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Topic: The "Friends" Collection...
no photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:34 PM
I was sitting next to my 19yr old neice who was busy playing on MySpace & noticed she had a little over a 1000 "friends". It got me thinking...if she just emailed 10 friends once a week, then 10 more the next, & so would take her almost 2yrs to email all her friends just once...

Just asking a question: Do you "talk" to all your cyber "friends" on (at least) a weekly basis...& if not...why are they on a friend's list? what

Drifters13's photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:38 PM

I was sitting next to my 19yr old neice who was busy playing on MySpace & noticed she had a little over a 1000 "friends". It got me thinking...if she just emailed 10 friends once a week, then 10 more the next, & so would take her almost 2yrs to email all her friends just once...

Just asking a question: Do you "talk" to all your cyber "friends" on (at least) a weekly basis...& if not...why are they on a friend's list? what

This is why my friends list is really tiny.

Cambolaya65's photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:40 PM
I also use the "collector" terminology as you do.I sold my collection on ebay.

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:41 PM

chickayoshi's photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:42 PM
I don't. I either don't have time or I just don't feel like it. But most of my friends are music artists because my page was a music promoting page.

Poetrywriter's photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:44 PM

I was sitting next to my 19yr old neice who was busy playing on MySpace & noticed she had a little over a 1000 "friends". It got me thinking...if she just emailed 10 friends once a week, then 10 more the next, & so would take her almost 2yrs to email all her friends just once...

Just asking a question: Do you "talk" to all your cyber "friends" on (at least) a weekly basis...& if not...why are they on a friend's list? what

I feel some just collect friends like notches on a gun. Keeping in touch with them all is pretty impossible. My list is maybe 8 or 9 and I do talk to them, not as frequently as I would like, but at least I can whereas I couldn't if my list was enormous like some on this or any other site.

countrybelle6471's photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:44 PM
No I dont some have wanted the "friend request" as a way to get to know me .maybe to date..but most of the ones i talk to or the actual friends..that say Hi thinking of ya.see your on safe..and others may just be lonely and need someone to talk to thats ok to..I will email with them if they need a listen..

Mr_Music's photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:45 PM
I always talk to whoever is on my friends list, either in email or here on the forums. My list is realtively small, and the people that are on there are there for good reason.

no photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:46 PM
That's the new fab ask everyone to be your friend, who cares if we talk or not "I'm popular"what

no photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:47 PM

I was sitting next to my 19yr old neice who was busy playing on MySpace & noticed she had a little over a 1000 "friends". It got me thinking...if she just emailed 10 friends once a week, then 10 more the next, & so would take her almost 2yrs to email all her friends just once...

Just asking a question: Do you "talk" to all your cyber "friends" on (at least) a weekly basis...& if not...why are they on a friend's list? what

I don't talk to the great majority of my cyberfriends (if any of them), and I have no idea as to why they'd be on my friends list.

scoundrel's photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:48 PM

I was sitting next to my 19yr old neice who was busy playing on MySpace & noticed she had a little over a 1000 "friends". It got me thinking...if she just emailed 10 friends once a week, then 10 more the next, & so would take her almost 2yrs to email all her friends just once...

Just asking a question: Do you "talk" to all your cyber "friends" on (at least) a weekly basis...& if not...why are they on a friend's list? what

I email one Friend, almost daily. Fell out of contact with one other Friend. None of the other Mingle Friends are pen pals, but they are wonderful people.

papersmile's photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:49 PM

I was sitting next to my 19yr old neice who was busy playing on MySpace & noticed she had a little over a 1000 "friends". It got me thinking...if she just emailed 10 friends once a week, then 10 more the next, & so would take her almost 2yrs to email all her friends just once...

Just asking a question: Do you "talk" to all your cyber "friends" on (at least) a weekly basis...& if not...why are they on a friend's list? what

i don't talk to my real life friends on a weekly basis.

it doesn't mean that i don't call them my friends.

Shagwell's photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:05 PM
Cyber friends are only there when you turn on your PC, unless you have couple of them that moved up to real friends! :laughing:

Mr_Music's photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:09 PM
Contrary to popular belief, people DO meet from the internet. I've personally met over 100.

chickayoshi's photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:10 PM

Contrary to popular belief, people DO meet from the internet. I've personally met over 100.

Wow! I met none. :cry:

no photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:22 PM

I was sitting next to my 19yr old neice who was busy playing on MySpace & noticed she had a little over a 1000 "friends". It got me thinking...if she just emailed 10 friends once a week, then 10 more the next, & so would take her almost 2yrs to email all her friends just once...

Just asking a question: Do you "talk" to all your cyber "friends" on (at least) a weekly basis...& if not...why are they on a friend's list? what

I'm guessing, but think she has about 850 that occupy space and nothing more. Somewhere I ready 150 is the maximum a person could manage.

Redshirt's photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:26 PM
If I don't "run" into one of my friends here on a thread then a message will be sent every week or so. That is how come I don't collect friends.

no photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:56 PM
mostly just the friends on message boards..

myssfytz's photo
Thu 01/29/09 07:01 PM
My "space" page is only for my family out of town and my "actual" friends.Its how I share pics of family/friends events instead of burning discs for everyone (big family) and having to mail them all out.This way they can just save to their computer if they so wish.

no photo
Thu 01/29/09 07:05 PM
The folks on my list are people that I chat with in the threads. Some are folks who come on once in a while. But, I consider all to be friends. For better or worse.

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