Topic: Crossing the Event Horizon- Grand Unified Field Theory
Jess642's photo
Sat 02/07/09 12:52 PM

Then he gets into crop circles and proves that we have been contacted by a higher intelligence with these crop circles

So much to say... so little to prove.

Crop circles are bogus. They prove nothing about contact from other intelligent life forms. They are and can be shown to be made with a little planning, a rope, and a tamping board which swings arcs from different positions by the designer of the circles.

A unified theory is the holy grail of science...

We shall see.

Personally, I feel that anyone who believes that crop circles exist as a result from aliens visiting us has much to learn about proof, and even more about research.

Ah well, freedom of speech is a beautiful thing.

That could be a fantastic basis for a philosophical discussion...


Creative it is glaringly obvious you have done no research on crop circles if you truly think that they can be accomplished by a rope, and a tamping board.

It is also obvious that you have not taken the time to watch the video.

What you say here is laughable.

Until you or someone comes up with something better than that, I remain totally convinced they are not being done with a rope and a tamping board.

I suggest you look a little closer at how many of these crop circles are happening and how complicated they are and how impossible it would be to duplicate with a rope and a tamping board.

Investigate a little and see if you can do better than that.

Thankyou.....JB.... I don't need to type a thing....

there are excessive REAMS of research (and [oh my doodness!!] Scientific findings).... in regards to crop circles and their occurances, and the intricities of their geometric designs.... AND the projected number of people required to create some of the largest cropcircles, AND the number of hours/weeks required to make them... which have been SCIENTIFICALLY... through the use of satellites PROVEN to not be made by human intervention....

creativesoul's photo
Sat 02/07/09 01:15 PM
Edited by creativesoul on Sat 02/07/09 01:22 PM

C'mon Jess...

The gig is up on crop circles...


Gotta link????


Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/07/09 01:23 PM
I don’t really know enough about these Crop Circles to jump into a debate but it seems as though if they truly were created by aliens or represented the work of some extraterrestrial life form, wouldn’t the government be all over them and trying to cover them up and keep them hidden? I mean you see documentary films being made about them and so forth. huh

Jess642's photo
Sat 02/07/09 01:36 PM

sure... here's a TINY amount...

the funny thing is.... I can state the sky is green, and then find 90 gazillion links to substantiate my claims...

and someone else can state the sky is blue, and find 9000 gazillion links to say their statement is substantiated...

You are exactly where you decide to be.... and I am exactly where I decide to be, and neither are inappropriate.

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 01:37 PM

C'mon Jess...

The gig is up on crop circles...


Gotta link????


Creative, are you serious? Surely not!

This website is a spoof. Did you even read it?

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Very funny Creative. Dowsing rods?

How to make a crop circle:


1. Choose location depending upon visibility. A field rising up from the road, or a natural amphitheatre in full view of the road, make perfect circles sites.

2. Dowse potential location to establish earth energies. If a formation is located on a powerful ley-line this will satisfy later tests for genuineness, and aid in curative effects, healings, orgone accumulation, angelic visions, benign alien abduction experiences, and feelings of general well-being. WARNING - If the formation is situated contra-directionally to the flow of energy, this may result in the opposite effects; headaches, nausea, temporary limb-paralysis, aching joints, mental illness, deadly-orgone-radiation (DOR) exposure, demonic visions, negative abduction scenarios (memory loss, implant scarring, sore or bleeding anii, navels, and genitals, etc), and general disillusionment. With no condonement by the authors, this may be of interest to satanists.

3. Plan design to incorporate earth energies. Some of you may decide to work from a diagram, while others may wish to rely upon spontaniety... this is purely a matter of preference. Remember that a diagram may not be easily read in total darkness - it is important not to use a torch as this may be spotted by nearby crop watchers.

4. Once location and design have been decided, retire to a local pub and wait for darkness. If the location is in a well known circles-prone area you may be able to pick up useful intelligence on the plans of the crop watchers (cerealogists). These cerealogists are often very public about their intentions, freely giving information on their own view-points, hide-outs, equipment (whether or not they have access to infra-red image intensifiers, CB radio operating channels, etc. They often even divulge where they are putting their own circles, which may prove useful. It is not advisable to actually talk to these people as inwardly- spiralling arguments invariably develop which will eat into the time you have allotted to real circle-making. This might lead to a smaller event, therefore defeating the object of your argument.

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 01:49 PM
Crop circles are one of the most profound and mysterious phenomena of the modern age. Are they a communication from extra-terrestrials? Evidence of other dimensions or a catalyst to advancing our way of thinking?

Governments have discussed them and then sought to confuse and misinform the populace through their control and manipulation of the popular media.

The military have endangered life and safety in order to investigate and monitor crop formations, yet they deny involvement.

Hollywood has sought to manipulate the truth and credibility of scientific evidence and facts, yet film goers become ever more intrigued.

Hoaxers have sought to deceive, confuse and muddy research waters, in the same way that computer virus writers seek attention and attempt to contaminate data.

Some crop circles are hoaxed. Some are not. We research those that are not!

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 01:54 PM
BLT Research

Published papers:

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 01:57 PM

Dispersion Of Energies In Worldwide Crop Formations

Author: W. C. Levengooda and Nancy P. Talbottb
aPinelandia Biophysical Laboratory, 4853 Wolf Lake Rd., Grass Lake, Ml 49240, USA
bTalbott, BLT 0ffice, Box 400127, Cambridge, MA 02140, USA


The findings reported here lend further support to a decade of research which suggests that over 95% of worldwide crop formations involve organized ion plasma vortices that deliver lower atmosphere energy components of sufficient magnitude to produce significant bending, expansion and the formation of unique expulsion cavities in plant stem pulvini, as well as significant changes in seedling development. Here we demonstrate that, in a number of formations, quantitative node alterations can be directly related to fundamental concepts of electromagnetic energy absorption through the atmosphere. Also, in a detailed field study of simulated crop formations, we show that overfertilization or gravitropism cannot account for observed physiological alterations. In addition, we demon strate that details of flattened, intertwined crop patterns can be described by the application of fluid dynamic principles governing the interaction of rectilinearly moving vortex pairs.

Read the rest of the paper:

Jess642's photo
Sat 02/07/09 01:59 PM
Did I post the links wrong, JB? huh

Or are they crap references? huh

Perhaps I need a 'how to' site to help me? huh

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 01:59 PM

"During the 1993 growing season the British 'news' media initiated a story, subsequently circulated worldwide, that crop formations were the product of vandals. This assumption that all crop formations were manmade was not only accepted by much of the general public, but also, apparently, by the majority of scientists - in spite of the fact that there was absolutely no objective evidence presented to support such an idea. In fact, quite the opposite situation prevailed: although not yet published in 1993, considerable data had been analyzed in the laboratory, which conceptually offered a more sound and scientifically rigorous explanation."

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:03 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 02/07/09 02:04 PM

sure... here's a TINY amount...

the funny thing is.... I can state the sky is green, and then find 90 gazillion links to substantiate my claims...

and someone else can state the sky is blue, and find 9000 gazillion links to say their statement is substantiated...

You are exactly where you decide to be.... and I am exactly where I decide to be, and neither are inappropriate.

The truth will outweigh the deception. Some people would rather believe the deception... if that is where they want to be.. I guess it's "not inappropriate" for them.

Where I get riled with people is when they resort to ridicule without any evidence to support their claims.

If they have evidence I want to see it, if they don't then they should not ridicule and make fun of my hypothesis unless they have a better and more supported idea.

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:05 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 02/07/09 02:05 PM

Did I post the links wrong, JB? huh

Or are they crap references? huh

Perhaps I need a 'how to' site to help me? huh

They were good sites. I just put [ url ] tags [ /url ] around them.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:08 PM

Are we having fun yet?

Thanks Jess...

Cool site!

I found an interesting quote from that site to be of particular interest...

When I look back over the years of living side-by-side with the crop circles and ask myself what is the greatest gift I've received, it would have to be the lesson to question everything, which also includes my own beliefs. This ambiguity stems from the number one question that seems to be raised whenever the topic of crop circles comes up in conversation - "are they real or hoaxed?" Yet on a personal level we are learning through our experiences that things in life aren't as black and white as we'd been told. In fact we've been fortunate to have this phenomenon show us this fact in such an exaggerated way, while the rest of the world believes in the "absolute truth" of the media and the educational system, which is really only showing one slice of the picture. Clearly, whatever seems to be the consensus reality for today is often just a stepping stone in the everflowing river of life. How many individuals reading this article have shared personal theories with others over the years, only to turn around and change or modify them later? Well, that's what we have to do when we gather more information that sheds a new light on our own perspective of the world today. As a result, I've had to learn to live with a certain level of uncertainty, knowing that the way I view the world today could be entirely different next week as more of the picture unfolds. And, it's been that way many times... I only need to read the above quote as proof. Whatever the case, I now have the quote appropriately framed to provide a constant reminder that the words I utter today just might have to be eaten at some point in the future... so I'd better make sure they are easily digestible.



On this that you wrote..

I can state the sky is green, and then find 90 gazillion links to substantiate my claims...

and someone else can state the sky is blue, and find 9000 gazillion links to say their statement is substantiated...

You are exactly where you decide to be.... and I am exactly where I decide to be, and neither are inappropriate.

Absolutely. :wink:

On appropriateness...

I could write something that offends another. It may be deemed as inappropriate by some but not others. If something is offensive it is because of the fact that the one being offended feels as if their place in life is not valued or taken into consideration, that their feelings and thoughts have not been taken into consideration. It is the difference in how someone feels another should value them and how the other does.

That could lead into what I would consider to be a valuable thought exercise. Freedom of speech...

Jess642's photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:15 PM
I find nothing inappropriate written in these threads by posters whom I have become acquainted with... and Michael, what you believe, or feel is appropriate for you.... IS appropriate for you.

How I see things, may be different.... and how I may word my thoughts....may be deemed inappropriate, as the syntax, and the methods, and terminology I choose to use to communicate.. are often seen as offensive... whereas the style/sense of humour they are portayed with are as unique as everyone elses.

(I guess in my long winded waffly way, I get it.... the freedom of speech thing):wink: laugh

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:27 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 02/07/09 02:28 PM
Well being an artist, and a damn good one, I believe in freedom of speech.

Now I live in Baca County where there are many fields of wheat.

I am thinking about purchasing that book being sold on that bogus site Creative posted, and learn how to make crop circles. I will start rounding up a crew to include my friend Edith (who diagnoses illnesses with a dowsing rod,) and another friend named Bob (who used to own a mortuary) who finds dead bodies under ground with his two dowsing rods... and then see if we can find a good spot to create a crop circle in the middle of the night without being caught.

laugh laugh laugh

.. on second thought... I don't think I want to do that....I have better things to do.huh

Atlantis75's photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:33 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Sat 02/07/09 02:43 PM

Then he gets into crop circles and proves that we have been contacted by a higher intelligence with these crop circles

So much to say... so little to prove.

Crop circles are bogus. They prove nothing about contact from other intelligent life forms. They are and can be shown to be made with a little planning, a rope, and a tamping board which swings arcs from different positions by the designer of the circles.

A unified theory is the holy grail of science...

We shall see.

Personally, I feel that anyone who believes that crop circles exist as a result from aliens visiting us has much to learn about proof, and even more about research.

Ah well, freedom of speech is a beautiful thing.

That could be a fantastic basis for a philosophical discussion...


Point there, there are crop circles made by humans, but most of them, just I really doubt, not to mention crop circles form not only in one country but several places.

So you can believe, that crop circles are men-made, but then you also have to believe, that there is a large-underground world-wide crop circle organization that runs completely undetected across the whole world and only a few "dared" to come out to the light to say something.

Either way you look at it, that would be even a bigger controversy, not to mention of the level of organization and understanding of mathematics and pretty much being the stealthiest group ever known , more stealthier than the special ops, and that's no joke.

So pretty much you can believe the following so choose wisely:

-All crop circles are man-made. There is a large crop-circle organization, that creates crop circles world wide and fooling the entire world. They got amazing capabilities of forming crop circles in the rain if they have to, under an hour they are able to create complex geometric symbols and figures, without ever really being detected by anyone. Some of the crop circles they create, some scientists fail to understand how they got so accurate, so these guys are extremely intelligent and no one knows how they really do it. They also got a lot of time to waste.

-Crop circles are a mistery. There are copy cats who try to immitate some of them by conventional methods (pushing them down with a 2x4 and ropes) and they did succeed creating some basic figures. The ones who came to testify they are "crop circle creators" are nothing but attention whores.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:34 PM
I think the aliens are just screwing with your mind on purpose there Cockroach Whisperer...


Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:36 PM
Why would someone do this either human or alien? It seems like a lot of work just to have people argue about who is doing it and its meaning?

Jess642's photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:37 PM
noway I yell at cockroaches....not whisper...

umm... did you swallow some lead or something Michael?

creativesoul's photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:40 PM
I yell at cockroaches....not whisper...

umm... did you swallow some lead or something Michael?

That was not meant for you...


Interestingly enough, were you offended?