Topic: Why do men cheat?
galendgirl's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:08 PM

yea the initial topic seems very byist to me because ive never cheated on anyone ive formally been seeing but ive been cheated on atleast 3 times .. thats ATLEAST 3 times that i know of ladies

And there the gender vs character case must rest!

causality's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:08 PM

If there is anyone out there who knows the answer to this question, I would really like to know. If a man has a woman, who is faithful, and would have sex with him whenever he likes, why would that man cheat?
OK, you may think I'm a nerd, but anthropologically speaking men are genetically designed to spread their masculan seed and procreate. They seek out mates that are genetically strong and most compatible with them, at least on a subconscience level.

....or they're just dogs whoa

I agree with this, but a man can choose to fight against his impulses for love.

no photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:11 PM

If there is anyone out there who knows the answer to this question, I would really like to know. If a man has a woman, who is faithful, and would have sex with him whenever he likes, why would that man cheat?

"Why do men" "why do women"

"Who's urinating out a resentment?"

buttons's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:11 PM

do you wanna take advantage of me?laugh laugh bigsmile :wink:
if u are refering to me.... u know me better than that... would never do that 2 u:wink:

galendgirl's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:21 PM

If there is anyone out there who knows the answer to this question, I would really like to know. If a man has a woman, who is faithful, and would have sex with him whenever he likes, why would that man cheat?

"Why do men" "why do women"

"Who's urinating out a resentment?"

Related to another post in another thread...this is much like a 'drama' or a 'nice guy' topic.

seahawks's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:21 PM

do you wanna take advantage of me?laugh laugh bigsmile :wink:
if u are refering to me.... u know me better than that... would never do that 2 u:wink:
laugh laugh frustrated frustrated :wink:

Cristina4fun's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:22 PM

....or they're just dogs whoa


Some of us do try to be good dogs.

I'm just BAD...

...and THAT is why dogs bite people! LOL! laugh
And why they hump legs

seahawks's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:22 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

buttons's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:23 PM

do you wanna take advantage of me?laugh laugh bigsmile :wink:
if u are refering to me.... u know me better than that... would never do that 2 u:wink:
laugh laugh frustrated frustrated :wink:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Dragoness's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:26 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Fri 01/23/09 09:28 PM

If there is anyone out there who knows the answer to this question, I would really like to know. If a man has a woman, who is faithful, and would have sex with him whenever he likes, why would that man cheat?

Men and women both cheat and there are many answers to why.

Men have been taught through their upbringing and
society that women are the control of their man parts so if they "fall" it becomes the woman's

Self esteem issues are usually at heart of
promiscuity with the exception of mental
illnesses that cause promiscuity. This applies
to both men and women.

People who are afraid to be alone will always
ride the current relationship out while they work on a new one so they don't have to spend any time

Those are a few off the top of my head. Hope that helps

no photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:50 PM
C onquer
H ormones
E xcitement
A roused
T emptation
E xplosion
R ight now

:banana: pitchfork :banana:

phillygalie's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:52 PM
i don't know i just found out my boyfriend been on here cheating on me while i am 6 months prego i am asking myself this question why would sumone cheat in the end i think it just how sum people are but what do i know in the end

no photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:55 PM

i don't know i just found out my boyfriend been on here cheating on me while i am 6 months prego i am asking myself this question why would sumone cheat in the end i think it just how sum people are but what do i know in the end

Only cowards cheatill Sorry for you flowers

no photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:56 PM
Men cheat for the same reasons the "ladies" do- 'cuz they can.

Jill298's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:58 PM

If there is anyone out there who knows the answer to this question, I would really like to know. If a man has a woman, who is faithful, and would have sex with him whenever he likes, why would that man cheat?
he cheats... because he can. Because he's done it before and women put up with it and let him get away with it. Because women take him back after he swears he'll never do it again.

no photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:59 PM
Edited by FreshMountainAir on Fri 01/23/09 10:02 PM
I think it is lack of self respect and control!

If you love someone, how could you do something
that you know will hurt them so deeply....
bastards....and bastardesses ?noway huh laugh

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 05:40 PM
Thank you AndyBgood, you make a lot of interesting points and I can agree with you there. I think both parties must work together to keep the relationship interesting and from becoming stale, instead of either one of them cheating they should be trying to make it work. Like any other job, a relationship takes commitment from both parties and a lot of hard work.
To answer the question as to why women cheat, I really don't know, because I don't cheat. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around and I can only handle one man at a time. But i think a woman would stray, if she is not getting what she needs at home. Just like a man women need to feel special and needed, desired and loved also. If they don't have that at home and there is a man paying attention to her and making her feel beautiful, she might tend to want to be with him. Though I would say leave the one who treats her like a dog and move on. I don't know why anyone would want to hold on to someone who direspects her, when she has found someone to treat her like a queen. I am a woman and i have no desire to cheat, which is why I didn't ask that question, but I have always wondered, why men cheat instead of just leaving, so the woman can get on with her life. No one male or female can have both, the one at home and the one in the street, sooner or later it all comes out.

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 05:45 PM
Edited by cjsayshi on Sat 01/24/09 06:07 PM
I agree with you heartandsoul, I think you should end one relationship, before starting another. If you are not happy, you should leave, a little honesty would be nice. Shouldn't that be one of the basis for a good relationship? Thank you all for responding to my question and men, if I offened you by asking, why men cheat as opposed to why people cheat, I am sorry, I didn't mean any offense, I am a straight woman and I don't cheat, I have no interest in why women cheat. I am, however, interested in men and why they cheat. I finally divorced the man, I was with for 30 years and he cheated on me many times through the years. I asked him why and he said it just happened, but it happened a lot. I think I allowed him to continue, because I kept taking him back, because I loved him, but in the end I realized I love me, too and I deserve better than that. I need to take better care of me. I appreciate some of the comments, that I have gotten here, I feel a bit more informed. Thank you very much, everyone.

Def03's photo
Sat 01/24/09 05:55 PM

I agree with you heartandsoul, I think you should end one relationship, before starting another. If you or not happy, you should leave, a little honsty would be nice.

Isnt that the problem with this generation. Everyone is quick to pack up their bags and leave. What happen to working things out. Isnt that the defination of relationship "work" but it easier just to find someone new and walk away. If your not happy with a person you spent half of your life with I almost promise that your not every going to be happy. There is no such thing as perfect but there is compromise and with compromise there is a future

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 06:02 PM
I think you should work on your relationship, what i am saying is instead of cheating, instead of trying to be with two people and hurting both of them and yourself in the end, it is better to walk away from the one and start something new or to stop cheating and fix whatever is wrong at home. It takes two to save or end a relationship. There's no way to fix it by yourself.