Topic: Wiccans - part 2 | |
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Thu 10/30/08 11:55 AM
Alchemy Works
I finally found a shop that sells Magick Bat’s Blood Ink for writing my Book of Shadows. Bwahahahahahahahahaha ![]() They also have a nice web page of flower and herb seeds relating each flower and herb to a god or element. Kind of a neat page just for reference. |
Ruth you have inspired me to start again doing the five rites. I want to start those too as part of my new habitual behavioral routines. ![]() I can't start them until I buy a little gym pad or some kind. My floor is concrete with small throw rugs. It's not the kind of floor you'd want to lay on without a pad. I can pick something up from Wal-mart, or K-mart. Just a lounge chair cushion will do. But I can't really start them without a decent pad to lay on. An isolation mat like the ones you use for camping should do you the finest, and they may come cheap this time of year. ![]() |
Thank you Invisible.
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As long as we are pointing out good shops, I have used these folks before and they are really nice people. I spoke to the owner on the phone and she sent me some silk thread free of charge because the cost of the string would have been less than the shipping. She also sent me some complimentary candles because I was local. Nice people.
![]() The Magickal Cat 365 Boston Post Road #253 Sudbury, MA 01776-3023 |
I was looking at athames at the Magickal Cat shop before. I like their Egyptian Winged Scarab athame.
I was almost going to order it when I ran across the other site where I found the athames I did buy. The Egyptian Winged Scarab athame is realy cool. But in truth it's not me. I got one with a picture of an eagle on the grip and it truly fits me much better. And I also identify with it on a feminine level for some reason which make it the perfect athame for the Goddess. Then I got a second athame for the God. I've seen anyone assocate an athame with the God. But then I have limited exposure to Wicca thus far. The second athame will be treated more like a bolline, but it might evolve over time. Only time will tell on that one. The other thing I found interesting is that ever altar I've seen thus far has the Goddess on the left, and the God on the Right. I've seen various different alter layouts, but never with the Goddess on the right and the God on the left. For some strange reason I just intuitive feel like it should be the other way around. I'm not sure why I feel that way. It strange too because as I move forward I've been learning about using the right hand as the projecting hand, and the left hand as the receptive hand. Yet at the same time (and this was probably just my own perception), I got the impression that the right hand was associated with the Goddess and the left hand with the God. Yet the altar is laid out in the exact opposite of this. I'm probably making to much out of the whole handedness thing though. Also, now that I think about it, in makes more sense to associate the right hand (the hand of projection) with the God, and the left hand (the hand of reception) with the Goddess. Because masculine is projective, and feminine is receptive. So I guess I have a long way to go before I come to a picture in my mind that is truly in harmony with all of this. I'm planning on building a pentagram altar. I haven't had time to start it yet. I'm working on a door today and I better go finish it right now. ![]() |
As long as we are pointing out good shops, I have used these folks before and they are really nice people. I spoke to the owner on the phone and she sent me some silk thread free of charge because the cost of the string would have been less than the shipping. She also sent me some complimentary candles because I was local. Nice people. ![]() The Magickal Cat 365 Boston Post Road #253 Sudbury, MA 01776-3023 I have purchased from them online. I liked them a lot. |
Ruth you have inspired me to start again doing the five rites. I am also doing a parasite cleanse and ordered it from Dr. Hulda Clark's website. She wrote a book called "The cure for all diseases." She believes they are caused by parasites. I think a combination of trauma, stress and harmful parasites are the main cause of disease and a good place to start is a parasite cleanse and some relaxation techniques, ~~then the five rites for building life energy. I am also setting up my painting area and getting ready to paint a picture of a beautiful landscape with a mountain in the background. I want to work on my impressionistic style. JB Sounds like a really good idea. I did the exercises this morning and I'm looking forward to seeing how I feel in about a week. ![]() |
Dreams can be pretty interesting things and I enjoy hearing about them. Partly because I have a hard time recollecting my own . I know thats not uncommon but I really cant remember them unless they are nightmarish or something really stands out. When I was quitting smoking I had a spell of horrible dreams but perhaps that had to do with taking the drug "Chantix" and no longer having the nicotine in my bloodstream. Two possible causes. The dreams subsided on their own. It was a good thing because I was exhausted from not being able to sleep normally. Cold sweats also. ![]() I can't remember my dreams either most of the time. Which annoys me because I'd like to. |
I did the 5 rites religiously for 2 years, and I still regret the day I stopped. I have to get back doing them, they do me good physically and mentally. While doing them I can focus better on things, at least that's what it felt like. Well, it's not like they're time consuming or require you to be in good shape to start. so, I figure I should give them a try. |
Edited by
Thu 10/30/08 11:45 PM
My Dream of the God and Goddess
I had a dream where I met the gods. They were in a large cave. A very large cavern indeed. The Goddess appeared before me. She was a very pretty young woman maybe in her 20’s. She was wearing a very pristine, silky and translucent, multicolored and mutlilayered, pastel robe. Her skin was very light and had a luminescent glow about it. She was wearing a small golden band around her head. Not a crown that sits atop her head, just a band that covers part of her forehead. The band was very plain, but it did have a pentacle symbol carved into it. She was directly in front of me as I suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She was doing something. I know not what. She appeared to be sprinkling faerie dust, onto something that glowed before her. I could not see the object because it was within a stone obelisk, but I could see a glow emanating from it. I sensed intuitively that the object was all of creation. And that the faerie dust that she was sprinkling onto it was the power that she was sharing with all of those who request her assistance. She looked toward me, and without speaking a word, I heard her voice, she simply said, “May I help you?” Before I could answer her I noticed other creatures in the cave behind her. There were many faeries, and they were coming and going as if assisting her in everything she does. The faeries appeared to float graciously through the air, yet the Goddess appeared to be standing and walking around on the cavern floor. Behind her was an old witch in a black witch’s costume complete with a pointed hat and all. She was stirring a brew in a very large caldron. I could catch glimpses of ogres in the shadows behind her assisting her in whatever it was she was doing. I looked back to the Goddess. She was tending to the glowing object in the obelisk. I held out the singing bowl that I had purchased for her and clumsily said, “I brought this singing bowl for you” Just then the Horned God appeared standing next to me. He appeared as a grubby old man. Not feeble, just old. He appeared as Viking. He wore animal skins and a hat with the short spiked horns of a bull. He was holding the leg of a hooved animal in his hand. It was a long leg, covered with hair, and looked like it had been torn from the animal. Blood was still dripping from it. He whacked me over the head with the blunt bloody end of the leg and said, “Don’t you know enough to bow you idiot”. I suddenly realize that I had been standing the whole time as I offered the bowl to the Goddess. I humbly knelt before her on both knees. The Horned God whacked me over the head with the bloodily leg again and said, “Don’t grovel! One knee is all that’s required around here” So I adjusted my posture to bowing before the Goddess on just one knee and it did feel much more honorable. Then the Horned God made gestures in pantomime waving his hand in a sweeping motion toward the Goddess as if egging me on to continue with my presentation. The Goddess was still calmly and meticulously tending to her glowing creation. I lifted the singing bowl above my head in my hands to present it to the Goddess and repeated my original line, “I brought this singing bowl for you” I felt another whack on my head from the bloody drumstick, and the Horned God started chanting, “No no no no! She wants to hear a poem! You don’t just speak to her in mundane words.” I realized then that I had come to the Goddess completely unprepared. I had no lyrics prepared and I felt a bit awkward and incompetent. But a voice within me reassured me, “You can do this, just let go. Be who you are.” So I raised the singing bowl toward the Goddess once again, and the following words just flowed through me as effortlessly as a river flowing to the sea. Dear Goddess of all creation I bring to you this bowl It rings with sweet vibrations of the love within my soul I ask that you receive them when I ring this sacred bell and offer me your blessings to assure that I excel At that moment I stopped. No more words would flow. I thought to myself, “What at asinine poem you idiot!” The Horned God was frantically making gestures at me tapping his left palm with the pointing finger of his right hand. I suddenly realized that he wanted me to make the bowl sing. So I held the bowl up with the fingertips of my left hand and whacked it with my pointing finger. It rang out and filled the cavern with a beautiful tone that harmonized with its own echoes as it filled the large chamber. The cavern became brighter and brighter until it was pure white light. I couldn’t see anything but the white light. The Goddess came into view just inches in front of me. Her form was all I could see. The light was emanating from her. She drew a long sword from a sheath in her belt. Her belt was a living vine infested with little creatures. The sword was glowing like it was charged with electricity. She placed it on my shoulder, and without saying a word, zapped me with its energy. It was a feeling I can’t describe in words. A feeling of fulfillment is the only way I know how to describe it. The light faded away as she turned and walked back over to tend to her glowing obelisk. The Horned God came back over to me. I flinched away thinking he was going to whack me on the head with his bloodily drumstick again, but his demeanor had changed. He reminded me more of a wino on a street corner this time. He starting patting me on the back with much excitement saying, “She likes you. She likes you.” He seemed to be very excited about this. His horned hat was flopping around on this head. I couldn’t help but notice. I instinctively asked him, “Do you have real horns?” Just then the I heard the cackle of the witch’s laugh. She came over to us and said to the Horned God, “Show him your Horns sonny”. The Horned God suddenly transformed into a huge horned beast, with the face of a horse, the fangs of a serpent, and the rack of wild wildebeest. The Goddess spoke out in an audible voice to the witch, “Mother! You’re going to scare him away. He’s only just now come to me.” The Goddess then looked over at me with a pleasing smile. The Horned God reverted back to his original Viking appearance and the old witch handed me a bowl of broth and said, “Drink this”. I wasn’t about to question anything at this point, I accepted the small shallow bowl from her old knurly fingers and drank the steaming hot brew. It tasted great, like the soup my own mother used to make. The heat from the liquid filled me. At first, it went down my throat, and warmed my stomach, but it didn’t stop there. The heat continued to expand filling my entire body with a warmth and feeling of power and energy. The witch hobbled back over to her cauldron. Silently in my mind I thought to myself, “That’s the Goddesses’ mother? If the Goddess has a mother does her mother have a mother?” Whack! The Horned God hit me over the head again with his bloody drumstick and said, “You’re thinking like Tribo my son! Stop it!” I reacted instinctively and a bit defensively about being whacked on the head again as I blurted out, “What the hell are you doing with that bloody leg anyway?” The Horned God took a few steps back and sat down on a rock. He then bit into the drumstick and spoke whilst he was chewing the meat, “I used to be the God of Abraham, I’m into blood and guts and all that sh!t”. He continued on, “You don’t know what it’s like being a God. You have to be all things to all people. I am Zeus, and Thor, and Wanka Tanka, and Ra, and Amen, and every stupid God you can think up! Whatever the people want, I deliver” “You’re very sweet Father”, the Goddess assured him as she continued to sprinkle her faerie dust on her glowing creation. Then the Horned God looked at me and said, “You know, some people just come directly to me without question. But not you, you have to go for the women. You have too much compassion son. You don’t even like war! You need to learn to be more obedient like spider.” The Horned God pointed over to the Goddess. I turned and watched as the Goddess fed a large spider in a web behind her. She was feeing it little bits of crumbs. I looked at the spider and it was taking the crumbs into it’s mouth and hungrily devouring them. Slime and slobber was dribbling from its mandibles. I started thinking to myself silently, “Hmmm? Spider looks to be in good rapport with the Goddess. Just then the spider and web shattered like as if it had only been an reflection in a mirror. The pieces of glass just floated in space glittering as they twirled about and then slowed melted into round droplets of water. The water droplets then transformed into a huge flock of butterflies that begin to fly around the cavern. They in turn transformed into bats and then flew out an opening in the cave behind me. The Goddess looked at me and said, without speaking a word, “Nothing is as it appears to be.” The witch cackled at the Goddesses’ comment. Silence fell upon the cave. The Horned God was chewing on his bloody drumstick. The witch stirring her caldron, and the Goddess tending to her glowing creation. I had so much more I wanted to tell the Goddess, but I got a deep sense that my session with her was over. I felt it and knew I felt it. And I knew that I must flow in harmony with it. As much as I wanted to stay, I knew that it was time to leave. I turned toward the opening in the cave behind me and began working my way toward the exit. I heard the witch’s voice echoing behind me, “Ya’ll come back now! Ya hear!” When I poked my head out the opening of the cave I was in my bedroom waking up from the dream. |
May the ancestors deliver blessings on you and yours... May the new year bear great fruits for you... May your granted wishes be as many as the seeds in a pomegranate. .. May the slide into darkness bring you light... May the memories of what has been, keep you strong for what is to be... May this Samhain cleanse your heart, your soul, and your mind! |
Happy Halloween to all you witches,wizards,pagans,wiccans,celts,druids, and everyone else.
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Happy Halloween right back at cha!
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James, that was very interesting. Was that really a dream you had while sleeping? Or a story you wrote?
There is HUGE hornet looking thing flying around my room. Now the cat is trying to get it.Its complete chaos in here this morning.
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There is HUGE hornet looking thing flying around my room. Now the cat is trying to get it.Its complete chaos in here this morning. ![]() ![]() |
There is HUGE hornet looking thing flying around my room. Now the cat is trying to get it.Its complete chaos in here this morning. ![]() <-------------This one? ![]() |
Cool pic, Invisible.
Cool pic, Invisible. Her name is Lucky, sometimes she is lucky that I don't throw her out of the window ![]() But most of the time she is a lovely cat ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 10/31/08 11:56 AM
Cool pic, Invisible. Her name is Lucky, sometimes she is lucky that I don't throw her out of the window ![]() But most of the time she is a lovely cat ![]() Shes black huh? Be careful and keep her in tonight. Its an issue and crazy people you never know. Its a good idea to keep ALL pets in this evening. My neighbors had a black Tom named "William Bovey". I thought that sounded like a gunslinger from the old west. ![]() |