Topic: Does anyone feel cheated??
Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:42 PM
The problem we are having is exactly like the problem we are having with personal financial issues, people are living beyond their means.. Our government is living beyond its means and anyone that knows, when you get deep enough in can't ever get out of it.. Some debt is good, but the 1.3 trillion we were in debt over 8 years is nothing compaired to the debt that we are incurring under the guise of investing in our is a phoney policy, unnecessarily increasing our national debt way beyond our ability to people who live beyond their means find out sooner or will all come crashing down. Recovery...right he will bury us with his ideals that do nothing to help us recover..

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 03:20 PM

The problem we are having is exactly like the problem we are having with personal financial issues, people are living beyond their means.. Our government is living beyond its means and anyone that knows, when you get deep enough in can't ever get out of it.. Some debt is good, but the 1.3 trillion we were in debt over 8 years is nothing compaired to the debt that we are incurring under the guise of investing in our is a phoney policy, unnecessarily increasing our national debt way beyond our ability to people who live beyond their means find out sooner or will all come crashing down. Recovery...right he will bury us with his ideals that do nothing to help us recover..

Damn, delso. I wish you had some influence back in Jan. 2001.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 04/11/09 03:47 PM

I agree winx, it didn't start with him, but you would think that if the damage was started before him, he would work to repair the damage, not take more, bigger shots at the damage and make it worse?? This debt that we are strapped with is more then we will ever be able to pay for..what happens when our note holders( china, Japan, Russia) decide that we are not worth the note and decide to foreclose on us??

I think he's doing the best he can with what he has. He's working to please both sides.

As long as they are black...spock

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 03:56 PM
Ooooo...Race rears its ugly head.

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 04/11/09 04:04 PM
The only thing i have against Obama and his white house so far is that he has hired people who very incompetent. They seem to be hurting the country more than helping it. I don't think they are thinking things thru, but doing things at face value and hoping things turn out ok.

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:10 PM

I agree winx, it didn't start with him, but you would think that if the damage was started before him, he would work to repair the damage, not take more, bigger shots at the damage and make it worse?? This debt that we are strapped with is more then we will ever be able to pay for..what happens when our note holders( china, Japan, Russia) decide that we are not worth the note and decide to foreclose on us??

I think he's doing the best he can with what he has. He's working to please both sides.

As long as they are black...spock


Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:12 PM

The only thing i have against Obama and his white house so far is that he has hired people who very incompetent. They seem to be hurting the country more than helping it. I don't think they are thinking things thru, but doing things at face value and hoping things turn out ok.

In what way has our country gotten worse in the last 2 and 1/2 months?

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:13 PM
there is only two instances where it is acceptable to run up a large national debt

one is to counteract a recession and the other is to finance a war

we have both so its not such a big deal

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:14 PM
Quiet's back.happy

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:17 PM

Ooooo...Race rears its ugly head.

funny...I've said the same thing many times myself

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:17 PM

Quiet's back.happy

hi winxie!!

I just flew in from Buffalo and boy my arms are tired

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:22 PM

In what way has our country gotten worse in the last 2 and 1/2 months?

These are just things that have ticked me off;

1. Giving more money to banks that clearly are not spending it well.

2. Firing the CEO of GM as knee jerk reaction to public opinion. Why are they not firing the CEOs of the banks? What makes them get special treatment while the car makers get treated like crap?

3. As president Obama likes to go out and give speeches around the world, day in and day out. I thought being president meant staying in the White House, signing bills and doing presidential things instead of taking world tours.

4. Does anyone in the White House pay taxes? Yet they expect us little people to pay or we goto jail? They should all goto jail too! explode

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 09:42 PM
Edited by JimmyTheGent on Sat 04/11/09 10:13 PM
Getting back to the original post, "Do You Feel Cheated?".

Damn right I feel cheated. For what the ass Junior did to our country in the 8 years that he was president.

LouLou2's photo
Sat 04/11/09 10:08 PM

wow, can't wait to see the damage he does over 3 years...

The mindset of wanting to see the President fail is troubling and confusing. To disagree with a President's actions, policies or programs is one thing...but to actually anticipate with relish being able to witness the damage one believes a President will eventually cause? Is being able to potentially say, "I told you so" worth it?

I'm sticking with the 'ya can't stop a speeding train on a dime' school of thought. Much of what is occurring now, I believe, began long before Obama was elected...ummmm, can you say 'deregulation'. The Wall Street debacle and the crimes of the banking institutions of this country have deep roots...been growing for awhile. We're now reaping what was sown by giving them more rein.

I'm willing to hold judgement until there has been time to stop the train. And call it lunacy or naivete, but I'm hoping he is right. I'm hoping with all my heart that our new president is doing what is best...can any of us really afford to hope otherwise?

willing2's photo
Sat 04/11/09 10:29 PM

wow, can't wait to see the damage he does over 3 years...

The mindset of wanting to see the President fail is troubling and confusing. To disagree with a President's actions, policies or programs is one thing...but to actually anticipate with relish being able to witness the damage one believes a President will eventually cause? Is being able to potentially say, "I told you so" worth it?

I'm sticking with the 'ya can't stop a speeding train on a dime' school of thought. Much of what is occurring now, I believe, began long before Obama was elected...ummmm, can you say 'deregulation'. The Wall Street debacle and the crimes of the banking institutions of this country have deep roots...been growing for awhile. We're now reaping what was sown by giving them more rein.

I'm willing to hold judgement until there has been time to stop the train. And call it lunacy or naivete, but I'm hoping he is right. I'm hoping with all my heart that our new president is doing what is best...can any of us really afford to hope otherwise?

You're right there. It is also a wise thing to report and question actions made by those in DC.
Investigation of those in power should continue.
Many have the conviction he is doing for this country.
Many feel the opposite.
IHMO, I believe, it will get worse before it gets better, and Obama said it, not me, there will be more folks voicing their feelings of hopeless feelings and despair.

We need to show those folks a little patience and compassion also.

Hopefully, we won't have to live in fear here about getting banned for expressing opinions. Even if the opinion is someone thinks the current administrators in DC are losers and out for themselves.

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 04/11/09 10:31 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Sat 04/11/09 10:33 PM
Good post LouLou.

I have been living with that feeling for nigh on nine years. I was afraid when the younger Bush took office and felt even greater fear when this man that was elected took laws in his own hands and did as he wished..."F" everybody. And he did.

Completely helpless and angry. We tried for a long time to get people to get envolved to do something about him. It came to late by the time that happened. He could have cared less about the people he served. It was all about him, his wants and wishes.

I was very scared then. I am not now. I am awaiting to see where this one plays out. At least I know this; the people will not stand for another Bush. If Obama screws up....people will make a loud noise. They know they can now.


no photo
Sat 04/11/09 10:56 PM
When I was born, Ike was president. I was brought up as a Democrat, but to respect the president regardless. I remember my Democrat parents with their Gerry Ford "WIN" buttons. Why? Because they were Americans first. They would vote Democrat in the next election, but for the time being Gerry Ford was their president and they would stand behind him in a time of crisis.

I've always tried to behave that way. As a Democrat, I am still able to say some good things about Mr. Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Bush, Sr.

I'm sorry that I can't say the same about Junior Bush. He had an agenda that had nothing to do with the good of the country. That is very sad.

In President Obama, we now have once again, someone who has the best interests of the country at heart. So, I for one, am behind him all the way.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 04/11/09 11:25 PM

Now that Obama has been in office for a few months, has multiplied the national debt 4 times the previous debt, put in office people he promised he wouldn't have in his administration like lobbiests, tax cheaters that couldn't even qualify to work for the IRS..but run them, extended the Iraq war, Increased the war in Afganistan, and bowed to a Saudi King, asked for military help from our now loving allies, and receiving none, and are making friends of terrorists...Are you feeling like the change you signed up for is cheating you of real change??

I felt cheated and betrayed by all the things you mention here by Bush the last 8 years.

Now I feel that we will be better for the first time in the last eight years thanks to a president who has the American people at heart instead of whatever Bush had at heart.

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 11:32 PM

Quiet's back.happy

hi winxie!!

I just flew in from Buffalo and boy my arms are tired

You better rest those arms, Quiet.laugh

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 11:38 PM

In what way has our country gotten worse in the last 2 and 1/2 months?

These are just things that have ticked me off;

1. Giving more money to banks that clearly are not spending it well.

2. Firing the CEO of GM as knee jerk reaction to public opinion. Why are they not firing the CEOs of the banks? What makes them get special treatment while the car makers get treated like crap?

3. As president Obama likes to go out and give speeches around the world, day in and day out. I thought being president meant staying in the White House, signing bills and doing presidential things instead of taking world tours.

4. Does anyone in the White House pay taxes? Yet they expect us little people to pay or we goto jail? They should all goto jail too! explode

The President had meetings with foreign leaders. All President's do that. He was "doing Presidential things".