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Topic: 10 Most Intelligent And Cultured People On Mingle
davidben1's photo
Thu 04/16/09 09:06 PM
omg, what shall become, when culture become as unculture, and culture crash into the sea of abyss, and unculture rise to the top as a pantheon???

a sad day indeed it shall be as tears flow down like rivers and strokes become as curse's, and curse's become as blessing's???

splendidlife's photo
Thu 04/16/09 09:17 PM
Strokes for Folks...

Jokes from Blokes...

Words for Birds...

Turds from Nerds...

Dragoness's photo
Thu 04/16/09 09:39 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Thu 04/16/09 09:40 PM

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Thu 04/16/09 09:48 PM

This thread reminds me of IQ threads. Both are alienating, or popularity contests.

I think a genuine IQ testing and rating thread would be kinda cool, but I also believe a genuine IQ is impossible to test

The second sentence, I totally agree. In a way, kinda glad I didn't qualify as a finalist for a contest I wouldn't enter in the first place.

rara777's photo
Thu 04/16/09 09:54 PM

Strokes for Folks...

Jokes from Blokes...

Words for Birds...

Turds from Nerds...

:banana: :banana: Well Said. :banana: :banana:

no photo
Thu 04/16/09 10:09 PM

This thread reminds me of IQ threads. Both are alienating, or popularity contests.

I think a genuine IQ testing and rating thread would be kinda cool, but I also believe a genuine IQ is impossible to test

A person's potential for intelligence really should remain personal, although it was a bonus factor I identified in a recently sparked interest. That wasn't what drew me to her, but was a happy coincidence. I suggested to her that she make that test private and yes it was a very respectable IQ. The character of a person is hardly, if ever, based on the intelligence. It's more based on soul, heart, compassion, ability to empathize with others, selflessness, to name a few.

The second sentence, I totally agree. In a way, kinda glad I didn't qualify as a finalist for a contest I wouldn't enter in the first place.

If you ever have doubts about how alienating it is, go to a Mensa event. All EGO, all the time.

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Thu 04/16/09 10:37 PM
Edited by EZ4Sheezy on Thu 04/16/09 10:37 PM

This thread reminds me of IQ threads. Both are alienating, or popularity contests.

I think a genuine IQ testing and rating thread would be kinda cool, but I also believe a genuine IQ is impossible to test

A person's potential for intelligence really should remain personal, although it was a bonus factor I identified in a recently sparked interest. That wasn't what drew me to her, but was a happy coincidence. I suggested to her that she make that test private and yes it was a very respectable IQ. The character of a person is hardly, if ever, based on the intelligence. It's more based on soul, heart, compassion, ability to empathize with others, selflessness, to name a few.

Um...I don't quite get it. Are you implying that you might think I disagree? The first sentence, simply an expressive statement, is not agreeable or disagreeable. I just might not be interpreting it right as I am very smart (I think and am told), but not the best reader.

I'm glad you found something in common with your interest, and completely agree that similar intelligence levels in a relationship are a definite bonus. But have to combine it with the second part of your statement in that your intelligence is more than a numbered rating or a composition of your factual knowledge and stuff. There is no way known to me to put a unit of measure on ability to relate to people and empathize with them. And I do think that these character criteria you listed cna be directly related to intelligence. Not all intelligence is factual knowledge if you get my drift.

The second sentence, I totally agree. In a way, kinda glad I didn't qualify as a finalist for a contest I wouldn't enter in the first place.

If you ever have doubts about how alienating it is, go to a Mensa event. All EGO, all the time.

No doubt here. If you care about what some "genius" thinks of you. But many of these people are only smart by some numbered rating system some other "genius" made up for them. I prefer to be alienated or the one alienating the type of person that has an ego based on numbers of a single rating system alone.

So if I'm reading and interpreting this all right, I think we're on the same page here.

I hope with this complex {quote} breeakdown, this post comes out looking right when I hit this button. ohwell

Puffins1958's photo
Thu 04/16/09 10:45 PM

Thank you soooo much, that was sweet of you to say.....


Jess642's photo
Fri 04/17/09 03:41 AM

I can't do this list. It would take me forever. Just post my freinds list of 100 plus. Over the last two years I've discovered amazing stories and histories of my freinds on here and I truly love them all. The diversity and intellegence shown has been refreshing. Their backgrounds and histories have been wonderful. Their talents phenomenal and exceeding. I'm blessed to have them as freinds. They are my top ten picks.

:heart: simply perfect.

galendgirl's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:17 AM

:cry: Mirror and I didn't make the list:cry:

I never make the lists...but that is probably JUST PERFECT and 100% CORRECT! (Cuz really...I am ORDINARY!) Don't sweat it...you can hang out with the rest of us :heart:

Don't feel bad -- the only lists I ever make are the "who's the smartest?" ones. I get totally ignored in all the other lists.

It's hard being a one-trick pony. Or goat.

Unlisted is actually the way to go in life...then when you do something out of character (or even IN character that no one suspects of you because they THINK they have you figured out) the hilarity factor goes waaaaaay up! I generally stay under the radar and am laughing all the way to the finish line! :banana: :banana: :banana:

willing2's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:29 AM
Edited by willing2 on Fri 04/17/09 07:32 AM
I can only put myself and my 5 other personalities up for nomination.
What do we win????rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Have your nominees take the test.

KennyLingus's photo
Fri 04/17/09 08:55 AM
Is it OK to state that Scientists have discovered something far more dense than the heart of a Black Hole. They've narrowed it's location down to the forums here.

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:03 AM

Is it OK to state that Scientists have discovered something far more dense than the heart of a Black Hole. They've narrowed it's location down to the forums here.


galendgirl's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:31 PM
Edited by galendgirl on Fri 04/17/09 06:31 PM

Is it OK to state that Scientists have discovered something far more dense than the heart of a Black Hole. They've narrowed it's location down to the forums here.

Oops...you have just elevated yourself to the level of a hilarious and witty person on this site! Beware... Be very afraid! noway

Beachfarmer's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:35 PM


....off the top of my head.... there are gazillions more...but this is a start.

*tackles lee and peppers her with kisses*

Right with ya Lori

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