Topic: Someone to depend on
PacificStar48's photo
Tue 01/20/09 07:20 PM

because you can't make love to yourself:heart: :heart: :heart:

but women hate making love, or is it sex they hate?flowerforyou

I don't know what women you have experienced but most women I know myself included enjoy making love and having sex.

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 01/20/09 07:34 PM

:heart: Why do people love the idea of being independant, but feel better when they have someone to depend on and love?:heart:

I think it is because most of us aren't born with eyes in the back of our heads. We feel safer when someone has our "back".

I don't think it is so much having someone to share the bad times but to have someone share the good.

A partner can give you perspective and balance.

After a while the luxury wears off of doing what ever you want when ever you want just like it does never having a choice and letting someone else take responsibility.

DragonFlyTat's photo
Wed 01/21/09 06:00 AM
Everyone needs or wants love in their life. Being independent is great but having someone to grow old with it better.

lilith401's photo
Wed 01/21/09 06:04 AM
They are not mutually exclusive, dear Mirror. flowerforyou

I am a proud independent woman. I do not need anyone romantically in my life to feel complete. However, I would like to have a person in my life that I want, a man who compliments me and loves me. Within that, there is a security and a comfort that cannot be denied. I don't want to depend upon another person, but to know there is someone who loves me no matter what? Well, that is a feeling we'd all like to have.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 01/22/09 05:04 AM

They are not mutually exclusive, dear Mirror. flowerforyou

I am a proud independent woman. I do not need anyone romantically in my life to feel complete. However, I would like to have a person in my life that I want, a man who compliments me and loves me. Within that, there is a security and a comfort that cannot be denied. I don't want to depend upon another person, but to know there is someone who loves me no matter what? Well, that is a feeling we'd all like to have.
bigsmile well saidflowerforyou

papersmile's photo
Thu 01/22/09 05:09 AM
:heart: Why do people love the idea of being independant, but feel better when they have someone to depend on and love?:heart:

maybe we like to know that we CAN do it all by ourself, but that it's so much better (and possibly easier) doing it WITH someone?

Mr_Music's photo
Thu 01/22/09 05:13 AM

:heart: Why do people love the idea of being independant, but feel better when they have someone to depend on and love?:heart:

maybe we like to know that we CAN do it all by ourself, but that it's so much better (and possibly easier) doing it WITH someone?

At least until they stomp all over you.

Holly4459's photo
Thu 01/22/09 05:21 AM
ohwell I'm tired of people depending on me...

I'd like to depend on someone for a change...

dalewick2382's photo
Thu 01/22/09 05:32 AM

:heart: Why do people love the idea of being independant, but feel better when they have someone to depend on and love?:heart:

Being independant is a sign of finacual stabilaty but it gives nothing in the way of emotional comfert

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 06:18 AM

everyone wants to know they're not alone

Some part of us is always alone, whether we're in a relationship or not. Then again, being alone with my own thoughts isn't really alone. My brain cells like to argue.laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 06:31 AM

ohwell I'm tired of people depending on me...

I'd like to depend on someone for a change...

Same here. Wow, do I know THAT feeling....!

rlynne's photo
Thu 01/22/09 09:24 AM

ohwell I'm tired of people depending on me...

I'd like to depend on someone for a change...

Same here. Wow, do I know THAT feeling....!

why not come to a compromise and each depend on the other for something different?

cityblues21's photo
Thu 01/22/09 09:48 AM

:heart: Why do people love the idea of being independant, but feel better when they have someone to depend on and love?:heart:

I think that people love the idea of being independent, because it is like proving to themselves that they are strong and can do anything on their own. However, once they have achieved their independence, they realize that it is a bit lonely and it would be nice to share some time, feelings, and ideas with another soulmate and go down the path of life together with an equal partner.

Seakolony's photo
Thu 01/22/09 09:52 AM
How about interdependence instead???:wink:

Mr_Music's photo
Thu 01/22/09 09:56 AM
rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 10:00 AM
Sharing a life, feelings and love is so not being depending on someone else.

We all need support at one point in life but don't depend on it.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 01/22/09 08:42 PM

Sharing a life, feelings and love is so not being depending on someone else.

We all need support at one point in life but don't depend on it.


no photo
Thu 01/22/09 08:44 PM

:heart: Why do people love the idea of being independant, but feel better when they have someone to depend on and love?:heart:
Because we like to share our burdens!!! hahahaaaaaaa!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ohhhhhh I can see the men line up now!!!noway laugh noway

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 01/22/09 09:04 PM

:heart: Why do people love the idea of being independant, but feel better when they have someone to depend on and love?:heart:
Because we like to share our burdens!!! hahahaaaaaaa!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ohhhhhh I can see the men line up now!!!noway laugh noway

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 09:05 PM
the line starts here--------->laugh