Topic: How far would you travel just for a date? | |
Ok so I'm gonna risk getting flame and such.... but why start a new thread about what megan just post before. Seem kinda rude and selfish. Yes i know it is a "fraction" different but wth?
To be on topic either way I don't mind moving and it depends on where I am in life. |
Mindy, if you had... maybe 2 years less age, I would be taking a chance.
be careful what you wish for someitmes...
I dunno. I like to drive..but won't fly. Anything within reasonable driving distance would be fine. 2-4 hours is reasonable. Maybe further depending. That's the most I was expecting. That's like me driving to New York City which is even a little further then I would really wanna travel. I've heard people have long distance relationships and then they eventually move closer. I just am the type girl that wants the "normal" type dating relationship. Ya know....meeting for dinner or lunch a few times a week. |
in your profile you clearly state that you would be willing to move a far distance for love, in such case, why would you be suprised to be getting offers from far off distances?? just seems like a bit of a double standard... *shrug* ![]() |
Mindy, if you had... maybe 2 years less age, I would be taking a chance. Now there...that's a statement I don't get. Why? You know nothing about me. I like a good looking guy just like any girl does but there is no guy who I will fly across the country to meet based on his picture and short profile(not talking celebrities which I would meet just to meet them). |
It wasn't as simple as a date, but I flew from Chicagoland to Arizona to meet the beautifullest woman(in the picture with me) back in August. I'm flying out to see her again in early December for 6 days. How long did you know each other before you first met in person? How long was your first meeting? I am assuming you met through the web. |
mindy... in your profile you clearly state that you would be willing to move a far distance for love, in such case, why would you be suprised to be getting offers from far off distances?? just seems like a bit of a double standard... *shrug* ![]() ![]() |
YGBFKM. ![]() |
YGBFKM. ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 11/19/08 11:47 PM
YGBFKM. ![]() ![]() ![]() Edit: I read it. ![]() |
YGBFKM. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Gall, you know the answer, THAT thread wasn't based on this OP.... |
YGBFKM. ![]() ![]() |
I am not going any where, He better be a Gentleman and pick me up, ON TIME!!!
If you meet a person from across town for a date and the date doesn't work it's no big deal. Some guys who message me live too far away for dating so I say no to their offers. I am not big on web dating. I want to get to know the guy in real life. I've had some guys offer to travel from across the country (or further) just for a date. I totally don't get this. It's seems like too much pressure. If I decided I didn't feel any chemistry between us I would feel like I would have to stretch the date out just because he traveled so far. I would feel pressured to make the date work instead of just relaxing and being myself. Would you accept a date from a guy you only talked to for a week on the web and who lived across the country or even further away? Lets say you really didn't know him well and you didn't even know if he is right for you. The guys I am referring to I would go on a date with if they lived across town. Thoughts? I'm confused. You are saying one thing in this post but your profile states this: "I can waitress anywhere so if I find that right guy then moving would not be a problem. I don't really have a future in this town." |
I am not going any where, He better be a Gentleman and pick me up, ON TIME!!! lol same here. I am not going anywhere except maybe Philly because it's close and exciting. If I fell in love I would go across the world but I don't think will happen just through the web. |
Edited by
Wed 11/19/08 11:54 PM
thanks winx.. exactly what i was askin!
unless this is the thread where only males are allowed to reply?? lemme check.. *edit* nope i was confuzed.. aparently that was a different thread.. sorry.. ![]() |
elwoodsully It wasn't as simple as a date, but I flew from Chicagoland to Arizona to meet the beautifullest woman(in the picture with me) back in August. I'm flying out to see her again in early December for 6 days. How long did you know each other before you first met in person? How long was your first meeting? I am assuming you met through the web. We started chatting through Mingle (then justsayhi) back in early June,and met on Aug 30th. We spent 5 or 6 days together, and then I had to come back home. |
Edited by
Thu 11/20/08 12:17 AM
elwoodsully We started chatting through Mingle (then justsayhi) back in early June,and met on Aug 30th. We spent 5 or 6 days together, and then I had to come back home. That makes more since. You guys chatted for a couple of months before you met. That would be okay with me. I have been here less than a week and I have had offers from guys to travel from across the country to meet me. Im flattered and all but just a little nervous. |
Edited by
Thu 11/20/08 12:52 AM
For some guys who travel a lot with their jobs or can compliments of their job it isn't necessarily a big deal.
For instance military can fly into any military base Mac flight for I think it is still ten dollars. They can usually billet on a base and sometimes use a vehical to affect leave which can be up to 30 days a year. It isn't always glamorouse but they are shipped all over the world so boundries don't seem like a big deal. Lots of professions travel. Maybe they can't just drop in next Friday night but they bid a job in and area where they know someone it is lots of fun to spend some of it with someone who knows the area. You NEVER have to do anything you don't want to do for a date. Guys who can afford to travel can get sex anywhere; they want a date for companionship and to get to know you. If they are in it for sex they can just ask the consierge to call and escort service. And they might even if they do date you. You have to be smart and not go to their hotel room or bring them to your house but you make it clear you are not a bed and breakfast date or a booty call. Guys would rather pay for a date with someone they want to be with than go out trolling at a hundred dollars plus a night. |