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Topic: Read your Bible!
feralcatlady's photo
Sun 02/08/09 03:28 PM

Tell me something I worked hard and bugged mods and admin to give you guys your own place to talk about your beliefs...so why is it so important to come and bash Christians for you still..If I am not mistaken....IM NOT you said on many occasions if you had a place for you and yours to go and talk about your beliefs you would....So why do you still find it so important to come and bash us.

Why aren't you in your declaring all who are gods

This is the christian section?
I thought it was for gen religion.
The bible is full of hate and flat out lies, this is proven. So why would anyone follow a book that promotes slavery and rape and all around hate, I don't get that.

This is true.....and of course not saying you can't come in....But if you have your place and you don't believe what Christians say and this is so so so obviously a Christian thread....Why bother......I don't think once I have gone into Panthiest or Athiest threads....Why because your talking about your beliefs and I respect that...But for some unknown reason we are not entitled to the same respect.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 02/08/09 03:31 PM
Because we are not discussing our beliefs! Some people are Atheists or Agnostics. You created a thread in GR which is open to ALL faiths or lack there of. If you want to post something and receive no questioning or debate, post it in Christian Singles.

no photo
Sun 02/08/09 03:44 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 02/08/09 03:47 PM
God, being a consistent enforcer of His law, had condemned all humans to death for their sins, and couldn't arbitrarily cancel them without putting His sense of justice in question


Concerning your above statement:

"God, the enforcer...." (Sounds like a great movie title) bigsmile

..."condemned all humans to death for their sins..." (Not a nice thing to do to his so-called beloved children.)

"..but could not arbitrarily cancel them... (Hey, he is God the almighty, who would appose him? I think he could cancel them if he wanted.)

.."without putting his sense of justice in question.."

Now I ask you this... in question by whom? His review board?

For crying out loud Fereal.. HE IS GOD THE ALMIGHTY!

Does he have a review board that would put his sense of justice in question? Or does he question his own sense of justice? Or is he worried about what Satan might think? Or worse, does he worry about what mere humans might think of him?

This deity of which you speak, he does not seem very secure in himself, and he does not seem all that powerful or merciful. He condemns his children to death because of their sins? TO DEATH?

Oh now let's see, do we want to be like this God? If we are, then we will impose death as punishment for our children's disobedience.

But NO! wait... lets ask for a volunteer who wants to take the blame and die a horrible death for the others? You Jesus? Okay, send him in.

Very strange world you live in Feralcatlady. Very strange indeed.

No offense of course.

But geeeeze.!!!!!!!

I'm flabbergasted, shocked and horrifiednoway . noway

sad sad sad

Krimsa's photo
Sun 02/08/09 03:51 PM
"God, the enforcer...." (Sounds like a great movie title)

I think they did make one called "Bad Jesus"

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:02 PM

Tell me something I worked hard and bugged mods and admin to give you guys your own place to talk about your beliefs...so why is it so important to come and bash Christians for you still..If I am not mistaken....IM NOT you said on many occasions if you had a place for you and yours to go and talk about your beliefs you would....So why do you still find it so important to come and bash us.

Why aren't you in your declaring all who are gods

Nobody's bashing anyone.

I don't care what you believe. Believe whatever you want to.

But that's not good enough for you. You need to PROSELYTIZE and try to convert and convince other people that they need to believe in your religion or God will be upset with them.

I'm sick of this accusation of "bashing" when in fact, what's actually happening is that Christians are trying to proselyize a religion and when it doesn't SELL they claim they are being 'bashed'.

That's absurd.

If you want to claim that some book that was written by a Mediterranean culture is the word of the creator of humanity, as a HUMAN I have every right to voice my reasons why I feel that it utterly ABSURD.

When a book claims to speak for "MY CREATOR", then I have every right to voice my opinion on what I think of that book.

In fact, it's not even a book!

It's a COLLECTION of stories that were put together and called a book.

My opinion is that the Old Testament is nothing more than the writings of a male chauvinistic society that tried to claim that God gave them permission to murder anyone they didn't like (i.e. "heathens").

My opinion is that the New Testament is about a mortal man possily named Jesus who most likely when to India during his 'missing years from the ages of 12 to 30' and learned of pantheism, then came back and tried to save his brothers and sisters from the horrid religion that had them stoning each other to death.

I'm not bashing Jesus at all. On the contrary I'm giving him total respect and credit as being a wonderful humanitarian.

I think it's crystal clear that Jesus denounced the teachings of the Old Testament. He denounced the stoning of sinners, and he taught not to judge.

That's totally the opposite of what the Old Testament God had commanded people to do.

Jesus also taught to turn the other cheek in forgiveness instead of seeking revenge in the form of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Again, Jesus taught a totally opposing phiolosophy to what the Old testament God has supposedly commanded.

Jesus also said,"Before Abraham I AM".

To me that implies that he believed in the pantheistic view and that he was actually saying that he existed long before the God of Abraham was made up.

It most certainly proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that he wasn't claiming to be the SON of the God of Abraham.

How could he be the son of a God if he existed before that God was even created in the minds of men? huh

I'm not bashing anyone.

I'm just pointing out that the religion is false as it is currently being proselytized by Christian Evangelists.

If you want to proselytize it, I think I should have the right to point out why I think it's false.

That's only fair.

You're just upset because you can't sell the religion without someone pointing out all the flaws in it and why it can't possible be true.

All Christians want to do is say, "Jesus Saves! Amen brothers and sisters! Now lets's put this into law and make sure that eveyone does precisely as THE OLD TESTAMENT demands!"

No thanks Feral.

Evolution really did happen.

We really did evolved from lesser animals.

If we have a spiritual nature patheism is the most likely candidate as the correct picture.

God most likely is omniscient in everything (even rocks).

As much as you don't like it, that picture is more than likely the correct one. Either that or atheism.

But it's clearly that the creator of this unvierse did not inspire the writings of the Old Testament.

No bashing intended.

I just don't believe that God is that lame.


You said that you worked hard to get us our own forums? huh

But you also got your own Christian forum too!

So now what do you want?

To use the GR forums as a free pulpit to relentlessly proseltyze Christianity? huh

Why should I just stand by and let that happen?

It's a humanitarian issue.

Christianity denounced evolution, they denounce same gender love, they denounce stem-cell research, they denounce all non-Christians as being "heathens".

They want to teach creationism in public schools as though it has merit like a science. But it doesn't!

Why do you even support that crap? huh

Can't you love Jesus without having to drag politics into the picture via CONSTANT PROSELYTIZING?

No one's bashing anyone.

You're just upset because you can't proselytize without being challenged.

But no one can rebuke my observations.

You KNOW that what I say is TRUE.

no photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:07 PM

"God, the enforcer...." (Sounds like a great movie title)

I think they did make one called "Bad Jesus"

Seriously? I thought that was "Bad Santa." laugh laugh laugh

Krimsa's photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:14 PM
I probably have it wrong. laugh

no photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:19 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 02/08/09 04:22 PM
Tell me something I worked hard and bugged mods and admin to give you guys your own place to talk about your beliefs...so why is it so important to come and bash Christians for you still..If I am not mistaken....IM NOT you said on many occasions if you had a place for you and yours to go and talk about your beliefs you would....So why do you still find it so important to come and bash us.

Why aren't you in your declaring all who are gods

Feralcatlady, are you crediting yourself for getting the forums changed?

If so, did you do that with the agenda that it would get non-Christians out of the General religion forum so you could have it for Christians only?

Did Christians not get their own forum?

You now are asking why it is so important for us to COME bash Christians..? Has anyone come to the Christian forum and done that?

Do you now feel that the "general religion forum belongs to you and only Christians, since you worked so hard finding a place for us to go?

Gee, I sorta feel like I've been kicked out, or segregated.

what what

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:21 PM

God, being a consistent enforcer of His law, had condemned all humans to death for their sins, and couldn't arbitrarily cancel them without putting His sense of justice in question


Concerning your above statement:

"God, the enforcer...." (Sounds like a great movie title) bigsmile

..."condemned all humans to death for their sins..." (Not a nice thing to do to his so-called beloved children.)

"..but could not arbitrarily cancel them... (Hey, he is God the almighty, who would appose him? I think he could cancel them if he wanted.)

.."without putting his sense of justice in question.."

Now I ask you this... in question by whom? His review board?

For crying out loud Fereal.. HE IS GOD THE ALMIGHTY!

Does he have a review board that would put his sense of justice in question? Or does he question his own sense of justice? Or is he worried about what Satan might think? Or worse, does he worry about what mere humans might think of him?

This deity of which you speak, he does not seem very secure in himself, and he does not seem all that powerful or merciful. He condemns his children to death because of their sins? TO DEATH?

Oh now let's see, do we want to be like this God? If we are, then we will impose death as punishment for our children's disobedience.

But NO! wait... lets ask for a volunteer who wants to take the blame and die a horrible death for the others? You Jesus? Okay, send him in.

Very strange world you live in Feralcatlady. Very strange indeed.

No offense of course.

But geeeeze.!!!!!!!

I'm flabbergasted, shocked and horrifiednoway . noway

sad sad sad

Excellent points Jeannie.

Excellent. :applause emotiocon:

God can't do something because it might put his sense of justice into question?

According to the Bible the God has already done plenty to make me question his sense of justice.

The book of Job bring his sense of justice into question.

Here we have Job, a totally devoted servant of God, and what does God do? He takes Satan up on a bet to test Job's loyalty!

First, that implies that God doesn't know what's in Job's heart! Otherwise why would God need to test Job? huh

So this implies that God is not all-knowing and doesn't know what's in people's heart.

Or, if he did know what's in Job's heart then he was just being mean by taking Satan up on the bet.

Why did God just tell Satan to go to hell? Why did God feel that he needs to prove something to Satan by taking Satan up on his bet?

The Biblical God already lost my vote of being ritghteous just in the book of Job.

So he damn well better have his own review board because I would have found him guilty of being unrighteous right there!

And there were many other place in the Bible too.

Plus, even after the Bible had been written in it's entirety the Bible God supposedly just sat back and let men torture and burn innocent midwives to death IN HIS NAME without taking action to correct the misunderstanding with his followers? huh

That's another big place where God had failed miserably.

Any God who can intervene to write a rule book had damn well better intervene when he sees that his own followers have it all WRONG!

Otherwise he's allowing good people to do evil things in HIS NAME under the belief that they are serving HIS WILL.

An intervening God who writes a rule book has a RESPONSIBLITY to see that his rule book is UNDERSTOOD by his sincere followers.

Yep, he better have his own review board, because I have already judged him to be inept, incompetent and totally heartless. Not to mention that he clearly has a gambling addiction with Satan that he needs to address.

No bashing. Just honest sincere observations of a mythology.

Can anyone step forward with an explanation. And don't pull that FREE WILL crap, because that doesn't cut it.

Free Will doesn't explain betting with Satan.

Free Will doesn't explain allowing sincere followers to misunderstand his rule book!

Surely if God is all-powerful, all-wise, and so all-perfect, then he could write a rule book that could be UNDERSTOOD by anyone.

But the Bible doesn't qualify as such a book. On the contrary the Biblical stories are so ambiguious that there are four major religions that grew out of it, Judaism, Catholicism, Islam and the gazzillion sects of Protestanism.

It's clearly and EXTREMELY AMBIGIOUS book!

So where's the explanation for that?

No one has a decent explanation because there is none.

The Biblical account of God is totally ambigious.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:33 PM

Tell me something I worked hard and bugged mods and admin to give you guys your own place to talk about your beliefs...so why is it so important to come and bash Christians for you still..If I am not mistaken....IM NOT you said on many occasions if you had a place for you and yours to go and talk about your beliefs you would....So why do you still find it so important to come and bash us.

Why aren't you in your declaring all who are gods

Feralcatlady, are you crediting yourself for getting the forums changed?

If so, did you do that with the agenda that it would get non-Christians out of the General religion forum so you could have it for Christians only?

Did Christians not get their own forum?

You now are asking why it is so important for us to COME bash Christians..? Has anyone come to the Christian forum and done that?

Do you now feel that the "general religion forum belongs to you and only Christians, since you worked so hard finding a place for us to go?

Gee, I sorta feel like I've been kicked out, or segregated.

what what


How sad. frown

no photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:46 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 02/08/09 04:48 PM
I think a lot of Christians still believe that at one time God walked the earth getting involved with the petty affairs of mankind, and that when he (the gods) left, the Bible was left as an instruction manual.

He abandoned his children! sad sad sad sad

But he left them a book. But his children could not read.....yet.

And I think a lot of people felt that way.

But, like Arnold, he said 'I'LL BE BACK!'

I think the only way the high priests could stay in control of the people is to tell them that God speaks through them and that God promised to come back.

Perhaps these gods were aliens who just left the control of the planet to their offspring. (That would be the royal families.)

...and to this day, the creatures of earth still look to the sky for their gods to return. sad

the end.

no photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:52 PM
But that's not all of the story...

on several occasions, the gods did try to come back, but they were seen as aliens and some were shot down from the sky.

Jesus himself is said to be here, but he is in his spaceship called "Hope" which parks on the other side of the moon. They call him (Jesus) Sananda.

He can't come to the earth because he tried it a few times and nobody believed him.

So, the gods have returned people. But you don't believe in them.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:56 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Sun 02/08/09 04:57 PM
Just for a quick clarification that Yahshua was saying something new when he was quoting the law.

Mark 12:30-31

30 And thou shalt love Yahweh your Elohim with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

This is the longer version with more precision of what Yahweh meant in Love Yahweh and your brother.

Deut 10:12-22

12 And now, Israel, what doth Yahweh your Elohim require of thee, but to fear Yahweh your Elohim, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve Yahweh your Elohim with all thy heart and with all thy soul,

13 To keep the commandments of Yahweh, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good?

14 Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is Yahweh's your Elohim, the earth also, with all that therein is.

15 Only Yahweh had a delight in thy fathers to love them, and he chose their seed after them, even you above all people, as it is this day.

16 Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked.

17 For Yahweh your Elohim is Elohim of Elohim's, and Master of Master's, a great Elohim, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:

18 He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment.

19 Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.

20 Thou shalt fear Yahweh your Elohim; him shalt thou serve, and to him shalt thou cleave, and swear by his name.

21 He is thy praise, and he is thy Elohim, that hath done for thee these great and terrible things, which thine eyes have seen.

22 Thy fathers went down into Egypt with threescore and ten persons; and now Yahweh your Elohim hath made thee as the stars of heaven for multitude.

Exactly in the Law as Yahshua was saying. He repeatedly said he did not come to change anything but to bring life.

He upheld the Law to the T....Blessings...Miles

markecephus's photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:57 PM
In this forum, we will not allow users to bash other users for either
believing or not believing in a specific religion.

We know that religion is a topic that many people feel extremely
passionate about, both believers and non-believers. However, if you
wish to participate in this forum, discussions must remain civil at ALL
times. If you wish to have a reasoned discussion about religion, the
existence or non-existence of God, etc., you may do so, but users who
resort to insults or attacks in either direction as part of these
discussions will be banned without notice.

Also, topics which are designated for response exclusively from one
religion or belief system, or which may cause that type of polarization,
will be deleted. The concept behind these forums is to encourage anyone
to participate and post their opinions and thoughts as long as they are
on-topic. Topics which do not adhere to that philosophy will be
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Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

The reason, the religion threads were separated, was to prevent attacking/insulting of others. This thread, is not within the parameters listed above.

Please do not attack/insult others. Please dot not force your personal beliefs on others. The topic would be fine in The Christian singles forum, however, This is beyond salvage at this point.

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