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Topic: Scars
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Wed 02/04/09 07:34 AM
I've become comfortable enough here to want to discuss this. What are the childhood hardships that changed who you are, for the better or worse?

I'll go first. As a redhead, freckle face child, the teasing was incessant. I took their clown label on, and developed such a strong, twisted sense of humour - that it has held me floating through many Titanic moments, that should have drowned me. It might be my strongest coping skill.

I was also the youngest, only girl, under tough brothers-only as siblings. I was, simultaneously, always the smallest child in every class. The bullying was brutal, everywhere. I prevailed. Now, I'm one tough cuss w/ 'nads bigger than many men's. I can stand up to hurricane force winds and Tsunamis. (I MUCH prefer a comfy squat on the shore - and a leisurely swim.)

Also, this all combined to give me a strong sense of compassion. I've always stood up for the underdog.

What dropped the solar plexus punch in your young years?

pkh's photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:41 AM
glad you prevailed.Mine was my height always the tallest I used to slouch,names jolly green giant,amazon.It took me many yrs to be proud to be 6 ft. tall,heck I'll wear 3 inche heels now and if people don't like it to bad I do.

DragonFlyTat's photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:42 AM
I would have to say my dad leaving five children without an income to shack up with a 19 year old. That was just grand. Then when mom took him back I caught him cheating with her best friend and told on him. That was the end of that.

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:44 AM
14, nailed by a car at an intersection while skateboarding to school. No memory of before I was 14 now...would have to say that would be one of the biggest scars I've ever come across in my life.

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:52 AM

glad you prevailed.Mine was my height always the tallest I used to slouch,names jolly green giant,amazon.It took me many yrs to be proud to be 6 ft. tall,heck I'll wear 3 inche heels now and if people don't like it to bad I do.

My best friend, through all those years, was the tallest in every class. Mutt and Jeff were we. All her memories are of me, standing in front of her and threatening others that they had better step off and leave her alone! I don't even recall doing it. She's still shy and traumatized, but has a wicked sense of homour too.

Now, my daughter is always the tallest one. At 10, she is 5'2", and about to be petting me. Funny how later being a tall woman is all the rage, much like being a redhead.

I see it every day, kids are really mean. Then, they grow up to be even meaner. I think you are gorgeous! flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:53 AM

I would have to say my dad leaving five children without an income to shack up with a 19 year old. That was just grand. Then when mom took him back I caught him cheating with her best friend and told on him. That was the end of that.

ohwell Sad, how old were you? flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:57 AM

14, nailed by a car at an intersection while skateboarding to school. No memory of before I was 14 now...would have to say that would be one of the biggest scars I've ever come across in my life.

Woah! :cry:

That is one of the biggest I've heard, and I've run a clinic almost 3 decades. Nothing??? Not even glimpses in dreams, flashes? My heart really goes out to you, brother. That is rough. Also, explains why you have such a great, off the walll sense of humour.

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 08:11 AM

I've become comfortable enough here to want to discuss this. What are the childhood hardships that changed who you are, for the better or worse?

My childhood was rough and impoverished. I find that it gave me ambition and gave me a greater sensitivity to the signs of abuse in others.

ReddBeans's photo
Wed 02/04/09 08:17 AM
I was bullied as a kid for being nuthin but arms and legs. I was called 'ragdoll' cause I was so skinny and could be easily thrown around. I was teased by the girls for being a tomboy, even the boys teased me for it until I grew boobies that is. I was picked on for bein a redhead and having freckles, too. It is hard to believe that now that I'm all growed up men love the red hair, freckles and my being a tomboy. Being teased so much as a kid has made me one very tough cookie. I stand up for myself and those that can't. smokin

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 02/04/09 08:37 AM

14, nailed by a car at an intersection while skateboarding to school. No memory of before I was 14 now...would have to say that would be one of the biggest scars I've ever come across in my life.

Woah! :cry:

That is one of the biggest I've heard, and I've run a clinic almost 3 decades. Nothing??? Not even glimpses in dreams, flashes? My heart really goes out to you, brother. That is rough. Also, explains why you have such a great, off the walll sense of humour.

A few sporadic memories, equating to about an hour worth of roughly 14 years. I had a dream about the color of the car, the other few memories just came to me gradually.

Still a rather large hole of what used to be a childhood.ohwell

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 08:43 AM
I would have to say growing up living in a black neighborhood , going to a 80% black school and the 4 years in High school.. imagine this.. as a senior I was 4'7" and 90 lbs.. everyday it was " give me your lunch money or I will kick your @ass.. and everyday my reply for those 4 years was.. try it..... always a constant battle....but there were days of how will I survive and the beatings..

I made a lot of friends and enemies. the good thing is I did learn not to be racially bigoted...and I have a so what attitude today I learned not to take sh-t from anyone ........never

TBRich's photo
Wed 02/04/09 08:49 AM
Same old same old for me: physical abuse, being burned as a kid and then women putting cigarettes butts out on me cause I didn't feel it anymore, emotional ridicule- you're fat not good enough ugly no one likes you, etc. Then school starts and its the same old same old; then I repeat the pattern with women who are abused and abusive. Same old Same old. Alcoholic father, BiPolar mother. Yada Yada. Keep going on...

TBRich's photo
Wed 02/04/09 08:50 AM
Holy crap did I say that all out loud, well you guys are ok, I guess.

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 08:56 AM

Holy crap did I say that all out loud, well you guys are ok, I guess.

Damn, TB! That makes me wanna nestle ya' to my bosom...

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 08:57 AM

Holy crap did I say that all out loud, well you guys are ok, I guess.

:heart: We are, so are you! You're w/ friends now. :wink:

Ya know, I just love you.flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 09:03 AM

Holy crap did I say that all out loud, well you guys are ok, I guess.

Damn, TB! That makes me wanna nestle ya' to my bosom...

Phuque, flowerforyou you are way too smart, funny, sensitive, sweet, redheaded and tough! Plus, you're from Texas(?I think?), my roots also. I know you have a good story to tell, spill it, sister...(please? :tongue: )

In fact, I want to hear all these amazing survivor stories from this group. I KNOW many of you came by it the hard way, to be this wonderful and quirky! :heart: drinker

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 09:10 AM

Holy crap did I say that all out loud, well you guys are ok, I guess.

Damn, TB! That makes me wanna nestle ya' to my bosom...

Phuque, flowerforyou you are way too smart, funny, sensitive, sweet, redheaded and tough! Plus, you're from Texas(?I think?), my roots also. I know you have a good story to tell, spill it, sister...(please? :tongue: )

In fact, I want to hear all these amazing survivor stories from this group. I KNOW many of you came by it the hard way, to be this wonderful and quirky! :heart: drinker

Nah Babe...I keep the past in the's better that way...flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 09:23 AM

Nah Babe...I keep the past in the's better that way...flowerforyou

drinker Well, I think you rock! :heart: :heart: flowers

scoundrel's photo
Wed 02/04/09 09:36 AM
13th birthday present, to me, from brothers (both older than I) and their friends.

I was told the name that I was supposed to have been given when born...but it was a girl's name, and I was a boy. It began to explain the real reasons for some of the abuse at home.

It totally sucked. I do not recall precisely how many noses I bloodied when boys called me by "my real name" after that.

No. The name was not Sue.

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 11:58 AM
flowerforyou Big hug to all of you, hang tough!!!drinker

Big props for sharing the pain. Looks like we are all putting it to good use, YEA! :banana:

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