Topic: Wiccans - part 2 | |
Magick doesnt work in that way in my experience. Say you perform a spell to become "rich" or to bring wealth your way. You might wait and wait and nothing happens. Next thing you know a relative drops dead and you inherent a house. Was it the Magick spell? Who knows.
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Healing spells for yourself can be particularly tricky as it takes energy and effort to do them that you may not have if you are sick. It is not generally recommended you do spell work when you are ill.
There is a rule in Wicca that you never perform a spell on another person without their consent. This includes healing spells. So, if my friend or relative is sick I would have to get their consent to do a spell for them. If they are not capable of giving consent then you don't do it. |
Magick is all done in the mind. The tools help to focus the mind and raise energy. They are actually like crutches in some respect. The legs are actually doing the walking, but the crutches are making it much easier.
Magick doesnt work in that way in my experience. Say you perform a spell to become "rich" or to bring wealth your way. You might wait and wait and nothing happens. Next thing you know a relative drops dead and you inherent a house. Was it the Magick spell? Who knows. ![]() I agree that it probably doesn't work instantaneously. In fact, based on how I am currently viewing it I imagine that spells (or rituals) may need to be performed periodically to slowly and continually add power to the desired goal. Take these 'Bells of Love' that I have invested in as an example. I haven't even yet performed the actaul ritual that I might call 'the spell'. I may not perform the actual 'spell' for quite some time yet. What am I waiting for? You might ask. Well, I see the whole thing as a process. I don't see it as just an empty ritual of going through motions chanting an incantation. There need to be emotional energy involved. And I'm not at the point yet where I can wield emotional energy with confidence yet. In fact, I may not be at that point for quite some time. None the less I have started the wheels in motion. There were emotions involved with my very discovery and purchase of these chimes. The magick isn't in the chimes. I will put the magick in the chimes over time. I also don't expect instanteous results. I think this kind of magick is 'far-reaching' magick. I'm trying to summon up a soulmate. No one in particular, just the right person for me. I could potentially see these "bells of Love" requiring several years to work. In fact, if they work within two or three years I think that would be just great. I've prayed to another God in another religion for decades with absolutely no results at all. So if this magick works in a mere 2 or 3 years I will consider it to be quite effective. That sure beats 2 or 3 decades. Same thing goes with my health. I don't expect to wake up the next day after the ritual and be perfectly healthy. All I expect is to see 'improvement' in my health rather than 'deterioration'. As long as I'm always feeling a little bit better rather than a little bit worse, then the magick is working. Owl gladly accept 'tendencies' and 'trends' as magick in motion. It's not that I expect instantaneous results. Any progress in the desired direction will be just fine. I'm not in this for instant gratification. In fact, Ruth is worried that I'm moving too fast. But in truth I'm only just setting up a foundation for something that I see as evolving over a much longer-term. Besides I've been wanting to redecorate and get some song birds anyway. ![]() I've also been meaning to buy more house plants and bring this place alive. But this also goes well with witchcraft and the ideas of elemental magick. |
James, in saying that you are going too fast I was only referring to your readiness to dismiss certain things because of cunninghams illness and death. I just meant you shouldn't jump to conclusions before you've even tried some of these things.
Sometimes "spells" or simply "affirmations" do appear to work almost instantly. But you will not see something "appear out of nowhere" like you see on "Bewitched" or "Charmed."
If they work at all, they can work instantly or they can take a while to manifest into your experience. I have seen them take years, and I have seen them take a few hours but in any case there is no way to prove that the result you witnessed or received is the result of your spell or affirmation because it will come to you by way of normal means. (This is also spoken about in "The Science of Getting Rich.") This is because our reality must have more integrity than a fleeting or fading dreamscape. That is what is wonderful about this reality. Things have integrity and duration! That is what makes it appear so REAL. Things don't normally just "disappear." (I'm not saying that it is impossible for things to just appear and disappear, but it is just not very common.) (Except in the case of my purse or my car keys. LOL) There are so many thinking centers (creative minds) in this reality it would be total chaos if every time you thought about a pink elephant, a pink elephant appeared. JB |
Healing spells for yourself can be particularly tricky as it takes energy and effort to do them that you may not have if you are sick. It is not generally recommended you do spell work when you are ill. Well I'm not that that sickly yet. This is why I'd like to reverse the trend whilst I'm still able to. Besides if I'm well enough to perform any magick at all, then surely I'm well enough to focus on my own health issues. There is a rule in Wicca that you never perform a spell on another person without their consent. This includes healing spells. So, if my friend or relative is sick I would have to get their consent to do a spell for them. If they are not capable of giving consent then you don't do it. First off, I don't like rules. ![]() And that's a Wicca rule, not necessarily a witch's rule. This is one reason why I'm not interested in the oganized religion that's going to tell me what I can and can't do. However, having said that, it is my own personal belief that it would impossible to perform magick on someone without their consent. It is my belief (based on how I am viewing this already) that the benifactors of magic must be emotionally involved in the process. If they aren't, then I just don't see how the magick would work. This is, of course, based on my own personal view of how I see magick working. Having said that I think it may very well be possible to perform magick on an unconscious person. You might think, "Well how can they give their consent if they are unconscious?" Well, consent doesn't need to be given verbally. True consent (this is my perspective of course) is nothing more than a willingless to participate. If I can muster the emotional energy for the sick person and deliver it to them, and they are 'receptive' to it. Then they have consented via the simple act of receiving it rather than rejecting it. The mere act of willingly receiving it is the consent. I can already envision these energies flowing. I may not have looked into the specific techniques of witchcraft before, but that doesn't meant that I have never experienced the transfer of emotional energy. I most certainly have. Now I'm looking to witchcraft as a more structured way of raising and directing these energies more methodically. But like Jeannie aways says for herself, "I consider all knowledge, and don't restrict myself to a single source" Well, maybe modern witches are focusing too much on incantations and rituals and have gotten slightly off track on precisely what is actually going on. Like the suggesting I just made that maybe Scott Cunningham might have been trying to banish his disease instead of all invoking good health. He's using all the right techniques for energy manipulation, but applying them for the wrong end result. Of course, this is all just my own view. But that's all I have to offer. ![]() I'm just rambling in the wind. |
James, in saying that you are going too fast I was only referring to your readiness to dismiss certain things because of cunninghams illness and death. I just meant you shouldn't jump to conclusions before you've even tried some of these things. Well, I'm certainly not going to allow that to put me off. When I first posted my concern, I was a bit put off. But now that I've realized that maybe Scott could have been doing it wrong, I already feel better. I mean, Scott might have had really great success with positive spells. Maybe it was just his banishings that weren't working so hot. But maybe they could have worked for him had he done them more positively. I also agree that I'm assuming a lot here. But let's face it, Scott did publish negative banishments for disease that were just riddled with a focus on the disease itself rather than being focused on improving the health. That could have been it right there. So now I'm happy to know that maybe it wasn't a lack of magick, but merely a slightly misguided application of magic. It just makes me feel better Ruth. I'm an analytical ass. I need to have a reason for everything. ![]() |
I'm looking at the Tibetan rites and am going to do them in the morning. Does the spinning one make you nauseated at all? |
JB, I'm looking at the Tibetan rites and am going to do them in the morning. Does the spinning one make you nauseated at all? Yes it does...that is normal. It is the easiest yet the hardest exercise because of the nausea. Start with just a few. Three is good.... don't worry if you get behind on these. As you continue with the other exercises and gain health, you will not get so nauseated with the spinning. Just do as many as you can. |
Thanks! I'm excited to try these.
Tomorrow is Halloween!
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October 30, 2008
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Thursday Meiji Festival (Japanese) Waxing Moon ~ Moon Sign: Scorpio (Moon enters Sagittarius - 6:41 P.M.) Moon Phase: First Quarter Color: Turquoise Incense: Myrrh (From Llewellyn's 2008 Magical Almanac) |
So there is the story of Jeanniebean She went missing on Halloween. No one knew where she had been. For on that day she was never seen. The following day she did return. Where she had been they did not learn. Nobody asked, and nobody told. Its a story that would make your blood run cold. (Insert evil laugh here) Buuuuuwaaaha ha ha ha ![]() |
Ohhh..this is cool Ruth...had to check out your thread...congrats and Happy Halloween
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Book of Mirrors Last night I was reading more of Scott's book on Wicca. I just can't tell you how much I'm liking this book. He has things laid out so well for a raw beginner that it could serve as their foundational bible. Not to say other reading would be good to compliment it, but it contains enough structural foundation to truly serve as a solid pedestal to build upon. I'm only just beginning some of the fundamental exercises and rites that he suggests we should do daily. It takes a while to get into habitual religiosity and so I'm not too concerned about diving straight-away into a solid carved-in-stone routine. In fact, he even warns against that because you could easily feel like a failure if you don't keep it up. Instead he suggests just doing what feels comfortable and slowing added to it over time until the whole thing because naturally habitual. One thing that he suggests also is to start a Book of Mirrors, as soon as possible. The Book of Mirrors is like a daily diary or journal of personal experiences. He says that he will become extremely valuable over time to serve as a source of reflection on your journey - thus the name "Book of Mirrors". This also reflects the believe of incarnation in Wicca. The idea that we should constantly be striving to improve our lives, and the best way to do this is to remember our past lives and the things we have learned or not yet learned from them. Scott claims that it is indeed possible to remember our past lives and there are rituals and ceremonies that can be performed to beseech the Goddess to help us remember those lives. However, not everyone can do this, and the Book of Mirrors can actually serve the same purpose. Scott suggests that by simply keeping a diary or journal we can begin to see the things that we are doing over and over again, and then take specific action to get out of that rut and thus 'learn a lesson'. Learning lessons is the whole purpose of reincarnation and it is possible to go about it methodically. In fact, the very recognition that this process can be method is a lesson in itself. And once learned, it can be one of the most valuable lessons of all. The Book of Mirrors should be a memoir of anything in your day to day life that you feel is significant. Including any dreams you've had that were meaningful to you. Just last night I had a dream that my neighbor had moved. He's an elderly quiet farmer who keeps to himself and just farms. He entirely alone. In my dream, he was gone. Just not there anymore. And his house and barn were boarded up and they were also leaning and falling apart like as if they had been abandoned for ages. In the dream it made me feel lonely. Like as if life had moved on without me. There was also a very deep feeling of loneliness that rushed over me. In the dream, I was much younger than I truly am. Maybe in my teens. I was on a bicycle and it was summertime. I suddenly felt like life had passed me by and for some reason I got off the bicycle and began to run. I was running toward an old farm house where several of my cousins had lived when I was a child. I was running to get there and participate in life before it was too late. I ran and ran and ran but never got any closer. I was also becoming increasingly older as I ran, and there were faeries appearing and saying, "It's too late. You've waiting too long. It's over." Owl just copy and paste this dream in my journal. The Book of Mirrors is a person diary and not meant to be shared. Simply because it most likely won't have any meaning to another person, not because it needs to be secretive. But I thought I'd share this dream here. This wasn't the dream that I had originally wanted to share before though. That dream was about the God and Goddess and it was simultaneously funny and quite serious and meaningful. I don't mind sharing it but I haven't written it up yet. I suppose I should write it up for my Book of Mirrors. If I do maybe owl post it here too just for fun. It may not have meaning to other people but they might find it amusing. |
Edited by
Thu 10/30/08 10:55 AM
Ruth you have inspired me to start again doing the five rites.
I am also doing a parasite cleanse and ordered it from Dr. Hulda Clark's website. She wrote a book called "The cure for all diseases." She believes they are caused by parasites. I think a combination of trauma, stress and harmful parasites are the main cause of disease and a good place to start is a parasite cleanse and some relaxation techniques, ~~then the five rites for building life energy. I am also setting up my painting area and getting ready to paint a picture of a beautiful landscape with a mountain in the background. I want to work on my impressionistic style. JB |
Dreams can be pretty interesting things and I enjoy hearing about them. Partly because I have a hard time recollecting my own . I know thats not uncommon but I really cant remember them unless they are nightmarish or something really stands out. When I was quitting smoking I had a spell of horrible dreams but perhaps that had to do with taking the drug "Chantix" and no longer having the nicotine in my bloodstream. Two possible causes. The dreams subsided on their own. It was a good thing because I was exhausted from not being able to sleep normally. Cold sweats also.
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I did the 5 rites religiously for 2 years, and I still regret the day I stopped. I have to get back doing them, they do me good physically and mentally. While doing them I can focus better on things, at least that's what it felt like.
Ruth you have inspired me to start again doing the five rites. I want to start those too as part of my new habitual behavioral routines. ![]() I can't start them until I buy a little gym pad or some kind. My floor is concrete with small throw rugs. It's not the kind of floor you'd want to lay on without a pad. I can pick something up from Wal-mart, or K-mart. Just a lounge chair cushion will do. But I can't really start them without a decent pad to lay on. |