Topic: Global warming causing a new Ice Age | |
Man in his arrogance and ignorance will eventually take the very life from all mankind.
If man were an intelligent sort, the first idea of global changes would have been priority and would still be priority. We cannot live without the earth. |
This is just a friendly reminder a few post have been deleted from this thread. Please make sure that your comments do not attack another and that you stay within the Topic in hand. If you find out that you do not have anything to contribute to the thread then please move on. Thank You Site Mod Kristi awwww I always miss the good stuff this isnt a very popular opinion BUT I think if you view the human race as a single entity. maybe as a herd the best thing that could happen for the long term health of the human race would be a global catastrophe that killed off about half of the population sort of like culling the herd. Our herd is over populated and the herd as a whole is unhealthy as a result We manage wildlife herds to control the populations and mother nature/God/whatever needs to do the same Mother nature does this for us now. The reason we have new and ever powerful viruses and bacteria is so this can happen. The reason we have diseases that just seem to be inherit to us is so this can happen. When you have anything that over populates it kills itself off. We are no different. |
I read your original post. It supplies insufficient explanation. Because sea water is heavier than fresh water, why does that make the Gulf stream go Northeast instead of southeast or northwest or southwest? or straight north or straing south? The only part of the theory you presented was the difference in density. Fine. But that explains precious little about the hydrodynamics of the Gulf stream.
coriolis effect That is certainly a part of it. The spin of the earth sets up the "trade winds" which create surface currents. However, the reason the gulf stream has slowed down has to do with the recycling of dense salty water verses less dense salty water and the current has slowed down. The Coriolis effect has not slowed down. |
For the record, some real science.
Begin Quote: World Ocean Temperatures Hottest On Record World Sets Ocean Temperature Record Summer seas grow steamy as oceans smash heat records Seth Borenstein, The Associated Press, Aug. 20, 2009 WASHINGTON -- Steve Kramer spent an hour and a half swimming in the ocean this week -- in Maine. The water temperature was 72 degrees -- more like Ocean City, Md., this time of year. And Ocean City's water temp hit 88 degrees, toasty even by Miami Beach standards. Kramer, 26, who lives in the seaside town of Scarborough, said it was the first time he's ever swam so long in Maine's coastal waters. It's not just the ocean off the Northeast coast that is super-warm this summer. July was the hottest the world's oceans have been in almost 130 years of record-keeping. The average water temperature worldwide was 62.6 degrees, according to the National Climatic Data Center, the branch of the U.S. government that keeps world weather records. June was only slightly cooler, while August could set another record, scientists say. The previous record was set in July 1998 during a powerful El Nino. Meteorologists said there's a combination of forces at work: A natural El Nino weather pattern just getting started on top of worsening man-made global warming, and a dash of random weather variations. The resulting ocean heat is already harming threatened coral reefs. It could also hasten the melting of Arctic sea ice and help hurricanes strengthen. The Gulf of Mexico, where warm water fuels hurricanes, has temperatures dancing around 90. Most of the water in the Northern Hemisphere has been considerably warmer than normal. The Mediterranean is about three degrees warmer than normal. Higher temperatures rule in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The phenomena is most noticeable near the Arctic, where water temperatures are as much as 10 degrees above average. The tongues of warm water could help melt sea ice from below and even cause thawing of ice sheets on Greenland, said Waleed Abdalati, director of the Earth Science and Observation Center at the University of Colorado. Breaking heat records in water is more ominous as a sign of global warming than breaking temperature marks on land, because water takes longer to heat up and does not cool off as easily as land. "This warm water we're seeing doesn't just disappear next year; it'll be around for a long time," said climate scientist Andrew Weaver of the University of Victoria in British Columbia. It takes five times more energy to warm water than land. The warmer water "affects weather on the land," Weaver said. "This is another yet really important indicator of the change that's occurring." Georgia Institute of Technology atmospheric science professor Judith Curry said water is warming in more places than usual, something that has not been seen in more than 50 years. Add to that an unusual weather pattern this summer where the warmest temperatures seem to be just over oceans, while slightly cooler air is concentrated over land, said Deke Arndt, head of climate monitoring at the climate data center. The pattern is so unusual that he suggested meteorologists may want to study that pattern to see what's behind it. The effects of that warm water are already being seen in coral reefs, said C. Mark Eakin, coordinator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's coral reef watch. Long-term excessive heat bleaches colorful coral reefs white and sometimes kills them. Bleaching has started to crop up in the Florida Keys, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Typically, bleaching occurs after weeks or months of prolonged high water temperatures. That usually means September or even October in the Caribbean, said Eakin. He found bleaching in Guam Wednesday. It's too early to know if the coral will recover or die. Experts are "bracing for another bad year," he said. End Quote: |
The upcoming Climate Conference in Copenhagen has a primary purpose of shifting the cost of CO2 reduction to the countries that cause it, which would primarily be the US. Obama has claimed to be for this plan but the US Senate is wavering at the idea of shifting billions (if not trillions) in cost to the US taxpayer. The US said before that that it would not join in with the rest of the world unless China and India agree to reduce their growing energy footprint. China is rapidly trying to secure long range contracts for as much of the world's oil supply as possible.
The result may be that absolutely nothing is settled at the CCC. |
The upcoming Climate Conference in Copenhagen has a primary purpose of shifting the cost of CO2 reduction to the countries that cause it, which would primarily be the US. Obama has claimed to be for this plan but the US Senate is wavering at the idea of shifting billions (if not trillions) in cost to the US taxpayer. The US said before that that it would not join in with the rest of the world unless China and India agree to reduce their growing energy footprint. China is rapidly trying to secure long range contracts for as much of the world's oil supply as possible.
The result may be that absolutely nothing is settled at the CCC. |
The upcoming Climate Conference in Copenhagen has a primary purpose of shifting the cost of CO2 reduction to the countries that cause it, which would primarily be the US. Obama has claimed to be for this plan but the US Senate is wavering at the idea of shifting billions (if not trillions) in cost to the US taxpayer. The US said before that that it would not join in with the rest of the world unless China and India agree to reduce their growing energy footprint. China is rapidly trying to secure long range contracts for as much of the world's oil supply as possible.
The result may be that absolutely nothing is settled at the CCC. |
____________The Grvest Danger_______________
Massive amounts of methane hydrate are stored in the tundra. When it melts, the methane is released.
... Many people will safocate because of the STINCH!!! ( ![]() |
____________The Grvest Danger_______________ Massive amounts of methane hydrate are stored in the tundra. When it melts, the methane is released.
... Many people will safocate because of the STINCH!!! ( ![]() You can always light a match! ![]() |
____________The Gravest Danger_______________ Massive amounts of methane hydrate are stored in the tundra. When it melts, the methane is released.
... Many people will safocate because of the STINCH!!! ( ![]() You can always light a match! ![]() What a way to go: ...Gasping for the air while burning to the stake... ![]() |
I just saw National Geographic's "Earth Report 2009" yesterday. A major concern that has popped up recently is the huge amount of methane trapped in the Arctic tundra which is starting to be released as the permanently frozen soil isn't permanently frozen anymore. Methane is a far worse greenhouse gas than CO2.
National Geographic reported that the Siberian tundra also contains vast amounts of CO2 frozen in the soil, as much as what is currently contained in the Earth's atmosphere. I don't know if they know this for fact or if it is bad reporting but NG tends to be pretty reliable. What is being reported by everyone who is actually studying the oceans or weather is that the heating of the planet is proceeding far faster than anyone predicted. The Arctic Ocean temperature is up twelve degrees. |
everybody seems to cherry pick anecdotal evidence to suport their contentions
and you can find a story here and there to support anything the oceans are warmer can't dispute that the coral reefs are bleaching and dying. the warm water school fish are farther north than ever before and the ocean is a great big heat engine driving the planets weather (that and the jet streams) but the planet is ALWAYS heating or cooling, It's never static frozen in place I think the onus upon us is not to try to tinker with it (whether we are causing the warming or not) but to adapt to it |
everybody seems to cherry pick anecdotal evidence to suport their contentions and you can find a story here and there to support anything the oceans are warmer can't dispute that the coral reefs are bleaching and dying. the warm water school fish are farther north than ever before and the ocean is a great big heat engine driving the planets weather (that and the jet streams) but the planet is ALWAYS heating or cooling, It's never static frozen in place I think the onus upon us is not to try to tinker with it (whether we are causing the warming or not) but to adapt to it That's true but the facts appear that we are tinkering with it by dumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. We have the technology to stop doing that but the politics are pushed by special interests, not common sense or scientific input. For example, a switch to diesel and electric vehicles would make a massive reduction in the amount of oil we use and we don't have enough oil anyway but would require more electricity. Coal makes electricity but is dirty but cleans up if you bubble the stack output through sea water. A chemical reaction occurs and turns the CO2 into usable cement by combining with the minerals in sea water. The production of cement creates massive amounts of CO2 by the old method of cooking limestone with natural gas but the cement lobby doesn't want their business taken over by coal fired power plants so they lobby. The oil industry wants high dollar oil to be in big demand because it causes big profits so they lobby. Much of the US natural gas production has been shifted to electricity production which raised demand (and prices) so the gas lobby doesn't want to shift power plant production to clean coal so they lobby. It is all about whose lobbyists do the best job. |
Much of the US natural gas production has been shifted to electricity production which raised demand (and prices) so the gas lobby doesn't want to shift power plant production to clean coal so they lobby. It is all about whose lobbyists do the best job. Coming from a utility background, I can attest to this. But despite the increased cost burdan natural gas generation places on both natural gas supply and electric generation, coal fired generation requires emission controls that heap huge costs onto that source, as well. Mandates for renewables force those additions (big capital outlay) to generation portfoliios but there are issues there, too (peak demand vs peak production time for wind, as an example) that make those sources cost-clunky too. We have a lot of technology available, but regulatory agencies at both state and federal levels plus the lobbyists make moving forward difficult from a business perspective. |
Much of the US natural gas production has been shifted to electricity production which raised demand (and prices) so the gas lobby doesn't want to shift power plant production to clean coal so they lobby. It is all about whose lobbyists do the best job. Coming from a utility background, I can attest to this. But despite the increased cost burdan natural gas generation places on both natural gas supply and electric generation, coal fired generation requires emission controls that heap huge costs onto that source, as well. Mandates for renewables force those additions (big capital outlay) to generation portfoliios but there are issues there, too (peak demand vs peak production time for wind, as an example) that make those sources cost-clunky too. We have a lot of technology available, but regulatory agencies at both state and federal levels plus the lobbyists make moving forward difficult from a business perspective. That is one of the beauties of the coal flume exhaust reactive technology is that cement is made in the process that has real value. This value offsets the cost of the clean up technology. Win win... unless you are a cement producer. |
It's a shame our species had no resepect for nature and our planet. hmmmm. which species, other than humans, that has ever existed did have or now has "respect for nature and our planet"? obviously our ability to reason well has nothing to do with it as reasoning hasn't help with our respect so no need to point out that difference in our species. so is it not "natural" for all species to have no respect for nature? all species act with equal disrespect no? |
I find it intersting that millions of years ago the atmosphere WAS CO2 rich (we couldn't have lived in it) and the plants stored all that carbon
and now we are just returning that stored carbon to the atmosphere a LOT faster than they stored it but its still just what was there in the first place (of course if we put it all back we'll die but thats not the point) |
Edited by
Thu 11/19/09 10:25 AM
I find it intersting that millions of years ago the atmosphere WAS CO2 rich (we couldn't have lived in it) and the plants stored all that carbon and now we are just returning that stored carbon to the atmosphere a LOT faster than they stored it but its still just what was there in the first place (of course if we put it all back we'll die but thats not the point) excellent point. oxygen is one of the most corrosive elements ever to exist. it causes warships made of solid iron to deteriorate into piles of rust. when there was far less than the twenty one percent that makes up todays atmosphere several species existed that can no longer live because of the corrosive effect of o2 in such concentrations. life is neither good or bad. it just is. the aids virus wants to live, thrive and perpetuate just as we do. hiv does that with the result being dead humans and humans do the same to survive resulting in dead cows and turnups. life happens. |
Edited by
Thu 11/19/09 08:16 PM
Certainly, the affects of the Human activity cannot be underestimated, but those aren’t the only factors affecting the climate change…
The “Marine Research Lab” and ‘The Space Exploration Institute” of NASA have published the results of their study at the “Geophysical Research Letters" magazine. According to them, the climate is affected by 4 factors: 1. Human activity 2. El-Nino 3. Volcanic activity 4. Solar activity – which fluctuates every 11 years and is about to become active again… Together with El-Nino, the 1998 record of the world temperature increase will likely be exceeded!!! And together with the Hot House gasses, we’re bound to wear the Oxygen masks!.. ![]() |
Nevertheless, it doesn't really matter what measures do we implement... since we are doomed anyway!!!
![]() The American Astronomical Society (California) announced the results of the research (}: Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is spinning at the velocity of 254 km/sec -- which is 15% FASTER than has been previously measured! That means our galaxy has become twice as heavy as has been previously estimated. And that, in turn, affects the interruction with the other celestial objects -- in particular, The Andromeda Straine galaxy, which will eventually collide with the Milky Way! But, according to the new measurements, that's bound to happen even earlier than previously estimated (i.e. 5 billion years) ![]() No wonder Space Station is operating non-stop! ![]() (the findings have also been confirmed at the university of Wisconsin-Whitewater.) |