Topic: My latest attempt
writer_gurl's photo
Wed 08/26/09 10:36 PM

and she wants to tell me now.

Whatever she says stay calm...Most women don't expect thatohwell ....Then tell us what she said:tongue:

IndnPrncs's photo
Wed 08/26/09 10:37 PM
Sounds to me like she can't make up her mind what she wants to do, how, why, etc. I think with the time and effort you've put into it and would continue to put into it that you'll get very little out of it excpet for feeling used and being angry... If it were me, I'd walk away unless you prefer to go through that much trouble to get laid... Of course there's probably some closer... I don't think that's what you're out for so either way it doesn't make a lot of sense does it?

Jess642's photo
Wed 08/26/09 10:38 PM
Hurry butt cheeks are clenched in anxiety....hope you are ok...scared

Monier's photo
Wed 08/26/09 11:44 PM
Edited by Monier on Wed 08/26/09 11:55 PM
She told me what happened and I stayed cool the entire time.

He called her last Monday asking for a date. She had never slept with him before. She said that he was her achilles heel and that she wanted to do him for so long but he said he did'nt want to get hurt again. (he's a great looking guy btw) She met him tonight planning on getting drunk with him and throwing herself at him.

It worked.

After they had sex, she then told him that she was going to be seeing somebody and she could'nt see him anymore. (All I could think of was 'that poor guy').

I had her tell me in great detail what they did together and with every word my smile grew because I knew that it was putting closure on the whole thing for me right there and then. Bless her honesty sick

I then spoke to her about Love. I am a person that looks for Love inside somebody else. She looks for it in words and reassurances. She truly has no idea what Love is as she proved tonight with her actions.

See, I dream about a girl that I never met and live everyday as if I know her.

She Loves as a technicality. That is a person that I want no part of. She had the nerve to say that 'if' we were still together after this we'll know how strong it is. I told her that I no longer have a decision to make because there is no longer one to make. She decided that for us.

I am not going to go out of town this weekend just to get laid and at this point that is all it would be.

It's over.

She just called me back and asked if we could talk. I replied
'Don't you have any self respect?'

Her oops email ********
there is no excuse for my actions. you dont have to believe im sorry but i know ive lost what was so important to me. im tired and drunk.

I don't do 2nd chances,

The End

/takes bow

msmyka's photo
Wed 08/26/09 11:48 PM
Good job keeping your cool and standing your ground flowerforyou

IndnPrncs's photo
Wed 08/26/09 11:48 PM
(((Monier))) I'm sorry that you had to go through that but I applaud you're class and self-respect... Someone will come along that is the person you desire and who deserves you... flowerforyou

Monier's photo
Wed 08/26/09 11:49 PM
Thanks Ladies flowerforyou

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Wed 08/26/09 11:53 PM
Sorry that happened man but you handled it well. Good for you bro! drinker Your dream girl will show up one of these days.

no photo
Wed 08/26/09 11:53 PM
God man. that sounds just sickening to go through. that would suck.

I feel a little weezy to my stomach. that was like reality tv kinda.

totally doing the right thing - not okay she did that.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 08/27/09 12:06 AM

She told me what happened and I stayed cool the entire time.

He called her last Monday asking for a date. She had never slept with him before. She said that he was her achilles heel and that she wanted to do him for so long but he said he did'nt want to get hurt again. (he's a great looking guy btw) She met him tonight planning on getting drunk with him and throwing herself at him.

It worked.

After they had sex, she then told him that she was going to be seeing somebody and she could'nt see him anymore. (All I could think of was 'that poor guy').

I had her tell me in great detail what they did together and with every word my smile grew because I knew that it was putting closure on the whole thing for me right there and then. Bless her honesty sick

I then spoke to her about Love. I am a person that looks for Love inside somebody else. She looks for it in words and reassurances. She truly has no idea what Love is as she proved tonight with her actions.

See, I dream about a girl that I never met and live everyday as if I know her.

She Loves as a technicality. That is a person that I want no part of. She had the nerve to say that 'if' we were still together after this we'll know how strong it is. I told her that I no longer have a decision to make because there is no longer one to make. She decided that for us.

I am not going to go out of town this weekend just to get laid and at this point that is all it would be.

It's over.

She just called me back and asked if we could talk. I replied
'Don't you have any self respect?'

Her oops email ********
there is no excuse for my actions. you dont have to believe im sorry but i know ive lost what was so important to me. im tired and drunk.

I don't do 2nd chances,

The End

/takes bow

Ok. Let me see if I can get this right.

You wanted her to be honest, but when she was, after doing what she said she was gonna do ( telling the guy that she involved with someone and couldn't see him anymore ), you hold that honesty against her??

Do I have that right??

Dude. She TOLD HIM that she couldn't see him anymore. was after she had sex with him...but she told him.

She has wanted him for a long time, and she got it out of her system. Big freakin deal.

You probably just turned an ' honest ' woman into one that is going to hide stuff the next time she gets involved with someone.

If you wanna take a bow for that, more power to you.

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 08/27/09 12:09 AM
Guy, he was saying he wouldn't accept her doing what he knew she did but he wanted her to be honest about it so as to not misjudge her but hey 'oneself' comes first... She proved her idea of love was to whomever made her feel good at the time but she did have some guilt about doing what she did.. So what either way she proved she didn't value what he had with her or she wouldn't have followed her loins into the bedroom with "crush guy that she could never have".. She fed her ego and fixed her crush and lost Monier...

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 08/27/09 12:14 AM

I see that as a load of crap.

just my opinion.

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Thu 08/27/09 01:28 AM
Edited by Rockmybobbysocks on Thu 08/27/09 01:31 AM
no offense but if i'm still hanging with someone and my phone rings, if its not an emergency number, i'll send your @ss straight to voicemail becuase i think its rude to answer a phone while hangin out with someone else.

get me?

do you think you might be makin too much of it?

do you think she'll bang him the first chance she gets?

and if so, why hasn't she done that already since he's shown interest in her crotchel region?

do you think you need to maybe take a day, cool off, work on you then get back to her?

i mean you have to go with your gut but only when your gut is calm man.


nevermind. read your last post.

yeah she's gross. avoid that crap like the plague.

don't worry... there are women out there who don't have their heads up their crochtel regions.

papersmile's photo
Thu 08/27/09 03:22 AM
Edited by papersmile on Thu 08/27/09 03:24 AM
ooops i should read the ENTIRE thread before posting huh?

sorry things worked out the way they did, but i'm sure there's a better future ahead for you flowerforyou

LewisW123's photo
Thu 08/27/09 07:48 AM
As I was reading the entire thread, I knew where it was going. You did the right thing, but in hindsight, should have broken it off a long time ago, primarily because of this statement:

1. She spends time with him even though he's made it clear he wants no relationship and would just like to bang her. She's expressed disgust with this in the past. That is not my definition of 'friend'.

She was disgusted by him, but still hung out with him - red flag.

Sorry you hung in for so long just to have that happen to you, but lesson learned and time to move on. Glad you stood your ground. In the end, you did the best thing for yourself. There will be another.

LewisW123's photo
Thu 08/27/09 07:50 AM

She told me what happened and I stayed cool the entire time.

He called her last Monday asking for a date. She had never slept with him before. She said that he was her achilles heel and that she wanted to do him for so long but he said he did'nt want to get hurt again. (he's a great looking guy btw) She met him tonight planning on getting drunk with him and throwing herself at him.

It worked.

After they had sex, she then told him that she was going to be seeing somebody and she could'nt see him anymore. (All I could think of was 'that poor guy').

I had her tell me in great detail what they did together and with every word my smile grew because I knew that it was putting closure on the whole thing for me right there and then. Bless her honesty sick

I then spoke to her about Love. I am a person that looks for Love inside somebody else. She looks for it in words and reassurances. She truly has no idea what Love is as she proved tonight with her actions.

See, I dream about a girl that I never met and live everyday as if I know her.

She Loves as a technicality. That is a person that I want no part of. She had the nerve to say that 'if' we were still together after this we'll know how strong it is. I told her that I no longer have a decision to make because there is no longer one to make. She decided that for us.

I am not going to go out of town this weekend just to get laid and at this point that is all it would be.

It's over.

She just called me back and asked if we could talk. I replied
'Don't you have any self respect?'

Her oops email ********
there is no excuse for my actions. you dont have to believe im sorry but i know ive lost what was so important to me. im tired and drunk.

I don't do 2nd chances,

The End

/takes bow

Ok. Let me see if I can get this right.

You wanted her to be honest, but when she was, after doing what she said she was gonna do ( telling the guy that she involved with someone and couldn't see him anymore ), you hold that honesty against her??

Do I have that right??

Dude. She TOLD HIM that she couldn't see him anymore. was after she had sex with him...but she told him.

She has wanted him for a long time, and she got it out of her system. Big freakin deal.

You probably just turned an ' honest ' woman into one that is going to hide stuff the next time she gets involved with someone.

If you wanna take a bow for that, more power to you.

5 bucks says she would have done it again, either with him, or another dude. Guess we'll never know, but I think Monier made the right decision.

TxsSun's photo
Thu 08/27/09 07:56 AM
Monier, you made the right decision. I know it is hard now, but it does get easier.

earthytaurus76's photo
Thu 08/27/09 08:02 AM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Thu 08/27/09 08:08 AM

As I was reading the entire thread, I knew where it was going. You did the right thing, but in hindsight, should have broken it off a long time ago, primarily because of this statement:

1. She spends time with him even though he's made it clear he wants no relationship and would just like to bang her. She's expressed disgust with this in the past. That is not my definition of 'friend'.

She was disgusted by him, but still hung out with him - red flag.

Sorry you hung in for so long just to have that happen to you, but lesson learned and time to move on. Glad you stood your ground. In the end, you did the best thing for yourself. There will be another.

Yep, she was dating him the whole time. I think she was keeping you around as a backup, and to feed her selfish need to be validated, while trying to screw this guy.

How often do YOU spend time with a woman doing all these activities, and including alcahol without having sex.

Honestly.. I think she was screwing him the entire time.

Even if she wasnt.. shes a grown woman, she knew where these things go.

AND men dont just stick around HANGING OUT with you, spending lots of quality time if they only want sex.

None of it sounds right.

I have QUITE the feeling she led you on, otherwise you wouldnt have gone as far as you did in even thinking about moving close to her while things were so unstable unbeknownst to you.

Well, good, you can now chalk it up, and its just reaffirming that you have to spend more time getting to know someone and if they truly live their life the way they SAY they do.

Things like dating other people arent things that go overlooked when you are having a relationship with a man. Shes DISHONEST, and deserves no congradulations for doing something shes SUPPOSED to do in the first place by telling him shes seeing you, and you him, and the seriousness of both relationships to everyone involved.

no photo
Thu 08/27/09 08:02 AM

She told me what happened and I stayed cool the entire time.

He called her last Monday asking for a date. She had never slept with him before. She said that he was her achilles heel and that she wanted to do him for so long but he said he did'nt want to get hurt again. (he's a great looking guy btw) She met him tonight planning on getting drunk with him and throwing herself at him.

It worked.

After they had sex, she then told him that she was going to be seeing somebody and she could'nt see him anymore. (All I could think of was 'that poor guy').

I had her tell me in great detail what they did together and with every word my smile grew because I knew that it was putting closure on the whole thing for me right there and then. Bless her honesty sick

I then spoke to her about Love. I am a person that looks for Love inside somebody else. She looks for it in words and reassurances. She truly has no idea what Love is as she proved tonight with her actions.

See, I dream about a girl that I never met and live everyday as if I know her.

She Loves as a technicality. That is a person that I want no part of. She had the nerve to say that 'if' we were still together after this we'll know how strong it is. I told her that I no longer have a decision to make because there is no longer one to make. She decided that for us.

I am not going to go out of town this weekend just to get laid and at this point that is all it would be.

It's over.

She just called me back and asked if we could talk. I replied
'Don't you have any self respect?'

Her oops email ********
there is no excuse for my actions. you dont have to believe im sorry but i know ive lost what was so important to me. im tired and drunk.

I don't do 2nd chances,

The End

/takes bow

flowerforyou flowers flowers flowersflowerforyou

mry's photo
Thu 08/27/09 08:07 AM
Sometimes women need to see the bad one one more time before really saying goodbye!