Are You a Romantic?
Dating doesn't bore me. It's the whole over the top oozingly sweet romantics that do because they want the Hollywood romance. To me, my type of romance is just being near the one I love and talking and sharing dinner with our family. That to me is romantic as hell. I don't do picnics for a date, or any of that Hallmark Card crap. I went on a picnic for Mother's Day with a friend and everyone said how romantic and asked if we were dating. I'm effin' married! Picnics are for enjoying a nice day with sun and not sitting in a restaurant or at home for lunch. Getting some fresh air... Not for romance... Women probably shouldn't expect half the crap you see in the movies. Besides, don't all the movies go something like guy does absolutely nothing and some amazing perfect woman just falls into his lap? How many real relationships work like that? Zero. I think in any relationship you are only going to get as much as you are willing to put into it. And then not even that most of the time. |
Are You a Romantic?
Women that I meet don't expect guys to know how to be romantic. They are suprized when I call to let her know I'm thinking about her, have bought her flowers, invite her on a real date and not just fast food and tv at home, etc. Then I get called weird and obsessive, dumped, cheated on, neglected, etc when I do all of the things that women say they want in a man. So I'm not sure how I will be with my next relationship but don't think I will run through fire again to show her how great I can be, since that never gets me anywhere. I hear you there. Did a lot of that with the last girl I was with and she told me I was trying to hard. Don't try to understand women anymore. Just go with the flow. Things are going so much better with the woman I'm seeing now. |
ways to impress a date
Don't forget, no showers or changing your clothes for at least five days.... ![]() Actually if you're looking for a strictly physical thing, not showering for a couple of days can work in your favor. |
Why are you still Single?
I'm still single because I haven't yet found someone who is my equal. I'm still looking.
and men have a hard time dealing with outspoken intelligent women who expect to be treated well BS. I actually prefer a woman who can speak her mind. I hate women who expect me to be a mind reader. And smart is damn sexy. As for treated well? The last one I was with decided she didn't want me because I treated her too well. Her loss. |
Go out-Date-stay at home or............. I decided she probably wasn't worth my time to begin with and went on to look for someone who did actually deserve my time. It was hard at first, but once I started spending my time and energy on someone else it got a little easier. |
I find longer very sexy. As long as it's taken care of. Doesn't have to be perfect, but at least be clean.
what are women looking for
If you're constantly getting the same results, change what you're doing. Look at the type of women you're going for and see if that's part of the problem, rather than blaming the problem on women in general. Yeah maybe you're right. I should just stop going for American women in general. Ones who make assumptions about complete strangers they've never met and criticize people who make generalizations and then turn around and make generalizations about them. ![]() |
How to spot "crazy"
When the first thing they ask you is "Do you live alone?" When they keep looking over their shoulder to see if they have been spotted. When they won't reveal any information about themselves at all. When they call you constantly and asking you where you were the last time they called. When they drive by your house a lot. i get guys from other dating sites that ask if i live alone.. even if i didnt. they shouldnt be asking for thats really non of there business we (woman) should ask the guys that sae freaken question (hey bud do you live alone) Just don't be surprised when you get a "yeah, but not for long. ;)" ![]() |
"You ain't my type"
Biggest problem I get is, whenever I am single none of the people I like are interested in me. The minute I start dating someone, bam!, they are suddenly deeply in love with me. People want what they can't have. Human nature. I found that out the hard way by being too available. Then she didn't want me anymore. |
"You ain't my type"
We all get em at one point or another..... Someone gets the hots for you and loses perspective of the difference between flirting or casual conversation and decides.....THEY WANT YOU. (I am refering to those who pitch woo on the internet) How do YOU deal with it? Cause there is no way in Hell it is ever gonna work and not everyone is bright enough to take a hint. Generally, I am polite and stick and move until some other poor sucker wanders into the crosshairs and catches the unwanted wooing. It may not be as bluntly up front as "You ain't my type"...but it is an effective tactic and mostly enables you to salvage some good friendships. I guess the thing is...I have a hard time popping someones heart shaped balloon...anyone else got a problem with handling the ones coming at you like a love struck puppy? Never got that. I did get someone who was interested in me at first and then decided later they weren't. **** happens I guess. |
What did you learn from your first love? Love just ends up disappointing you in the end. |
what are women looking for
Perhaps it's the type of women you're going for, rather than being 99% of women as you claim. Maybe so. But I'm just speaking from my perspective and maybe my perspective is a little skewed. But then again, maybe it isn't. I don't know. What difference does it really make? I'm not going to change who I am to make someone else happy. I can't. If they were the one for me, they wouldn't want me to. That much I do know. I'm just tired of all the games I've run in to so far... |
Anybody around?
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 18
Single Still.
what are women looking for
Edited by
Tue 04/12/11 09:27 PM
Is it really that none of them know what they want? That would be my guess. After asking them directly and giving it to them then having them do a complete 180 after the fact. But what do I know? I'm sure I'm the problem. ![]() |
what are women looking for
Honestly, I don't think women know what they're looking for half the time. They think they do, sure. A lot will say they're looking for a nice, honest guy. When they get one though they usually treat them like dirt. (Sorry for the generalization ladies, but this is true at least 99% of the time.) This is probably true, but when a man does find a woman who KNOWS what she is looking for, she is really criticized. She is called names like: Gold digger, stuck up, and other choice names. Imagine if a woman told you: "I know what I am looking for, and it isn't you." So you ask why and she says: You don't have a good job, not enough money, not good looking enough, not good in bed, not a big enough penis, wrong religion, wrong values, etc etc. This is true. Which is why I think it's better to just be honest about that kind of stuff up front. Saves both parties a lot of time. |
Surviving I guess. Would rather be living, but that's another story.
what are women looking for
Honestly, I don't think women know what they're looking for half the time. They think they do, sure. A lot will say they're looking for a nice, honest guy. When they get one though they usually treat them like dirt. (Sorry for the generalization ladies, but this is true at least 99% of the time.) This seems to be the standard response from men who aren't getting what they want. Yes, there are definitely women out there (and men, too) who know what they're looking for and what they want. Generalizations don't work well, no matter how much you think they do. Sure one out of a hundred maybe. The rest are generally clueless. |