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Topic: Read your Bible!
davidben1's photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:01 PM
meanings come from words strung together in a row, and the rows one decides to place them in, be the motive in the heart and the seeds itself do sow......

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:02 PM

Christ does save soles

I have couple of shoes you can save... Not sure which ones will be receptive though. Are sneakers Evil?

Just could not pass that up... :angel:

ddrgkd's photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:09 PM

Christ does save soles

I have couple of shoes you can save... Not sure which ones will be receptive though. Are sneakers Evil?

Just could not pass that up... :angel:

I forgot to put souls again. oops

Razujika's photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:09 PM

I don't know you and I am sure you aren't one of these individuals but my theory is to lead others to Christ through example and actions rather than Gospel and preaching. Sometimes the time is right and sometimes it isn't right.

Personally I think you will bring more to Christ be living a life devoted to him and only talking to those who truly want to listen. When you preach to a person not willing to hear you you are only pushing them further away from him or your spiritual Beleifs.

Hear, hear! :thumbsup: Also living in the Bible Belt, and having originally moved here from the NE, I can vouch for the fact that it is deeply insulting to have someone you don't know telling you that you need to "give your life to Christ". My beliefs are personal; the OP doesn't know whether or not I am a "good Christian".

If the other person is a long time respected friend, who has led an admirable life, and we get on the topic of how religion has shaped that life, well...that's a different matter.

Christ wanted people to lead through example and spread his teachings that way. He didn't want perfect strangers trying to force feed it to unwilling recipients. "Unwilling" being the word of the importance.

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:16 PM
Edited by boo2u on Sun 01/25/09 08:16 PM

I am an extremely openminded Christian that was raised in the bible belt. My annoyance with Christians to demanding others to read or hear the word of Christ from those you don't even follow Christ's teaching.

I don't know you and I am sure you aren't one of these individuals but my theory is to lead others to Christ through example and actions rather than Gospel and preaching. Sometimes the time is right and sometimes it isn't right.

Presonally I think you will bring more to Christ be living a life devoted to him and only talking to those who truly want to listen. When you preach to a person not willing to hear you you are only pushing them further away from him or your spiritaul Beleifs.

Hence why I am so personal with my beleifs. Besides is extremely arrogant to to assume everyone will listen and be saved regardless if they can or not.

Be people to your faith through living your beleifs and speak with only those who are ready to listen. Just a suggestion!

You know you are absolutely correct when you say:
Quote: Presonally I think you will bring more to Christ be living a life devoted to him and only talking to those who truly want to listen. When you preach to a person not willing to hear you you are only pushing them further away from him or your spiritaul Beleifs.'


If only people understood how grating preaching is to those who do not want to hear it, and especially to those that have read the bible more than a few times, and still do not want to hear it.

I would never be convinced either way, but I have to agree that preaching pushes more people away not to the church.

The older I get the less tolerance I have for preaching..

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:17 PM

here, i have some pudding that ALL should want to taste and enjoy, SINCE I LOVE IT.......

give the world a ****ing break, and SEE ALL OTHERS ARE NOT LIKE SELF..........

respect of mutual want and desires be the only tell of an equal intelligent adult spieces called humans.......

I would but there are a lot of lost souls out there.

Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

indeed good friend.....

for to confess with the mouth that others are all equal and of god as one and of value and intelligence as equal to self it to confess the same truth as jesus, and knowing and believing if there be any creator called god it be unconditional, that raise all after death unto immortal life, then one shall be saved from all fear while still passing thru the mortal school of love called earth, and if not, one shall have to wait until death to be saved from the myth that some go to bliss and some do not, as all humans seek and search as IMPOSED BY SUBCONSCIOUS DIRECTION IN EACH ONE'S OWN LIFE, as do you propose YOU YOURSELF HAVE FOUND DOME FAVOR AND OTHERS HAVE NOT?


such things proposed are exactely what one need washed and cleaned from good intentioned professor.....

who and what has caused you to believe such things?


find first a truth that allows the heart to see all as equal, and then peace and love may flow thru you now, and no longer will such belief's seperate yourself from the only thing ever called god, LOVE......


DonnieDarko's photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:18 PM
Edited by DonnieDarko on Sun 01/25/09 08:46 PM

ok gotta take a breath

alright im done

its not as good but ill deal

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:29 PM

I have seen to many people refuse Christ because they don't see the positive effects of him only people preaching a life style they don't show themselves.

Dang, couldn't have said it better!!

Even the original poster (ddrgkd) doesn't' seem to realize we might find him insulting saying:

I don’t Think you’re going to lead anyone to salvation unless there told.

Unless we are TOLD. Come on, I am older now and if I find that insulting and condescending, think how young people will react to it.

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:32 PM
DonnieDarko, please edit your post and remove all the o's in

NOOOOOOOOOO, or at least most of them, it is causing the forum to stretch and distort.


Yamin's photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:56 PM
Do your utmost to present yourself approved to Elohim (God), a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth.:smile:


Proclaim the Word! Be urgent in season, out of season. Reprove, warn, appeal, with all patience and teaching. :smile:


All Scripture is Breathed by Elohim and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for setting straight, for instruction in rightousness,that the servant of Elohim might be fitted, equipped for every good work.:smile:


flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

:heart: Yamin :heart:

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:08 PM
You're prefectly correct Boo,

Proslytizing and preaching only serve to insult people and drive them away from something that appears to be very ugly and insulting.

In fact, many people who preach the gospel do so for egotistical motives. You can see their arrogant thrill as they look down their nose at you and claim to speak for "god".

Especially when they start acting condesending when you state the reasons why you don't believe in the religion.

If they become personally offended or claim that you are bashing their religion that's an absolute guarantee that they are egotists using religion as a prop for their over-inflated egos.

No serious Christian would ever bring ego into the picture.

In fact, Jesus taught to walk away from those who don't want to hear it. So anyone who HARPS on someone is CLEARLY not a messenger of Jesus!

Jesus clearly stated not to harp.

Christianity is the most absused religion in the world.

The Christians already know that the people on the GR forums don't want to be proselyized to, yet they spit in the face of Jesus and do precisely what he asked them not to do!

Thus proving that they aren't followers of Jesus in any way shape or form.

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:10 PM

I would greatly appreciate it if people would stop trying to "save me."

Thank you very much.flowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:18 PM

I would greatly appreciate it if people would stop trying to "save me."

Thank you very much.flowerforyou

They aren't trying to "save" you Jeannie.

It's just an ego power trip for them.

Although some of them probably think they get brownie points for 'saving souls'. laugh

I know we had that one woman on here for a long time who thought she was God's personal soldier. laugh

I haven't seen her post in a while.

It's truly an insult to God to even suggest that one human could play a role in 'saving' another. That would suggest that God himself doesn't care if that soul had been lost.

The religion doesn't even make any sense.

It's an ego trip, and that's why people are so obscessed with it.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:18 PM
for yea it was written that all that seek to find favor and holy validation shall fall into a snare, not seeking the greatest commandment to love it's neighbor as itself, but falling into dogmas and doctrines having itching ears, seeking to lift self high to the heavens, while telling and convincing all others they be low, seeking to establish self on top as favored of god, so therefore creating a nice bottom for others, spewing vanities of holiness and that in days past were reckoned unto broods of vipers seeking but for self fame and favor and fortune, not seeing nothing could taste of adulthood of gods, less it first wished for nothing for itself most, but only what had found the greater love that flow from inside, of the joy and peace of helping others to believe in themselves which be the only kingdom not of divide, as if god be perfect in all wisdom and power and founder, would not god as well be very discrimminating about what shall need to be learned before knighting any child with perfect power as an adult?


no photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:46 PM

I would greatly appreciate it if people would stop trying to "save me."

Thank you very much.flowerforyou

They aren't trying to "save" you Jeannie.

Well they think they are. Perhaps they are only trying to reinforce their own faith.

They say,
"Jesus loves you!"

I say,
"Yes I know, I've heard"

They say,
"Have you accepted him as your personal savior?"

I say,
"Not really. I'm not sure he even exists. If he does, and if he loves me, I thank him very much. NOW, if you don't mind, now I will continue to live my life and be happy. I'm sure that's what he would want. That's what I would want for people I love."

roam1949's photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:56 PM
In recent history there have been Two (2) of the most benevolent and giving people. One did hear the word of God and the teachings of Jesus the Christ. She lived her live to the end doing all that she could to spread His word not only by example but also through teaching. Mother Teresa (I hope that I spelled her name right) now sits in her castle that was created for her by the Lord God. The other fella gave of himself and taught peace. He too had been given the the chance to hear the word of God, but Mahatma Ghandi chose a different path and now sit in a slightly warmer place. Example is not enough.

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:58 PM
Christians are called to share...

the gospel message....

with those who want to hear....

NOT with those


have no desire to hear.



no photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:01 PM
Edited by smiless on Sun 01/25/09 10:06 PM
The title for this thread is called " Read your Bible"

If I read your bible will you read my koran, and if you won't read my koran, will you read the torah, and if you don't read the torah, will you meditate with Buddha, and if you don't meditate with Buddha, will you practice Hinduism, and if you don't practice Hinduism, will you try Taosim, and if you don't try Taosim, will you practice with me to be a humantarian, and if you can't practice humantarian, can you practice peace, and if you can't practice peace, can you accept me as a human being who wishes you no harm as I only wish you inner peace of mind and soul.

Will you? Can you? accept that we are all beautiful inside and out and ready to make a difference regardless in what we believe in religously or spiritually?

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:06 PM

but Mahatma Ghandi chose a different path and now sit in a slightly warmer place. Example is not enough.

So you think Mahatma Ghandi has been sent to eternal damnation because Jesus Christ is a jealous God and can't stand it when someone doesn't kiss his boots? huh

What of compassion?

What of love?

You Christians don't think very highly of the creator of humanity do you? huh

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:10 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 01/25/09 10:12 PM

In recent history there have been Two (2) of the most benevolent and giving people. One did hear the word of God and the teachings of Jesus the Christ. She lived her live to the end doing all that she could to spread His word not only by example but also through teaching. Mother Teresa (I hope that I spelled her name right) now sits in her castle that was created for her by the Lord God. The other fella gave of himself and taught peace. He too had been given the the chance to hear the word of God, but Mahatma Ghandi chose a different path and now sit in a slightly warmer place. Example is not enough.

And you know this HOW? You have been to this place yourself personally?

Sorry, I fail to believe you. huh

As a matter of fact, I am of the opinion that you are full of B.S.

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