Community > Posts By > dalewick2382
Anybody awake....
Waz Up guys? haven't gone to bed yet Almost 4 a.m. here Party animal What is your excuse seakolony |
Her ex will sulk for a while and move on. my ex on the other hand is strait crazy. I dont know if she will ever let go. I was her first so IF she does let go its going to take a long time.
I would also like to say that I have both of our kids best enterests in mind abouve all else
I would be darn sure I clarified the relationship before moving in together. If it's roommates, that's one thing. But, if either or both of you think it may end up being more, you might want to think about that. Or, if only one of you wants it to be more, again, you need to think. What happens if you want more, she doesn't and brings home a new boyfriend? How would you feel? And, make sure the added and probably continual drama you will have is going to be worth the relationship. Neither of you have only yourselves to think about, you have kids. They don't need this kind of crap in their lives, either. Whatever you do, make sure you think it through from all angles. Believe me all of these questions are ones I have asked myself. The new boyfriend thing wouldnt bother me, she has been with someone else for the majority of the time I have known her. As far as I am concerned a restraining order is not an option for either of our ex's I couldnt be part of keeping a child from its parent. In regards to the drama, I dont think it is a good practice to let your ex choose who you are alowed to be around reguardless of what they threaten you with |
I cant say that I am, and to be quite honnest I dont know if I want one. I have seen relationships ruin great friendships. So I guess my plan is to see if something more developes on its own. I dont even know if that makes any since?
Someone to depend on
![]() ![]() Being independant is a sign of finacual stabilaty but it gives nothing in the way of emotional comfert |
I know its long but for me to get good advice, you will need the whole story. Ok here it goes, we were introduced through mutual friends. Her boyfriend was one of my little brothers best friends. we became great friends started and started hanging out, even when our mutual friends werent around. We were both seeing other people so there was never anything sexual between us. Thats not to say the thought didnt cross my mind.
As our friendship grew so did the jelusy of our partners, soon we couldnt even see each other without it causing problems at home. To avoid these problems we just stopped talking to eachother for almost a year. Then out of know where she called me up. It was like we hadnt skipped a beat. Our friendship picked up right where it had left off. We have even talked about getting a house together as room mates. The problem is, we both still have strong ties to our previous partners due to the children each of us had during the year we didnt see each other. My ex says she will take me back to court, and her ex says he will stabb me if we get a house together. I am not worried about either situation. I know she cant win in court, and he is all talk. At the same time who needs the added drama. On the other side of it Im not the type to let other people tell me how or who to live my life with. I am just looking for some input from some outside views. Please everything helps |
first rule when you come on here
dont be fake. i agree. i don't talk to very many people in private email, but those that i do are told about my perceptions of someone not being who they say they are. i imagine that gets passed around. however, i find the obvious fakes fun ![]() this is a spin off from the other thread. what are the rules? Can you email multiple people? Can you chat with more than one? Do the girls kiss and tell? i have been wondering about this and just curious if there an unwritten edequate to all this?
it's a dating site; i'm sure you can email, and chat with, as many girls as you like. i would imagine though if you're flirting with anyone and everyone in the forums, the women will get turned off fairly quick. no one likes a sleeze. wow, is this true? can you really be a sleazy internet dater? Can you really make a true commitment to someone you have never met in person? Is that even posible? Sorry if I am sceptical of a persons perseption of themself or worse, the perseption they want you to have. |
thank you queene
Two different mothers
Nikki was 4 when her mother got into trouble and lost her kids, I wasnt on the birth cert. so I had to take a DNA test to prove I was her dad. It proved I wasnt. Didnt change anything she still calls me dad. I am on my way to pick her up for the weekend here shortly. My son is with me for as long as it takes for his mother to get her head together and back on her feet. |
an old man once told me
You cant conrtol the way the wind blows, but you can set your sails to it and stay the course
just looking to start over
no freinds... A/S/L???
Anyone under 30 should reply
dude that is a tripp....on what day in august? mines the 24th...that makes me a virgo...yay...go me Virgos are the sheezie! Mines the 24 born in 82 |
looking for a good man....
any from Oregon
The biggest reason why I left his mom, Isnt because she is a bad person, for the most part. The problem was that over a period of about five years I watched our relationship turn into one no different than my mother and fathers. Her mother and step fathers relationship wasnt any better. I wanted more out of life and after we discussed our situation we "both" agreed we should go our seperate ways. I fell for whole "break up sex" rutine, and a month later she told me I was going to be a father. I know that having a child was a poor reason to make a relationship work, but it seemed like a good reason to give it one last try. Needless to say the arguments got werse, and she became more violant. I am sure I looked like an idiot, just standing there, but I was raised a man should be able to take it. That doesnt mean I have to. My son was one month old when we moved out. He is seven months old now and I have been teaching him every thing I can. The most important lessons, he is learning are from the examples I set. So I intend to show my son what a happy healthy relationship is.
Hey oregon men hit me up...
eugene springfield area
hello every one. I am new here, and I am still trying to find my way around. I guess we are all here for the same reasons. Either we have given up on the feeling, and we are hunting lust. Or we felt it once, we liked it, and now we are trying to feel that tingle again. Where do you fit in are you hunting lust or have you invited love.
What do you think...
Every one else is right you did great, the only draw back is that you seem too good to be true and almost unapproachable.
just looking for the trueth
Tell me what ever you think I can take it anything