced in frequency once it costs 120. Maybe I want to take my kids across country and see the gand canyon or the rainforest in washington state. I might even want to do it in a very large safe vehicle. Now I am priced out of the ability because some ******* who flies in a jet I pay for, burning more fuel in a day than I do in a year, tries to crusade to raise gas prices to make me stop going places on purpose. Nobody is against alternatives. We just dont want to sacrafice our mobility to do it. I live on a few acres in the country and drive an hour each way to work on average. My dream came true and not long after they are trying to penalize me for it. I dont want to live in the city yet they are trying to force me to by making it cost prohibitive. I am not a sinner for wanting a country life but having a job in the city. Henry Ford found a new way of manufacturing and brought a car to market that worked and was affordable, thats how we changed. He didnt advocate bills that fined carriage owners for animal droppings in order to force his product into the market. You're right. Let's just sit on our azzes and not change a damn thing because Mr. Brewer wants to have it all his way. And by God nobody better mess with my freedom to be able to eat a greasy cheeseburger and fries while I smoke a cigarette and send a text message while I drive my SUV cross country. This here is America! ![]() The problem is that his example is right: change should be brought about by technological advancement paired with efficiency. It needs to be rooted in increased prosperity as opposed to some political agenda. Thank you. The gentleman didnt even read the post or if he did it wasnt in an open minded way. Please 1956deluxe go read the last 2 paragraphs again. You are displaying precicely the attitude thats ruining this country. Advance a radical agenda regardless of the negative effect on society because one guy think he knows whats best for us little peons. You have the scene totally wrong btw. Brewer has a vegetable oil powered diesel SUV. I am building a small hydrogen cell to inject into my motorcycle engine. If I was traveling around I would be more likely eating a sandwich made of my homemade bread, free ranged at my land chicken, with greens and tomato I grew on it as well. I would be rinking tea, possibly sweetened with the stevia my buddy grows, and a cold homemade beer or mason jar of homeade mead when I stopped for the night. Its funny you mention tobacco, I admit I smoke a few cigars a year. I grow an heirloom variety of virginium tobbacum and hand roll a few dozen cigars a year, on vacation I miht smoke one. The difference between myself is most who support these draconian environmental laws drive a petroleum vehicle while pontificating about saving the earth. I do it out of choice and would never attempt to legislate my lifestyle on anyone. Not everybody has a friend who owns 4 chicken restaurants or is mechanically inclined, so my unique solution is my own. The green revolution doesnt need the government. Im not going to put a solar array on my house because some hippy told me to and sicked the government on me. I am doing it because I have no faih left in the governments committment to maintaining cheap available power. Obama openly states his new laws will double electricity bills within a decade. Same reason I went veggie in '04, I saw it coming. Plus its way too expensive to run a generator for a week after the hurricane knocks out power:) Point is that its going to happen, let it be a social movement of individuals, dont spoil it by making it a tool of government. You just allow them to exploit what might be a perfectly legitimate cause. You dont really think these guy care about the earth do you? While flying around in jets with the key to 1000 nuclear bombs? Are you kidding me? Legislating green is just a tool for americas enemies and the domestic crod that hates free market capitalism to gain a backdoor way to bring down the US economy, and with it, our pre-eminance in the world. Thus far we are the best steward of the post despite our problems. |
Dick Morris
That guy is so gross, like a fat GOP version of richard simmons. Every time I see or hear him I get the creeps. Even though what hes saying is true alot, damn, what a horible messenger. They should make him debate barney frank, at least that audio would be solid comedy gold. Plus, even though I regard the contents of my septic tank slightly more than klinton, a guy who betrays his former boss in that manner after facilitating his rise to powr isnt worthy of any level of manly respect, even if his wrist wasnt so limp...lol....
Pain can make us feel isolated and helpless, especially if its cause is an illness or physical condition for which there's no cure or effective medical treatment. At times of deepest despair, finding ways to nurture our spirits can help us not only cope with the pain, but also discover nugget of grace, comfort, and productivity that can move us through and beyond the helplessness and hopelessness we feel. Here are ten spiritual tools that can help you get started toward peace in spite of and in the midst of pain. >*Find Quiet* When we are in great pain, finding true peace and comfort is not easy. But it is possible, if we first try to still our worries and fears, both external and internal. Finding a place where there are no noisy distractions is a great start. Enjoying the outward quiet, we can then calm our inner selves and nurture peace within. >*Breathe Deep!* The act of breathing is not only a physical process, but it can also be a tool to move our pain, negative thoughts, and worry out of our bodies and hearts replacing these with a better sense of self. In a quiet place, breathe in slowly and deeply, then let the breath out, expelling stress and pain with it. Feel the sharpness of pain subside as relaxation and calm take its place. >*Listen to Music* A beautiful piece of music can inspire our spirits and soothe our pain like no other sound. It can also help us get in touch with the absolute joy of living, even if we live with severe pain. Put on your favorite piece of music - instrumental or vocal - sit back, and close your eyes. Let the music carry you away from your immediate pain to a place of calm. >*Lose Yourself in Prayer* So often when we pray, we ask for relief from our pain and leave it at that. Perhaps more effective when pain is oppressive is lifting up our pain and then resting quietly with the comfort that our concerns are being tended to by One greater that ourselves - and we do not have to take them back again. >*Reflect in Nature* Pain can isolate us and make us feel very much alone. But in reality, we are part of an amazing world. A walk in the outdoors, a glance outside at a garden, a quiet moment with a beloved pet - each of these things can renew our sense of belonging to the world, help us to feel less alone in our pain, and make us grateful for our lives among such wonder. >*Laugh More* Pain itself is no laughing matter, but the act of laughing can be physically and spiritually healing. It helps us breathe deeply, cleanses tense pain from our bodies, gives key muscles beneficial exercise, and lets us travel to an uplifting place of joy. Whether it's a joke, a cartoon, or the antics of a pet, find laughter and enjoy it often! >*Reach Out to Others* When we are in pain, it can be easy to feel as if no one cares. But there are many in the world who feel the same thing - and we can make a difference in our lives and in others' lives by reaching out in comfort and care. A phone call to a hurting friend, a visit to someone in need, even an email to an online support group - all of these can help us become less isolated, and help others in the process. >*Live in the Light* It's easy for our souls to be flooded with darkness when pain is sharp and overwhelming. We can combat this darkness by bringing on light. The flicker of a candle, the warm glow of one small lamp illuminating a dark room - light can help focus thoughts and bring comfort. Even in the darkness, be conscious of the light all around, and let it guide you to greater calm. >*Take Care of Yourself* Often, there is no cure for what causes our pain. This can make us feel as if our lives are out of control. But the better we take care of ourselves, the more we will feel at least a little control over our circumstances - and our attitude toward pain. Taking time to follow a healthful regimen reflects on our spiritual health, too, and gives us a chance to rise above our pain and feel better - inside and out. >*Never Lose Hope* Each day, there are new developments in medicine and in therapies to ease pain, inside and out. Hope is not just a feeling that things will be better - it is a tangible tool to motivate and guide us through the frustrations that accompany pain into positive actions that can make our lives better now and in the future. Love and Blessings to You and Yours ! By Maureen Pratt To the above I would add the following: > Nutrition Many conditions are affected by diet one way or the other. Many conditions can be somewhat alleviated by supplements and nutrition. > Herbal There are many herbal and homeopathic remedies proven for millenia I highly reccomend this book, its indexed by herb and medical condition and has detailed info on side effects and ineractions with drugs and other herbs: http://www.amazon.com/Prescription-Herbal-Healing-Easy-Use/dp/0895298694 > Exercize Your muscles and cardiovascular system need to be strong for you to be strong. For example strengthening the lower back and abdominal muscles helps alleviate lower back pain. > Narcotics Many people fear them or the stigma associated with them. However chronic pain rewires your brain and your suffering affect those around you. My ex reused to take any kind of medicine. She has an arthritic foot and disc issues. Her constant complaining and days lost laying around were a pointless waste of life. If it takes a couple percocet to allow you to go to your kids sports game or recital take the damn thing. You need to at least occasionally provide relief to avoid the negative physical and psychological effects of constant suffering, not just for you, but those that love you and want to see you happy. -------------- I know the post was about spiritual, but I wanted to add those as I have alot of experience in this area. I have learned a ton about it the hard way. I am 32 and have been in constant pain since my hand was crushed and degloved at the age of 19. It still works but betwen arthritis, nerve damage, and poorly executed (by the navy) skin grafts, it hurts all the time. Two years prior I was attacked in Los Angeles and recieved 3 skull fractures and an orbital blowout, I still cant feel part of my head, and the hand incident came just when I was getting over that. In my mid twnties I badly injured my knee and just had it repaired a couple weeks ago...hoping at least that stops hurting. In my mid twenties by back started hurting. Turns out I have multiple herniated discs, and the L5/S1 extrudes material every so often that hits my sciatic nerve and buddy that **** hurts! Through a holistic philosophy, eating right, herbs, supplements, spiritual/meditative actiities, I still do everything I always have and spend about 80% of the time with no painkillers save maybe an nsaid. Hope this helps someone somewhere! |
The law perverted!1 And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made2 to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become3 the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils4 it is supposed to punish! If that's his basic position and the rest of his book is just a justification of this position then I basically say: (smile!) 1. Pervert as a verb is transitive. "The law IS perverted" would make more sense. 2. Make is a transitive verb too. Again, it would make sense in the passive. 3. Become is present tense; change of tense here is not warranted; and if it is the present tense, then since it's third person singular (the law), it is in conjugated incorrectly. 4. This sentence needs a verb. 5. (Unmarked but obvious) each sentence is an exclamation. ------ The law of ideas is language, syntax in particular. It may or may not be true that law has been perverted, but the author is doing the language in the rear big time. I care about language more than about law. Law is logical, it is almost immediately obvious what is against the law and what is not, especially if someone spends some time in the society of a particular set of laws. Language ought to have been the same way, and I wonder about the capacity of a person to recognise a perverted or ineffectual or unjust legal system, when he or she can't recognise the workings of another system, which is much simpler than law, and which has been with the author much longer than the author's awareness of law. Please call me an egghead, or a pedantic nit-picker or any other name. I also know names. We can have a mud-slinging contest if you like. I would like to avoid that. If you want to enter into that, I'll read the article and give it my best and tell you precisely what I think of it. For starters: It is not the function of law to punish the evil. That is the function of religions, deity and morals. Law is a system of consensus of rules that define how each one in a society should behave. If you say law is perverted, then you say that the consensus is perverted. Law is applied to all, and it is made by the representatives of most. If law was made a different way, then law would be the will of a few. I don't think that's the case. Perversion means, broadly, "deviation from the norm." The law is made by the representatives of the most, so it IS the norm, by definition. Therefore law is not perverted. Dont judge bastiat on a translators poor work probably done after he died. And dont judge my bad grammar either, I have an excuse at the moment.. |
What a stigma those two words can inflict – “mental illness”. It is interesting to note that “mental illness” constitutes a condition where in a person can be incarcerated, drugged and/or tortured (e.g. electro-convulsive therapy and psychosurgery) against their will, with no legal recourse whatsoever. Unlike our legal system wherein every person has the right to legal defense, a person diagnosed with a mental illness has no right to “medical defense”. The most disturbing aspect of this is that the proponents of “mental health” claim that it is a “medical condition”. But unlike true medical conditions where a person has the right to accept or refuse medical treatment, the “mentally ill” have no such right. “Treatments” can be physically forced on them. It is also interesting to note that 60 years ago, there were less than a dozen recognized “mental illnesses”. But DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) lists over 300. And NIMH (National Institue for Mental Health) says “An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.” Where did they all come from??? According to Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus, Dr. Thomas Szasz, they were simply invented, unlike true medical conditions which are discovered. Now considering that virtually 100% of all so-called “mental illness” is based on nothing more than subjective evaluations of behaviour (ref: the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), with no objective physical diagnostic procedures based on physiology, (because they don’t exist), and the fact that a person so diagnosed can be incarcerated against their will, we really do have what amounts to a loophole in “due process”. I think alot of it is bunk. Schitzophrenia and some of that stuff is real. I think as long as a person is not violent and can provide for themselves they should be free to walk around with tin foil hats should they please. I agree that there should be some sort of advocate/representation for those forcibly institutionalized. I was not aware this was not the case, Ill have to check more in to it, but that is definately wrong if its true. Seems they should be appointed an advocate like children get. |