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Topic: Does anyone feel cheated??
Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 04/12/09 04:15 AM

The only thing i have against Obama and his white house so far is that he has hired people who very incompetent. They seem to be hurting the country more than helping it. I don't think they are thinking things thru, but doing things at face value and hoping things turn out ok.

In what way has our country gotten worse in the last 2 and 1/2 months?

Taxes increased and our national debt has grown at an alarming rate...

LouLou2's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:22 AM
Edited by LouLou2 on Sun 04/12/09 07:37 AM

You're right there. It is also a wise thing to report and question actions made by those in DC.
Investigation of those in power should continue.
Many have the conviction he is doing for this country.
Many feel the opposite.
IHMO, I believe, it will get worse before it gets better, and Obama said it, not me, there will be more folks voicing their feelings of hopeless feelings and despair.

We need to show those folks a little patience and compassion also.

Hopefully, we won't have to live in fear here about getting banned for expressing opinions. Even if the opinion is someone thinks the current administrators in DC are losers and out for themselves.

Please, don't [edit] misunderstand my post. I value, encourage and honor each person's right to express his/her opinion, concerns and disagreement regarding the path our leaders are choose for us. Our country was created out of protest and dissent. We 'stand on the shoulders of giants' - those who demanded the right to be represented and heard. In fact, I think it is every American citzen's obligation to voice heartfelt, thoughtful, honest dissention. To sit back and not speak out when we feel something is wrong is un-American in my opinion.

And, yes. I, too, believe this will get worse before it gets better. But I believe we will get through it together...in spite of and with our disagreeements. I'm hoping one of the blessings that will come from these troubled times will be a return of the sense of real community which many of us have lost. and that most of us will again live in a community in which we know, count on and care for our neighbors on a very concrete, real level. We may very well be called on to help each other in ways we have nearly forgotten. We may also find ourselves learning to ask for help that we couldn't imagine needing or accepting in the past. If we come through this frightening time as a country of people who understand our 'interconnectedness' (oops I think I made that word up...) with our families, friends, neighbors, fellow citizens and the rest of the world, this could end up being an even greater community/ society/country, a healthier life and a better world for all of us.

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:32 AM

You're right there. It is also a wise thing to report and question actions made by those in DC.
Investigation of those in power should continue.
Many have the conviction he is doing for this country.
Many feel the opposite.
IHMO, I believe, it will get worse before it gets better, and Obama said it, not me, there will be more folks voicing their feelings of hopeless feelings and despair.

We need to show those folks a little patience and compassion also.

Hopefully, we won't have to live in fear here about getting banned for expressing opinions. Even if the opinion is someone thinks the current administrators in DC are losers and out for themselves.

Please, misunderstand my post. I value, encourage and honor each person's right to express his/her opinion, concerns and disagreement regarding the path our leaders are choose for us. Our country was created out of protest and dissent. We 'stand on the shoulders of giants' - those who demanded the right to be represented and heard. In fact, I think it is every American citzen's obligation to voice heartfelt, thoughtful, honest dissention. To sit back and not speak out when we feel something is wrong is un-American in my opinion.

And, yes. I, too, believe this will get worse before it gets better. But I believe we will get through it together...in spite of and with our disagreeements. I'm hoping one of the blessings that will come from these troubled times will be a return of the sense of real community which many of us have lost. and that most of us will again live in a community in which we know, count on and care for our neighbors on a very concrete, real level. We may very well be called on to help each other in ways we have nearly forgotten. We may also find ourselves learning to ask for help that we couldn't imagine needing or accepting in the past. If we come through this frightening time as a country of people who understand our 'interconnectedness' (oops I think I made that word up...) with our families, friends, neighbors, fellow citizens and the rest of the world, this could end up being an even greater community/ society/country, a healthier life and a better world for all of us.

Things are still falling but have stalled somewhat. I am sure it will continue to fall for awhile.

The jobless rate will also continue to rise. I mean, it did during the last recession for at least 18 months after it began to rise again. This is not going to happen overnight. It will take quite some time. Fixing this mess is not an easy task. Cleaning up ones own credit problems takes some time.


Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:44 AM
Well I didn't vote for Obama (I don't belive in voting) I think he's doing alright economically. I'd probably be pissed if I was making over a mil. a year but I'm not so I don't care. I'm not losing EITC, and the dow hit over 8000 a few times. I really don't think you can judge his body of work after 4 to 5 months in office. That said I worry about him bowing down to the saudi gov't but I believe he's just not that experienced of a politician. that can be a good or bad thing. He inherited the worst mess since FDR (and that took nearly a decade to fix and a world war) so I mean no one held 9/11 against Bush (at least at first) so until you see how some of Obama's plans are going to work out in the long run (yrs. not mos.) it's difficult to form an opinion that's not based on speculation. I don't feel cheated cause I don't vote, as I believe all elections are determined by the previous party in power and how much they screw things up, or by the electoral college, and dems always win NY state so why bother?

LouLou2's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:55 AM

Things are still falling but have stalled somewhat. I am sure it will continue to fall for awhile.

The jobless rate will also continue to rise. I mean, it did during the last recession for at least 18 months after it began to rise again. This is not going to happen overnight. It will take quite some time. Fixing this mess is not an easy task. Cleaning up ones own credit problems takes some time.


It is becoming more and more grim here. We definitely haven't turned a corner, yet...the corner isn't even in sight. Even in health care...an 'industry' that always seemed somhow insolated from economic problems. There will always be a need for the services and seemed a secure job. The lay-offs from the hospital where I work are frightening. Also, 2 of my friends, both hard-working folks with decent paying jobs, are/have filed for bankruptcy. One has lost his house. They both now face rebuilding their lives. Thank goodness both are still working. Frightening times.

prisoner's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:01 AM
:smile: "Meet the new boss,Same as the old boss."...Won't Get Fooled Again by The Who be seeing you

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:28 AM
My state has had a lower jobless percentage than most...but still we have had hospital bankruptcy's and closings as well as other jobs closing. All before this admin.

Healthcare has been an issue for many years...just most wanted to ignore it or just bich about it.

Bankruptcy has been going on hard and heavy for years. Most of it is from bad investments as well as astronomical Dr and hospital bills.

Housing loss is a nationwide event right now. What with all the interest escalating into payments that are far fetched to reach. The only good thing there is that those that could not afford a home before are now in the buying market at the demise of those poor people that lost them in the first place.

This is a very trying time for us all. The thing I find amusing about all of this is; my moms generation just says "well, we just gotta tighten our belts and ride it out." "It will get worse before it gets better, it always does." These people have already lived through it and survived. I get told.."times are tough, gotta suck it up."
Gotta love the wisdom.

LouLou2's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:46 AM
You're right, Kat...wisdom. We'll get through. Hping you are hangin' in there o.k.

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/12/09 09:11 AM

You're right, Kat...wisdom. We'll get through. Hping you are hangin' in there o.k.

I am hanging...the noose is tighter....but could be worse.

I hope we all get through this without losing our minds. Material things will get replaced. The credit industry will have to loosen its hold on us and change something. Maybe that will be a good thing for us all. I basically have no credit anymore. I haven't bought anything on credit in so long that it makes it harder to get credit. Worse than having bad credit.


willing2's photo
Sun 04/12/09 10:05 AM
The attitude I'm getting is, I will survive. If you don't, that's life. I don't advocate bailing out, welfare, or admitting 12 to 20 million more here. That's asinine. Our backs and resources can't support us, let alone the Illegals they want to make Legal.

Winx's photo
Sun 04/12/09 11:08 AM

Things are still falling but have stalled somewhat. I am sure it will continue to fall for awhile.

The jobless rate will also continue to rise. I mean, it did during the last recession for at least 18 months after it began to rise again. This is not going to happen overnight. It will take quite some time. Fixing this mess is not an easy task. Cleaning up ones own credit problems takes some time.


It is becoming more and more grim here. We definitely haven't turned a corner, yet...the corner isn't even in sight. Even in health care...an 'industry' that always seemed somhow insolated from economic problems. There will always be a need for the services and seemed a secure job. The lay-offs from the hospital where I work are frightening. Also, 2 of my friends, both hard-working folks with decent paying jobs, are/have filed for bankruptcy. One has lost his house. They both now face rebuilding their lives. Thank goodness both are still working. Frightening times.

My brother works for a hospital in Louisville. They cut back hours and overtime. The hospital lost money that they had put into the stock market. That surprised me.

My child's Aunt just lost her job that she had for 30 years. They abolished her position. She worked for a bank.

willing2's photo
Sun 04/12/09 11:44 AM
It may help some sleep well at night keeping a positive attitude. But, thinking we all will make it out of this alive isn't being very realistic.

Times will get tougher.
OK, things are real tough for those who lost their jobs and homes. Look at the number of tent cities springing up around the country. If they don't meet min health codes or if they're in an area not zoned for a tent city, they will be evicted.

If I had a nice place and an encampment parked next door to me and devalued the neighborhood, I'd demand my City do something about the eyesore.

I have a hard time wondering why not many here don't talk about how it must be for them. Or, how we, as individuals might give up a little excess so, some homeless, jobless family will have a meal. Why not, give up a garage or a room to help house one.

I wonder, if one of the regulars who post here were to become unemployed, no unemployment, and homeless, who would offer to scoot over and make room for them.

I know, I wouldn't be offered.:smile: And that's OK. I accept who I am and know I have compassion for those who will die from starvation and or exposure to the elements.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 04/12/09 01:48 PM

It may help some sleep well at night keeping a positive attitude. But, thinking we all will make it out of this alive isn't being very realistic.

Times will get tougher.
OK, things are real tough for those who lost their jobs and homes. Look at the number of tent cities springing up around the country. If they don't meet min health codes or if they're in an area not zoned for a tent city, they will be evicted.

If I had a nice place and an encampment parked next door to me and devalued the neighborhood, I'd demand my City do something about the eyesore.

I have a hard time wondering why not many here don't talk about how it must be for them. Or, how we, as individuals might give up a little excess so, some homeless, jobless family will have a meal. Why not, give up a garage or a room to help house one.

I wonder, if one of the regulars who post here were to become unemployed, no unemployment, and homeless, who would offer to scoot over and make room for them.

I know, I wouldn't be offered.:smile: And that's OK. I accept who I am and know I have compassion for those who will die from starvation and or exposure to the elements.

drinks I never thought I would say this but your kinda starting to grow on me, Willing2drinks I may disagree with you virtually 110% on politics but your the kinda dude I would sit and drink a beer with.drinks

LouLou2's photo
Sun 04/12/09 06:30 PM

It may help some sleep well at night keeping a positive attitude. But, thinking we all will make it out of this alive isn't being very realistic.

Times will get tougher.
OK, things are real tough for those who lost their jobs and homes. Look at the number of tent cities springing up around the country. If they don't meet min health codes or if they're in an area not zoned for a tent city, they will be evicted.

If I had a nice place and an encampment parked next door to me and devalued the neighborhood, I'd demand my City do something about the eyesore.

I have a hard time wondering why not many here don't talk about how it must be for them. Or, how we, as individuals might give up a little excess so, some homeless, jobless family will have a meal. Why not, give up a garage or a room to help house one.

I wonder, if one of the regulars who post here were to become unemployed, no unemployment, and homeless, who would offer to scoot over and make room for them.

I know, I wouldn't be offered.:smile: And that's OK. I accept who I am and know I have compassion for those who will die from starvation and or exposure to the elements.

That's what I meant about learning to see ourselves as a part of a community. Learning to help and ask for help. I don't think anyone but the really big guys will get through this alone. Friends of mine have been struggling with the devastating illness of the father of the family...fighting to live with a cancerous brain tumor for 4+ years. It has taken the concerted effort of a small group of their friends/family to keep them afloat financially over this time...taking turns buying groceries, paying a bill, putting gas in their car, etc. I'm hoping we'll see more of that...people coming together in small ways to help one another. My mother said that is the only way the people of her small country town survived the Depression...little people helping each other.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:45 PM
just to lighten the mood...ahem (clearing throat)


TJN's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:49 PM

just to lighten the mood...ahem (clearing throat)


I'll be right over

opps wrong topic

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:50 PM
rofl oops offtopic rofl sorry...i couldn't resist. i've been fighting the urge to sing that song for a while

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