Topic: What does it take to make water 'Holy'?
jeanc200358's photo
Wed 05/02/07 05:44 PM
You know, as a Protestant my faith doesn't use "holy water" in its
ceremonies; I know that Catholics do, but you don't see me making fun of
them because of it. So do you think some of you can try to be just a tad
less snotty with your comments about other faiths' beliefs and their
associated rituals? know, I don't give a FLIP about whether any of you
believe in God or if you worship JerryFreakingSpringer, but I am really
hard-pressed to figure out why any mention of God or Jesus Christ or the
Bible brings out the absolute snottiest, most insulting, derogatory and
hateful things I believe I've ever seen come out of people's mouths in
any discussion that I've ever been involved in.

People's spiritual beliefs are very important to them and that you can
mock them, insult them, and make fun of them is beyond reproach.

I'm a Christian and I'm not the least bit ashamed to say that I am and
I'm quite frankly SICK of hearing some of you trash it.

Do you think, therefore, it is within the realm of possibility that you
could discuss these issues and argue your points without resorting to
juvenile insults?

What is it about Christ/God/Christianity/The Bible that ANGERS you so
much? That anger is so evident in your posts because, if it didn't make
you angry, you wouldn't be making these snide, hate-filled comments.

For your information, Christians are not a bunch of kooks who believe in
fairy tales. It takes a very strong, very wise person to have FAITH and
to believe in something that is not readily "provable."

So go ahead, hide behind your masks of superiority, you who are mocking
the name of Jesus Christ and all that He stands for. It's merely evident
of your awe and fear of Him.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/02/07 05:52 PM
I will state my humble opinion. Tho I am called the son of satan by
some. I am ridiculed by others and told I will never find the peace that
closness to god brings because I do not believe AS THEY DO.

Yet peace is upon me. Go figure.

Perhaps I have found my peace upon another path. Within this world I
have dominion yet Iam aware that dominion is under the greater dominion
of the glory of god.

Be at peace!

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 05/02/07 06:04 PM
You spoke it well Sheila. Kudos to you.

I try and overlook how some act where the mere mention of God is

I like you, am well set in my beliefs and can not and will not be

Thank you for saying what I wish I could have.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/02/07 06:07 PM
Please indicate by posts exactally where I for one have made a hate
filled or snide/untruthfull comment.

I would like to see where you get that impression so I may allievate
your concerns and bring peace once again to these threads of discourse.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 05/02/07 06:09 PM
Please indicate what I said that makes you think I was speaking about

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/02/07 06:19 PM
Just wanted to make sure since you posted right after me and if you read
a few of these threads you might see where I would have to worry. Had
some strong things said to me in the name of Christ.

Or one of his disciples.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 05/02/07 06:22 PM
Frankly AB you bear a remarkable resemblance and I imagine you have a
booming voice.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 05/02/07 06:24 PM
Well, I wasn't speaking specifically to or about you, and I did use the
words "some people." Basically, the ones I was addressing (which may or
may not include you) know who you are. You know whether or not you
deliberately make an insulting comment about a person's beliefs, right?
So I know I don't need to point them out, specifically, for anyone.

Actually, AB, some of the things you've said confuses me..because I
thought, based on what I've read, that you were a Christian. Guess I
misread you.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/02/07 06:29 PM
I believe in christ.

I have a faith in his message that comes not from the book all appear to
be quoting with vervor but simply from my faith in god.

the manifestation of christ started mankind on the road to greatness.
If we can live up to even a small portion of his example we will achieve
greatness in this world and more important greatness also in the next.

I need not the book to make this true.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/02/07 06:44 PM
Cute's mom>

Actually I am very soft spoken most of the time.

Usually I have no reason to become loud.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 05/02/07 06:53 PM
I agree with you, AB. I don't "need" a book to justify my faith in
Christ, and I don't attend church. But, since I'm not a theologian, the
best way I can argue my points with any measure of detail is to quote
from the Book, which is a foundation of my faith. Not THE foundation,
mind you, but a part of it.

I figure, if a person is not going to believe God's Holy Word, then
they're sure not going to believe my mere words.

Besides, I'm really not looking to prove anything to anyone, nor am I
trying to convert anyone. I don't believe we are all called to preach,
at least not in the strictest sense of the word.

I usually don't get involved in religious discussions, because I feel
oftentimes there's no point. People who believe don't need convincing
and people who don't believe you're never going to convince least I don't feel I'm going to.

I believe God will reveal Himself to everyone in His own time. I posted
a verse (forgot which thread) that speaks to this. Therefore, if
believing in God truly is a requirement for salvation, and one is
revealed that truth and they still reject it, that's between them and
God, and is not for me to judge.

However..having said that, I cannot or will not sit idly by while
someone belittles my faith, so I felt compelled to say what I said.

no photo
Wed 05/02/07 07:08 PM
Please explain to me how it is a greater sacrifice for a man to die
(guess what, all men die!) than for God to become a man and die?

The truely amazing thing is that people who aren't Christians are trying
to tell us what we should believe about Christianity.

no photo
Wed 05/02/07 07:11 PM
sororitygurl4life wrote:

and spider if you wanted to go earlier than that you can go to where
mary loses him and finds him with the rabbis and jesus is talking to
them and tells them he is about his fathers business... or you can go
look at a synoptic gospel of the infancy narratives


It's very disrespectful to hold a conversation with someone and only
listen (or in this case, read) what you have to say.

The story you suggested that I read, is what I already quoted.

Also, you mean the gnostic gospels, not the synoptic gospels. Those
aren't Christian, they were created by cults who wanted to incorporate
Jesus into their already existing beliefs.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/02/07 07:15 PM
Do those cults make holy water?

Perhpas spider you can tell me how to make holy water.

doth thou quote over the water. Or bless it with verse.

no photo
Wed 05/02/07 07:25 PM
I am not a Catholic. Only Catholics believe in holy water.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/02/07 07:44 PM
But are you not all christian and do you not all practice from the same

Why then the diference?

no photo
Wed 05/02/07 07:50 PM
Everything Catholics believe does not come from the Bible. Protestants
live by the rule of sola scriptura (By scripture alone). Roman
Catholics interpret scripture through Sacred Tradition.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/02/07 08:07 PM
That is quite interesting.

I did not know.

Which version of the bible do protestants use?

no photo
Wed 05/02/07 08:15 PM
They are mostly the same. I think the Catholics have a few extra books.
These books are considered by protestants to contradict the remainder of
scripture, so they are not included in the protestant Bible. There are
many different translations of the protestant Bible, with KJV (King
James Version) being the most popular. I don't know how many
translations there are of the Catholic bible, but I would assume there
is only one.

no photo
Wed 05/02/07 08:24 PM
yes hes a martyr if you don't think that i suggest you go read your
bible again not being sarcastic or anything but you obviously missed the
purpose.. and you have obviously no knowledge of some of the sanints
or other martyrs who died for their beliefs... i suggest you look it up,
.. one had her breasts torn off with pliars because she refused to have
sex, one had his eyes torn out, one " stephen" was stoned to death...
not to mention crucification was done to many others not just jesus, i
think you may have watched a little to much of mel gibson's skewed
movie the passion of the christ...