Topic: Evolution Is it Compatible With THE BIBLE? - part 2 | |
Well let's see where we are topic |
Edited by
Sat 02/21/09 08:47 PM
Always off topic.....
so going to make sure original OP is right here where it belongs... (((((((((yellowrose)))))))))))) love ya doll |
Edited by
Sat 02/21/09 08:49 PM
IS IT possible that God used evolution to make men from beasts? Did God direct bacteria to develop into fish and then to continue developing through reptiles and mammals, so that finally a race of apes became humans? Some scientists and religious leaders claim to believe both the theory of evolution and the Bible. They say that the Bible book of Genesis is a parable. Perhaps you have wondered, ‘Is the theory that man evolved from animals compatible with the Bible?’
The apostle Paul told educated Greeks: “God . . . made out of one man every nation of men” Understanding our origin is vital to understanding who we are, where we are going, and how we should live. Only with knowledge of man’s origin can we understand God’s permission of suffering and his purpose for man’s future. We cannot enjoy a fine standing with God if we are not sure that he is our Creator. So let us examine what the Bible says about man’s origin, his present condition, and his future. Then we will see if the theory of evolution is compatible with the Bible. When There Was One Man Evolutionists generally claim that a population of animals gradually developed into a population of humans, denying that there was once only one man. However, the Bible presents a very different picture. It says that we originate from one man, Adam. The Bible account presents Adam as a historical person. It gives us the names of his wife and some of his children. It tells us in detail what he did, what he said, when he lived, and when he died. Jesus did not consider that account as just a story for uneducated people. When addressing well-educated religious leaders, he said: “Did you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female?” (Matthew 19:3-5) Jesus then quoted the words about Adam and Eve recorded at Genesis 2:24. A woman reading the Bible Luke, a Bible writer and a careful historian, presented Adam as a person who was as real as Jesus. Luke traced Jesus’ genealogy back to the first man. (Luke 3:23-38) Also, when the apostle Paul spoke before an audience that included philosophers who were educated in the famous Greek schools, he told them: “The God that made the world and all the things in it . . . made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth.” (Acts 17:24-26) Clearly, the Bible teaches that we descended from “one man.” Is what the Bible says about man’s original condition compatible with evolution? Man’s Slide From Perfection According to the Bible, God made the first man perfect. It is impossible for God to make things any other way. The creation account says: “God proceeded to create the man in his image . . . After that God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good.” (Genesis 1:27, 31) What is a perfect man like? Evolution presents modern man as an improving animal. The Bible presents modern man as the degenerating descendant of a perfect man A perfect man has free will and is able to imitate God’s qualities completely. The Bible says: “The true God made mankind upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans.” (Ecclesiastes 7:29) Adam chose to rebel against God. By his rebellion, Adam lost perfection for himself and his offspring. Man’s fall from perfection explains why we often disappoint ourselves, even though we want to do what is good. The apostle Paul wrote: “What I wish, this I do not practice; but what I hate is what I do.”—Romans 7:15. A perfect man would live forever in perfect health, according to the Bible. It is evident from what God said to Adam that if the first man had not disobeyed God, he would never have died. (Genesis 2:16, 17; 3:22, 23) God would not have declared the creation of man to be “very good” if the man had a tendency to get sick or to rebel. The fall from perfection explains why the human body, though marvelously designed, is susceptible to deformities and disease. Evolution is therefore incompatible with the Bible. Evolution presents modern man as an improving animal. The Bible presents modern man as the degenerating descendant of a perfect man. The idea that God directed evolution in order to produce man is also incompatible with what the Bible says about God’s personality. If God guided the process of evolution, it would mean that he guided mankind into its present diseased and distressed state. However, the Bible says of God: “The Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice; righteous and upright is he. They have acted ruinously on their own part; they are not his children, the defect is their own.” (Deuteronomy 32:4, 5) Therefore, mankind’s present suffering is not the result of God-directed evolution. It is the result of one man’s losing perfection for himself and his offspring by rebelling against God. Now that we have considered Adam, we can turn to Jesus. Is evolution compatible with what the Bible says about Jesus? Can You Believe in Both Evolution and Christianity? “Christ died for our sins.” As you probably know, that is one of the basic teachings of Christianity. (1 Corinthians 15:3; 1 Peter 3:18) To see why evolution is incompatible with that statement, we first need to understand why the Bible calls us sinners and what sin does to us. We are all sinners in the sense that we cannot perfectly imitate God’s glorious qualities, such as his love and justice. Therefore, the Bible says: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) The Bible teaches that sin is the cause of death. “The sting producing death is sin,” says 1 Corinthians 15:56. Our inheritance of sin is also the underlying cause of sickness. Jesus indicated that there is a link between sickness and our sinful condition. He said to a paralytic, “Your sins are forgiven,” and the man was healed.—Matthew 9:2-7. How does Jesus’ death help us? The Bible contrasts Adam with Jesus Christ and says: “Just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15:22) By laying down his life, Jesus paid the price for the sin that we inherited from Adam. Thus, all who exercise faith in Jesus and obey him will receive what Adam forfeited—the prospect of everlasting life.—John 3:16; Romans 6:23. Do you see, then, that evolution is incompatible with Christianity? If we doubt that “in Adam all are dying,” how can we hope that “in the Christ all will be made alive”? Why Evolution Attracts People The Bible reveals how such teachings as evolution become popular. It says: “There will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories.” (2 Timothy 4:3, 4) Although evolution is usually presented in scientific language, it is really a religious doctrine. It teaches a philosophy of life and an attitude toward God. Its beliefs are subtly attractive to mankind’s selfish, independent tendencies. Many who believe in evolution say that they also believe in God. However, they feel free to think of God as one who has not created things, does not intervene in man’s affairs, and will not judge people. It is a creed that tickles people’s ears. Teachers of evolution are often motivated, not by the facts, but by “their own desires”—perhaps a desire to be accepted by a scientific community in which evolution is orthodox doctrine. Professor of biochemistry Michael Behe, who has spent most of his life studying the complex internal functions of living cells, explained that those who teach the evolution of cell structure have no basis for their claims. Could evolution occur at this tiny, molecular level? “Molecular evolution is not based on scientific authority,” he wrote. “There is no publication in the scientific literature—in prestigious journals, specialty journals, or books—that describes how molecular evolution of any real, complex, biochemical system either did occur or even might have occurred. . . . The assertion of Darwinian molecular evolution is merely bluster.” 1. Flowers; 2. A gazelle “Molecular evolution is not based on scientific authority” If evolutionists lack explanations, why do they preach their ideas so loudly? Behe explains: “Many people, including many important and well-respected scientists, just don’t want there to be anything beyond nature.” The doctrine of evolution attracts many clergymen who want to appear wise. They are similar to those described in the apostle Paul’s letter to Christians in Rome. Paul wrote: “What may be known about God is manifest among them . . . His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable; because, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor did they thank him, but they became empty-headed in their reasonings and their unintelligent heart became darkened. Although asserting they were wise, they became foolish.” (Romans 1:19-22) How can you avoid being deceived by false teachers? Evidence-Based Faith in the Creator The Bible stresses the importance of evidence when it defines faith. It says: “Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.” (Hebrews 11:1) True faith in God should be based on evidence that demonstrates the reality of the Creator. The Bible shows where you can find the evidence. “I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14) Taking time to reflect on the amazing design of our own body and of other living things fills us with awe at the wisdom of our Maker. Every part of the thousands of systems that cooperate to keep us alive is ideally designed. Also, the physical universe displays evidence of mathematical precision and order. "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling.”—Psalm 19:1. The amazing design of living things fills us with awe at the wisdom of our Maker The Bible itself is a rich source of evidence about the Creator. Taking the time to examine the consistency of its 66 books, the superiority of its moral standards, and the unfailing fulfillment of its prophecies will provide you with abundant evidence that its author is the Creator. Understanding the Bible’s teachings will also give you confidence that the Bible is, indeed, the Word of the Creator. For example, when you understand such Bible teachings as the cause of suffering, the Kingdom of God, the future of mankind, and the way to find happiness, you will see an evident demonstration of God’s wisdom. You may come to feel as Paul did when he wrote: “O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgments are and past tracing out his ways are!”—Romans 11:33. A bird As you examine the evidence and your faith grows, you will become convinced that when you read the Bible, you are listening to the Creator himself. He says: “I myself have made the earth and have created even man upon it. I—my own hands have stretched out the heavens, and all the army of them I have commanded.” (Isaiah 45:12) Surely you will never regret making the effort to prove to yourself that Gpd is the Creator of all things. |
Always off topic..... so going to make sure original OP is right here where it belongs... (((((((((yellowrose)))))))))))) love ya doll ((((hey sweetness)))) so i helped it go askew lol |
I'm not up on the evolutary theory, but I do think things evolve to adapt to their surrounding and climate
Edited by
Sat 02/21/09 08:51 PM
I'm not up on the evolutary theory, but I do think things evolve to adapt to their surrounding and climate I do to within a species... But was a cat ever a cow, was a dog ever a turtle. What I would like to see is people taking the original OP and answering for themselves from the original. Don't go off on your own lil jaunt to prove a point.... |
Ok, let it die now, 50 pages on this topic was enough.
In conclusion to the last thread...some people believe any old tripe. |
Edited by
Sat 02/21/09 08:59 PM
Hey dan
pssssss closer closer BITE ME ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I'm not up on the evolutary theory, but I do think things evolve to adapt to their surrounding and climate I do to within a species... But was a cat ever a cow, was a dog ever a turtle. What I would like to see is people taking the original OP and answering for themselves from the original. Don't go off on your own lil jaunt to prove a point.... Thats not evolution. A cat turning into a cow would disprove evolution. |
The Chicken or the egg, which came first?
So many fools try to speak like they know god and try to put everything into human context... Evolution does not fit in the bible remotely! If you use the bible as a yard stick and say that the Leviathan mentioned walking the earth was a Dino then that would tilt several phenomenon on their ear like the three great extinctions. The whole existence of the planet is compressed into less than ten thousand years. The bible was written by man with no inspiration from God. If it was written by God we would have a original copy of it some where. If mankind had his hands on it it is flawed period! Darwin used Empirical means to come to his determination. The Bible does coincide with some historical events but not leave any lasting proof about any of the Miracles can be proven and believe me, I am from Missouri when it comes to this stuff! So many people want to take things on blind faith and I can't. Science and Christianity do not go hand in hand. Think mixing Electro positive and Electro negative substances together. KABOOM! NASTY SMOKE! FIRE! ![]() IMAO.... |
Edited by
Sun 02/22/09 10:01 AM
I'm not up on the evolutary theory, but I do think things evolve to adapt to their surrounding and climate I do to within a species... But was a cat ever a cow, was a dog ever a turtle. What I would like to see is people taking the original OP and answering for themselves from the original. Don't go off on your own lil jaunt to prove a point.... What is a species feral? If you have two groups of one species, lets call them tribe 1. and tribe 2. They do not interbreed at all, perhaps due to being separated geographically, but it could also be other reasons. Lets say Tribe 1 gains a new found adaptation to deal with their environment. Many such changes in tribe 1 can cause an inability to reproduce back with tribe 2. Would tribe 1 and tribe 2 then be the same species or a different species if they could not breed together to create offspring? |
I'm not up on the evolutary theory, but I do think things evolve to adapt to their surrounding and climate I do to within a species... But was a cat ever a cow, was a dog ever a turtle. What I would like to see is people taking the original OP and answering for themselves from the original. Don't go off on your own lil jaunt to prove a point.... Thats not evolution. A cat turning into a cow would disprove evolution. it makes as much sense as me coming from an ape or guys still aren't sure amongst yourselves which one.. |
The Chicken or the egg, which came first? So many fools try to speak like they know god and try to put everything into human context... Evolution does not fit in the bible remotely! If you use the bible as a yard stick and say that the Leviathan mentioned walking the earth was a Dino then that would tilt several phenomenon on their ear like the three great extinctions. The whole existence of the planet is compressed into less than ten thousand years. The bible was written by man with no inspiration from God. If it was written by God we would have a original copy of it some where. If mankind had his hands on it it is flawed period! Darwin used Empirical means to come to his determination. The Bible does coincide with some historical events but not leave any lasting proof about any of the Miracles can be proven and believe me, I am from Missouri when it comes to this stuff! So many people want to take things on blind faith and I can't. Science and Christianity do not go hand in hand. Think mixing Electro positive and Electro negative substances together. KABOOM! NASTY SMOKE! FIRE! ![]() IMAO.... And oh mighty wise one you know for a fact the Bible was inspired of God....Yet for me God still let's a book just written by men be around after 2000 years....NOT We did have the 10 laws written by God on the stone..but when Moses saw the disarray of the people when he came off the mountain...well you oh wise one can finish that. Also remember that the men that wrote the bible were educated men and maticuleous in what they wrote...Now you can say flawed your choice.....imo I say no.....I say that the Bible is 99% accurate from the original scrolls to now. I take it all on blind faith because the Lord and Savior has shown me, myself, and I...When I speak in these forums regarding God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible....all is inspired of God....nothing I do is not led by my savior. I see miracles that the Lord works everyday...many many right here on for me BLIND FAITH OVER THEORY ANY DAY The Lord God enabled the great men of Science to do all that they do.....but as for evolution that is just not an acceptable truth to me...because to believe in evolution in the sense of coming from animals etc....would weed out the creator and go. |
According to the Bible, God made the first man perfect. It is impossible for God to make things any other way. The creation account says: “God proceeded to create the man in his image . . . After that God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good.” (Genesis 1:27, 31) What is a perfect man like?
Evolution presents modern man as an improving animal. The Bible presents modern man as the degenerating descendant of a perfect man |
good morning feral dear, dan, andy, sigmond the seamonster (love you show...long time viewer first time talker lol) and of course Bush
they know their act is weak at best.
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The Chicken or the egg, which came first? So many fools try to speak like they know god and try to put everything into human context... Evolution does not fit in the bible remotely! If you use the bible as a yard stick and say that the Leviathan mentioned walking the earth was a Dino then that would tilt several phenomenon on their ear like the three great extinctions. The whole existence of the planet is compressed into less than ten thousand years. The bible was written by man with no inspiration from God. If it was written by God we would have a original copy of it some where. If mankind had his hands on it it is flawed period! Darwin used Empirical means to come to his determination. The Bible does coincide with some historical events but not leave any lasting proof about any of the Miracles can be proven and believe me, I am from Missouri when it comes to this stuff! So many people want to take things on blind faith and I can't. Science and Christianity do not go hand in hand. Think mixing Electro positive and Electro negative substances together. KABOOM! NASTY SMOKE! FIRE! ![]() IMAO.... And oh mighty wise one you know for a fact the Bible was inspired of God....Yet for me God still let's a book just written by men be around after 2000 years....NOT We did have the 10 laws written by God on the stone..but when Moses saw the disarray of the people when he came off the mountain...well you oh wise one can finish that. Also remember that the men that wrote the bible were educated men and maticuleous in what they wrote...Now you can say flawed your choice.....imo I say no.....I say that the Bible is 99% accurate from the original scrolls to now. I take it all on blind faith because the Lord and Savior has shown me, myself, and I...When I speak in these forums regarding God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible....all is inspired of God....nothing I do is not led by my savior. I see miracles that the Lord works everyday...many many right here on for me BLIND FAITH OVER THEORY ANY DAY The Lord God enabled the great men of Science to do all that they do.....but as for evolution that is just not an acceptable truth to me...because to believe in evolution in the sense of coming from animals etc....would weed out the creator and go. evolution goes on around us and you can't see it? I have studied the bible in Lutheran Grade school and there are too many inconsistencies in it. First of all it is Misogynistic. next its time line only covers that of man's written history. I have argued that the Garden of Eden was man acting like an animal before having "Human" consciousness. If Adam was so perfect why didn't he tell Eve no when she offered him a bite of the apple? Also where did the Village of Gish as well as the others mentioned in genesis when Adam and Eve were cast from the garden come from? Spontaneous Village Eruption? I say the bible is at best 50% right. The funny thing is that you also sound like you are a practitioner of ten commandments not two. Why is it the two commandments Jesus gave are not good enough for many Christians? I can see the pattern from Worm to Man. Worm DNA codes already have been read in ours. Oddly how can you interpret what God thinks through the words of man. Is there not a lot more to God than what we even think? i don't think or speak for God. I speak for Andy. If I were to say I spoke for God thought the Book Of Mormon does that make me any more right or wrong about what life is all about? No. it is just my opinion like yours. I take it you are opposed to Stem Cell Research as well? I grew up with the bible, I grew up with the hypocrisy of four churches! Lutheran, Catholic, Born Again Christian (What a pack of head cases!), and Mormons (got to love them as neighbors). Its all BULLSH*T to me these days. Blind Faith = lies and deception! God is. I can't really describe him, her, it but I will not waste a lot of energy trying to rationalize his her its existence or lack there of. I'll know when it is time to face God. The fact is we are children of God and some of us are learning how God does what God does and in time we may be like Gods but until then we are just a bunch of poo throwing Simeons. Some of us choose the Ostrich rout burying our heads in Philosophical sand. Some are placated with simple knowledge while others like me WANT TO KNOW! Unfortunately the Bible does not have the answers some of us seek. At least if I am proven wrong I can admit it with a clear conscious. Until then I am not right or wrong, just opinionated! At least I am being honest about my opinion. |
Feral are you going to try to answer my very straight forward question?
This is the gig.....every single inconsistency you people come up from total lack of knowledge of the Bible....Anyone can take a scripture one lil piece of the puzzle and make it just about anything they want....But you have to take it in the whole context or it will mean nothing. I can't tell you how many times of I have taken there scriptures and put it BACK into the context in which it was meant to read. The bottom line as I see it is everyone wants to live in the worldly ways and do as they please..and thing well golly ding dang I am a good person so neener neener......Well it just doesn't work like that... The chicken came first because God out live animals on the ark. There is a difference between someone writing the bible inspired of God...Now here is the key to listen carefully...If you have never had the Holy Spirit come into then you are clueless....But every man that wrote the bible knew that it was through God that they were doing so. It's just like with me when I do this..Half the time I don't even know until I go back and read what was written. Why because I am always praying and asking God wisdom and the words.....and he pours out of me. Ok so let's say for sake of argument that we can't prove the miracles of the explain to me oh wise one....the miracles I see the Lord perform on a daily basis....even right here on mingle.....hmmmmmmmmm oh wise one.. Now saying that Science and Christianity do not go hand in hand....Are you new......God gave the scientist the vision to see all that we have through science on this planet....I am a Christian and I am a firm believer in Science......Darwin theory is just that darling a theory....To believe in that yes that would be the conflict...because I can not and will not believe I came from an ape when the creator (God) says otherwise. Now also yes it is Blind Faith but then again for any of the millions upon millions who have been touched by the Holy Spirit......It is not so BLIND....You can't and that is fine and dandy....But don't you dare tell me what I can and can't believe.....I believe because I have been shown.....end of story. No as far as Adam and Eve and why he didn't tell her no.....FREEWILLperfect why didn't he tell Eve no when she offered him a bite of the apple? Tell me something do you think that Adam and Eve being cast out meant death? See this is exactly what I mean.....know what you speak of Genesis understand it and then come ask me. See again lump together and cast that first stone....You have no clue about the kind of person I am....What I believe....I also have gay they know how I feel about it personally...of course they do.....Is it my place to judge them...nope......The Lord and savior Loves the sinner just not the sin.....Well I am the same...... And when you have to face God.....Are you going to say well golly ding dang it was true....hmmmmmmmm and again don't assume.....again you have no clue of all that brought me to the Lord nor do you know the story of the other millions of people....Do you not think that I was not exactly where you are now....Do you even know? Have you bothered to ask. God showed me and thats all I need..If not for you well ok then I am way way fine with that. |
Why do you keep saying man came from a chimp, evolution does not say that!