Topic: What if Jesus said no? | |
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Sat 05/09/09 09:00 AM
Also Abra....why did Jesus have to go by way of the cross?
Well the cross was the means of death back then. And since God couldn't look upon sin, someone had to pay for the sins. God is JUST....and can't just say is ok to just let sin slip by. No..God can't go against His Word. BUT ...God in His MERCY sent His only begotten Son to pay...instead of us paying. Since there is life in the blood, God thru His son Jesus, gave his life by shedding his blood. Abra.......just talking and sharing opinion...and never studying the Word, is never going to help you make sense of the Word . Get into a good bible study group...where the whole word is yuo can finally learn.. and God's Word will become clear to to why God did things the way He did. |
God knew what men would do before they did it. He knew if he sent his son they would do this to him. He knows all things. But this flies in the face of the Book of Job. If God already knows what men will do before they do it then he would never have any reason to TEST anyone's faith. He would already KNOW. The whole biblical picture of God is nothing but a huge conglomeration of seriously conflicting and contradicting premises. Christians speak about God TESTING peoples faith all the time. This is paramount to their belief system as it is an important excuse for other questions and problems that arise within the doctrine. But then to make excuses for still other problems by claiming that God KNOWS ALL ahead of time flies in the face that God would need to TEST anyone. Round and round we God. The excuses never hold water. |
Want to Learn?
Or just Talk ,Abra. If you are finally ready to WILL get answers. If you just want to still talk, you will just be regrinding the same ole hash ,for another two years on this forum. Your choice, Abra. I'm Off for the weekend. You Have a good weekend now Abra..and Everyone else here. |
For Abra..Simplified: God originally gave man AUTHORITY here on the Earth. Satan tempted Adam and Eve and stole man's authority here on Earth. NOW..... Whoa! STOP right there! You've already got a serious problem as you begin to set up yet another EXCUSE for God. If Satan was required to steal man's authorty from him then Mankind has been freed from any responsiblity for sin! In fact, this is a HUGE issue! Mankind was supposed be the one who is guilty of introducting sin into the world. If it required a Demon to STEAL mankind's innocence then manking is an innocent VICTIM. Thus manking need no repentence, but instead need to be SAVED from the OUTSIDE from this horrible CRIME that has been perpetrated against him by a spirtual DEMON. Furthermore, your EXCUSE is going to run into problems later as well. You want to claim the following: Since ONLY a MAN could take back from satan , the authority he stole from the first man (adam ) , God HIMSELF became MAN ...thru Jesus Christ ...and DWELT AMONG US.... and died on that cross for our sins... AS THE SPOTLESS SINLESS LAMB OF GOD.... and paid the price for our full for us all...... and now because of what Jesus(the second Adam) did, He was now able to TAKE BACK what the devil had stolen. But this whole assumption implies that God was actually sacrificing himself to APPEASE SATAN! This implies that Satan has POWER over God and represented a REAL THREAT. Satan can make God jump through hoops and even force God to have himself nailed to a pole. Are you sure you want to give Satan THAT kind of POWER? This also conflicts with the previous idea that the God of Abraham himself was appeased by blood sacarifices. I've gone through these scenarios MANY TIMES on these boards. Who was the sacrifcial lamb sacrificed to appease? Clearly God wouldn't make such a sacrifice to appease man. Men are supposed to be the guilty party here! So that leaves only TWO possiblities LEFT! Either God sacrificed himself to APPEASE Satan! Which implies that Satan has real POWER over GOD! Or God sacrificed himself to APPEASE himself! Which implies that God is a sadistic lunatic. In my humble opinion there are NO rational explanations for any God to be making any Blood Sacrificies to ANYONE! I solve the problem by recognizing that Jesus was NOT the son of the God of Abraham, and was simply a mortal man who tried to teach love and peace to a society that was worshiping a ficticious false doctrine to begine with. Problem solved! There was NEVER any blood sacifices either demanded by, or made by any divine deities. My solution solves ALL QUESTIONS leaving no unexplained contraditions. You're SOLUTION is to MAKE EXCUSES for the story in an attempt to salvage the pictuer as being truly divine. But your supposedly solutions don't hold water. If you claim that God was appeasing Satan then you're claiming that Satan can make God jump through hoops! You're just getting yourself in deeper and deeper in the excuse cesspool. You'd be creating even more contraditions and conflicts. |
This is the most plausible truth:
Saint Paul was, among other things, a Roman citizen. His extensive travels were in large part due to the fact that his Roman citizenship allowed him to move with some degree of freedom. It also gave him license to preach "the Gospel according to Saint Paul". * However, it is unlikely that a genuine political rabble rouser would have been allowed such freedoms, regardless of their citizenship. Accordingly, Paul, either by his own design or by circumstances, was compelled to address his letters and thoughts in such a way as to be acceptable to a Greco-Roman audience. Inasmuch as the four Gospels were composed later, during and after the Jewish revolt of 68-74 AD, when Judaism had effectively ceased to exist as an organized social, political, and/or military force, the Gospels also had to be composed with due regard to their audience and the political reality at the time. Mark's Gospel, generally considered to be the earliest of the Gospels, was composed during the revolt of 66-74 AD. Mark, himself, may have come from Jerusalem, and been a traveling companion of Saint Paul on his rounds. Certainly, Mark's Gospel has all the earmarks of adhering to the party line of Paul's cult. And as Clement of Alexandria has stated, Mark's Gospel was composed in Rome and addressed to a Greco-Roman audience. Similarly, Luke appears to have been a Greek doctor, composing his work around 80 AD for high ranking Romans. Matthew may have been a Jew, possibly a refugee from Palestine, who composed his Gospel around 85 AD. More than half of Matthew's work appears to have been lifted from Mark's. In fact the first three Gospels are known collectively as the Synoptic Gospels, implying that they see "eye to eye" or "with one eye." Actually, while there is some overlap and the appearance that they derived from a single common source (either orally or written), they nevertheless disagree in several arenas. The fourth Gospel was probably composed around 100 AD by some unknown writer (the reference to John is considered to be something added later as a tradition). This Gospel is significantly different from the other three, but is generally considered the most reliable and historically accurate of the four. It also appears to rest ultimately on a first hand account of the Crucifixion. Nevertheless, it too was written for a Roman audience. It's important to recognize that at the time of Jesus, Rome was not overly enamored with the Jewish scene, having fought a bitter and costly war against the Jews. Accordingly, it was natural that Paul's letters and the Gospels would by necessity be required to cast the Jews in the role of the villains, avoid portraying Jesus as a political figure (one whose existence could be construed as more political agitation), and then whitewash or present as sympathetically as possible, the Romans' role in the affair. Thus, Pilate seems reluctant to crucify Jesus, comes across as a decent, tolerant ruler, and appears at his worse to lack the moral stamina to stand up to the Jewish demands. Instead, he washes his hands of the whole affair. All of which, of course, is just so much barn carpeting! According to the Gospels, Jesus is initially condemned by the Jews, specifically, the Sanhedrin (the Council of Jewish Elders). The Jews then take him to Pilate in order to obtain a death sentence. Furthermore, the arrest and condemnation is, according to the three Synoptic Gospels, done on the night of Passover. But by Jewish law, the Sanhedrin are forbidden to meet during Passover, and furthermore to meet at night or anywhere outside the temple precincts. Moreover, the Sanhedrin are, contrary to the impression left by the Gospels, fully authorized to pass a death sentence. In fact, the Sanhedrin could have easily disposed of Jesus by having him stoned to death, without any involvement whatever by the Roman authorities. Admittedly, only the Romans could have ordered a crucifixion, a form of execution reserved exclusively for the enemies of Rome. But Jesus would have been just as dead, perhaps even more so, had the Sanhedrin simply had him stoned to death. The Gospels also include an apparent offer of a dispensation by Pilate, to wit, to free a prisoner of the crowd's choosing, as part of the "custom of the Passover festival". In fact, there was no such custom. Any alleged offer to liberate Jesus or Barabbas is sheer fiction. The reality is that a Roman procurator -- particularly one as ruthless as Pilate -- would never bow to the pressure of a mob, would never bother to wash his hands, and would not kowtow to the Jews and allow a Roman criminal to get off scot free. This is not to say that the Jews were entirely blameless. It would have been expedient, for example, for the Romans, who may have feared a popular uprising on behalf of an alleged priest-king such as Jesus, to employ Jewish agents (such as the collaborator Sadducees) to betray Jesus and make it appear that it was the people who had turned against the potential usurper. But ultimately, Jesus was crucified, not for crimes against Judaism, but for crimes against the Roman empire. The inescapable fact is that Jesus was a victim of a Roman administration, a Roman Court, and a Roman execution. In short, Rome crucified Jesus. And as will be eventually pointed out, in more ways than one. So how is it that the burden of guilt is being transferred from the Romans to the Jews? Primarily because Saint Paul and the authors of the Gospels were creating a new religion using Jesus as a figurehead (but otherwise ignoring the reality of Jesus' life). Christianity, as promulgated by the Roman Catholic Church, and later by the Protestant spin offs, is more accurately described as "Pauline Christianity". Jesus on the other hand, would undoubtedly have been appalled and horrified at the blasphemous manner in which his life and death was used. Keep in mind, one critically important fact. Jesus was a Jew! This simple fact speaks volumes. Jesus, for example, came not to change the Jewish Law, but to fulfill it. And as a Jew, Jesus believed in one God -- the idea of a divine Messiah would have been utterly unthinkable. To him and the Jews of his age, a "Messiah" meant nothing more nor less than "the anointed one", i.e. the duly consecrated and divinely endorsed king. Every king of Israel was regarded as a Messiah! But at the time of Jesus, there was no duly consecrated and divinely endorsed king, and thus no Messiah. The Jews were in fact looking for a Messiah in order to lead them to overthrow the Romans. But there was nothing intrinsically divine about such a figure. Rommel and a Panzer Division would have been quite adequate from the point of view of the Jews (although they would have preferred some spiritual, Jewish background of their commanders as well). Paul, on the other hand, intent as he was on creating a cult, had to compete with a wide variety of established religions. In Paul's cult, Jesus had to assume the status of godhead comparable to other deities. Tammuz, for example, the god of ancient Sumerian and Phoenician mystery teachings, had been born of a virgin, died with a wound in his side and, after three days, rose from his tomb, leaving it vacant with the rock at the entrance rolled aside. Much of the Gospels also include specific elements of traditions surrounding Tammuz, Osiris, Attis, Adonis, Dionysus, and Zoroaster. Mithraism, in particular, postulated an apocalypse, a day of judgment, a resurrection of the flesh and a second coming of Mithras himself. Mithras was also said to have been born in a cave where shepherds attended him and regaled him with gifts. Finally, there is a passage in the Mithraic communion which states: "He who shall not eat of my body nor drink of my blood so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved." Paul and the later Gospels, obviously, were stretching far and wide to encompass all the specific ingredients of Godhead status for Jesus, just in order to compete. Romans, content with a host of Gods and Goddesses, were unlikely to give the cult of Paul a second glance unless there was some real pizzazz! Keep in mind that the Romans were accustomed to spectacle, much as our modern audiences of rock concerts are. There has to be some real drama in Jesus' Godhead to get their attention. Finally, Paul states clearly in 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, that the Nazarean emissaries of James (Jesus' younger brother and clear Heir Apparent) were promulgating "another Jesus", one very different from the Jesus that Paul was promulgating. “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” “For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.” [The analogy of the serpent and Eve might suggest an continuation of the Enki and Enlil saga -- even unto this comparatively late time period.] Paul, in effect, under a commission entrusted to him by James and the Nazarean hierarchy, had betrayed said commission, considered Jesus' teachings and political status as less important than Jesus himself, and instead of making converts to Judaism, was attempting to make converts to Paul's own personal cult of Jesus. For Paul, Judaism as such became incidental, if not irrelevant. Paul, in fact, had never been a big supporter of the Jews -- even in his alter ego of Saul, the tax collector. Paul, instead, ignored the fact that Jesus was a Jew, and his cult included and endorsed priorities that Jesus himself would undoubtedly have deplored. On the other hand, Pauline Christianity, with his unique, early marketing and promotion skills, won the "Best of Show" sweepstakes, and today the Christian religion is dominated by his views, in contradistinction to those of Jesus, his family, his followers, and the reality of Jesus' life and times. Paul hijacked the teachings of Jesus adding his own personal selection of mythologies from other popular religions to draw in as many people as possible. It would seem he did so as a direct attack on Judaism. |
Once more :
GOD ... DOES ... EVERYTHING ... JUSTLY. GOD... IS ... A ...JUST ...GOD. Later..... |
Get into a good bible study group...where the whole word is yuo can finally learn.. Bible Study is nothing more than a support group of wannabe believers who are encourged to make excuses for God and support each other in that endeavor. In fact, the proof of this is the simple fact that they frown on anyone who wants to consider anything aother than EXCUSES! They do NOT welcome non-believers into their support groups because they have no interest in examining SERIOUS questions. All they want to do is sit around and weave a tapesry of FAITH where everyone is more than willing to support eveyone eles's threads no matter how logically ABSURD they might be. Actually, that's cool! This is what many insane aslyums do to pacify their patients. It has a calming affect on poeple and sends them home feeling that they've been supported in their deluions. Personally I'm more interested in TRUTH. If the Biblical account of God is REAL, then the most difficult questions concerning this text should have rational ANSWERS! Otherwise, let's just chuck this book and realize that God didn't write it. No need to toss the baby out with the bath water. We can keep the idea of God. We'll just have to CONFESS that the Jews never spoke for God. Why is that so difficult to accept? There are many Buddhist who don't need to believe in the Jews to believe in a God? Most Wiccans are quite happying viewing God as a feminine deity. There's just no need to cling to this male chuavinistic picture of a jealous God who's chomping at the bit to cast everyone into hell who doesn't believe that the Jew speak for him. Why should anyone want to believe that the Jews speak for God? Why is that so important? The whole thing is a blood and guts horror story all the way to, and including the nailing of Jesus to a pole to pay for the sins of man. It's just one atrocity after another. All of this God's problems are solved using VIOLENT methods! Even his solution for the fall of man is solved by having himself nailed to a pole. What a HORRID picture of a God who LUSTS for VIOLENCE! All his solutions are sadistic atrocities! You LIKE that picture of a creator? I'm afriad I just don't see the love in that picture. Sorry. |
Once more : GOD ... DOES ... EVERYTHING ... JUSTLY. GOD... IS ... A ...JUST ...GOD. Later..... I believe that too MorningSong. In fact, this is precisely why I'm thoroughly convinced that those aweful Jews never spoke for God. As far as I can see it would be impossible to believe that God is just whilst simultaneously accepting that the Bible is the word of God. Like I say, I'm not asking you to throw the baby out with the bath water. I'm just suggesting that the bath water need to be changed. I'm not an atheist. Like Smiless, I simply confess that I just don't know. That's the TRUTH and if there's a God I'm sure She will be pleased that I'm willing to be TRUTHFUL with Her. Actually to tell people that the Bible is the word of God when you can't possibly know that this is true, is to actually spread a lie in the name of God. Wouldn't it be better to spread TRUTH and confess that you honesly don't know who wrote the Bible or what their motivation might have been? After all, the book was written over 2000 years ago and rewritten countless times after than. Even the various religions that arose from it have totally different versions of it. The Torah, the Quran, the Christian Bible. Why should you feel a need to support any of those books as the 'word of God'. Were you there when they were written? Did you play a role in writing them? To tell someone that the Bible is the word of God when you can't possibly know that this is true is to basically live a lie. Is that what our creator would want from us? To live a lie? |
God knew what men would do before they did it. He knew if he sent his son they would do this to him. He knows all things. But this flies in the face of the Book of Job. If God already knows what men will do before they do it then he would never have any reason to TEST anyone's faith. He would already KNOW. The whole biblical picture of God is nothing but a huge conglomeration of seriously conflicting and contradicting premises. Christians speak about God TESTING peoples faith all the time. This is paramount to their belief system as it is an important excuse for other questions and problems that arise within the doctrine. But then to make excuses for still other problems by claiming that God KNOWS ALL ahead of time flies in the face that God would need to TEST anyone. Round and round we God. The excuses never hold water. |
Edited by
Sat 05/09/09 11:38 AM
Once more : GOD ... DOES ... EVERYTHING ... JUSTLY. GOD... IS ... A ...JUST ...GOD. Later..... I believe that too MorningSong. In fact, this is precisely why I'm thoroughly convinced that those aweful Jews never spoke for God. As far as I can see it would be impossible to believe that God is just whilst simultaneously accepting that the Bible is the word of God. Like I say, I'm not asking you to throw the baby out with the bath water. I'm just suggesting that the bath water need to be changed. I'm not an atheist. Like Smiless, I simply confess that I just don't know. That's the TRUTH and if there's a God I'm sure She will be pleased that I'm willing to be TRUTHFUL with Her. Actually to tell people that the Bible is the word of God when you can't possibly know that this is true, is to actually spread a lie in the name of God. Wouldn't it be better to spread TRUTH and confess that you honesly don't know who wrote the Bible or what their motivation might have been? After all, the book was written over 2000 years ago and rewritten countless times after than. Even the various religions that arose from it have totally different versions of it. The Torah, the Quran, the Christian Bible. Why should you feel a need to support any of those books as the 'word of God'. Were you there when they were written? Did you play a role in writing them? To tell someone that the Bible is the word of God when you can't possibly know that this is true is to basically live a lie. Is that what our creator would want from us? To live a lie? |
God knew what men would do before they did it. He knew if he sent his son they would do this to him. He knows all things. And he let it happen anyway. If god knows all things, why didn't he do right the first time instead of sending Jesus to fix his mistakes? |
God knew what men would do before they did it. He knew if he sent his son they would do this to him. He knows all things. And he let it happen anyway. If god knows all things, why didn't he do right the first time instead of sending Jesus to fix his mistakes? That's convenient; he didn't make any mistakes because he meant to do that. If he knew that Adam and Eve would fail, why did he let it happen. A all knowing creator could have designed things so that Adam and Eve would not have been able to screw up. If he is all powerful why did he allow the serpent to tempt them. Assuming the serpent is indeed Satan why allow him to exist at all unless he and god were in league with each other. Makes a lot of sense actually. god created angles, god is all knowing, therefore he knew Lucifer would turn on him even before he created him. If you assume he didn't know, then why would an all powerful deity allow a usurper to live even a second beyond his betrayal? Which leaves only a few choices. Either was in league with Satan from the beginning and created him as a tool for plans or he was neither all knowing nor all powerful. The third and only remaining choice is that the accounts of the bible are all fictional. |
He knows they will grow stronger from testing of there faith the test isn't for him it is for us. Yes he still knows the out come put we need to grow. It doesn't have a understanding for a non believer. Let the spirit within you flow. (Or the water :) It doesn't have an understanding for a non believer? Do you have any clue what this suggests? This suggests that God himself doesn't give a damn about non believers. Like as if there is some grave sin in not believing in any particular dogma. Why would faith in dogma be so important to a God? It would seem to me that God would be far more pleased with atheists who accept that there is no God yet live highly moral lives anyway. People who require faith in dogma would be people who have no moral values of their own. Faith in what? Faith in dogma? What does that have to do with faith in God? God can't accuse me of having no faith. I totally reject all of the horrible things that the Bible has to say about God and I hold to my unwaivering FAITH that if God exists then God is far more loving and just than those ancient bigots claim. Now that's FAITH. You worship a BOOK. I worship God. You support those hateful texts. I demand that they are lies and say horrible things about God. If you didn't know you're earthly father and someone came to you with a book that claimed that he was an atrocious criminal, would you just accept that on blind faith? I certainly hope not. I hope you would reject their book and tell them that they are wrong. Your father is nothing at all like they claim and you have FAITH in that. You allow those ancient men to tell you what your heavenly father must be like. I reject those ancient authors as being male chuavinist bigots who have no clue what my heavenly father is like. Why should I believe them? They were so rude and crude they were highly likely to nail people to poles just because they didn't like what the person had to say. And you expect me to believe that those idiots knew something of God? You've got to be crazy. Also, when did God ever ask me to have FAITH that he or she exists? The truth is that God never asked me to have any such FAITH. On the contrary, if I have a heavenly creator that heavenly creator has CHOSEN to remain invisible and silent. If God exists he or she clearly doesn't want me to KNOW IT. It would be dishonest for me to claim that I do! It would need to be dishonest with myself, dishonest with God, and dishonest with anyone I might lie to by claiming that I know God exists when clearly God has kept this a SECRET from everyone! If I need to be dishonest to believe in a God and God demands that that I believe. Then God is demanding that I be dishonest. How does that make any sense at all? |
That's convenient; he didn't make any mistakes because he meant to do that. If he knew that Adam and Eve would fail, why did he let it happen. A all knowing creator could have designed things so that Adam and Eve would not have been able to screw up. If he is all powerful why did he allow the serpent to tempt them. Assuming the serpent is indeed Satan why allow him to exist at all unless he and god were in league with each other. Makes a lot of sense actually. god created angles, god is all knowing, therefore he knew Lucifer would turn on him even before he created him. If you assume he didn't know, then why would an all powerful deity allow a usurper to live even a second beyond his betrayal? Which leaves only a few choices. Either was in league with Satan from the beginning and created him as a tool for plans or he was neither all knowing nor all powerful. The third and only remaining choice is that the accounts of the bible are all fictional. Truly. If the authors wanted to make up a credible story they truly needed to give up this lame idea that God is all-perfect and flawless and incapable of doing any wrong. Any God who casts people into eternal damanation is already demonic. It's a lost cause. To claim that God isn't responible for that is the same as claiming that God has no control over it. But then God loses omnipotenance. Also, to claim that a God's solution to any problem would be to resort to entrnal damnation as a 'punishment' suggest that God is not wise enough to figure out a better solution. It also suggests that God creates souls that cannot be rehibilitated. It suggests that God LOSES souls that he CREATES! In fact, according to the Bible not only does God lose souls that he creates, but he loses the VAST MAJORITY of them! If God is in competition with Satan for souls, then according to the Bible Satan is the big time WINNER, and God is losing souls like crazy. At one point God had to flush the whole population of Earth over to Satan's side of the poker table. If they are playing a Game the game should have been over right then with Satan the clear victor. But it looks like they agreed to start a second game using Noah and his family as the seeds for a new poker deal. But then as they continued to play it appears that Satan was once again winning like crazy! God had no choice but to send his only begotten son to die in the hopes of salvaging the game. And even Jesus himself reported the bad news telling the human poker chips that the path to God's winning table is straight and the gate is narrow and FEW will make it. Even Jesus could see that Satan is clearly the better poker player and will continue to win the vast majority of human souls. This truly is the Biblical picture. God and Satan appear to be in competition for the souls that God Creates! How did a fallen angel gain such an upperhand to make God bow to his every demand? The whole story suggests that God is indeed a lame loser with no hope of ever regaining control of the game. Even his desperate attempt to sacrifice his son hasn't had any affect whatsoever, Satan continues so win with impunity. God will at best only walk away with very few souls (just like Jesus has promised). The whole thing is a story of a loser God. A God who loses the vast majority of souls he creates and apparently can't do a damn thing about it. Poor God. And even more sympathy goes out to all the human poker chips who got caught up in the middle of this absurd gambling casino between the Gods. Satan would come out the BIG TIME winner, for the Bible demands its so. |
He knows they will grow stronger from testing of there faith the test isn't for him it is for us. Yes he still knows the out come put we need to grow. It doesn't have a understanding for a non believer. Let the spirit within you flow. (Or the water :) It doesn't have an understanding for a non believer? Do you have any clue what this suggests? This suggests that God himself doesn't give a damn about non believers. Like as if there is some grave sin in not believing in any particular dogma. Why would faith in dogma be so important to a God? It would seem to me that God would be far more pleased with atheists who accept that there is no God yet live highly moral lives anyway. People who require faith in dogma would be people who have no moral values of their own. Faith in what? Faith in dogma? What does that have to do with faith in God? God can't accuse me of having no faith. I totally reject all of the horrible things that the Bible has to say about God and I hold to my unwaivering FAITH that if God exists then God is far more loving and just than those ancient bigots claim. Now that's FAITH. You worship a BOOK. I worship God. You support those hateful texts. I demand that they are lies and say horrible things about God. If you didn't know you're earthly father and someone came to you with a book that claimed that he was an atrocious criminal, would you just accept that on blind faith? I certainly hope not. I hope you would reject their book and tell them that they are wrong. Your father is nothing at all like they claim and you have FAITH in that. You allow those ancient men to tell you what your heavenly father must be like. I reject those ancient authors as being male chuavinist bigots who have no clue what my heavenly father is like. Why should I believe them? They were so rude and crude they were highly likely to nail people to poles just because they didn't like what the person had to say. And you expect me to believe that those idiots knew something of God? You've got to be crazy. Also, when did God ever ask me to have FAITH that he or she exists? The truth is that God never asked me to have any such FAITH. On the contrary, if I have a heavenly creator that heavenly creator has CHOSEN to remain invisible and silent. If God exists he or she clearly doesn't want me to KNOW IT. It would be dishonest for me to claim that I do! It would need to be dishonest with myself, dishonest with God, and dishonest with anyone I might lie to by claiming that I know God exists when clearly God has kept this a SECRET from everyone! If I need to be dishonest to believe in a God and God demands that that I believe. Then God is demanding that I be dishonest. How does that make any sense at all? |
He knows they will grow stronger from testing of there faith the test isn't for him it is for us. Yes he still knows the out come put we need to grow. It doesn't have a understanding for a non believer. Let the spirit within you flow. (Or the water :) It doesn't have an understanding for a non believer? Do you have any clue what this suggests? This suggests that God himself doesn't give a damn about non believers. Like as if there is some grave sin in not believing in any particular dogma. Why would faith in dogma be so important to a God? It would seem to me that God would be far more pleased with atheists who accept that there is no God yet live highly moral lives anyway. People who require faith in dogma would be people who have no moral values of their own. Faith in what? Faith in dogma? What does that have to do with faith in God? God can't accuse me of having no faith. I totally reject all of the horrible things that the Bible has to say about God and I hold to my unwaivering FAITH that if God exists then God is far more loving and just than those ancient bigots claim. Now that's FAITH. You worship a BOOK. I worship God. You support those hateful texts. I demand that they are lies and say horrible things about God. If you didn't know you're earthly father and someone came to you with a book that claimed that he was an atrocious criminal, would you just accept that on blind faith? I certainly hope not. I hope you would reject their book and tell them that they are wrong. Your father is nothing at all like they claim and you have FAITH in that. You allow those ancient men to tell you what your heavenly father must be like. I reject those ancient authors as being male chuavinist bigots who have no clue what my heavenly father is like. Why should I believe them? They were so rude and crude they were highly likely to nail people to poles just because they didn't like what the person had to say. And you expect me to believe that those idiots knew something of God? You've got to be crazy. Also, when did God ever ask me to have FAITH that he or she exists? The truth is that God never asked me to have any such FAITH. On the contrary, if I have a heavenly creator that heavenly creator has CHOSEN to remain invisible and silent. If God exists he or she clearly doesn't want me to KNOW IT. It would be dishonest for me to claim that I do! It would need to be dishonest with myself, dishonest with God, and dishonest with anyone I might lie to by claiming that I know God exists when clearly God has kept this a SECRET from everyone! If I need to be dishonest to believe in a God and God demands that that I believe. Then God is demanding that I be dishonest. How does that make any sense at all? So the only way to come away from reading the bible, believing what it says to be true, is go into the endeavor believing it is true before you even start reading it? That is an absurdly circular argument. |
God knew what men would do before they did it. He knew if he sent his son they would do this to him. He knows all things. And he let it happen anyway. If god knows all things, why didn't he do right the first time instead of sending Jesus to fix his mistakes? That's convenient; he didn't make any mistakes because he meant to do that. If he knew that Adam and Eve would fail, why did he let it happen. A all knowing creator could have designed things so that Adam and Eve would not have been able to screw up. If he is all powerful why did he allow the serpent to tempt them. Assuming the serpent is indeed Satan why allow him to exist at all unless he and god were in league with each other. Makes a lot of sense actually. god created angles, god is all knowing, therefore he knew Lucifer would turn on him even before he created him. If you assume he didn't know, then why would an all powerful deity allow a usurper to live even a second beyond his betrayal? Which leaves only a few choices. Either was in league with Satan from the beginning and created him as a tool for plans or he was neither all knowing nor all powerful. The third and only remaining choice is that the accounts of the bible are all fictional. |
You talk about dogma reread all you write. You call me crazy I haven't called you anything. I'm glad you have a faith I don't go and creitze your religion never brought it up. I'm not trying to drag anyones beliefs down. Yes I believe with a faith of mustard see. Just a little faith when you read the bible it will open itself up to you but if you read it like a book with no faith in it what are you going to get out of it? No one ask you to be honest or dishonest. Don't know where that is coming from. I have my beliefs you have your. You have a faith in God I respect that. Carol, We are viewing this from two entirely different perspectives. You're looking at it from a personal salvation point of view. I'm looking at it from a humanitarian point of view. I couldn't care less about personal salvation. If personal salvation is important to you then it's no wonder you find this religion appealing. I've never felt at odds with my creator. This is one of the things that I'm claiming the men who wrote this book have been lying about all along. They make that claim to lay a guilt complex on you to sucker you into buying the rest of their dogma. I didn't fall for the bait. |
Jesus should have never returned to his people on those missing years unrecorded in history. He should have stayed where he was in his missing years.
Perhaps then the old testament would have died out losing its members and the new testament would have never been written. I think Jesus's intents are misunderstood and it would have been wiser for him to have stayed away from such people full of lust for violence and harsh laws. |
It truly is sad.
He tried to help people out and not only faced an immediate horrific death but was then used an abused for millennia after that as a patsy to prop up the very kinds of bigotries and judgemental damnations that he denounced. Christianity has to be the greatest crime ever committed by humanity. And the fact that people can't see this just blows me away. Especially when we consider that people like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman, and so on and so forth have all denounced this horrid religion. The greatest and most brillant minds of all humanity reject this religion and people continue to support it and argue for it. It's truly bizarre. I just can't believe it. |