Topic: Challenge anyone? | |
Edited by
Fri 09/11/09 10:50 PM
Ok, now I have seen MANY talented people on this site! And...was wondering how you all would feel about doing a challenged theme...such as art that pertains to the color "blue", "textured" or "animals"?
The art can be anything from drawing, cross-stitching, painting, photography and digital art as well as writing :D Let me know if you all are interested....And we can get it started! If no one is then oh well, just delete this thread, LOL |
Good luck
![]() I am just a writer ![]() |
Good luck ![]() I am just a writer ![]() Writing is actually a form of art...I will edit that post to include it :) |
Ooooohhhhh...that is really gonna depend for me Mo....if it drops out of my hand (whatever the subject matter)...then GREAT! But, since I no longer do pro work...I don't make myself do anything that doesn't come easily.
But, lets hear an idea and then we can take it from there. |
I always love a challenge. or even just an assignment.
push my mind to its furthest limits. like spandex. |
Would be interesting to see how people would illustrate what it means to be on Mingle.
Sounds like a really interesting challenge to me..but I don't write and do that kind of art. I quilt and do other kinds of sewing..I would love to share some quilting in blue..maybe use the many shades blue jeans..sure could do it.let me know if this takes off..
I made a bluejean patch quilt on one side and red and blue bandana material on the other useing hearts to to tack each square. gave it to my Mother in law and she loved it because it was washable and nice for the grands to snuggle on.
So Give one, what are you waiying for?
Is this gonna happen?
Edited by
Mon 10/12/09 10:35 PM
Dark Descending
The only thing moving in the vastness of the high edged mountains is a dark figure that rides on a snarling dire wolf. The area is a barren place, dead of trees; the wind whispers among the rocks, as the sudden roar of a dragon flies high above causing a avalanche at a nearby mountain. The beast struggles to reach an immense snow covered black wall. Sharp edged engraved symbols adorn the cave, which is partially camouflaged by a thinly sheeted waterfall. The black wrapped figure cowls against the chill winds urging his beast to press forward through the freezing snow storm. It only scowls and retaliates before falling on its stomach exhaling its last breath. Without concern he gets off it and walks inside the cave unaffected by the brief icy water dripping down his hood. Inside the cave, he continues to follow the tunnel that rapidly descends deeper into the mountain. Hollows of blue glowing stalagmite lay in the shadows where the rock walls meet boulder strewn floors adding to the difficulties to move ahead. Eventually he stops at an ancient statue that blocks his way. It suddenly moves raising its scimitars towards its newcomer. “Sanaaalikonum,” whispers the dark figure as the stone guardians lowers its weapons and moves to the side. The mysterious figure walks pass the guardian quickly before it blocks the caves entrance once again. The dark figure descends deeper into the cave as his thoughts trouble him. His recent actions had contributed to a major shift in the lands, which will begin a mass war between surface dwellers and the underworld. He knows that the time has come where only the strongest will survive the turmoil’s of destruction and death. It will not be long when life as one knows it will be changed dramatically in favor for an ancient civilization that has waited patiently to dominate the surface. There will be a time when life will end to all those who have despised his race, yet although his actions give him an unusual guilty conscience. He knows that his race is violent and aggressive by nature, yet he feels oddly different then his people’s natural characteristics. Why does he feel guilty of his actions? Why does he rather seek for a peaceful resolution between the surface dwellers and his race? Why does he get disgusted with the world he grew up in and the creatures that live in it? He shakes his head from such weak thoughts and continues to descend deeper down a tunnel. He knows his attitude must change quickly to survive the evil dwellings of his world as he finally reaches a new opening. His mind shifts as he smells the foul stench of the first underworld victims. He slowly unsheathes his glowing scimitar entering a den of hobgoblins gathered together to feast on the remains of a once elderly weak hobgoblin. It is a traditional practice of their kind to remind themselves to never tolerate the weak. With disgust the dark figure dashes quickly at the vile creatures slashing their necks. He watches as they hold their throats shocked at the sudden attack gurgling and drowning in their blood. They eventually slump over as the dark figure then turns and descends deeper down the tunnel. He walks past them unconcerned. There will be at least another dozen of these weak creatures to slaughter before he makes it back to his home. Hopefully one will be closer to his home so he can feed it to his pet basilisk. His journey has been interesting as he sheathes his weapon and moves rapidly. He knows his master awaits him wanting to know how successful his adventure has been. The time will be soon when his race will once again roam the surface lands like they did thousands of years ago. ![]() |
Morashi’tar’s struggle to enter the surface continues…
Demons and magicians exchange powerful spells as knights and demon servants exchange clashes using odd spiked weapons against hardened steel swords. Blood spill the grounds covering the once peaceful fields that farmers use to plow on. Massive armies try to breach through the many flanks of human, dwarf and elfin resisters who have only small successes in each attempt. The war continues on its 3rd Era as slowly the dark servants find a way to enter the lands for the first time. The darkening clouds with occasional lightning show favor for evil as many lives continue to fall. A ripe and aged hardened faced man sits on his Pegasus in the background watches intently his men getting slaughtered by the stronger opponent. His scars across his face show the many victories he has won serving his king’s kingdom. His face changes slowly as he sees for the first time that his efforts are stalling. A rider on a swift horse approaches and salutes his commander. “You have sent for me my lord,” he says in a high pitched voice somewhat shakened at the scenery of battle that the hill presents to him for the first time. “Send messengers to warn our king that we need reinforcements immediately. Also send more messengers to warn neighboring towns to prepare for attacks. We will do whatever we can to give time for our king to assemble his men,” he orders in a slow defeated tone. “Yes my lord,” the messenger replies. He turns his horse immediately and rides down the hill to gather more messengers to carry out the orders. “My lord the high elvin magician’s are successful in keeping the ninth round of demons inside the cave, yet the dwarven warriors are retreating at the right bay of our flanks,” says a young man with blonde hair sitting on a horse. “Send in our last round of knights to strengthen the dwarven warrior’s position,” the lord replies. “I shall accompany them soon,” he finishes. The young knight looks at his lord for a moment in shock then urges his horse to descend down the hill to give out the orders. The day of reckoning has come where hope is the only option against such a magnificent force of evil. How many demon lords can there be he ponders, as he sees another group of demon riders on floating horses avoid spells from high elvin magicians. A triangular shaped portal appears a few feet away from the huge cave as grotesque demon riders on flamed red bulls enter the surface for the first time. Magic enshrouds them suddenly as two high elvin magicians battle the nearest demon rider. The lord unsheathes his glowing sword for the first time and raises it high into the sky. Knights below cheer as their lone paladin hero begins to chant a war message amongst his men. They soon join him singing at the top of their lungs. The time has come to fight a war the laughter ends as we push for more a gash a gush is nothing to feel a smash with rush is the way to deal let them come the beasts and burdens we shall win for the feasts for certain Battle is upon us! Battle is upon us! Rattle the fuss. Scatter the dust One fight, two fight lets us use our might Three fight, four fight and we will win the fight “Hooray! Hooray to Lord Denonimas!” cheers the men as their leader urges his pegasus to ride forward to enter battle. Lord Denonimas continues to sing at the tops of his voice the same war rhythm again gathering his last brigade of knights to fight an enemy that outnumbers his chances. The time has come to fight a war the laughter ends as we push for more a gash a gush is nothing to feel a smash with rush is the way to deal…………. His men continue to sing with him and charge with jousts pointing at their nearest gargoyles one of the many dark servants of the demon lords. ![]() |