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Topic: seriously, What do men want?
74Drew's photo
Tue 06/16/09 09:45 AM

IS it that they want their women to have implants ?! OR Botox? What is the real Scoop, Men?spock

yep, boobs like basketballs. lips like angelina's. an azz like an 18 yr old gymnast. legs that go on for miles. eyes that sparkle in the dimmest lighting. teeth that would make an orthodontist proud and that are white like white phosphorus burning. with a completely programmable personality. and who like to do housework and like it when the man does nothing more than sit on the couch and scratch his sack while watching football or football reruns in the off season.

that's what we want.

. . .

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 03:04 PM
Worry about what you want and I'll worry about what I want and if we are lucky we might meet in the middle.

TxsSun's photo
Tue 06/16/09 04:33 PM
After reading some of the comments in another thread, they want someone to appreciate the kind, thoughtful things they do for us.

talldub's photo
Tue 06/16/09 05:00 PM

IS it that they want their women to have implants ?! OR Botox? What is the real Scoop, Men?spock

To be sane would be a good start!!

wiley's photo
Tue 06/16/09 05:09 PM
Real, Sane, Down to Earth, Have some common sense. The usual.

JeanneSC's photo
Mon 06/29/09 11:04 PM
If there was a definitive answer to the question of "What do men really want in a woman?" Would it really matter? Would you change who you are just to give them what they want? Different men want different things from the woman in their life. Just be who you are and if that's not good enough for him, then he's not good enough for you!

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 11:46 PM
i have a secret,

wanna know what men want?

74Drew's photo
Mon 06/29/09 11:57 PM
i want to be loved by an attractive woman who would be happy with me trying to make her life fuller.

. . .

GeckoDo's photo
Tue 06/30/09 03:10 AM
Most men just want the freedom to look at ****.

no photo
Tue 06/30/09 04:41 AM
I want pizza

gimme pizza and I'm happy

Tiggersonly's photo
Tue 06/30/09 08:04 AM
This has to be the easiest question ever. A lady everywhere and a ***** in the bedroom.

no photo
Tue 06/30/09 08:56 AM

IS it that they want their women to have implants ?! OR Botox? What is the real Scoop, Men?spock

If you have to ask, then you probably shouldn't know. laugh

TxsSun's photo
Tue 06/30/09 09:14 AM

i want to be loved by an attractive woman who would be happy with me trying to make her life fuller.

. . .

I have been waiting for you a long time :wink:

TexasScoundrel's photo
Wed 07/01/09 12:52 AM
I can only tell you what this man wants. I want a smart, sexy, sophisticated, charming, independent woman that takes good care of herself. She should have a dry sense of humor, enjoy sex and never nag me. She must be comfortable with her beauty and femininity.

demonflower92's photo
Wed 07/01/09 05:39 AM
LOL.u don't ask 4much,do u?happy

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 05:41 AM
he might find that...........


he might

racerx767's photo
Wed 07/01/09 09:03 AM
i dont know what all men want but i know what i want. a large breasted woman who owns a bar!!! lol

racerx767's photo
Wed 07/01/09 09:08 AM
demonflower looks like my type lol

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 09:08 AM
i want a MAN sad sad sad

michiganman3's photo
Wed 07/01/09 09:18 AM

If there was a definitive answer to the question of "What do men really want in a woman?" Would it really matter? Would you change who you are just to give them what they want? Different men want different things from the woman in their life. Just be who you are and if that's not good enough for him, then he's not good enough for you!

Well said.

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